
Don't want to...

Feeling Wendy scoot in closer, Clint naturally wraps an arm around her, continuing his conversation with Jason.

The talk ceases momentarily as Katie comes back in. Clint picks it back up though, pretending everything was normal, unwilling to draw attention to the fact that Kate had left them earlier.

"Hey, Katie. Set yourself down."

Jason quirks an eyebrow at Katie's comment and grins. "Since I learned how to duck your radar?"

Clint gets a scheming look in his eye. "Jase, you gonna thank her like you said you were gonna?"

"Oh yeah." Jason nods, looking at Katie. "Wes showed me the room...said you had quite a bit to do with it...." He looks her in the eye, emitting his gratefulness and excitement. "Thank you."

"Naw, man!" Clint rolls his eyes. "You think you're gonna get away that easy?!"

Jason throws him a look. "Yes."

"No way." Clint elbows Wendy, thriving on his own mischief. "Don't you think he ought to thank her proper?"

Jason can feel the heat again, and smirks. "Clint... watch it, will you?"

"Oh, I'm watching, but I ain't seeing anything."

Jason rolls his eyes. Sorry. I was teasing Wendy earlier with a kiss to thank her, now Clint thinks I ought to kiss you too. I don't want to embarrass you...
His thoughts trail off, for some reason evoking some strange feelings again that he battled to stay down. "You realize, Clint, that I could just as easily thank you. Apparently you were in on it too."

"Whoa, man!" Clint throws up his hands. "I don't want no thanks from you. No siree!!" He scoots in closer to Wendy. "Protect me!"


*As Wendy receves Clint's kiss this time she returns it wrapping her arms around his neck untill he lets her up. Stumbaling just a little at Clint lets her up her own face is flush with the relization of everyone who was watching. Looking to her mother Angel just shakes her head and laughs a little.*

"Well now...I don't think you will be stealing me away after all."

*Sitting down next to Clint again Wendy can't help but blush as they talk about her paintings. She never thought they were that good but it was always nice to hear it from someone alse.*

"Well I am happy you liked it. It took me long enough."

*Wendy leans into Clint just a little bit more soaking up his warmth as she shivers just a little.*

*Katie sits and watches her Uncle walk away for a moment just thinking. Indeed she had never been close to him but for a moment it felt like she new him her whole life.

Standing Katie pulls her hoody alittle bit tighter around her neck as it was a bit cold out. Slowly making her way to the Mess hall again Katie didnt want to be to antisocial. Entering the mess hall and seeing Jason Katie smiles just a little bit walking over to him.*

"Well well well when did you become a ninja?"

*Katie slides down into a chair next to Jason her hands still in her pockets.*

Enough trouble

Cindy snuggles in next to Wes to watch the show, a smile pasted on her face as she hears the music and sees Jason on stage. She was so proud of him... he'd come so far...made it through so much.

Her fingers find Wes' to wrap around his, settling further into the couch.

Clint drags Jason around for a minute, then hearing Wendy, he stops for a moment, his eyes widening.

Jason his hunched over under Clint's arm, panting. "Yeah, man...go for it."

Clint pulls to a halt before getting to the back door, thinking. Looking at Jason, he gets a crooked grin, knowing that Jason had meant nothing other than a tease by kissing Wendy. "Okay."

Dropping Jason, he whirls around, takes Wendy into a dip and presses his lips to hers.

"Yo, Clint!" Jim yells at his son from across the room. "Did you forget where you were, Bud?"

Clint breaks the kiss to straighten up, his face red, but his humor still there. "Nope. It was a matter of principle."

Jim shakes his head, a wry grin toying with his mouth. "Well take your principles out of the mess hall the next time before you and I have to have a talk."

Clint's grin widens from ear to ear and he turns back to Wendy, taking her hand again. Flopping down in a chair, he pulls her down next to him, looking up at Jason. "So...now that that's over. Hi."

Jason chuckles and sits down across from them. "Hi." He throws an amused look at Wendy. "Sorry. But...I really do like the room. What you did was incredible."

"Oh, that." Clint nods. "She's amazing, isn't she?"

"That she is."

A few others in the room walk by, greeting Jason and stopping by to say hi, offering smalltalk. Jason looks around though, one person seeming to be absent. "Katie around here?"

Clint quirks an eyebrow. "You planning on thanking her too like that or what?"

Jason can't help it that color creeps into his face. "I wanted to tell her how much I enjoyed the room, and thank her for her contribution, yes." He smirks at Clint. "But I got in enough trouble by thanking with a kiss. I'm not sure I could handle a second round."

Trent turns his head a moment as he hears a ruckus in the mess hall, then looks back at Katie. "I know...the darkness...it can seem like it goes on forever. But even the dimmest light will eventually reach it's destination."

He reaches over to gently pat her shoulder. "Hang in there, Katie... Just hang in there."

Standing up, he stuffs his hands back in his pockets and trudges toward the barn.

Should start

*Wes smiles at Cindy puting his arm around her and holding her close.*

"As long as its with you I would love to. I am glad Jason feels at home."

*Getting up and puts the DvD in Wes sits back down snuggling next to Cindy and enjoying the movie.*

*Katie snaps her head up hearing Trent's voice and is startled for just a moment. She's never been to close with him that she can remember but her Aunt had told her who he was. It felt strange now to have him sitting next to her but on the other had it was kind of nice. Sometimes having someone to talk to that your hardly know is easyer than the person you new all your life.

Looking at Trent for a moment Katie takes in everything he says and than looks back to the sky and all the colors.*

"Its easy to say that ya know, its harder to do it."

*Katie lets out a long sigh. She didn't know what she was thinking.*

"I guess its just hard to see the light when one minute your giving someone a kiss and the next your saying goodbye. The darkness seems so heavy its just hard."

*Katie looks down at her hands for a moment just thinking.*

*As Jason enters the mess hall Wendy is about to give him a greeting when she is pulled from her chair and slung into his arms. Not sure what is going on and before she can even think Jason lips meet hers and for a moment she is not sure what on earth to do.

Once Jason lets go and Wendy is standing infront of Clint blinking her eyes and just standing with her mouth open a little but not sure what to say or do all she can do it blink. Before Wendy can say anything again Jason and Clint start at it.

Finally unable to contain it any longer Wendy breaks out in laughs as she watches the two boys. Decieding to get in on the actions she walks over to Clint and brights her hands to his sides tickling him.*

"Maybe you should start kissing me like that too."

*Wendy toss a wink at Clint.*


Clint slips an arm around Wendy's shoulders, giving her a gentle squeeze. "It's alright," he assures quietly. "You didn't do anything wrong."

He sighs a little and looks outside, hoping Katie would be alright. He knew she must hurt something awful.

Turning back to his food, he nudges Wendy with his elbow. "If you don't hurry up and eat what's on your plate, it's mine," he teases, trying to make her smile.

As Jason steps into the room, he stops dead in his tracks. His jaw almost drops, his eyes widening. In pure shock, he just stares, unable to take everything in at one glance.

Blinking, he looks at Wes as if he's crazy, back at the room, then again at Wes, astonishment on his face.

Not even able to get any kind of words to come out, Jason simply steps in further, looking closer at the artwork on the wall...the pictures...the music.

Spotting a picture of Scott with the band, Jason lifts a hand, to run a finger over the glass in the frame, a lump rising in his throat. Moving on quickly to hold his composure, he walks to the dresser and the bed, running his hand over the intricate carvings.

Looking to the end of the room with the guitars, and the window, finally, Jason can't keep his emotions bottled up any longer. Turning around, tears glisten in his eyes. Though standing taller than Wes, he suddenly felt so small.

He opens his mouth, but has to stop and look down for a moment before glancing up again. "I...I don't...I don't know how to thank you. This..." He gestures to everything in the room. "It's so...it's more than... than I could ever deserve."

Jason swallows hard, trying to keep the tears from overflowing. He felt like that little boy again, who had dreamed of having a family...a house to run in, a room all his own. He'd been happy with his mom...and Austin had been a support. But his little boy heart still had dreams that had never been realized, and he'd simply left them behind. Now that he was on his own, he'd discarded anything like that, moving on to more logical and practical things.

But this...someone else who had experienced their heart's desires as a child might take this as silly. But Jason couldn't be more thrilled...more honored... he was home.

Looking at Wes, his jaw tightens, still fighting the emotions. "Thank you...Wes."

Cindy slips in from the hallway, her face beaming. She sidles up next to Wes for a moment, putting an arm around his waist and leaning her head on his shoulder. She can't help but smile at her son. "You like it?"

A short laugh escapes. "Like it? Are you kidding me?"

Cindy gives Wes a squeeze. "Good."

"Aw man..." Jason is smiling, for now the tension gone...for now, his apprehensions and stress dissolving. He sets his hands on his hips and turns again, glancing around the room once more. "This is amazing...just...amazing. How many people knew about this?"

Cindy chuckles. "A lot. You have one batch of good friends, Jase."

"You're telling me." Jason shakes his head. He did have a good batch of friends...friends he took for granted too often...and this family that he took for granted too often. Turning around, he holds out his arms.

Cindy lets go of Wes to give Jason a big hug. "I'm so glad you're here...this is your home too, Jason... no matter what, no matter when."

Trent is the first to exit the mess hall, while others still linger or finish up their meal. It was his routine… Though mostly being a part of things around the ranch, he wasn’t all that close to anyone, and being by himself was just usually how things ended up.

Stepping outside by way of the front door, he takes a deep breath of the evening air. It was just starting to get dark out, the orange grayness settling over the ranch yard.

Once off the porch, he heads to the barn to finish up a few chores, but the figure on the bench catches his eye. Nearing cautiously, he realizes that the huddled form was Katie, and that the sounds were her crying.

Trent almost keeps on going. He didn’t hardly know Katie at all. He remembered her some as a little kid, he’d heard a lot about her recently, and he’d seen her the last time she’d been here. But…that was about it. He might have been her uncle, but blood was about the only thing between them.

But as he starts to walk away, something stops him. He just couldn’t do it.

Giving a little sigh, Trent turns around and walks slowly back, easing down quietly next to Katie on the bench. He doesn’t say anything for a while, but just sits…looking out at the setting sun.

“You know…a lot of people through the years have told me how to make it through my circumstances. They’ve told me that things aren’t all that bad…or that I’m not alone…or that things will get better. And all those things are meant to help a guy move on. Funny thing is…” Trent shakes his head. “…none of that stuff makes the pain go away.”

He’s quiet again, leaning back on the bench, his hands in his jacket pockets. “They say time heals wounds too, but that has yet to be proven to me. It might make a thick scab, but…either a lifetime just isn’t long enough, or time can only fix the little wounds.”

He glances down at the ground, rolling a piece of gravel under his boot. “Somehow though…somehow hearts move on. Whether they mend or not is to be debated, but they do move on. Can’t explain it…and at the time when the hurt is so bad, it sure don’t look like it’ll ever go away…but somehow…it does. God has a funny way of doing things sometime.”

Trent turns his head to look at Katie, his heart aching. “Cry… mourn… grieve… spend time alone… do whatever it takes. Just don’t lose yourself. ‘Cause that’s the hardest thing to get back.”

Jason sits on the edge of his bed, still just looking around the room. He’d been left alone for a little while, and tried to get over the shock. A light feeling of happiness had been offered. It might be temporary, but it was there now, and he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

Getting up, he goes over to the other end of the room and picks up the acoustic guitar, strumming, then tuning, then strumming again. Then going to the electric, he does the same, picking out a few notes before setting it back on its stand. No.. he certainly didn’t deserve this. It was all too great…too much. But from now on…he wouldn’t avoid coming here. He was realizing that though things were different, this really was his family, and he was very much a part of it.

Walking back to the bed, he stops and looks at the mural again, a smile creasing his lips. He reaches out to touch the painting…everything was so life-like. Wendy was indeed a fantastic artist. The details were amazing, the colors so vivid and real.

Glancing at his watch, Jason makes up his mind. This was too good to pass up. He couldn’t wait all night. There were people to thank, and he was on too much of a high to want to wait until morning. There was no way he could sleep now anyway.

Exiting the room, he finds Cindy and Wes in the living room. “I’m gonna take a little jaunt to the ranch,” he mentions, heading for his backpack.

Cindy is nestled in next to Wes in front of the television, and nods to her son. “Alright. You want to take the car, you can.”

“No…” Jason shakes his head. “A walk sounds good. In the meantime…” He pulls a DVD out of his backpack and goes to hand it to his mom. “A few concerts ago, someone filmed the show. I…thought you might want to see it.”

Cindy’s face lights up. “Of course I would!”

“Well…that’s your copy, so…” Jason retreats toward the door. “I’ll be back later.”

“Okay.” Cindy watches him leave, fingering the homemade DVD. “He’s come so far,” she comments quietly. “Thank you for helping him, Wes. I’m so glad to have you and this family…I couldn’t ask for more.”

Smiling, she holds up the disc. “I’ve never seen him on stage. You want to watch it?”

The evening air is cool, and Jason is glad he’s got his leather jacket on. The walk doesn’t take him long, and before he knows it, he’s in the ranch yard. Seeing the lights on and a lot of shadows in the dining hall, he knows that most are still up, not having dispersed yet.

He doesn’t bother going around front, but knows the back entrance well, and enters quietly.

Scanning the room, he spots a few people who see him, and he waves his greeting. Looking around, he finds who he really wants to see.

Clint is still sitting next to Wendy, though supper is over, and Jeff is now across from them, trying to get them to play a card game.

Jason walks with a purpose, catching Clint’s eye, then giving a grin to Wendy.

“Hey, Jase!” Clint gives him a casual salute. “How’s it hanging?”

Jason’s eyes narrow as they twinkle. “You have no idea.” Without any warning, he reaches down and takes Wendy’s arm to pull her up out of her chair. “And you…” He looks at her with forced sternness. “…didn’t your mother ever teach you not to write all over the wall?”

Not letting go of her arm, he cocks his head to see around her to Clint. “I’m sorry man, but I owe her this one.” Not waiting for any kind of response, Jason pulls Wendy back around, putting her off balance just enough to tilt her back before planting a purposeful but light kiss right on the lips.

Clint is immediately on his feet, his chair falling over backward.

Too quick, Jason has righted Wendy again and puts her between him and Clint as a shield. “Now, now.” He chokes on a laugh, but manages a whisper in Wendy’s ear. “Thank you.”

Clint scowls at him, not sure whether to laugh or start swinging. “Jason!”

“What?” Jason gives Wendy’s shoulder a pat, then lets her go, stepping to the side to make himself vulnerable to Clint.

Clint steps forward, his fists balled. “What are you thinking?!”

“I’m thinking you better take good care of this woman, or I’m liable to steal her from you.”

Knowing he’ll miss, Clint swings anyway. Jason ducks, steps forward, his shoulder meeting Clint’s chest. His arms go around Clint’s frame in one smooth move, and in an instant, he’s standing with Clint slung over his shoulders starting to slide down his back.

“Let me go!” Clint shrieks.

“I told you never to swing like that,” Jason chides, breathing heavily from holding onto Clint’s frame. “But if you insist.”

Clint is suddenly released. Falling to the floor, he winds up landing in the middle of several chairs. Sliding between them, his arms and legs get all tangled in them, the resounding crash echoing through the dining hall. Flailing like an upturned turtle, he fights off the chairs to finally get himself back on his feet, though a tad bit dizzy. Jumping up, he somehow manages to get an arm around Jason’s neck for a side headlock and starts dragging him to the door.

“Help!” Jason starts to laugh, not really trying to fight off Clint at all. “Some welcome this is!” he hollers. “Wendy, get your crazed boyfriend off of me!”

Second Home

*Wendy smiles and pats Clint's leg as he sits down next to her.*

"I thought maybe you got attacked by more chairs."

*Wendy cant help the giggle that escaped her lips.*

*Katie smiles as the two go back and forth for a moment. Shaking her head she finally answers Clint.*

"How could I forget you guys? Just because I am busy dosn't mean I forgot who my family is."

*Katie smiles just a little and keeps the conversation up. Talking a little about work, and home life. Catching up on all the happing around the ranch Katie trys her best to keep the talk off her.*

"So Katie do you still drive the spitfire of a car Scott gave you?"

*After Wendy finishs her sentince she relizes what she just said and her eyes grow a little larder as she looks down at the table fast.*

"I'm sorry I ment....sorry."

*The smile from Katie's face fades as the mention of Scott comes up. What was a harmless sentince shouldnt have bother Katie but it his her alot harder than exspected sending her mind reeling and more memories to come flooding back. In an instint Katie can feel the tears that well up in her eyes. Standing from the table Katie whispers.*

"Excuse me please."

*Not saying anymore Katie leaves the table and heads outside to one of the benches. Sinking down on it and puting her head in her hands as the tear just come once again. When would she stop feeling like this. Why...why did it have to hurt?*

*Wendy looks to Clint and than to Rosetta and the other faces at the table.*

"I didn't mean...I...didn't think....I'm sorry."

*Wendy looks down at the table. She felt like crap for bring up Scott. It just sliped out of her mouth before she even though about what she was saying. Now she hurt her friend and she hated feeling that.*

*Rosetta looks to Wendy with simpathy before looking to Mick and than looking to the door were Katie disapeared. She wished there was a way to whip the pain away but there wasent, there was only time.*

"It's ok Wendy. You didn't mean to. Katie just needs some time."

*Wes gives a streach as he stands and nods at Jason. A small grin forming on his lips. Jason might want to go to bed but Wes wasnt going to let him just yet.*

"Before you head to bed I have something to show you. I'm not sure if you will like it or not, but I guess I just wanted to do something nice for you."

*Wes shakes his head to the side to have Jason follow him down the hall. Stopping at the last door down at the end of the hall Wes lets out a sigh. Why he felt nervouse himself he wasnt sure. Maybe it was the fact that he was just hoping Jason would like it.*

"I had this ready for last time you were out but you didnt stay here and than you had to leave fast for your concert so I figured I would just wait till you came back. I hope you like it, and a few differnt people made it possable for this creation to come to be."

*Opening the door Wes steps in and stands to the side for Jason to follow in.

The walls of the room where panted black and white on the far wall was a murl painted of all the members of Jetstream standing together. Mick was on the drums in the back and than Kyle was with the keybored in front, Phil was to the other side with his bass and Jason was in the middle with his guitar. Along the top in big letters it said JetStream. The murle was excessively done. Every detail of the face even down to Jason's scar was add in. It looked like it took someone hours. In the far courner under the murle was the initiles of the artest WL.*

"Wendy panted that for me. She said it came out even better than she planed."

*Next the wooden dresser, Chest, bed frame, headbored and footbored all looked hand made and if you looked close enough you could make out music notes that had been ingraved into the wood along with a bunch of differnt words from some of the songs Jetstream had preformed.*

"You know how long it took me to carve words into wood. I think I must of thron out a million peaces of wood. But I finally got it just right."

*Next on the walls were pictures of Jetstream concerts and sheets of music from there songs. Also there were pictures of just Jason with the band at Mike's house, practicing, having dinner. There were even pictures of Jason with Katie, Jason with Mick, Jason with Scott, Scott with Katie, Katie with Jen, Jason alone. All were memories captured in time.*

"Katie got all those pictures together for me along with the sheets of music. When I told her what I was doing she was so excited to help. I made her promise not to say anything though."

*Than tucked around the small corner in a septet area sat something Wes was proud of and new Jason would like. Two guitars, one acoustic and one electric. along with a sheet music stand and an amp. Behind them was a big window that looked out over the backyard with a view to die for. Even at night the way the moon shown you could see for miles as the soft light lit up the ground.*

"I know when you come out you dont bring you own guitar. So I though maybe if you had one for when you here you can still practice. Con helped me with knowing what kind of guitars you liked. They arnt the greatest but I figured you might like them anyways."

*The rest of the room curtins, rug, bedding, and even the reclining chair had fabric on them white with black music notes on them to match the walls.

Wes leans aganst the one wall and cross his arms a smile on his face.*

"I hope you like it Jason. I know you were nervouse about coming out, and you felt strange now that life has changed so much but I was hoping that I could make this room so you would be comfortable here and consider this your second home. We love ya Jase."

*Wes gives Jason a pat on the shoulder as he starts to head out the door.*


Most everyone is present in the dining hall as supper starts, the chatter continuing, some hollering over to Katie once in a while to ask questions or chat. Austin is sure to say hello to her too, inquiring about Jason and finding out he'd gone on ahead to his mom's. A slight bit of disappointment flickers in his eyes, but he says nothing, easing into the cheer around him.

After the meal has started, the back door opens and Clint comes in, the latest to arrive. He's freshly showered - an obvious sign that he'd been too big of a mess from the shop to come in right away. He's lost a little bit of weight since he'd seen Katie last, and looks good, coming up to the other side of the table and sliding in next to Wendy.

"Well, look who the cat dragged in." He grins, tossing Katie a teasing wink. "Good to see you back in this neck of the woods. Thought maybe you forgot about us."

His foot nudges Wendy's under the table as an apology for being late, as he keeps talking to Katie. "So where's that scoundrel of a man who calls himself Hotshot? I had to hear over the grapevine he was coming - he didn't even answer my emails, the turkey."

Feeling Katie's response, helps Jason's emotions ease of just a little bit. Though there was tension between them, he was ever so glad they could still communicate.

Hearing Wes' words, Jason's eyes drift to the floor again. He takes a deep breath, knowing his stepfather was right...he just needed to tell his mom and start being honest with her. He'd never directly lied, but...he'd been misleading, which was just as bad.

"Thanks, Wes..." He looks up again. "I don't exactly know how Camryn felt... This connection with Katie and me has....well...sort of evolved I guess, into something bigger and I suppose it was hard for Camryn to accept. I guess if I was in her shoes I might have felt the same way." He shrugs. "Maybe you're right...maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

Hearing Wes' comments about his mom, Jason nods. "You're right...I guess I just got started down that path and didn't know how to get off again. I do need to just tell her. It's just..."

"You two look awfully serious in here." Cindy comes into the living room, drying her hands on a dish towel.

Jason looks up in surprise, his face reddening slightly.

Seeing the looks on both men's faces, Cindy lifts an eyebrow. "What is it...is something wrong?"

"No. Yes... I mean..." Jason looks to Wes and rolls his eyes. Here he went again. "I...was just.... telling Wes a few things that.... that I need to tell you too..."

Cindy eases down in a chair, worry in her eyes. "What is it, hun? What's wrong?"

Jason goes on to explain the best he can, first about him and Katie, so Wes will know more as well, telling how things had progressed and how the connection had strengthened. He talks a bit about his knee, exposing the truth of it all, then he finally tells about him and Camryn.

Cindy is leaned back in the chair, having grown silent as she'd listened to her son. Hearing about Camryn, when Jason finally becomes quiet, she gives a little nod. "I thought that's what had happened."

Jason's eyes widen. "You knew?"

"Oh...I wasn't sure, but I thought maybe things hadn't worked out."


Cindy smiles. "Call it a mother's intuition."

Jason is slightly taken aback. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"I guess I knew when the time was right, you would tell me. And...I wanted you to tell me yourself. So...I just waited."

Jason glances down. "I'm sorry...I just..."

"It's okay, Jason." Cindy's words are sincere. She looks to her husband, feeling so happy...she just wished Jason could find happiness too. "You do know you can tell me aything though, don't you? I love you so much...and that will never change."

"I know..." Jason sighs a little. "It was wrong of me to hide it from you. I'm just...glad you know now."

Cindy nods. "Me too."

Suddenly a cry breaks the silence and Cindy is on her feet. "Well, I guess someone is awake. I'll be back."

And she is... a few minutes later after calming Kaylee, Cindy comes back with her in her arms and walks slowly to Jason. "Jason...meet your sister."

Jason stands up and swallows hard. He didn't know why he felt nervous all of a sudden. It was just...different... knowing he had a sister. Looking down on the small bundle, he can't help the small smile that comes to his lips. Kaylee's eyes were so bright. She stared up at him in wonderment at who this stranger was.

Cindy looks at Wes, then back to Jason, beaming. "You can hold her..."

Jason almost backs up. "Oh, um, I..."

Cindy grins and shakes her head. "She won't break." Holding Kaylee out, she forces Jason to take hold of her, and helps him position his arms to cradle her.

Jason has never felt more awkward but good at the same time. Easing back down into the chair, he cradles Kaylee, his eyes studying her small, soft features.

She gurgles a little and almost smiles.

Jason grins and takes a finger to gently run across her head and down her face. Kaylee sees his hand, and reaches up with a tiny fist, latching onto his finger with a grip one would thing someone her size couldn't have.

Cindy chuckles. "Looks like she's not going to let you go."

Jason stares into the baby's eyes, overcome with a feeling...an emotion like no other. It was one he didn't understand, and couldn't hide. He had dreaded this...had not wanted to see his sister... a baby... much less be attached to her in any way. But feeling he tiny hand on his and seeing those eyes that probed his own... "I'm not going to let you go either," he whispers.

The three just sit in the living room for a while, quietly... peacefully...

Cindy watches her children, the smile never leaving her face. As the clock ticks on, Kaylee's eyes drift shut and before they know it, she's asleep in Jason's arms, her hand still grasping his finger.

Cindy chuckles and rises from her chair. "I better put her back to bed and see if she'll sleep a few hours."

It takes a bit of doing to pry the baby's fingers from Jason's, but they manage to do it without waking her, and Cindy quietly takes her back down the hall.

Jason gives a little sigh and looks up at the clock on the wall. "Guess bed sounds good to me right about now too. It wasn't a long trip, but I'm bushed."

She does

*Katie gives a small nod and starts to follow Jeff inside. She felt nervouse and Katie wasnt sure why. Maybe it was because she had been gone for so long. She hardly new anyone anymore. Life had changed so much and she was so out of the loop.

Entering the mess hall Katie felt strange at first but pasted a smile on her face anyways. and enters leting the warmth and laughter wash over her.*

*Rosetta looks up hearing the door open. As her eyes land on Katie Rosetta's eye beam as she stands going to her neices side and wrapping her arms around her.*


*Rosetta can't help the tight embrace she keep her neice in for a long moment. Not only had she not seen her in so long but her heart went out to her as well for everything that had been going on.*

"..We've missed you. I'm so glad your here now."

*Katie is taken from her aunts warm embraces as she returns the hug. A few tears well up in her eye as she just holds her for a long time. Finally being here again made Katie relize just how long it had been.*

*Angel takes a pic of her water and shakes her head a smile on her face.*

"Rosetta if you don't let her go dinner is going to get cold, and after the long trip I am sure Katie is hungry."

*Smiling Angel holds up her hand and gives a wave to Katie.*

"Glade to have you here again Katie. Now dinner is complete."

*After everyone alse had givin there hellos and BJ made a big deal about Katie sitting next to him while Mick was on the other side everyone was settled for dinner and the small talk continues. Everyone keeping away from the subject of Scott, and what had happend for now.

Once durning the dinner Katie can feel some shift in emotions and stops for a moment consintrating.

It's ok J. You can do it.*

*After dinner is finished and Wes is in the living room with Jason they feeling of something wrong could be felt. When Jason finally confess Wes just sits and listens. Taking in everything that was said and giving a nod here and there. It was easy to see Jason really wa sin some term oil over everything and confused.*

"So, what your saying is Camryn broke it off with you because of Katie and your's connection. She didn't like or understand that face that when on of you were hurt the other had to come help. In a sence she probely didn't feel like she was good enough."

*Wes lets out a sigh as he collects his own thoughts on what to say.*

"..sounds to me she wasn't as confadent as she liked to show she was."

*Wes shakes his head for a moment.*

"Well, everything happend for a reason and you just went ment to merrie Camryn. I think its better this came out now than later on down the road after you both had been married and it would of ended worse. I know it hurts, oh boy do I know. But in the end Jason you'll find the one your ment to be with.

As for your mom...just tell her like you told me. You might fumble with you words but thats ok. She is going to love you no matter what, and she is so proude of you and everything you have done. Yes she is going to be sad and disapointed but not in you. She loves you Jason."

*Wes gives a nod and smiles.*

"And for your knee...well I understand why you didnt tell you mom that. I offten dont tell her when I hurt myself in the shop eather."

*Wes can't help but let out a chuckle.*

"She really does worry to much. But I think she will understand when you tell her that too. Just let her know the truth and dont dodge around it anymore and it will be ok. Thats one thing I love the most about you mother. She has a big heart and is pretty understanding about everything."


Jeff gives his niece a tight hug. "Mm, it's good to see you too, Katie. Just isn't the same without you around here."

He stands back and holds Katie at arm's length for a moment, then gives her a wink. "Come on. Supper's about ready and I know one frantic aunt who is dying to see you."

Jason returns Wes' handshake, starting to relax just a little. He laughs at the mention of his mom's cooking. "Tell me about it... I've been living off tv dinners - this is gonna be heaven."

Before they know it, supper is under way. Cindy promises to introduce Jason and Kaylee after supper, mentioning that right now she was asleep. Jason doesn't mind a bit, not to admit that it was quite alright with him...he wouldn't mind if it was morning, just to avoid another awkward situation.

Talk is kept light. Jason finds himself skirting around too many issues, or changing too many subjects. He realizes he's done it one too many times when his mother grows fairly quiet, seeming to give up on conversation. Though feeling bad, Jason just can't bring himself to say what he needs to.

By the time Cindy is in the kitchen washing dishes, and Jason and Wes are in the living room, Jason's guilt is too much to handle.

Staring at the carpet for a long while, he finally looks up at Wes. "I...I'm sorry I wasn't that sociable tonight at supper." He swallows hard. "There's just... some things that I... I haven't..."

Jason rolls his eyes at himself and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He glances towards the kitchen where the sound of the running water in the sink will mask anything said in here.

"I haven't been honest with my mom lately, Wes." He gives a nod, finally brave enough to simply state the facts. "I don't know what she's told you but... the truth is, I'm not engaged any more. Camryn broke up with me quite a while ago because of... well... because of something with Katie and me."

His eyes widen slightly, realizing the implications of what he'd just said. "Not...romance or anything. Just, um... the whole... sixth sense thing kinda got...bigger and...."

Jason's voice trails off. He can feel the heat rising to his face. How on earth could he explain something like this? He felt stupid.

Crash and burn. This is not going well.

Closing his eyes for a moment, he regroups. "Bottom line... Camryn's not in the picture anymore...the wedding is off, and my mom still thinks I'm engaged because I've been leading her on."

He's finally courageous enough to look up at Wes again. He felt like a little kid admitting he'd done something wrong. It was weird...he'd never been in that position with a man before...not like this... it had always just been his mom.....

Blinking to refocus, Jason licks his dry lips. "Not to mention, I just got off my crutches recently too. I didn't want Mom worrying about my knee. So now... I have absolutely no idea how to tell her any of this and I feel like a complete and total idiot."


*See Jeff come out of the mess hall Katie can't help but smile just a little. Even if it wasn't her normal smile it was better than nothing. Keeping her head low for a moment Katie walks a little bit more before reaching Jeff and putting her arms around him in a hug. It did feel good to be home despite the memories.*

"Hi Uncle Jeff. It's good to see you."

*Wes shakes his head and gives content sigh as he watchs his wife rush to the door and the excitment that shown in her eyes.

Leaning back in his chair and seeing Jason Wes smiles and stands. Walking over to Jason he stick his hand out and smiles.*

"Welcome back Jason. We have been looking forward to seeing you."

*Wes helps Jason with his bag putting it in the living room for now.*

"I think dinner is just about done, I'm glad you made it in time. Your mom makes the best food I ever tasted."


Jason would like to tell Katie it was more than alright, and quite frankly, he'd like it if she came along with him to begin with. But...he knew she was here for her own family too...and he didn't want to pull her away from that.

Thanks, Hero.

A part of him wants to hug her...she looked so lost... he felt so lost... but she's already on her way. Instead, he simply doesn't let her hand go, and walks with her up the driveway.

Getting into the ranchyard, Jason changes his mind about staying here for a while. He would see Austin and everyone else later or tomorrow. Glancing around, he doesn't see anybody closeby, so he opts to just go ahead and head for the house.

Turning to Katie, he gives a nod. "I'll catch you later. If you need anything..." He lets the sentence hang. He knew that she knew the rest. Aiming for the lane, he heads off before anyone can stop him. Maybe the walk would do him good anyway...clear his mind a little.

The mess hall is alive as always this time of the evening. Dishes clatter, voices echo and laughter rings. Suppertime was always the ranch fellowship time. It was like this year round... but especially now when the visiting season was over, just having the close-knit family and friends...it made it seems just a little extra special.

Jeff is the first to glance out the window and see the two newcomers. A smile creases his lips. Seeing Jason part from Katie, he quietly gets up from his seat without announcing it to anyone else. Slipping outside, he steps down off the porch, hooking his hands in his pockets. He hadn't put a jacket on and it was chilly, but he didn't mind. He cocks his head and gives Katie a warm smile. "Welcome home, Katie."

Jason wanders up the driveway and to the front door, a slight lump rising in his throat. His pulse quickened just a little. His emotional state felt like a jar trying to contain fireworks. Taking a deep breath, he pushes it all aside, and stands a little taller before ringing the doorbell.

Cindy almost drops the plate before setting it onto the dining room table, squealing with delight. She almost runs into Wes in her excitement. Hurrying to the door, she throws it open and just looks up at her son for several moments, her smile widening from ear to ear. "Jason."

He can't help but return a crooked smile. "Mom."

Cindy can't wait any longer and throws her arms around him. "Oh, Jason, I'm so glad you finally came!"

Jason returns the hug, feeling just a bit of guilt creeping up on him for waiting so long.

Cindy withdraws and looks at him again for a few more seconds, her eyes dancing. "You alone?"


"You never did say if Camryn would be coming or not, so I didn't plan on..."

"It's okay," Jason interrupts, putting a hand on her shoulder. "It's just me."

Cindy gives a sigh, then suddenly realizes she's still standing in the door. "Oh, come in. Put your bag down, and we're just getting ready for supper." She stops, her eyes widening. "And it's going to burn if I don't take it out of the oven!"

Jason grins and shakes his head. It had been a long time since he'd seen his mom like this. Stepping inside, he sets his backpack down and looks around for a moment. It felt strange...this was his family's home...but not his home...but sort of...

Turning around, he sees that Wes is in the dining room, and slowly enters, again, unsure of himself. He'd thought he'd gotten over this awkwardness before, but... maybe it was all the secrets he'd been keeping that made it worse. "Hey, Wes."