

Drawing her hand away from Scott Hope takes her coffee mug in hand letting the warm contents warm them. The look in his eye and the quiver in his voice made Hope's heart hurt. Whatever case he was working on involved his friend, and it was eating away at him on the inside.

"Oh Scott your strong, your very strong indeed and this problem your having maybe its not a problem at all."

Hope is quiet for a second her eyes looking deep into Scott's for a moment. There had been a reason her had been here today and some might say by luck, or chanse but Hope new that this was God's will, and maybe she was here to be the friend Scott needed right now.

"Do you think maybe your subcontious is trying to remember something that could help in finding Katie? That could be it and your mind is blocking it because it knows that the memories are painful to you weather your over everything or not."

A soft smile forms on Hope's face her voice growing just a little softer.

"I'm not tired of you Scott! I rather like your company."

Misty can't help the short laugh the escaps her lips at the mention of Alec and Carson remembering everything that happend.

"Yeah that sounds about right I can see how it would of felt like a truck."

Finshing up the bandage Misty rests Alec's hand down on the bed. A small bit of simpathy pass through her eyes for a moment.

"I guess I will try and get you to stay out here as long as I can before you do end up leaving. Next time though think before you act eh?"

Hearing Reese offer Phinox stiffens slightly as his expression stays the same. If he went to Brown he'd find out that he didnt send him after all but what would the chanse be if Reese went alone he wouldnt say anything as well.

Taking another sip of coffee bids Phinox the time to think something up and play differnt things over in his head.

"When were you going to go to see Brown? As long as I get that report done for you I'd like to go. I sure he will be eager to know what have been going on with the case."

Why can't I?

Scott looks down, his eyes drifting to where Hope's hand lay on his arm. Her question tumbles around inside his mind. He trusted her. He wasn't afraid of her. He wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind. He just... wished for once, he could be strong.

"No." He swallows hard and finally looks up to Hope's eyes again. "I'm sorry. Guess I just wished..." He shrugs. How was he supposed to say what he was really thinking?

Retreating a little, he leans back in his chair, slouching. His hands spin his cup slowly on the table. "I've started..." He bites his lip. It sounded crazy. "I've started.... seeing things. Like... flashbacks kind of, but...it's stuff from when I was abducted... I can feel it. I just... I don't remember why the images are there. I moved on. It's over. I just want to forget about it. But all of a sudden this has cropped up and I can't seem to control it."

He shrugs lamely. "I'm tired, Hope. Tired of me... tired of this fight. I want to find Katie and I want to concentrate on the case, not a stupid problem of mine."

Shaking his head, he knows that once again, he'd just poured it all out to Hope. Councilor or not, it didn't take much for her to pull it right out of him. He wasn't sure what it was about her... but it was a good thing he didn't have many secrets.

Staring her in the eye, his gaze had changed to one of almost pleading. "Why can't I be strong?"

For once, Alec doesn't resist Misty's doctoring. He might never admit it, but the cool cloth was such a relief to his head. Nothing had felt as good.

Her question makes him shrug. "What kind of answer do you want? That I feel great? Then I'd just be accused of lying. Not that I haven't been accused of that already."

Rolling his eyes, he can't help a wince one time as Misty's grip gets a little tight around his hand. "I feel like I've been run over by a truck." He stops. "Oh no, wait, that was just my brother."

The bitterness had been quick to return. "Stay out of trouble? Like I can get myself into any here. Everybody is a watchdog. One wrong move and it's back in the slammer I go. Not that I care. I have prison to look forward to anyway, so I might as well get used to it."

Reese is back at his desk, and looks up as Phinox enters. Accepting the coffee, he gives a nod. "Well thank you. You didn't have to do this, but I can't deny I'm glad you did." Taking a sip, the warmth felt good.

Getting back to business though, he shakes his head. "I just wanted you to write up a quick report about how you and Jase brought in Reiker. I didn't want to bug him about it. Also, I was going to go downtown to see Brown and wondered if you wanted to come along so you could let him know what you've been doing on our end."

Alone in the stuffy room, Gage checks the door. Rod had left a while ago, so he was alone. He wanders to the desk and sits down again. He almost felt like a prisoner himself, cooped up here for this long. But it was his job.

It had been a whole day since he'd been left alone here... His hand creeps toward the desk drawer. He didn't want to... he really didn't. But... but he knew he would feel better. He always did afterward. Besides, his hands had already started shaking, and his nerves were shot. Just one more time... then he'd get out from under it.

Opening the drawer, he pulls out a syringe of his own.

Day or So

Studying Scott for a moment Hope's sences kick into gear even if she didnt want them to. She saw the pain behind his eyes, and the fact that he was trying to hide it. She wanted this to be a nice dinner, and she wanted Scott to relax.

Gently reaching out Hope lays a soft hand on Scott's arm. The softness showed in her eyes as her words convayed what she said.

"You dont have to try and hide Scott, I'm not here as your councler only your friend. Don't try so hard ok just be yourself."

Hope gives him a smile. She just wanted him to be comfortable and feel ok around her.

"Now as your friend I have to ask, Are you ok?"

Hearing Alec's voice Misty stands from her desk and moves over to the cot. Leaning down she checks his vitals and than he hand. Not saying anything right away She gives to the sink dampaing a cloth and than putting it on Alec's head. He was still warm but not nearly as bad as it had been.

"Oh you wernt to bad. I get pretty grumpy myself when I am sick."

Sitting down on the edge of the cot Misty gives Alec a small smile than takes hishand in her own to change the bandage. Checking over the cut before putting the new bandage on. Making sure it was clean, the stiches were still ok and it was healing nicly.

"I'm not sure to be honest but maybe if you can stay out of trouble I would guess for at least a day or so. Other than the hand hurting how are you feeling?"

Coming back into TJY Phinox carrys two differnt trays of coffee with him. He figured everyone could use it and it would make a nice cover up for where he was at well.

Finding Ryder in the breakroom he offers him some before heading out again with the message for Reese. Next he makes a stop where Carson is, than Rick, Misty and than last he heads into Reese office giving a knock first.

"Hey I figured we could all use some coffee."

Handing Reese his cup Phinox takes a sip of his own before looking back to Reese.

"Ryder said you needed me?"

It was strange maybe to some how Phinox's acent seemed to be thicker at times than other. Was it simply because he was picking up on the american talking, or was it simply that he was a man of few words, so many didnt really get to listen closly to what he did say.


Scott can't help something that resembled a short, weak laugh at Hope's question. His eyes look down and he shakes his head. For the longest time, he doesn't even answer her. Instead, he stares into the coffee that had been brought. This was a little more different than he'd thought... he was used to feeling like he needed to share everything with Hope, but tonight was more casual. They weren't sitting in her office with a goal.

Finally he takes a sip of the warm liquid, letting it slide down his throat. With enough cream and sugar to mellow it out, coffee didn't seem to bother his stomach too much.

"I'm okay." Looking up, he catches Hope's eyes. His own gaze was one that betrayed him. He was worried, he was worn out, he was struggling. Okay? It was as bad a word as fine.

Glancing down again, he curls his thin fingers around the coffee cup, letting his rigid palms absorb the heat. He watched th little swirls on the top of the drink as air flow moved it around. He didn't used to be able to sit still and gaze at nothingness for so long. But now he could fill hours with simply sitting and letting time be.

"It's been a long two days," he finally admits quietly. "I haven't been home... everybody is tense... no one dares sleep for more than a few minutes at a time. And Katie..." He swallows hard, trying to keep down the lump that wanted to rise in his throat. He couldn't talk much about the case anyway for security reasons. "...we have to find her."

Taking another sip of coffee, Scott tries to ignore a couple people that wander in for their own evening coffee fixes. If he didn't pay attention to them, he wouldn't grow nervous by their presence.

Someone dropping a glass in the kitchen though, makes Scott's head shoot up, his eyes widening. He catches sight of a man he didn't know, but the facial features were such to be a strong resemblance to another face he'd seen... somewhere... sometime...

The pictures started again. Faces. Names. Garbled data. For a moment, Scott's vision was taken over by the unwanted images. It wasn't a flashback. It was something... something different... something he didn't want to see.

Looking down again, Scott tries to shake the strange episode by concentrating on his coffee again, and he takes a quick swig. It was too quick though, and the roof of his mouth is burned. Cringing, his eyes water and he coughs, almost choking on the drink.

He just wanted this to be a normal setting... he didn't want to have another problem in front of Hope. He didn't want to need her as a counselor again. He'd gotten through that... he wanted to be stronger in front of her. But he didn't understand what was happening to him now... whatever it was had only started just today though.

"That'll teach me," he manages to comment wryly. "Next time I'll go for a frozen treat instead."

Carson is again alone at the desk. His eyes are still glued to the monitor. He cocks his head, seeing Gage's strange actions. Peculiar. Carson jots down a note. He wondered...

Alec stirs, not totally asleep, but not fully awake. Hearing quiet noises around him, he finally wakes up enough to open his eyes. The bed he was in was comfortable - much more so than the cot he'd been sleeping on. He almost didn't want to wake up. His mind was foggy, and for a moment, he forgot his angry and cocky air.

Turning his head, he sees Misty. Squinting in the light, he opens his mouth to find it feeling like cotton. "What happened?" he questions groggily.

Pulling himself up, the pain in his hand reminds him why he was in the infirmary rather than the holding cell. Managing to sit up partway, he tries to remember exactly what happened, but all he really knew is that he'd felt sick. And as such, he feared he'd missed what he might have done. "I bet I was a bear, wasn't I?" he asks sheepishly. "Last time I got sick, I told off my own mother."

Suddenly, his speech is cut off as he realizes how vulnerable he'd just left himself. He realizes that his tone was friendly and grateful for Misty's help - not harsh and defensive like he wanted it to be.

Swallowing hard, he looks down and feels of the bandage on his hand. His face grows red. "How long you gonna keep me up here?" His question was asked gruffly.

"Ryder?" Reese finds him in the break room. "You seen Phinox?"

"Yeah." Ryder looks up tiredly from the table where he'd been sitting, taking a rest. "Took off a while ago. Said he had to call somebody or something. Said he'd be back."

"Hmm." Reese frowns and heads back to the hall. "If you see him," he calls over his shoulder, "tell him to report in with me."


Feeling the ropes loosen and than seeing Gage walk away again her eyes just follow him not moving for the most part. This could be anything a trap, part of a plane. But something was differnt, in Katie's gut the look that had passed in his eyes was strange and said many things though she couldnt put her find on one reason alone.

Finally when she is left in darkness again Katie slides down to the ground. Leaning her head aganst the beam so many things ran through her mind. She was scared, her stomach acked, and her back killed. Katie could only hope the people who cared about her had something to go on to find her.

Wairing a grey hoodie with the name of a college on the front and a pear of jean that fint in all the right place getting a little bagger as they went down the leg Hope was dress for the casual atmistfear.

Seeing Scott a small smile spreads across Hope's face. Seeing the look in Scott's eye that he was weary a small worry formed in Hope but remember her words to Scott she turns off her mind from her job. She was here to be Scott's friend, and only a friend. If he needed to talk than he would.

"Hey there,"

Ordering her coffee and than letting Scott order his Hope is quiet for a moment just letting eveything sink in, and letting the silance rain for a moment longer.

"How are you today?"

A moment

Scott bites his lip and looks at his watch, then his computer screen. "Um..." He hesitates, knowing how much work needed to be done, and how desperate they were for leads. But at this point, he was so weary that he was going at a snail's pace anyway... and he knew if he didn't take a break, he would be no good.

He looks at his watch again, the silence on the line telling him that Hope was waiting for an answer. "Okay." He closes his eyes. "I can be at the Sweet Aroma all-night shop in half an hour."

With the call ended, Scott rises from his chair and stretches. He knew Rick wasn't going anywhere for a while... he could ask to borrow his car so he wouldn't have to walk in the dark...

After handing over files he'd found, finding Rick, and getting out of TJY, half an hour later, he's walking up to the door of the coffee shop. Hesitating, he looks inside. There were a few people there, but not many at this hour. It wasn't the most comfortable place for him, but it wasn't the worst either. He could withstand the public atmosphere for a little while.

Taking a deep breath, he pulls open the door and steps inside. His eyes roam the tables as he pockets the car keys in his jeans. His flannel shirt over his black tee was unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up. His posture was just a bit slouched, showing his weariness. Being tired, he looked even thinner tonight. But spotting Hope to the side, a smile manages to surface.

Making his way to the table, he slides into the chair opposite her, leaning his arms on the table. I felt a little strange... She wasn't his counselor tonight. "Hi."

As Angelica draws nearer, her hand on Reese's face sends a chill down his spine. But it wasn't one he disliked. It was one he hadn't felt in a very long time.

Though he knew what was coming, still Angelica's lips on his came as a surprise and he almost jumps. But when she withdraws and catches his eyes, his gaze was not one that said to stop. On the contrary, he didn't want her to. She was more than a coworker, more than a friend... Ever since California, he'd wanted this, but had never been bold enough himself.

His hand finds its way up her arm and to her face, cradling her velvety-soft skin as his thumb strokes her cheek. She was beautiful in the dim, glowing light. Reese had never thought he could feel this way ever again... but somehow he did.

Letting Angelica come closer, he allows her to draw into his lap, still a bit surprised, but unwilling to tell her to stop. Her closeness was warm and comforting. It quieted his heart, while at the same time gave him reason to press on.

As her arms wrap around him, his own slide around her waste, his hands resting gently on her back. He stares into her eyes for a moment that felt like eternity. Oh, those eyes how they captured him and took him so far away from all the stress and worry he felt.

Glancing down then back up at her eyes, no words needed to be said. Wanting to feel her lips to his again, he moves one hand up to caress the back of her head as he pulls in closer to her. His kiss is warm and strong. He closes his eyes, falling into the moment. Retreating, he cocks his head the other way, returning again to let the exchange last as long as she would allow.

At Katie's thanks, Gage backs up a step. He opens his mouth as if to say something, but suddenly stops. The strangest look passes on his face, and for a moment, he just stares at her. Finally though, he blinks and turns around again to throw the cup away and head for the door. But he stops. For the longest moment, he just stands there.

Eventually he turns back around, but goes to the back of Katie on the other side of the pole. Working with the knots, the ropes move a little bit, but stay tight around her wrists. Something had changed though. They were now loose enough around the pole that she could slide down to sit if she wanted to.

Without a word, Gage stalks back to the door to leave.


Though Scott can not see her a small smile forms on Hope's face. Scott was to smart for his own good that was for sure. After all he had been through he really was bouncing back nicely. Thinking for a moment about Scott's question Hope is quiet. Till finally she speaks again her voice being very sincere.

"You dont need a counselor anymore Scott, but it never hurt to have another friend right? How would you like to gab some coffee if your not to busy that is? Believe it or not coffee helps me wind down, and some time with a friend would be nice too."

Hope ment what she said, she missed Scott and just the other day she had relized that he was more than just another pashent, or person she helped. Without even knowing it Scott sliped his way past the cracks and became more, he had also become Hope's friend.

Looking back at Mike the smile on Angelica's face stayed but softened just a bit. Color rose to her cheeks ass she relized how close she really was right now to Mike. The man that had captured her heart though she would never admit it outloud.

"As long as he is locked away so he cant hurt anyone else...thats what matters."

A soft wind blowing through the open window sends the smell of Mikes callone to Angelica's nose, almost instintly feeling as though a calm blanket had been put over her. A small silver of moon light poked out from behind the clouds casting a glow on the office.

Bring her hand up to Mike's face Angelica gently brushing a peace of hair back that had been blown by the gentil breeze. Than moving her hand back down along the side of his face she maping his skin with the back of her hand. To her his skin was so soft, even with a little bit of five oclock shadow.

Leaning forward Angelica is not sure what drove her to make such a bold move but her lips press aganst Mick's as the sweetness of the kiss bursts forward giving her whole body chills.

Backing away just a little she searchs Mike's eyes and bits her lip in a nervouse statment. The stress the had been under, the weaght of te world had been gone in that moment, and for that second it was the best comfort Angelica had ever had.

Leaning forward once again, with ever grace Angelica moves Mike's chair back just a tade so she she could sit herself on his lap, wrapping her arms aroundhis neck to draw herself closer to him. She wanted his strong arms around her, to feel him close to her, to lose themselfs in the moment and forget about what was around them, because in Mike Reese arms she felt loved.

Taking the paper from Carson Nate gives a nod. They had nothing, so anything was a clue they could go on, anything they could look up and narrow down getting them one step closer was something.

"Thanks Carson, I'll be right back. And if you want to get some sleep, or something to eat I'll take your spot here for a few hours."

Turning and seeing Ryder Nate walks over to him and gives him a short nod figuring there was nothing much to tell about Reiker or it would of happend already.

"I'd ask how you are holding, but you look about as crappy as the rest of us."

Giving a short sigh Nate leans on the cubicle with the paper in hand.

"I figure for now we can leave Reiker in the intarigation room and find out what Reese wants us to do with him. But till than if your not to tired I need you to do a search on buildings that have unfinsihed basments and are paying a bit higher taxes. I dont care where, or how many you have I want them as long as they are in this state."

Handing the paper to Ryder Nate gives a small smile and a nod before turning around once again and going back to the computer with the foottage of Katie.

Feeling the cool water to her lips Katie is almost shocked for a moment, but than lifting her head she takes a long sip from the cup her eyes locked on Gage once again.

She wasnt sure if he had done that because he had to, or because he wanted to but non the less it had helped her. In a soft voice she manages to whisper.

"Thank you!"


When Katie falls silent, Gage just looks at her for several moments, the quiet lingering. Turning around, he paces, returning his knife to his pocket. Finally he walks over to a faucet hidden in the shadows. A styrofoam cup is handy and he fill it halfway with cool water.

Walking back to Katie, he tilts her head up again, putting the cup to her lips.

Laura wraps her arms around Nate's neck, letting him carry her down the hall. Despite the bad day, a smile was on her lips. She didn't care who saw them like this.

Being set down on her feet again, she relents with a nod. "Okay. I'll rest. Wake me if anything comes up - anything at all."

Returning Nate's kiss, she watches him leave, then turns into the room, sinking down on the bed. It was softer than she remembered. Easing down to curl up on her side, the pillow seemed fluffier than normal... the blanket more comfortable... Her eyes fall shut.

Carson shrugs at Misty's comment about Gage. "I don't know... Man is born with a natural instinct for right and wrong... but if you're brought up with that... I don't know." He watches the screen, interested to see Gage's interaction with Katie. "I can't tell if he's actually trying to make her comfortable, of if he's just taunting her."

Hearing Nate's question, Carson looks up quickly. "Not a whole lot." He reaches for his notepad. "Got some stuff that probably won't do us a whole lot of good, but...."

He lets go of Misty's hand to point some things out on the paper. "The pole Katie's tied to is actually an I-beam. This indicates that she's either in a large house or building - it's not just a little house somewhere. Also it looks like an unfinished basement. If we pretend it's a house, it would be one without a reported finished basement that they'd be paying more taxes on." he shrugs. "That hardly narrows down the search. The guy with her right now is Gage Pelzer. Lifetime with the Agency. He's in his twenties... I was just telling Misty that he was born into the Agency - never been out. That doesn't help on a location though either because he's been sent all over the place."

Carson squints at some of his scribbles. "Um... whatever they're giving Katie is different than what Rick has. Though it looks like she doesn't like it, it doesn't throw her into a fit like Jason... and they give her a shot much more often than every 24 hours. So I'd say it's a weaker form of a better antidote. Beats me what it is though."

Reese looks down at the pictures Angelica places before him, and studies them for a moment, taking in her words. His heart sinks. He knew she was right.

"I was afraid of this." He sighs deeply. "I know it was all we had to go on, but Jason was desperate and took off on the wrong lead."

Turning his head his eyes meet Angelica's. "At least we got Reiker for shooting up a house and trying to kill Ryder though. That's enough to put him away - one less... Agency scumbag to... to worry about..."

With each word, his voice grows quieter, his eyes still looking into Angelica's. She was so close he could feel her breath on his face, and smell the sweetness of her skin. His eyes glance down then back up again and he swallows hard. "Thank you... for... all your help."

Ryder stands lamely in the hall as Phinox heads out. "Yeah...." He gives a short wave. "Later." Sighing, he looks down one way then the other. It was quiet. For such a stressful day, it was quiet. But there was nothing to pick up the pace. No leads. Phinox was right. This had been a dead end.

Wandering towards the main floor, Ryder isn't sure where to go next. He should probably report to Nate or something.

Scott doesn't even look to see who was calling him before he answers. Hope's voice catches him off guard, and he's quiet for a moment. But leaning back in his chair, a small smile escapes. "Hi, Hope."

He pauses, not really sure what to say. "It's not late - I'm still working." He hesitates again, not divulging any information about how he's really doing yet. His tone was quiet and sincere. "Are you calling as my counselor or my friend?"