

*As the gathering at the table continue laughter rings. Misty teasing Carson, Charlotte teaming up with Con on Bret, Katie endepth conversation with Nate, and so on. Everyone not feeling left out.

Jamie watches Con with the kids and smiles as Sarah stays siting next to her. A smile forming.

At the mention of frisbee everyone is a buzz again. Misty gives alittle elbow to Carson and nods.*

"Go on, it will be fun. I'll cheer for you from the sidelines."

*Misty trys to offer Carson a reasuring smile that she will be ok, and she dosent mind.*

*Jamie jumps up giving a smile to Con*

"I wanna be on Mike's team."

*Nate is the next to stand.*

"I got Mike's team too."

*Katie and Charlotte both stand as well.*

"We're in on Carson's team."

*One by one everyone pares off into teams and head out to the large field.*

*Misty stands and walks over to were Jen is grabing a deck on uno cards along the way. Sitting down next to her she smiles.*

"Want to play some cards?"

*Jamie throws Katie a look as they head to the large open area both girls noding and smiling.*

Antics and laughter

Jen giggles and nods. “Yeah, Kyle’s a quirker alright.” She shakes her head. “One of a kind. Can’t help but love him though.”

She looks up at Katie, question in her eye. “So what’s up with you and Jamie anyway? I smell trouble.”

“And I smell food,” Scott intervenes. “I think the food’s gonna be ready soon.”

Con threatens Nate with a backhanded swipe. “Watch it, bub. You ain’t too far behind me, ya know.” He picks up his end of the table again, emphasizing how easy it is. “So sush and put your muscles where your mouth is.”

Mike laughs and shakes his head. “Come on you two, quit bickering.”

After seeing that Bret and Charlotte would stay, Mike nods to another table. “Nate, Bret, you two can handle that other table and…” He looks to Charlotte. “You’re the referee in case these guys get out of hand.”

“Ooh, I wouldn’t want her as a ref.” Bret takes up an end of the other picnic table. “She’ll take the other guys’ side.”

“Good.” Con grins. “Maybe then somebody will finally be on MY side.”

Lugging the two tables down toward the activity, the guys finally get them set up with the other rows, in preparation for the meal. The smell of smoke wafts through the air as Wyatt and a Mitts cousin, Mark, fire up the grill.

“Send down the hamburgers!” someone calls.

“You got a plate?”

“Where are the hotdogs?”

“Michaela get down from that tree!”

“Tommy, where have you been?!”

“It was Kyle’s fault!”

“Hey, who stole the bug spray?”

“I found the hotdog buns!”

Con sets his hands on his hips and surveys the family chaos, enjoying it. It reminded him of his own family reunions. They had always been fun. His eyes scan the crowd for Jamie, and he finally spots her off to one side with some of the children. A smile spreads. It was a cute picture.

A boy comes running pell-mell down the small slope under the trees and is aiming for his brother near one of the tables, but as he races by, his foot catches on a tree root. Down he goes, hard enough it could be heard. Tears immediately well up in his eyes and he starts to cry, sitting up and holding his knee.

No family members seem to be in sight, so Con automatically goes to him, used to taking care of his own little cousins. “Hey, hey there, little man.” He kneels down next to him. “You took quite a spill there, didn’t you?”

The six-year-old looks up at Con with wide eyes, more surprised at his size than scared. He nods and wipes his eyes with a grimy hand.

“Can I take a look?”

The youngster lets go of his knee, revealing a scrape that was only bleeding a little.

“Aw, look at that.” Con pretends to examine it quite carefully. His eyes widen and his jaw drops. He points to the small cut. “Do you know what this means?”

The boy’s lower lip quivers and he shakes his head.

“It means…you’re gonna be just fine.” Con smiles and holds out his hand. “I’m Con. What’s your name?”

The boy sniffs and timidly takes Con’s hand. “Caleb.”

“Yo! Meat’s on! Bring yourselves over!” The shout comes from Mark at the grill.

Con keeps his attention on Caleb. “Hungry?”


Con stands up. “You coming?”

Caleb looks down.

Not letting the boy pout, Con reaches down and scoops him up, throwing him over his shoulder. “I say you are, how about that?”

Con’s peaceful nature evokes no fear, but instead brings a shriek and laughter out of Caleb. “Put me down!”

“Ohhh no.” Con starts towards where everyone is beginning to gather. “You’re not getting away that easy.”

By the time he’s halfway to the tables, two other cousins of Caleb’s have joined him and formed a rescue party. And by the time Con has reached the tables, he’s still got Caleb over his shoulder, another little boy under his other arm, a little girl hanging on his leg, and another boy clinging to him, trying to get Caleb down.

By now, Kyle is back with a soaking Tommy and he starts to laugh at the sight. “Con, you look like a magnet with a bunch of paperclips around. What happened?”

Con’s laughter delays his response. “I have no idea.” He spins around, looking for Jamie, who still has her little friend. “Help!”

Bret stands back with Charlotte and crosses his arms, a grin on his face. He shakes his head. “I knew he was a big teddy bear.” He elbows Charlotte. “Look at that – and the guys at work are afraid of him.”

A sopping wet Tommy comes bounding to the picnic tables, Kyle right behind as everyone gathers. Scott takes Katie’s hand again and moves closer to the group, Mike coming over to push Jen to give her a rest as they move closer as well.

Carson sees everyone congregating around the food and gives a little sight. “Well…I think I’m hungry. What about you?”

After Dan offers as prayer for the meal, chaos ensues once more as the line starts forward, everyone getting a hamburger or hotdog, then pigging out on potato chips, salads and deserts. Kids run and scream and laugh, adults chatter, and soon most everyone is sat down at one table or another. Those not part of the family are welcomed as if they were, and everyone is included in conversations. No one is left out.

“I want to sit by Con!”

“No, me!” Caleb squeezes in a small space on the bench to sit next to him, competing with his older brother.

“Nu-uh.” Jordan shoves him over, almost losing his plate of food in the process. Neither dare to take the other side where Jamie is.

“Hey now,” Con chides. “Jordan, you sit here.” He sets him down right next to him. Seeing the disappointed look in Caleb’s eye, he grins. “And you come right up here.” He takes the boy’s plate and puts it next to his, then twists around, lifting the small boy up over his brother to set him down on his knee. A prouder look on a child’s face could not be found.

“Phil, no! No! No! I… Ahhhh!” Kyle jumps up from his place a couple tables down, dancing like a crazed man as the ice cubes make their way out of his shirt. “Oh, oh oh! You’re dead, Phil! Dead!”

Phil backs off, trying to contain his laughter. “I’m sorry…I couldn’t resist.”

“Hey, Kyle!” Scott calls to him and tosses him a fresh ice cube. “Send one down his shirt for me!”

Kyle grins and starts after Phil, the two ending up in a chase around the tables.

“Get him, Kyle!” Camryn calls. She laughs and shakes her head, turning to Jason’s solemn look. “Oh, come on, it’s funny.”

Jason rolls his eyes. “Sure.”

“You are certainly a party pooper today, aren’t you?”

“I’m tired.”

Camryn sighs. “Well fine, be miserable. I’m having fun.”

Bret watches the antics, unable to avoid the contagious atmosphere of fun. For the first time in a long time, he actually was enjoying himself in a group of people. Chuckling at the laughter going on around him, he shakes his head and goes back to eating, only to steal a potato chip from Charlotte’s plate.

“Who’s up for frisbee after supper?” Mike yells.

Several hands shoot up.

“Teams!” someone shouts.

“Mike’s a captain!” another joins in.

As Kyle races past one of the tables, still chasing Phil even though the ice cube was almost melted by now, he points, yelling, “Carson’s the other captain!”

Carson’s eyes shoot up. “Hey, who said I’d…”

“Can’t decline once you’re picked!” Phil calls over his shoulder.

A new friend

*Nate smiles at Nancy and extends his had for the introduction.*

"I'm Nate and this is Laura. Thank you for inviting up."

*As the small talk continues and Nate can tell Laura is comfortable he makes his way over to where Con and Mike are. Coming up along side Con to help.*

"Your get old there if you acing over a table."

*Nate gives Con's good arm a gentile pat but cant help letting out a laugh and duck at the same time anticipating a swing in his direction. Composing himself again he moves to help with the tables.*

*Being able to tell the look on Carson's face what he was thinking Misty gives him a slight squeeze but saying nothing about it.*

"I'm not sure when I am going back eather. I miss it alittle, but the free time has really been nice. Though I do need a job so its probley best I do go back."

*In a sence Misty was kind of happy she was out of work. It couldent help but feel it just wasent going to be the same without Carson. He always broked up the day and gave her a reason to smile. Though she still had many reasons to do that it just wasent going to feel the same. Misty lets out a sigh and than smiles up at Carson. Leaning up alittle bit she gives him a reasuring kiss that everything will be ok.*

*Katie beams as Jen looks at her ring. Everytime someone complamented about it, or gaked over it she couldent help but feel even happyer inside. It made her feel good.*

*Jamie smiles at Scott and gives a laugh.*

"I think if anyone not just you tryed to help they would be in the way."

*Jamie cant help but shake her head a little. Leaning into Katie more Jamie brings a hand to her mouth and whispers something to her.*

*Katie lets out a laugh as Jamie whispers to her and then looks at her as she pulls away.*

"You care bad you know that."

*Jamie laughs and rolls her eyes*

"Me, you the one that told me to."

"Ya well I dident think you would but since you have I'll be there at the desanated time."

*Jamie laughs again and smiles giving a wave as she walks away.*

"I'll catch you guys later."

*Katie shakes her head as Jamie walks away and turns back to Jen and Scott.*

"That girl is crazy I tell you."

*Hearing the splash and seeing Kyle standing at the pool Katie cant help but laugh.*

"Well it looks like Tommy got to be the first one in. That brother of yours Jen."

*Jamie makes her way across the lawn soking in the sights and watching the people. Hearing the laughing of kids Jamie turns to see a bunch of little ones playin in a sandbox and than she spots alittle lonly girl over on the swing walking over Jamie sits down on the swing them to her and smiles.*

"Hi are you a Mitts too?"

"The little girl gives a nod."

"I'm a friend of Kyle's. My name is Jamie."

*The little girl just looks at Jamie for a long moment not saying anything.*

*Jamie holds her smile and looks to the other kids.*

"How come your not playing with everyone alse?"

*The girl studys Jamie for a moment longer and finally decieds its ok.*

"Because everyone picks on me."

*Jamie turns back to the little girl and rocks herself alittle on the swing."

"Awww...how come they pick on you?"

"Because I am small for my age so they say I'm a baby."

"Well thats not every nice of them. Maybe you should go over there and play anyways to show them your not a baby."

"Will you come with me?"

*Jamie's grin grows even more finding warmth in the fact the this child she hardly new had adapted to her so fast.*

"Sure, but only if you tell me your name first."

*The girl stands off the swing. She was tiny for her ager. Though she was 8 she probley could pass for 5 or 6.*

"My name is Sarah."

*Jamie holds her hand out to Sarah.*

"Well its nice to meet you Sarah. Let go play with the other and after if your still up for it I have something planed you can join in too if you want."

*Jamie and Sarah make there way over to the others and it takes no time before she is laughing with Jamie and the other kids.*

*Charlotte gives a wave to Con as he turns around. Than being asked to stay takes her by saprise but she recovers from it quickly as Bret ask his question. Looking at him she grins.*

"Well the coin said heads, so I dont mind staying if you dont mind. It might be fun."

*Charlotte really did think it would be fun and big groups of people dident bother her. Her own family was big after all and when they had a get togther it looked something like this though it was usaly indoors.*


Laura looks at Nate with question. Usually whenever he had something important to say, he’d just say it. “Um…okay, sure.”

She shakes off her confusion and follows him, leaning into him as he puts his arm around her.

Nancy greets them with a smile. “Macaroni salad right over here.” She points to an empty spot on one of the tables. She offers a hand. “I’m Nancy Howard. Since I don’t recognize you, I’ll assume you know my kids who are around here…somewhere…” Her eyes drift over the park and finally spot Jen and Kyle. “Well, there’s two out of three.” She chuckles and gets the attention of a man near her. “And this is my husband Dan.”

The broad man offers his hand as well. “Welcome.”

Laura nods and smiles at Nancy. “Yes, we know Kyle and Phil and Jen from JetStream concerts, so…when Kyle invited us, we figured it would be fun.”

“Oh, it’s always a blast.” Nancy laughs. “You can’t get away from the Mitts family without having a blast, let me tell you.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Well, as soon as Jen gets back over here, you can help me organize the rest of this food, and Nate…if you don’t mind, I think Con and Mike might be able to use a hand with tables.”

Carson gives a little grin. “Yeah, well, I wasn’t about to come on my own.” There wasn’t too much action going on around the spot they were sitting, but he liked it that way.

“Talked to Jason the other day…he wondered when you’d be coming back to work. I told him I didn’t know. I guess they miss you around there.”

Carson cocks his head to see Misty’s face. He was glad they missed her…it proved she had a place at TJY and was important.

His gaze drops though as he thinks of himself. He wished he would have been important enough to stay, but…he’d screwed up, and now needed to find a job, and pretty quick. He was already late on his rent.

“…yeah, I think you should.” Con takes the other side of the picnic table and helps Mike slowly move it toward the others. “He’ll probably buck ya about it.”

“Well, I was thinking if there was more of a reason…if the money went to something else, or something like that, maybe he’d be more willing.”

“Could be.” A pain in Con’s shoulder causes him to almost drop his end of the table. “Ooh, set ‘er down a sec.” Pausing, he rotates his arm, grimacing. “Getting back into work this past week kinda strained this thing more than it needed.” He rolls his eyes. Glancing to the side, he spots Nate and waves him over. “Hey, we could use your muscles over here!”

Bret laughs and turns his car around, heading for an open spot in the park’s parking lot. Once there, he and Charlotte get out and head slowly across the grass to where he’d seen Con. Now spotting him with a couple other guys, Bret approaches a little more cautiously.

“They put you to work wherever you go, don’t they?”

Con spins around and seeing Bret, a wide grin spreads. “Bret. What are you doing here?”

Bret shrugs. “Me and Charlotte were just driving by and we thought we’d just stop to say hi to ya.”

Mike can tell that Bret must be a friend of Con’s, so he jumps right in. “Stay, eat! There’s going to be plenty of food.”

“Oh, no,” Bret declines. “We don’t want to barge in on anything.”

“No, really,” Mike prompts. “A friend of Con’s is a friend of ours, and there’s going to be too much food for the rest of us to eat.”

Con nods his agreement. “Come on…stick around.”

Bret bites his lip and looks at Charlotte. They hadn’t had plans anyway – they’d just been playing the day by ear. “Well…?”

Jen returns Katie’s hug and gives her a big smile. “Hey, you. I’ve talked to you a million times, but it feels like forever since I’ve seen you.” She grins and takes Katie’s left hand. “Ooooh, it’s gorgeous!”

Scott grins as he slings his arms around Katie from behind. “I think the wearer is even more goreous.”

Jen looks up at him, her smile widening. “Just keep that perspective and I think you’ll be the winner.” She looks back to Katie and laughs. “I’m glad you came too. There’s always a lot of relatives here, but to tell you the truth, I know you better than most of my cousins.”

Glancing to the side as Jamie comes, she looks up at her. “Hi, Jamie.”

Scott nods to her too, chuckling a little. “Saw they put Con to work already. I was going to go help, but…with him moving things around, I have a feeling I’d just get in the way.”

A loud shriek and a huge splash turns many heads toward the corner of the park. Kyle was standing with his hands on his hips at the edge of the pool, someone in the water splashing around. He’d obviously thrown Tommy in.

Turning and throwing up both hands, Kyle yells to whoever is listening. “Pool’s open!”


*Nate smiles back at Laura as he parks the car. Turning he smiles at Laura.*

"Not a problem. In all honesty, I needed some time away too. I feel like I'm getting burnt out. Speaking of which reminds me a little later I need to talk to you about sometime important."

*Getting out of the car Nate goes over to Laura side of the car and opens her door. Than reaching in the back seat he grabs a big bowl of Macroni salad. For a moment Nate lets out a small sigh as his mind wander to Maggie. She'd be with him today but she was off at end of the summer camp before school started up again. It felt stangs and the house felt quiet and empty but he hoped she was having fun. Laura had spent a bunch of night over at the house for dinner, and Nate even invited Rick and Janit as well. So it was never quiet for to long. Nate liked it that way though. After she got back than it would be Nate's turn to go camping with her up in the moutains. It was something they did every year.

Locking the car up Nate slings his free arm around Laura and heads twords the crowd of people.*

"Hey Hey, we have some macroni salad here. Where should I set it?"

*Misty puts her arm around Carson and leaned gently on him. Wearing a navy blue tank and a par of darkbrown short proved to be a good choise for the heat. She also wore a bandana over her hair letting her long brown locks all out the bottom and one single strand fell out the front. Though her hair was growing back it still bothered her alittle. Giving Carson a small squeeze she was thankful for his help. Slowly each day she she regaining her strength.*

"Yeah, I'm going ok so far. This was a nice shaded spot you picked. Thanks for dragging me along."

*Misty tilts her head alittle and smiles at Carson.*

*Jamie smiles as Mike comes over to greet them.*

"Good to see ya Mike."

*As Mike and Con talk for a moment Jamie scans the faces picking out the people she new. It was nice to see so many people had shown up that she did know. She could bet it really ment alot to Kyle and the other. As she zones back in and hears Con talking about her fending for herself she gives alittle laugh and leans up to give Con a quick kiss.*

"I can fend for myself alright, its staying out of trouble thats the probley. Especially if my partner in crime is here..."

*Jamie scans the the faces again untill she see Scott and Katie a grin crossing her face.*

"..and so she is here. I'll catch up with you when you dont."

*Jamie gives Con's arm a gentil squeeze and breaks away from him heading for Katie and Scott."

*Katie smiles and waves with her free hand to Kyle her other interlocked with Scotts.*

"Hey Kyle. Thanks for the invatation. It will be nice to get together with everyone before the weather gets bad. It feel like summer just started to have it almost over already."

*Katie continues on her rout with Scott to the table puting the chips down. Stoping by Jen on the way Katie leans down and give her a hug.*

"Thank Jen for the invite this is going to be a blast."

*Katie smiles down at her friend. Than looking up she waves to Jamie as she see her coming there wave.*

*Jamie smiles and waves back.*

"Scott, Katie glad you could make it. Hey Jen."

*Aerith couldent help but laugh at Nancy. She was funny and enjoyable to be around. Not to mention Wyatt's added in humor.If felt good to laugh the last week had been pretty hard from going home to seeing her family and having to deal with them asking her to stay along with her grandmothers death was hard. Only to have the task now of cleaning out her house.*

"I'll stay here with Nancy and see if I cant help out some more. I'll catch up to you when you done?"

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt as her eyes shine it was going to be a good day.*

*Charlotte grins and looks out the window seeing Con and Jamie. Giving Bret a sidelong glance her grin grows as she reaches in her purse.

She'd been here for a week maybe a bit longer and there were so many days filled with coin toss, just siting in the bar for a drink, or attempting to clean up Bret's house so it wasent drery and Charlotte never tired of it. She was happy and enjoyed having someone to spend time with.

Taking the coin Charlotte toss it in the air. Slaping it down on her hand she looks up and Bret than removes it looking down again. Heads! Charlotte couldent help her grin that grew and her eyes the sparkled with mischefe*

"Oh this is going to be fun!!"

At the Park

Time has a funny way of passing. Sometimes it feels like it's just dragging by, the hours moving so slowly it almost makes us tired. Then other times it flies by so quickly that we can hardly believe it has passed at all. A week and a half seems to some an eternity, to others a speedy trip.

“Hey, you got those hotdogs?”

“Who took the lighter fluid?”

“Anybody got matches?”

“Where are those extra chairs?”

“I could use some help over here!”

“Phil back the pickup truck here so the coolers are closer.”

“Has anybody seen Jen?”

Family chaos in the park was only chaos to the outsider. But to the Mitts family, it was normal. Kyle, Phil, Jen, parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all dragged picnic tables together, prepped grills, got out food and spread blankets on the ground.

“Are we gonna swim yet?”

Kyle looks down at his seven-year-old cousin and sweeps him up for a short airplane ride. “You hot or what, Bub?”

Tommy squeals and giggles. “Yes!”

“Well me too. Let’s go see if we can get that pool open so anybody can go for a swim.” Heading toward the pool, he stops and points. “Hey, look! It’s Katie and Scott. We’ll take a detour to say hi to them first.”

Approaching, Kyle gives a wave. “KT! Scott! How’s the engage-ees doing?”

Scott smirks and holds up a couple bags of potato chips, his other hand holding Katie’s. “We come bearing food.”

“That’s always a plus.” Kyle grins and points to where most of the people are gathered. “Just toss ‘em anywhere up there. Tommy and I were just going to open the pool. It’s a warm one today. I think by tonight everyone will have taken a dip whether they came prepared or not!”

Carson leans back against the tree in the shade, watching everyone scurry from a short distance away. There were several people here from TJY now and he didn’t feel so out of place, but it did feel a little odd to be here. He’d only decided to come since so many people had asked, and it was something different to do. He’d opted not to get involved too much though, sticking close to Misty as she took it easy.

It did feel a bit good to get away from things for a little while. After spending several days with Misty at the hospital, then spending half the time at home and half the time at her place, still job hunting, just sitting down and doing nothing for a while didn’t feel so bad. Relaxing came just a little easier now that he knew Frankie had been shipped to the Utah State Mental Facility and Morgan was behind bars. That was one big stress removed.

Dressed in a t-shirt and khaki cargo shorts, his sunglasses shade his eyes and he rests his head back against the hard bark. Turning his head he looks to Misty. “Not too hot in this spot…you doing alright?”

Jason winces as he gets out of his truck, his knee turning the wrong way. “Dang it,” he mutters. His whole day had been like that. Since he’d rolled out of bed, nothing had gone right. He’d overslept, his shower had gotten stopped up, he’d stubbed his toe on his dresser, he’d gotten to work late, he’d fouled up something for Reese, he’d forgotten to call someone at another TJY base, Rick had told him that his knee wasn’t healing properly, he’d lost a whole file of computer records, his phone had gone dead, and he’d jammed the copy machine three times. A twisted knee just added to the misery.

“You okay?” Camryn comes around from the other side.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Jason grumbles. “Just run on ahead, I’ll get there in about an hour.”

Camryn rolls her eyes. “Take your crutches, move yourself and quit whining. We’re here to have fun, remember?”

“Oh yeah…fun.” Jason heaves a sigh and grabs his despised crutches. “Lead the way.”

“No, I think I’ll walk beside you instead.” Camryn throws him a sly grin. “I came along to be WITH you, not in front of you.”

Con slings an arm around Jamie’s shoulder as they walk across the grass from the parking lot, to the group gathered at the far end in the wooded park.

“Con, Jamie, glad you could make it,” Mike greets them. He looks to Con with a smile. “You’re just in time to help move some picnic tables.”

Con chuckles. “Sure, as long as Jamie doesn’t mind fending for herself for a few minutes.”

Bret slows his car as he drives past the park, glancing at the activity going on. It looked like some kind of private party. It was a perfect evening for it. Though hot, it would be one of the last good days of summer to take advantage of.

It was also a good day for finding things to do as it came, as he and Charlotte were doing once more.

Looking out the window, he spots a familiar person. “Hey, it’s Con.” Bret turns and grins at Charlotte. “Heads we stop and crash the party to say hi to him. Tails we just honk and wave.”

“You can put the chips here, and the salads over here, be sure they stay covered until we eat to avoid the flies…” Kyle, Phil and Jen’s mother busies herself around one of the tables, directing Aerith and Wyatt. “And Wyatt, you can help Mark get started with those grills – he can’t start a fire if he got paid to do it.”

Wyatt throws Aerith a grin to show his amusement at the organized chaos. It was fun to get away from everyday life for a while. He’d still been spending most of his free time with Aerith. Lately it had been to lend a shoulder as she faced her family and buried her grandmother. Now that she was cleaning out her grandmother’s house, he was gong over to help her, knowing it was hard for more reasons than one. But tonight…tonight it was all about relaxing and enjoying themselves in the midst of friends. “Well then I guess I better go show him how it’s done, huh?”

“As long as you don’t tell him I sent you,” Nancy laughs.

“…and then I thought I’d better call her back because…oh, there they are.” Laura points out the window, directing Nate where to park in the gravel lot. “Looks like they got a nice bunch of people here…I’d feel strange, but Kyle insisted that even though their family is the host that everybody and anybody was welcome.” She grins at Nate. “Thanks for coming along…I needed time away from the office.”