
New face

One of the darkest hours is when we have to see the ones we love hurt. Not knowing if they will be ok, and all we can say is time will tell. Time...we always come back to the same thing. Time, we follow it hoping it will bring good, but sometimes it brings bad. Leave our life in times hands.

Though she felt asleep the soft emotions slips there way in. Jason's unspoken words, broke through her mind bring a warmth to the darkness she felt lost in.

J...It's quiet here other than your voice. I don't feel....like I can open my eyes yet. I'll try!

But hearing Jason's voice calling her, was a prompt, to set her eyes on the man she loved once again. Slowly, very slowly Kaite's hand gives a twitch, as she opens her eyes squinting into the light trying to bring everything into focus.

Her head hurt, and she couldn't remember to much, her throat felt dry, and her hand stun. How long had she been a sleep?

Bringing a hand to her head, Katie turns it to one side seeing Jason laying there she gave a soft smile. Opening her mouth to talk, nothing comes out but a gasp of works with no voice. Trying again still the same resalt Katie could fell her heart start racing.

J...I cant talk. My throat feels dry and the words are in my head but wont come out. What happened? Why cant I talk?

Letting her hand slid from her head down to her throat Katie lays there in the bed, continuing to try and talk but nothing coming out. Maybe she just had to warm her voice up again.

Water...can you see if Rick will get me some water. I think that might help.

Once again standing outside the familure door Sapphire gives a small smile to herself. Freeing up her day had been easy and it was only for Gage she would do so. Knowing she had a promise to help him that needed to be kept.

A bag or grocerys more than just frozen meals were in her arms. Tonight she would cook dinner for Gage, they would work on his tree and just have a nice time together like always.

Seeing the smoke coming from the chimney in the dinning hall two women cross the yard. Making no hesitation it apears that at least one knows there way around and have been here many times before.

Entering the room and letting the door close quietly the room is scanned. Seeing Sparky's back to her, and jim across from him Annie holds a finger to her lips.

Coming up close behind her brother Annie bends down just a little.

"What you cant even say hi to your own sister?"

A smile spreads on Annie's face as she gives her brother a big kiss on the cheek and wraps her arms around Sparky in a backwards hug. It had been long, to long since she had taken off for her mission trip. But now she was back and she brought a friend with her as well.

The tall starwberry blond stood a few feet away, a smile on her face as her. Her smoky colored eyes scanning the room picking up on everything that went on around her, till her eyes land on Annie, and Sparky again. Annie talked about her family so much, it was nice to get to meet them finally.

Time goes by

Sparky just gives Rosetta a warm hug, trying to find his voice again. "Quit thanking me," he chides. "This old man is getting tired of it." Drawing back again, a grin is present on his face. "Before I leave, let me help you with the dishes."

No more is said of the past or even the future. All that could be said had been already, and there was no use in rehashing it again. The time spent in the kitchen is quiet but gradually a few smiles return, and the tension in the air dissolves into a peace... an unspoken understanding that everything had changed, yet nothing had changed at all.

And later as Sparky wanders towards his bunkhouse, he stops and looks up to the starlit sky. There was an awful lot to be thankful for. Sighing, his breath could be seen in the air as he continues his short walk. Stopping on the porch, he glances a few bunks down to see Jade bidding Dan goodnight and he smiles. Amidst the turmoil, there was still good to be found.

And good continues in certain lives, the bad filtering through to reveal itself as trials to both strong and weak. Some trials are ominous situations that are feared and create worry. Others are small, but bothersome. Yet all have an end. All must be conquered.

And as the good times and trials come and go, the clock ticks on. The hands of time turn around as constant as the sun, and days begin to pass...

Dylan paces the small room like a caged animal. Sweat runs down the sides of his face and his hands shook. Slamming his fists into the door again and hurling curses at the top of his lungs brought no relief, though he did it anyway.

Hearing the commotion going on inside the room, Adam looks at Mick with question. "You sure you want to do this?"

Mick nods. It had been two nights ago that Dylan had been brought. Since then, he had been totally uncooperative, and Mick had been told not to see him. Today, nothing had changed. If anything, it had grown worse. But Mick wanted to see if he could get through to him. He knew that if it really was unwise, Adam wouldn't let him. All Adam was concerned about was Mick's own state of mind.

"Yeah. If I get into trouble, pull me out. I just want to see if he'll respond to me."

"Alright, I'll let you. Just be careful."

Mick nods again. When the door is unlocked and opened, Mick slips inside. The thin, pale, enraged young man before him was not the boy he used to know. His stomach churns with a despair, seeing his son like this. "Dylan?"

Dylan stops his pacing only to throw Mick a glare. "You." His eyes narrow angrily. "You got me in here, now get me out."

"I can't do that."

"Yes you can!" Dylan takes several strides towards his father, his fists balled up at his sides. "You're the one that sent in your stupid little team to bring me here. You had no right - get me out of here!"

Mick stands his ground calmly, even though his own nerves were shot. It had been a rough couple days for him too, and his bloodshot eyes proved it. "No. You're going to stay here until you're better."

"I don't need to be fixed!" Dylan shouts. "Least of all by a man who was never around anyway. Get out!"

Mick felt the stab going deep into his heart as emotions flood his eyes. "I'm sorry I was never there for you, Dylan. I could stand here all day and try to justify it and explain to you all the reasons, but the bottom line is that you're right. I was never around. So if you want me to take some blame in this, go ahead and blame me. I've already blamed myself already."

Dylan didn't want Mick so willing to comply. Right now all he wanted was a fight. Adrenaline surges through him as he lunges at his father.

Mick turns quickly. Though a bit unsteady, he was still much more experienced when it came to fighting. Sidestepping Dylan's lunge, he reaches out to grab him from behind, putting him in a tight bear hug that held his arms down.

"Let me go!" Dylan shouts, hurling out another curse. "I'll kick the crap out of you for putting me in here!"

Tears stung Mick's eyes and he struggles to maintain a grip on his son. Dylan was stronger than he'd predicted. "No." His response was firm but not angry.

"Come on!" Dylan's energy was dwindling fast, his pulse racing. He fights against Mick's hold, trying to rip himself loose, but it's no good.

"Just calm down, Dylan, please. You can make it through this. You can do it. I know you can."

"What do you know?" Dylan hisses. "You don't know nothin' about me or what I'm going through. You and your perfect life, you don't know how I've lived. You don't know me at all!"

"You're right that I don't know you, but I do understand," Mick counters. He hadn't planned on doing this, but it might be the only angle left. "I do understand."

"No you don't!"

"Yes, I do!" Mick finally raises his voice, giving Dylan a jolt as he backs up against the wall. "Do you think I'm staying here just for you? I'm here for me too, Dylan. I do understand what you're going through because I'm going through it too."

Dylan stops struggling, breathing heavily. "What?"

"That's right." As much as Mick hated to admit it, maybe right now it was best. "I'm here because my drinking problem came back. It's no one's fault but my own and I've never been more ashamed in my entire life. Every night is filled with guilt and every day is torment, knowing that I'm going to give in again eventually because I'm too weak to say no. I hid it because of my shame. I'm supposed to be a leader, a husband, a father. But I turned into a drunk instead."

Mick's voice starts to waver as a tear runs down his cheek. His strength was wearing out, but Dylan wasn't fighting anymore. "I know the pain. I know the self-inflicted suffering. I know the feeling of wanting to die unless I just get one more drink. You're not alone, Dylan. You're not alone."

From his angle, he couldn't see that tears were streaming down Dylan's face too. As Dylan's knees buckle, the weight brings them both sinking to the floor, Mick still keeping him in a firm hold. Dylan clings to him as a wail breaks out and he slams a fist into Mick's arm. Sobs follow, his entire body shaking.

Mick keeps him close, rocking him slightly and leaning his head on top of his son's. "It's okay... it's okay... you're going to be okay."

Dylan didn't have the strength to try and stand. All he could do was cry the tears that had wanted to be shed for months, but he hadn't allowed them to. All he could do was sob, unable to form any words that might describe how he was feeling. He knew the shame Mick spoke of. He knew the guilt. He knew the feeling of weakness. He knew the pain. Both his body and mind were in distress and he could do nothing but sit in a heap on the floor, soaked in his own sweat and tears, clinging to the man he hated and longed for a the same time.

In one corner of the world, hearts are hurting, stretching and changing. In another corner, light begins to shine through on what had started out as a dismal day...

Jade laughs and hides around the corner of the stack of hay bales, breathing heavily as she'd run from Dan through the barn. Peeking around the corner, the sound of someone behind her makes her jump and she gives shriek. But spinning around, she's all too glad to have been caught. Wrapping her arms around Dan, she returns the kiss, thinking they're alone in this corner of the barn.

Sparky cleans a nearby stall, keeping one eye on the two "youngsters," as he hides a smile. He knew they thought they were alone, so he remains silent. As the days passed, he found himself taking on more tasks and beginning to direct the farm hands. They were looking for a direction, and he seemed to be the one they naturally turned to. He didn't mind, and stepped up to the plate, though he knew it was not permanent. He continued to assist Rosetta, filling in wherever he was needed, and at the end of each day, he was surprised to find that their relationship had grown - but in a very healthy and right direction. It felt good, so he tried to ignore the little feeling of loneliness that still existed. His plans for the future were still up in the air.

At the same time life moves on for those who were looking forward to the future, others futures are in a fog, totally unknown. Worry comes with the passage of time, and only prayers can ease that form of pain...

Rick checks Jason's and Katie's vitals once more, sighing, then returning to his work. No change. Neither was in bad shape, but neither in good shape either. Research thus far was leading them to believe it was as Rick suspected - that whatever Jason had been shot with, was some kind of amplifier. When coming into contact with his emotions, it multiplied them so rapidly that it was basically an explosion. Their only concern now was waiting to see if the result had been fatal.

Another worried figure sits by Katie's bed, her hand in his. "Come back to us Kate," were his soft words, spoke more than once, in between his prayers.

Rick looks over his shoulder at Jeff, wishing that he were in better shape himself. Though functioning, he was still quite thin and pale, making one wonder if he would ever be the same again after his recent hard bout. Only time would tell. Time... loved and hated.

While the hands of time manipulate the passing of the days, some hearts yearn for more. Some hearts yearn for rest...

"No, he still won't talk." Adam shakes his head as he sip a cup of hot tea. He and Mick were back in front of the fireplace. It always seemed to become their normal place of rest and discussion.

Mick sighs deeply. "Not even after he broke down, huh?"

"Nope. It's strange though." Adam runs his finger along the rim of his cup. "He wants to get through this. He won't say so, but he's doing all he can. Last night was one of the worse ones. Brenda stayed up all hours with him, and she said she could see that even though his body wanted the drugs, his mind was fighting it for all he was worth. Didn't utter one complaint."

Mick frowns. "Then why won't he talk?"

"I don't know. Maybe he's protecting someone."

"Maybe. But he knows those other three were arrested. And he knows that I've worked out a deal with Reese so he won't have to serve time. So why? What's he still hiding?"

"Perhaps he's just too ashamed of what happened." Adam gives Mick a knowing look. "How about you? How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay." Mick nods. "Shakes have stopped. It's getting better."

"Glad to hear it. Have you thought about when you go back?"

"A bit." Mick lets out a long sigh. He felt so weak. "I guess all I can do is make sure everyone is aware of my problem so that I can't fool anybody. I'll have to set some pretty thick boundaries for myself and make sure the others help me keep them, even if I give them a bad time."

Adam smiles. "Good for you. I know it doesn't get easier each time you fall but... you've come a long way, Mick."

"Will I always have this fight?"

"Yes." Adam states the fact plainly. "This second time around proves it. But as long as you stay away from the things that will cause you to fail, you won't have these problems."

Mick falls silent again, allowing his mind to think through everything. He was glad he'd come. He'd needed to get away from everything and come somewhere he could sit, think, and get through this without hurting the ones he loved any more than he already had. He missed them though. But he had to stay until his confidence was back, and until Adam agreed he was ready to leave.

But in the end, no one knows the future. Everyone hopes for the outcome they want, and sometimes it comes. And sometimes disappointments come instead. But no matter what, time brings adventure - for that's what life is. It is an adventure to be ridden out with the thrill of the ride.

Jason's ears gradually pick up sounds around him. There was the slight whirring of computers, the soft buzz of florescent lights and the clicking of chair casters and heels on the tiled floor. In a sudden panic, he sits bolt upright, his eyes blinking rapidly as the bright lights hurt and everything is blurry. Opening his mouth to speak, he feels his throat dry and scratchy. Unable to see or talk clearly makes his heart rate pick up and he fumbles with the blanket, only finding that he's hooked up to an iv. Before he can pull it out though, two strong hands press him back down to his pillows.

"Easy, easy," Rick soothes. "It's alright, Jase."

Jason continues to blink. He just couldn't focus. "Rick?" he finally manages to ask hoarsely.

"Yes, it's me. You're in the infirmary. You're okay."

Jason eases back, relaxing a little bit, though his mind races. "Where... what..."

Rick starts checking his vitals. "Just take it slow. How do you feel?"

"I hurt all over," Jason mumbles.

"Anything in particular?"

"My head... eyes hurt... and my hand especially."

"Mm." Rick looks closely at Jason's eyes, using a pen light. He waves it slowly back and forth. "Can you see this?"

Jason does his best to focus, but the light from the ceiling was just so bright and it made his eyes water. "It hurts."

"Alright, it's okay, just close your eyes for now."

Jason gives another sudden lurch. "Katie."

"She's right here," Rick assures. "Four feet away."

"Is she okay?"

"She will be. Just like you."

Jason tries to relax again. Searching the emotional flow, it felt a little off kilter, almost like it was worn out, but nothing seemed wrong. He sensed Katie was asleep, but not in trouble, so he remained silent to her. "What happened?"

"Well, what do you remember?"

Jason frowns. "Um... Texas. We got ambushed and..." He stops, swallowing and wincing. "Can I have some water?"

"Sure." Rick moves to bring back a small glass of water, also waving Misty over in case he needed her, then helps Jason sip the water slowly. "Do you remember anything else?"

"I got hit... and then..." Jason shakes his head. "All I remember is pain, and Katie trying to get me to stop but I couldn't."

"Mm-hmm. That's about what Wyatt said."

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About a week. Just like Katie."

"A week?" Jason found it hard to believe. "Wow."

"Yeah." Rick wasn't about to tell him how scared he'd been, and how close they'd come to taking them both to the hospital. He'd been worried that both of them would slip into comas, unable to wake at all.

Jason moves the fingers in his left hand, feeling the bandage. "I hurt my hand?"

Rick purses his lips. "Um... yeah. But it's healing well." He sets a hand on Jason's shoulder. "Can you wake Katie?"

"I... don't know. Why?"

"I need to know if she's going to wake up too. You both were in real bad shape, and she needs to wake up if she can."

Jason thinks for a moment, then nods. Everything was still pretty fuzzy, but he does his best to concentrate.
Katie? Rick's trying to get you up, Babe. Can you hear me?

Gage cocks his head at the white tree in the corner of the room. It wasn't very big, but it took up a lot of space in the tiny room. He didn't mind though. Sapphire had helped him pick it out, and it had been a fun outing with her. Now he stood with a box of blue lights in his hands, not really knowing how to go about this. Sapphire said she'd help, but she'd been busy, then he'd been too tired. Now he didn't know where to start. Lights first? Or those shiny blue balls they'd picked out?

Sighing, he sets the decorations aside again and flops down on his mattress. He was tired from a day of helping put up a shed behind the community building downtown. He was hungry, but his frozen dinner just wasn't appealing enough for him to eat it. He'd rather just sit and maybe nap for a few minutes.

Sparky scoots some chairs up to the tables in the dining hall, picking up a few pieces of garbage to throw away and straightening the salt and pepper shakers. He didn't normally do these kinds of tasks, but it was a slow day in the barn, and he was trying to keep busy. It got pretty quiet around the ranch this time of the year, but he always forgot until it came around again. He wasn't bored, but he didn't want to be left alone with his own thoughts either. Unfortunately, this small task did leave him too much time to think.

They'd heard from Brenda McClain about Mick. She said he was doing well and that he loved and missed everyone. The message was especially for Rosetta. Though he couldn't talk to anyone himself yet, Brenda was confident that he would pull through and would be able to return home soon. It had given people hope... but the more days that passed, the more tiresome it became. Ten days didn't seem so long, until you realized how much had already been missed out on.

Puttering around the kitchen, Sparky finally warms a pot of coffee to pour himself a cup. Sitting out at one of the tables by himself, he's eventually joined by Jim, though conversation is pretty quiet.


Just letting the silence linger for a long while Rosetta's own mind drifts. Thinking about the past and everything her family had been through. Sparky, Wes, Mick through it all they had always been there but her heart had always lead her back to the one person.

The what ifs and what could had clouded her mind in this moment of weakness. Being alone, having no one to turn to Rosetta had lost sight of what was important and could of lost more than her brother in law if she had crossed a line here tonight. She could of lost her family too.

Maybe she would of be happy with Sparky, and maybe they would of had a happy and peaceful life together, but what she would have sacrificed for that? No this is what God wanted and though thing were hairy, and she felt down, and alone God would see her relationship with her husband though.

Feeling Sparky sit next to her Rosetta is pulled from her thought, but as she is pulled that one desire that had been held on to is left behind being swallowed up by the fog. Her brother in law, her friend, that is what remained, and that was something special in itself.

Leaning into Sparky's brotherly arm Rosetta rests her head on his shoulder for a moment. His words were soft, and comforting. As Sparky pulls away a little and Rosetta looks up into his eyes, listing to his words seemed to give her a new strength.

"I'm doing my best to keep my head up here Sparky."

Not really knowing what else to say knowing Sparky would at least stay around till Mick got back she felt honored. Just knowing there was another man around the ranch really helped even though this was probley one of the safest places to be.

Not knowing what else To really say and seeing Sparky's own eyes become a little wet Rosetta reaches out taking him in a embrace. Even at there age they had growing pains.

"Thank you Sparky. It means a lot to me."


Somehow, Sparky's eyes drift down to the table once more as Rosetta talks. It wasn't that he was trying to disrespect her, or ignore her... but being here right now with her... alone... when he could offer her comfort... it was a temptation that he wasn't so sure he should be allowing.

Hearing what she had to say about him leaving makes his mind reel in a whole new direction. But even that halts as he suddenly hears her voice falter. Glancing up, he realizes that the tears had come again. And he couldn't blame her.

Not even sure what to say, he just sits, wishing he were better at knowing what to do... wishing he had the answers... wishing that he could take away the hurt that his friend was going through. Even when Rosetta apologizes unnecessarily, he's still quiet, at a total loss. His heart hurt. Regrets swarmed over him, haunting him like they had in the past.

And then his eyes catch sight of a toy of BJ's on the counter that hadn't yet been put away. His line of sight moves towards the door, seeing one of Mick's jackets hanging up, and a pair of his boots, still with paddock mud dried and caked on them. Turning his head a little, he sees the same photo that Rosetta had been looking at over the fireplace.

Then shifting his gaze back to Rosetta, he studies her for the longest moment... And all of the pieces seem to fall into place. She had what she deserved - a family... a family that loved her. There were bumps, and Sparky was very upset with Mick for what had happened... but it was just a bump... a small spec in the middle of the big picture. And the big picture was of the family Rosetta had. Maybe she had questions about what could have been. Maybe Sparky had questions about what might have happened, had he had more guts. But in the end, there was no point in asking those questions, or trying to figure out the answers. Because an answer would never come. It never could be, and was no longer in the plan.

God had laid out certain paths for all of them. And perhaps there had been forks in the road that would both have led to pleasing results. But what was now was what God was working with and working through to bring good. Whether Sparky and Rosetta could have had something or not just wasn't the point. The point was that she had chosen to go left instead of right, and God had blessed her with Mick - her best friend and husband. Why would Sparky wish that she did not have that? It was only selfishness that created the temptations in his heart.

Sparky was here now as a friend... a brother-in-law... a brother in Christ. There was a barrier that should not, and would not be crossed. Temptation had been born of regret and on a minor level, jealousy - neither of which were godly. Perhaps it had been good for him to voice his feelings... if only to hear them himself and realize that it was all for naught. His job was not to replace Mick - his job was to make the burden lighter while he was gone. His job was not to support Rosetta - his job was to support this family as a whole, including Mick.

And in that single instance of revelation, a small, lingering flame dies within Sparky's eyes. It was a flame he had allowed to burn for too long, hiding it in the corner and hoping no one saw. Tonight it had been exposed, and in being brought forth, he was given the opportunity to finally let it die.

But with the death of a flame that should not have been, that small hole that was left was immediately filled with the peace God had been trying to offer for so long. He'd been waiting for this very moment, waiting for Sparky to let go. And now, finally, He had the chance to let a new bit of peace be released in that hidden corner of Sparky's heart.

As if he'd been in an hour-long dream, Sparky blinks, realizing now only seconds had passed. But a time so short could be an eternity in God's eyes - and in those few seconds, new perspectives had risen. New realizations had been born. And new feelings had replaced those which had been thought impossible to remove.

Seeing Rosetta's tears, Sparky leaves his coffee mug and moves around the table to sit next to her. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he pulls her into a warm hug. "Don't apologize," he directs softly. "You have a right to cry." His embrace was one of a brother... one of a friend... one of someone who wanted to help, but not create a bigger chasm.

Moving back a little, he wipes a tear from Rosetta's cheek and looks her in the eye. "We can't change the past, but the future is ours to make. You have a family that needs you... and a husband who loves you more than anything else in the world. I know it's tough, but you can't give up... you can't live in regrets and you can't ask the impossible 'what if' questions. What's done is over and shouldn't be dwelt on. What should be dwelt on is the future... when Mick comes home and when your family will be together again. God's not gonna let you down.."

He pauses, his gaze going deep into Rosetta's eyes. "And satan's not gonna get a foothold between you and me either. You'll always be a sister to me. And I wouldn't want it any other way."

Maybe those words still stung just a little bit. And maybe he didn't notice that his own eyes had become just a little wet. But he spoke the truth. He spoke what he truly did desire, when he stripped away the regrets and selfishness.

Holding Rosetta's hand, Sparky nods. "I can't promise I won't leave. But you have my word... I won't leave before Mick comes home."