
Almost Time

*Misty firry eyes shine in the moment, basking in Carson's comment about it being her day and about the grilled cheese. Geting Carson up and moving alittle would be good for him and it was a nice day outside anyways.*

"Ok, we are going to go to Lunch than, movies, and than home on your request for grilled cheese. And if we decied to do anything inbetween that we will."

*Misty stands and holds her hand out to Carson to help him up before heading out the door.*

*The sun was hot pounds down at Charlotte as they reach the water fall. The light misty hiting Charlotte's face and arms felt good. As Bret shakes the water from his hair and it sprays on Carlotte she lifts her hands up trying to stop it from landing on her. Leting out a laugh that was almost a harmonic sound.*

"Hey, watch it."

*Charlotte cant help but grin. So far everything about this day was great. It was nice having someone to spend time with. Steping up next to Bret Charlotte over looks the view with Bret. Her breath almost geting caught in her throt. The view was amazing. The way the light glicened off the land, and the shadows streched as if reaching out. Charlotte had never seen something more prettyer than this.

Steping away from the ledge Charlotte returns to her back and gets her water taking a drink as the heat continues to make its presence know. Standing again she streches and looks back at the pool of water geting a grin acorss her face. Siting down on a large bolder Charlotte takes her showes and socks off. Rolling up her pants she sands going over to the waters edge. Steping her one foot in she pulls it out quickly gives a shiver. Looking back to Bret she grins.*

"Your right that is cold."

*Turning back to the water Charlotte sticks her foot back in along with the other. Standing almost lifeless for a moment She breaths again regaining feeling in her legs as they start to get use to the water. As she leans down to run her hand through the water and splash some on her face her pant leg unrolls and falls down landing in the water causing it to soak it up like a spunge. Leting out a grone her looks to Bret again her grin growing alittle showing she really dident mind like her words said.*

"Oh man...so much for trying to keep my clothing dry. Oh well Tal es la vida!"

*Charlotte jumps forward diving into the water submerging herself. After a few moments coming up farther out in the water.*

"Its not quiet as bad when you do your whole body as once."

*Leaning back She enjoys the cool water on her skin from the hot day. Looking up at the sky she just rests watching the clouds as she floated ontop of the water. Leting her mind wonder. The clear waters washing over her offering the cool chrisp feeling to her. So much passed through her mind as she felt calm and relaxed. It wasent often she went some where this deserted with a person but something about Bret was nice. Maybe this is what Angeal was talkign about oh so long ago before he died. Charlotte remebers his words like they were yesterday. "When you know something is right Baby Sis you'll feel it and dont resist, but when you know something is wrong and you feel it dont be scaired to backdown." Finally she leans back up looking at Bret as she treds in place. She cirtently dident feel wrong for being here with Bret at the moment. She enjoyed his company and the say he talked.*

"Its amazing, one would think all the water felt the same, but this water here, it just feels so clean, just come run your hand through it."

*Charlotte smiles up at Bret from the water, the light from the san dancing on the top, the water almost unmoving except for the little ripples Charlotte gave off from moving a bit.*

*Bj smiles looking up at Con taking his good hand in one of his, his fingers geting lost in Con's and his other hand taking Jamies.*

"Ya, wets go."

*As Mick enters the house Rosetta almost screams seeing him. Half being shock and half not wanting her to see him.*


*Than seeing his hand over his eyes she shakes her head.*

"What are you doing? I though your clothing was in the bunk. AND WHAT on earth happend to you."

*Rosetta goes to stand and go to him when Katie pushes her back down.*

"Oh no you dont. Your in white your not going near him when he looks like that."

*Rosetta looks to her neace and shakes her head, giving alittle laugh and not moving till Mick was gone again.

Hearing a car Katie stands and looks out the window to be saprised to see her father.*

"I'll be right back."

*Katie heads out of the house and takes a few steps twords Jay before breaking out into a run throwing her arms around him huging him tight. She was happy to see him, she was happy he was there.*

"DAD....You made it!!"

*The next few hours fly by as everyone get ready and the finishing touches are being made. Food is coming in and out of the kitchen going to the barn to get ready, hair is being done, ties tied, shirts tucked in, dress being zipped. The Chaos slowed but new chaos started as the excitment grew and the time came near.*


“Mmm…” Bret thinks about Charlotte’s observations of him, contemplating if he thought them true or not. He had to admit that she pretty much had him pegged. Not that he’d tried to hide anything…he hadn’t exactly been shy with her since yesterday.

A wry grin escapes. “Alright, you win. I’m transparent. Except you did get one thing wrong…I never said I actually liked wallowing in bars.” He cocks his head. “But you’re right about attractive women who talk back…and you definitely fit that category.” His eyes give her another once-over before turning back around to keep walking forward.

He listens to her talk about herself, finding her personality simply growing in appeal. It was too bad she lived in California. After this weekend was up, that would probably be it. But…maybe it was worth it. Bret hadn’t taken the time out to just break loose in a long time, let alone with a woman, and Charlotte had given him the prime opportunity. Not to mention she was the kind of company he enjoyed.

As she pauses to take a swig of water, Bret slows his walk, looking up the winding trail. “Well…I don’t know how many lives you’ve changed, but you’ve changed one man’s weekend into something other than bar wallowing, I’ll give you that.” He gives a light chuckle. With the downhill spiral his life was taking at the moment, this had already been a nice pick-me-up.

Hiking for just a while longer, the waterfall comes into view, and Bret leads the way up to it until they’re standing just feet away, a light mist reaching them.

Grinning, Bret sheds his backpack and steps forward, sticking his head into the crystal clear water. Drawing back, he sucks in his breath. “Wooee, is that cold.” He laughs. “Sure feels good though.” He shakes his head quickly, letting the water fly. Standing back, he admires the view from the high point they’d hiked to. One could see for miles from up here.

Carson shifts his weight and finally sits up, accepting the water and aspirin, downing a couple pills. He knew he needed time to heal, but he needed to buck up too. He had another round in just two days now and had better get with it. If he couldn’t get around today, he had no business getting back in the ring again.

“Having you around, I can do anything.” He puts an arm around Misty’s shoulders, pulling her in to give her a kiss. “Today is your day…we’re going to do what you want to do, and the expenses are on me.” He lets the spark show in his eyes. “I just have one request…that if we have dinner here… we have grilled cheese sandwiches.”

Con chuckles at BJ watching the little girl. “Oh, Kiddo, holding a girl’s hand isn’t so bad. You might actually like it.” He gives BJ’s back a light pat. “Good job with the balloons. You think we ought to go see if they need any more help in there?”

Mel rolls her eyes at Katie’s question, giving a little sigh, and keeping her voice low. “Mick was apparently out riding for some ridiculous reason and his horse came back without him. Sparky and Eric went looking for him though, so I’m sure everything is just fine.”

Though she wore an air of confidence, a bit of worry was in her own eyes.

Camryn tilts her head at Wendy’s comment, receptive to the advice, and impressed with the analogy. “Thanks…I’ll keep my lure in the water.”

Grinning, she accepts linking arms with Wendy. “And I questioned if this was going to be any fun at all…I have a feeling it’s just started.”

Following Wendy to the tables for the reception, she helps out with the decorations, proving to be of help as she lets Wendy show her what to do, but adds her own flare and chats away, totally at ease despite being in a strange place.

“You gonna get that taken care of?” Sparky gestures to the gash in his brother’s arm.

“Yeah, yeah.” Mick gets Trebble back in his stall. “I just gotta go up to the house and get my clothes.”

“The house?!”

Mick raises his brow. “Yes, the house.”

“I thought you had your stuff in the bunk.”

“Well I didn’t want to have to move everything after Rosetta and I get back next week. I’ve been moving my stuff in for weeks now.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me – your good clothes are in the house.” Sparky throws up his hands.

“What?!” Mick tries to twist his head around to see the injury on this upper forearm. “Just let me go get them.”

“But Rosetta’s in there!”

“And…?” Mick rolls his eyes. “It’ll only take me a moment, good grief.” He heads down the aisle.

“But Mick!!!”

Mick strolls out of the barn and heads to the main house, leaving his disgusted brother behind. Gingerly feeling his injury, he steps up onto the porch, his work clothes, grass stains, blood and all. Knocking, he doesn’t wait for an answer, and barges in. “Sorry ladies!” he calls loudly. Covering his eyes with one hand, he sidles inside and slips sideways down the hall, running into a lamp, but catches it before it falls. “I’ll only be a moment, don’t mind me…” Feeling along the wall, he reaches a chair where one of his bags is to pick it up.

A taxi pulls up to the driveway, letting someone off, and drives away after they’ve been paid. Jay shoulders his small bag and walks down the drive, heading for the mess hall.

Hours pass

*Geting out of the car Charlotte changes into her more suteable sneakers, and takes her bandana and ties it over and under her hair providing as headband to keep her hair out of her face. Taking out a few other items and places her water bottle back in along with a few other thing slinging it over her shoulder and ready to go.

As Bret turns around and continues to walk back words throwing his statment at Charlotte she grins at him thoughtfuly.*

"..But I do know who you are for the most part. Your name is Bret, you like to wallow in bars, You talk talking to attractive women who will talk back. I know you were married and it dident work out. Your pretty good at pool, and you like a challange thats why you dident turn me down yesterday. Everything alse I dont know about you, I am sure as our adventure continues I will learn and I am sure they are all fun and exciting things."

*Charlotte continues to walk dodging roots, and fallen branches on the path.*

"And yes, I guess I am brave. Am I fearless, goodness no, but I do like walking on the wildside and taking risks. You seem like a pretty good guy Bret from what I have seen so far, and I have no worrys. Life is to short to walk day by day fearing what could happen. I like living my life to the fullest, so when my time on this earth is up, I know I lived a full one and maybe changed a few peoples lifes along the way."

*The sun reflects off Charlottes eyes causing them to flicker and glow with life. Reaching into her bag she pulls out a bottle of water and takes a swig returning it back to her bag.*

*Misty smiles down at Carson giving him a kiss and feeling his hand on her face.*

"Well...its far to early to eat dinner yet. So I was thinking maybe we could go relax see a movie, grab some lunch, maybe do alittle grocrey shopping so you can actully having some good food in your house....."

*Misty throws Carson a grin.*

"..grab a few dvd's, come back here watch them and I can make us a nice dinner. Or if you not feeling to up to it we can just hang out, go to dinner, grab some dvds and come back here. It just depends how your feeling. You need to take the rest of the week easy so those ribs can heal. I dont wanr you over doing it."

*Misty moves slightly reaching out and grabing the asprin and poping the bottle open than the bottle of water handing it to Carson to help his head.*

*BJ continues to laugh and squeel as Con picks him up continuing to tickle him. Gasping for air and trying to squerm out of Con's arms. But to no avail the small boy cant. Finally being put down BJ stands tall fixing wrinkles in his clothing.*


*BJ shakes his head."

"...I wash hiding."

*BJ looks around Con's brawd body to a little girl about his age standing in a soft pink drink with her hair done up. As she looks around at everyone it like she is looking for someone. Spoting BJ she smiles and gives alittle wave. BJ jumps and stands straght again as he hides in front of Con keeping his voice soft.*

"Rosey wants me to hold hans wifh dat girl."

*BJ scrunches up his nose at Con.*

"But I did hewp Wendy wift some ball...bubbles..baboons. In the mess hall."

*BJ beams at her acompishment.

Jamie cant help but smile and give a laugh as BJ trys to pronounce Balloons giving Con's good arm a soft squeeze.*

*Rosetta turns to Mel and gives a nervouse smile and taking a deep breath.*

"If you can for me those flowers on the table need to be tied with that ribbon. One for myself thats the one with the Roses and than 3 others, for Angel, Katie, and yourself. Just bundle them together however you think they will look good. You have a good art eye Mel."

*Rosetta smiles as she heads into the bedroom for a moment.

Katie stands from one of the chairs where she was working on puting ribbons around the wine glasses for the reception. Looking up at Mel she waves her over keeping her voice low.*

"Is everything ok? Aunt Rosetta keeps saying she is geting a bad feeling in her stomach like something is wrong. I keep trying to convince her its just wedding jitters but I'm not so sure myself now that 3 differnt people have come in looking for Mick. I think she is starting to worry herself."

*Wendy looks at Camryn for a moment thinking about what she said.*

"Sometimes when a fish bits at bate once, and gets hooked only to be throw back in new water it gets confused. Being leery of the next peace of bate it bits at."

*Wendy follows Camryn's eyes outside staying quiet for a moment.*

"...Keep the bate in the water long enough, and prove to the fish you wont give up and he will bite, he just had to make sure he wont get hurt again."

*Wendy lets out a sigh. She new how much Jason and Katie had cared for eachother, and how it must of tore at both of them to break it off. But now she new they were moving on, Jason deserved to be happy as much as anyone alse, and she hoped the fish would bite again.

Linking her arm around Camryns she gives alittle tug.*

"Good, I need all the help I can get at this point we are geting down to the last wire. Follow me."


Bret puts the car in gear again and gives Charlotte a sidelong glance as she hands him the quarter. "Keep it. We'll probably need it again."

It doesn't take long for them to reach a sideroad that takes them a couple miles off the main highway to a small gravel lot. Parking, Bret pops the trunk and retrieves a backpack to put a couple of the apples in, some trailmix and his little digital camera.

Once Charlotte is ready, he locks the car and leads the way toward a wooded path. They were truly out if the middle of nowhere, and the sense of the unknown adventure hung in the air.

"You know..." Bret turns around to walk backward for a moment. "You're pretty brave to come out here in the boonies with a guy you don't even know."

Carson gives Misty's hand an extra little squeeze at her reassuring words. "I don't understand you, Misty...but I sure am glad you are the way you are..." His words trail off, his body unable to resist the temptation of sleep as her hands lull him into a relaxed state.

...Carson's eyes fly open and he gives a little start. Blinking, he tilts his head to look up at Misty, realizing that he'd fallen asleep. "Sorry," he mumbles. "Guess I was more tired than I thought."

Thinking for a moment to bring himself out of his fog, he reaches a hand up, his finger outlining her face. "It's a lucky bloke that wakes up to the face of an angel." Searching Misty's eyes, his own reflect too many thoughts and emotions to even try sorting out. "I could stay here all day, but then I'd be going back on my word about doing something with you." He quirks a grin. "So what's the game plan?"

For but an instant, Con sees a strange look pass through the eyes of the child before him, and he suddenly realizes what BJ is talking about. Compassion hits him hard for this little boy that had been through things no six-year-old should have.

He breaks into another smile at BJ's theory about how he got hurt, and laughs as Jamie starts to tickle him. Intervening, he reaches down and scoops BJ up to hold him sideways under his left arm in such a way that he can't wriggle out. "You think I can't handle somebody on my own?? Huh??" His long fingers reach BJ's ribs to pick up where Jamie left off.

After a few more minutes of teasing BJ, Con finally lets him back down. "So what are you doing anyway? Are you helping set things up?"

Mel takes her instructions from Wes and makes her way to the house. Knocking first, she steps inside to find a slightly panicked atmosphere. Grinning at Rosetta's nervousness, she shakes her head. "Your soon-to-be brother-in-law wanted to make sure you weren't getting the jitters...I guess I'm too late."

She smiles and approaches the others. "Anything I can do to help?"

Clint rolls his eyes and stuff his rag in his back pocket. "Alright, alright. I'll go get dressed, if just to get you off my back." He points a finger at her, then Camryn. "I don't know why, but something tells me that the two of you can be a deadly combination, so don't think I'm not watching you..."

Turning to leave the break room, his foot catches on one of the chairs and he stumbles forward toward the door. Catching himself, he whirls around, aiming his fist at the chair. "And don't you start!"

As he slips out of sight, Camryn can't help her giggle. "Looks like you caught a fine one. I get the feeling Clint can be an awful lot of fun." She turns her head toward the window where she can just see Jason a ways away, walking with someone she didn't know. "If only I was so lucky," she comments ruefully. "But how can you reel in a fish that won't even look a the bait?"

She shakes her head with another laugh. "Okay. I would love to help you with the tables. Just point me in the right direction!"

"...so yeah...I still got bad bouts every once in a while."

Adam remains in quiet thought for several minutes as he and Jason stroll the perimeter of the ranch yard. "Well, I'm sorry you're still having trouble, Jason. From what you're describing now though, I would have to agree that perhaps these episodes are more than just the flashbacks you used to have."

Jason stops and turns to him. "Is there any way I can make them stop?"

Adam sets a hand up on his shoulder. "I wish I had a magic formula for you, but you know it doesn't work that way. I taught you how to walk through your past, and in doing so, it helped rid you of the "typical" flashbacks. But this..." He shakes his head. "The more I see you and study your case, the more I realize that you're indeed unique. Whether it's the kind of trauma, or whether it's the way your brain processes the information, for some reason, when you're caught off guard it's like blowing up a dam and letting everything out all at once."

"What do I do?"

"Let those close to you know what's going on so when it happens they can help you. Don't be scared of it and don't be ashamed of it. It's apparently something you can't control. Let people know what to do to help pull you back out - which is something only you know... and just keep working on those memories. This may very well be something that follows you the rest of your life. Or, it might fade." Adam gives an encouraging nod. "But no matter what, I have a feeling you'll survive...you're too hard-headed not to."


He looks up quickly to see Jade at the side of the house. "We need someone tall!"

Jason gives her a wave and calls to her. "Coming!" He turns back to Adam. "Guess that's my cue."

Adam grins. "Guess so. If I don't get a chance to talk to you again...you take care of yourself, alright?"

"Yeah..." Jason nods and turns to jog toward the house.

Adam watches him leave and gives a little sigh. The exchange had been brief, but he could tell there was an awful lot on the young man's mind. Jason hadn't mentioned prison, but Adam knew good and well that something like that would have affected him.

"Mick!" Sparky spots a figure on the ground next to Trebble who was standing quietly, his leadrope dangling loosely. He urges his horse forward quickly, with Eric behind him. "Mick?"

Mick looks up to see two riders and sighs, rising from his crouched position by Trebble. "Nice timing."

Sparky skids his horse to a halt and dismounts quickly. "What are you thinking?!" he raises his voice. "What happened?"

Mick frowns. "Look, Trebble spooked, I got hung up in his rope and he pulled me right out of the saddle."

"Oh that was smart."

"Don't rub it in!"

"Well are you okay?"

Mick grimaces and shows a tear in his shirt where there's blood. "Oh, I caught a rock or something, but I'll live."

Sparky rolls his eyes. "Well for pete's sake don't let Rosetta see you like that. She's in enough of a tizzy the way it is."

Mick raises his eyebrows. "She is?"

Sparky looks his brother in the eye. "Mick...it's...your...wedding...day.... hello!" He waves a hand in front of his face. "Now get your hind end back to that ranch and get yourself cleaned up! You only got a couple hours."

Mick smirks at him. "I do know what time it is, and since I do have a couple hours, I don't get why you're so ancy."

"I give up." Sparky throws his arms in the air.

Mick notices Eric sitting quietly on his horse. "And what are you doing here?"

"Nothing but enjoying the show." Eric grins. "Tell you what, you take my horse so you can lead Trebble and I'll ride double with Sparky back."

Mick gives a disgusted sigh for the whole situation and nods. "Alright." He takes hold of Trebble, satisfied the young horse wasn't injured from their little episode earlier.

It takes at least twenty minutes for the three riders to come back into view, and Mick tries to slip into the barn without letting anybody see his injury.

Scott wanders around the ranch, feeling miserably out of place, though he does find a few people he knows, and winds up chatting with Pete for several minutes. His nervousness of the crowd grows, but he tries to suppress it, winding up heading for the barn.

As he's walking down the aisle though, his eyes suddenly start to water and burn. Looking down, he sees a barn kitten. "Aw, no...no, kitty." He scoots the kitten back with his shoe, but it meows and trots back enthusiastically.

Scott sneezes and starts to back out of the barn, beginning to wheeze. The kitten follows right along like a clueless shadow.

Still Time

*Charlotte takes in the sights not minding there wernt many buildings or cars. Seeing he open planes, and the moutains in the distince was enough for her. Taking a sip of her pop she lets the fresh air blow through her hair, feeling the nice breeze on her hot face.

As they pull onto the side of the road Charlotte studys the sign for a long moment. Puting the top back on the drink Charlotte puts the bottle down. Taking the coin from from Bret once again she sends it flying in the air only to be caught and slaped down in her other hand. Before removing it though she looks at Bret and smerks slowly looking down uncovering the coin and finally looking down revealing it to be tails. Looking up and she grins again.*

"Looks like we are going on alittle hike. I guess its good I decied to bring my bag after all with some stuff in it. Like sneakers, and a bandana."

*Charlotte's excitment grew. So far the ride, company, and chating had been a blast to set the mood proving today was going to be a great day leting her grin grow on her face as her eyes catch Brets.*

"I dont know about you but I am starting to like chance and fate, more and more by the minute."

*Charlotte holds up the coin between her two fingers for Bret to take back.*

*Misty continues to cradle Carson's head on her lap. Her hand continuing to run through Carson's hair, than along his forhead, and side of his face. Her fingers running sloftly on his skin taking great care as they go over his cuts and bruses. Her other hand staying interlocked him his, clinging to them as if scaired to let go for they might be lost forever. Closing her eyes for a moment Misty gets lost in though. Thinking, wondering, hoping, trying to push those red flags from her mind. Finally opening her eyes as she feels him wince shattering her thoughts Misty looks down at Carson. Her eyes filled with the emotions she felt, the emotions that showed proof to her words. *

"I'm still here Carson. You havent lost me and I dont plane on going anywhere. I care to much about you to just say goodbye."

*BJ looks up at Con.*

"Yes you did..."

*and for a moment the small boys eyes grow dark for a moment. He was little and he was young but his memorie was good. BJ was far smarter than a normal child his age, and sometimes it showed more than other. BJ remembered one person he remembered well that he has spend much time with that never did come back.*

"...but dhat dosent always mean you will. Shank you for keeping you word."

*BJ gives Jamie and Con a hug again a little extra tight this time. Finally pulling away his eyes light up again and a smile on his face. Pointing to Con's arm that was in the sling he asks.*

"What happend? Did Jamie wrestil you wifh out me to protect you and you dot hurt on mistake?"

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she ruffles the little boys hair.*

"Hey watch it there little man, or I am gonna to tickle you to death."

*Jamie bends down to knee level and wiggles her fingers at BJ till the meet his sides.

BJ lets out squeels of laughter.*

*Wes gives a nod to Camryn.*

"Like wise."

*But had no time to say more as Mel pulls him aside. Hearing the news about Mick his eyes grow wide as he keeps his voice low.*

"You have got to be kidding me. Now...at a time like this.."

*Wes brings a hand to his head for a moment thinking. What would happen if something horrable happend to Mick. Rosetta would be crushed. This was not ment to happen on a wedding day. Wes new, and prayed though that it was nothing, it had to be nothing. Rosetta and Mick had gone through so much, and waited so long for this it had to work out. Looking back at Mel he gives a sigh.*

"Ok..I'll go take a count of who we have here and who we are still waiting for. Can you check on Rosetta for me? Make sure she isent having normal geting married day freakouts. We have time to find Mick. I am sure everything is going to be ok. And if you hear anything alse let me know."

*Wes heads out of the shop and disapears trying to take a count of who they had, greeting others along the way.*

*Wendy gives a playful elbow to Clint as she smiles at Camryn.*

"Yeah I hold my own pretty well."

*Wendy thinks for a moment about everything that still needed to be done on her own list she had wrote up of stuff to do.*

"Actully, I do have something I could use some help with. I need to finish puting up some of the table decarations if you want to help me do that. It will give me alittle bit of comapny to"

*Wendy looks back at Clint a smile playing on her lips.*

"..And you get dressed all ready."

*The next truck to pull in and park behind Adam's was Damiens. For a long moment he just sits in the truck feeling a bit akward by beng here. He dident feel it was his place, but was honnered to have been welcomed anywas. Finally gives alittle sigh Damien's steps out. Mick and Rosetta were going to be adopting his son, that in its self was an honer to him. To keep the little boy in the family, and to know at least he could see his son when he wanted and get to know him. It would be good to see Wendy again as well. Slowly he was geting to know his daughter too. It still felt stange at times but not nearly as bad as it use to be. Not to mention Annie had invite him to be her date. It made Damien feel good to be wanted, and to know he had come a long way.

Annie smile as she see the truck enter the lot. Walking over to Damien she smiles.*

"You made it."

*Damien smiles back taking Annie's hand in his and walking with her twords the tent and group of people.*

"I wouldent miss it for anything."

*Angel cant help but laugh as she sits with Luke. His arms wrapped around her felt nice. Looking up at Jeff Angel shakes her head.*

"Sorry Jeff, I cant help you on that one. He has a mind of his own and I rather think its kind of funny watchign you."

*Angel sticks her toung out at Jeff and laughs.*


Bret eyes what Charlotte bought with approval and starts up the car again, pulling back onto the road. He looks at her with surprise. “What are you asking me for? I don’t have a clue where we’re going.”

Tossing her a sly grin, he steers north again, letting the open windows be their air conditioner. After a while he has her break out some of the food and pop. The road he chose has little stops and seems deserted for the most part with rarely another car in sight.

Finally a sign comes into view and Bret pulls off onto the gravel shoulder, staring up at it. “Alright, copilot, we got some choices now. Heads we go right and visit that aquarium and see some sharks and dolphins. Tails we go left and hike up the trail to Sparkling Falls for the view.”

He hands Charlotte a quarter. “Let chance have its way, mademoiselle.”

Carson was planning on getting up and trying to forget about how miserable he was feeling, but as Misty sits and cradles his head, running her fingers through his hair, he gives in to just lying still for a while longer. His eyes drift shut, her touch so soothing.

He reaches up slowly, taking her hand that’s resting on his chest, and interlocking her fingers with his. “I feel like I’m losing everything, Misty,” he whispers. “And I don’t know how to stop it.”

He starts to take in a breath to sigh deeply, but stops suddenly as he’s reminded of the break in his ribs. “Am I losing you too?”

Jason returns Wes’ handshake, offering a small smile. “Wes. Yeah, I made it. Gotta leave tonight, but figured it was worth the flight.”

He nods to Camryn. “This is my friend, Camryn. She came along for…”

“…To keep him in line,” Camryn finishes with a laugh. She shakes her head, accepting Wes’ handshake too. “No, really, he was just gracious enough to let me tag along. I’ve heard a lot about you, Wes…nice to meet you.”

Clint’s eyes widen as he hears his name being shouted. “Uh oh…” He cringes at Wendy’s threats. “Well I… I was almost…it’s…. I got hours left yet!!”

Noting that she has suddenly stopped and realized there were other people there, it’s his turn to give her a kiss. “If you would have given me enough time to speak, I would have told you we weren’t alone, my dear.”

Jason quirks a grin at her. “Hi, Wendy.” He nods to the side. “Wendy, Camryn, Camryn, Wendy.”

Camryn giggles, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Nice to meet you, Wendy. I see you have everything under control.” She winks at Clint. “Let her win this one. It’ll do you good in the long run.”

Clint eyes her for a moment, almost getting embarrassed, then recovering. He lifts an eyebrow at Jason. “Where did you say you found her?”

“I have no idea.” Jason throws Camryn a look. “But I’m about ready to stop claiming I know her if she keeps this up.”

Camryn giggles. “Sorry, sorry. I promised I would behave myself.” Knowing that even though Jason had said it was alright for her to follow him around, she didn’t want to keep him from doing what he wanted with the others at the ranch. She looks at Wendy with question. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“For pete’s sake!” Sparky throws up his hand. “Where is Mick?!!!”

Mel’s own face shows concern now and she doesn’t try to calm Sparky down this time. “How long have you been looking for him?”

“No one has seen him in at least two hours.”

Mel glances around the barn where they stood, then outside. “His truck is here, right?”

“Yeah…I already checked that. All vehicles that are supposed to be here are here, so it’s not like he ran off or something.” Sparky sighs. “Where could that scoundrel be?”

“What on earth do you need him for now?”

“I don’t need him for anything now…I just want to make sure he’s okay!”

A voice comes down from the hay loft. “Hey – you guys looking for Mick?”

Sparky stands back and looks up to see Eric. “Yeah. You seen him?”

“About an hour an a half ago he took out back on Zoe, ponying Trebble.”

Sparky grits his teeth. “That dang idiot.” He knew Mick had been training Trebble all week, but this was ridiculous. “I can’t believe he did that! Does he not know that a horse can skip one day of training and be fine? He’ll be gone for a week for pete’s sake!”

Eric shrugs. “Don’t look at me. I’m just the messenger.”

Sparky sighs. “At any rate, he should have been back by now.” Despite his irritation, a little bit of worry grows. He looks at Mel. “What do you think?”

“I don’t know, but we only have a couple hours, so make up your mind quick.”

Before Sparky can make up his mind, he looks out the back open door and freezes. Zoe was loping back through the field. Fully saddled. Without a rider. “Oh no…” Sprinting out the back, he heads off the mare, bringing her to a halt. She was hot and sweaty from a run, proving she must have been a bit of a distance away. Sparky keeps a hand on her reins as he checks her over, noting several gashes on her legs. What on earth had happened. Fear courses through his veins.

Taking the mare back inside, he hands her off to Mel. “Get her cooled off and put away. Eric, you’re coming with me.”

Within minutes, both have their own horses saddled and are mounting up out back beyond the eyesight of others. Sparky looks down at Mel, trying not to let his worry get the best of him. “Tell someone else what’s happened, but for heaven’s sake keep it down. It’s probably nothing, and I don’t want anybody panicking.”

With that final statement, Sparky and Eric take off across the field in the direction Zoe had come from.

Mel watches them for a moment, then heads around the front of the barn again, scanning the people mulling around. Finally, she aims for the shop. Getting inside, she sees several others there with Wes, and after offering a greeting, she pulls him to the side. “Mick’s horse came back without him,” she whispers. “He had Trebble out too… Sparky and Eric just rode out to find him.” She looks up at Wes, begging him to keep quiet. “Whatever we do, we can’t tell Rosetta.”

Another truck pulls into the driveway and parks with the growing number of vehicles. Adam gets out and scans the scene, a pleasant smile on his face. He’d gotten to know Mick pretty well, and knowing all that he’d gone through, to know that Mick had gotten this far left a good feeling.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he starts to wander towards the mess hall.

Jason splits off from the others to scout out the surroundings and find his grandfather. As he nears the mess hall, he spots Adam.

Adam sees him and stops, giving a wave and a smile. “Well, Jason…I didn’t expect to see you here.” He stretches out his hand.

Jason accepts the handshake. “Couldn’t resist. How are you?”

“I’m great. Things are going real good. And you?”

Jason hesitates. “I’m alright.”

Adam quirks an eyebrow. “I get the feeling that’s not the whole truth.”

“You can still read people like an open book.”

“Once you got it, you don’t lose it.”

“Yeah, well…I guess things aren’t perfect, but…I’m surviving.”

Adam cocks his head as he looks up at the younger man. “There’s a big difference between surviving and living…”

Con smiles from ear to ear as BJ comes running up. “Hey, there he is!” Roughing up the boy’s hair, he laughs. “Of course we came back! We said we wouldn’t didn’t we?”

Luke manages a smile as Angel sits next to him, and slips his arm around her shoulders to bring her close, planting a kiss on her head. "I'm better now..."

Giving a little sigh, he knows her question wasn't just the normal casual inquiry. "I'm okay...as long as the guys are around to help me around." His eyes drift to the ground. He knew he could be using a wheelchair to get himself around, but just the thought of it depressed him. "I got a good job though." He points to the decorations, forcing another smile and raising his voice a little. "As long as Jeff listens to me!"

Jeff looks down from his ladder and smirks. "Angel, will you tell that man of yours to have a little more mercy?!"