

“Mmm…” Bret thinks about Charlotte’s observations of him, contemplating if he thought them true or not. He had to admit that she pretty much had him pegged. Not that he’d tried to hide anything…he hadn’t exactly been shy with her since yesterday.

A wry grin escapes. “Alright, you win. I’m transparent. Except you did get one thing wrong…I never said I actually liked wallowing in bars.” He cocks his head. “But you’re right about attractive women who talk back…and you definitely fit that category.” His eyes give her another once-over before turning back around to keep walking forward.

He listens to her talk about herself, finding her personality simply growing in appeal. It was too bad she lived in California. After this weekend was up, that would probably be it. But…maybe it was worth it. Bret hadn’t taken the time out to just break loose in a long time, let alone with a woman, and Charlotte had given him the prime opportunity. Not to mention she was the kind of company he enjoyed.

As she pauses to take a swig of water, Bret slows his walk, looking up the winding trail. “Well…I don’t know how many lives you’ve changed, but you’ve changed one man’s weekend into something other than bar wallowing, I’ll give you that.” He gives a light chuckle. With the downhill spiral his life was taking at the moment, this had already been a nice pick-me-up.

Hiking for just a while longer, the waterfall comes into view, and Bret leads the way up to it until they’re standing just feet away, a light mist reaching them.

Grinning, Bret sheds his backpack and steps forward, sticking his head into the crystal clear water. Drawing back, he sucks in his breath. “Wooee, is that cold.” He laughs. “Sure feels good though.” He shakes his head quickly, letting the water fly. Standing back, he admires the view from the high point they’d hiked to. One could see for miles from up here.

Carson shifts his weight and finally sits up, accepting the water and aspirin, downing a couple pills. He knew he needed time to heal, but he needed to buck up too. He had another round in just two days now and had better get with it. If he couldn’t get around today, he had no business getting back in the ring again.

“Having you around, I can do anything.” He puts an arm around Misty’s shoulders, pulling her in to give her a kiss. “Today is your day…we’re going to do what you want to do, and the expenses are on me.” He lets the spark show in his eyes. “I just have one request…that if we have dinner here… we have grilled cheese sandwiches.”

Con chuckles at BJ watching the little girl. “Oh, Kiddo, holding a girl’s hand isn’t so bad. You might actually like it.” He gives BJ’s back a light pat. “Good job with the balloons. You think we ought to go see if they need any more help in there?”

Mel rolls her eyes at Katie’s question, giving a little sigh, and keeping her voice low. “Mick was apparently out riding for some ridiculous reason and his horse came back without him. Sparky and Eric went looking for him though, so I’m sure everything is just fine.”

Though she wore an air of confidence, a bit of worry was in her own eyes.

Camryn tilts her head at Wendy’s comment, receptive to the advice, and impressed with the analogy. “Thanks…I’ll keep my lure in the water.”

Grinning, she accepts linking arms with Wendy. “And I questioned if this was going to be any fun at all…I have a feeling it’s just started.”

Following Wendy to the tables for the reception, she helps out with the decorations, proving to be of help as she lets Wendy show her what to do, but adds her own flare and chats away, totally at ease despite being in a strange place.

“You gonna get that taken care of?” Sparky gestures to the gash in his brother’s arm.

“Yeah, yeah.” Mick gets Trebble back in his stall. “I just gotta go up to the house and get my clothes.”

“The house?!”

Mick raises his brow. “Yes, the house.”

“I thought you had your stuff in the bunk.”

“Well I didn’t want to have to move everything after Rosetta and I get back next week. I’ve been moving my stuff in for weeks now.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me – your good clothes are in the house.” Sparky throws up his hands.

“What?!” Mick tries to twist his head around to see the injury on this upper forearm. “Just let me go get them.”

“But Rosetta’s in there!”

“And…?” Mick rolls his eyes. “It’ll only take me a moment, good grief.” He heads down the aisle.

“But Mick!!!”

Mick strolls out of the barn and heads to the main house, leaving his disgusted brother behind. Gingerly feeling his injury, he steps up onto the porch, his work clothes, grass stains, blood and all. Knocking, he doesn’t wait for an answer, and barges in. “Sorry ladies!” he calls loudly. Covering his eyes with one hand, he sidles inside and slips sideways down the hall, running into a lamp, but catches it before it falls. “I’ll only be a moment, don’t mind me…” Feeling along the wall, he reaches a chair where one of his bags is to pick it up.

A taxi pulls up to the driveway, letting someone off, and drives away after they’ve been paid. Jay shoulders his small bag and walks down the drive, heading for the mess hall.

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