

Ryder wasn't quite expecting Thirteen to make herself comfortable in his arms, but he doesn't mind. He rather likes it.

Scooting back a little so he can lean back, he lets Thirteen's head sink down into his lap, and puts his feet up on the coffee table. The kitchen light was still on and the dishes weren't quite done from supper. But if he fell asleep here, he didn't care.

One hand absentmindedly rakes through Thirteen's hair, soothing the tension away. A small smile comes to his lips. "I like it too."

His mind lingers on her statement about finding her father. He opens his mouth to say something, but then seems to think better of it. He'd made a promise. Sighing deeply, he leans his head back and closes his eyes, his fingers still combing her hair.

Jason is just turning to help Katie when he gives a jump as if he'd been shocked. It wasn't painful, but it was enough to have caused a disruption in the flow of emotions so that he felt it.

Spinning around he sees Katie, surprised at the curse and at her reaction to the pain. It's automatic for him to go to her, no matter what they'd argued about earlier.

Going to her chair, he kneels down in front of her, prying her hand loose so he can see. "You just pinched it good." He rubs it gently, knowing that the nerves were still quite sensitive. Touching her hand, he consciously emits gentler emotions than he had earlier, knowing that his touch would amplify them. There was a whole lot going unsaid between them though, and even though several months ago this would bring them closer, tonight it's just a method to calm nerves.

With every new word coming from Angel, Clint's gut tightens just a little bit more. He rocks in the easy chair, holding Chase a little closer. The same feeling like when he'd seen Cecilia so lifeless returns and he can feel himself fighting emotions.

Finding out about their baby's heart condition, Clint doesn't even know what to say. His eyes meet his wife's and all he can do is muster up the most encouraging gaze he can. Yes, they would still have Chase. But it was still heart-wrenching. He'd already fallen in love with both of his children.

His eyes fall to Cecilia and how small and delicate she was. He wanted to cry, but no tears came. He wanted to sit and hold her too, but he was holding Chase. He wanted to hold Wendy, but they were both caring for the babies. What else was there to do?

"Thank you." It seemed trite, but he thanked Angel anyway. "I... know you've done all you can. No one can ask more than that. You're right... we've been blessed with a healthy baby boy... and for as long as we have Cecilia... we'll always remember it."

One hand reaches over to squeeze Wendy's shoulder, trying to bring her encouragement. It was all he knew how to do.


Wrapping her own arm around Ryder Thirteen sinks into his chest and his arms. They wraped around her and gave her shelter, and comfort that she needed. She was happy to have Ryder around.

Still staying snuggled in Ryder's chest Thirteen brings her one arm around to his chest to rest it there with her head as she continued to think. Tilting her head just alittle to look at Ryder.

"I'm still going to find him Ryder. Everyone tells me to move on, but unless I face him I cant."

Shifting slightly on the couch Thirteen makes herself more comfortable as her head finds Ryder's lap and she snuggles into it.

"Its nice having you around. I like it anyways. You just....I dont know how to describe it, but I like it alot. You make me feel safe, and wanted. Thank you!"

Giving a wave to Carson as she enters Katie puts on the best smile she can. She didnt feel that great, and her emotion's were haywire but she couldnt let it bring anyone else down with her. She had to be the Katie everyone thought she was.

"Hey Carson. Yeah, Sure I guess. The best I can anyways."

Looking to Jason than to the door to see if the others were coming, she looks back to Jason again ready to follow him. Finally breaking off though Katie goes to where they normaly sit and start to push some tables together.

Hey Babe, come help me with these.

Though she had done it a million times this time her finger that had been injored in the Agecny attack gets in the way and is pinched between both tables. Giving a little yelp a curse slips from Katie's lips as she moves the tables and holds her finger a few tears forming in her eyes. The pain that shot through her hand was horrendous, more than it noramly would be. But her hand was still healing and it was tender. Doing her best to block the images that wanted to surface Katie sinks down in one of the chairs still holding her hand.

Back in Texas sometime before nightfall...

Giving Cecilia back to Wendy Angel always places Chase in Clint's arms. She had finished checking both over to see that there health was good, and give them the shots the needed.

Standing back for a moment Angel looks at Her daughter, her son-in-law and her two new grandchildren. There was something behind her eyes that she was not saying, a look that told there was more.

Seeing the way her mother was looking at them Wendy gives a small smile as she rocked Cecilia gentily as the little baby sucked on her fist. Her eyes so brightly looking around the room.

"Mom? Whats wrong? How do they look?"

Giving a small smile Angel lets out a sigh as she shakes her head a little.

"They look beautiful thats how they looks. Just like there mother and father."

Drawing silent again Angel hated the new she had to tell. She new it would hurt, and it wasnt fair but she couldnt keep it from eather of them. They had a right to know it was there child.

Coming over to the bed where Wendy sat, and the chair where Clint was next to her Angel sits on the edge of the bed.

"Clint, Wendy I have something I need to talk to both of you about. It might explain a little bit and than again it might leave alot of holes too."

Angel takes a deep breath and than continues.

"Cecilia has a very rare heart condition. It's much like what Rosetta had but with a child so small the chanses of survivle are slim."

The emotions in Angel's eyes were great. When it came to children it was her weak spot and the fact it was her grandchild made it even worse.

"I can't tell you when it will happen because I don't know. All I can say is enjoy the time you do have with your daughter and thank God for every moment with you. Though this might be a sad time filled with alot of emotions remember you still have another perfecitly health baby boy. I believe God has a special place in heaven for kids like Cecilia all in all she will be better off in the eternal fathers arms."

Hearing what her mother said tears filled Wendy's eyes. Her baby girl would not be with them long and every day could be the last. The emotions that came alot with that hurt alot.

"But, mom cant you do anything? Cant you help her? She looks ok!"

Angel shook her head. She new it was hard to understand and comprehend. It was even hard for her when she had the tests in front of her.

"No Baby, there is nothing I can so. Not with someone so small. And yes on the outside she looks ok but its her heart that is weak. Love her, get to know her, let her brother get to know her and make her happy before she leaves us. Thats all we can do. I'm sorry."


Jen pauses her work and looks to Katie with surprise then sympathy. It was true - everyone had expected her to bounce back. But it was only because Katie was always so strong, and never said anything if something was bothering her. "Oh, Katie..."

She reaches out to put a hand on her arm, but she's already starting to leave. "But, wait, I..." She watches in disappointment as Katie slips away. God, please send her your comfort.

Jen sighs and tries to concentrate on helping her brother with the last of the boxes. Katie had many outward scars now. It wasn't surprising that it bothered her, being out in public. Jen had felt the same way when she'd been in a wheelchair. The good thing was that over time, the scars would grow less and less evident - traces would remain, but she was still beautiful and the scars would diminish. The bad thing was that she had even deeper inner scars... scars that had penetrated her heart and mind... and those took far more work to dissolve.

"Everything okay?" Mike looks at her worried face with concern.

"Hmm? Um, yeah... I mean..." Jen knew Katie didn't want her to say anything. "Yeah, it's fine. Here, help me with this extension cord."

Jason waits for Katie, not saying anything yet. Hearing that she would go to Mom and Pops, he gives a little nod and starts out of the parking lot. "My sugar level is fine," he comments a bit dryly. Maybe it wasn't the whole truth, but he didn't need her worrying over him - not piled on top of everything else.

Pulling out into the street, the ride is quiet. Much quieter than normal. No verbal conversation takes place. No silent conversation takes place. Jason doesn't even turn on the radio. It's just quiet.

Finally getting to the restaurant, Jason parks near the entrance. Waiting a moment, he opens his mouth, then shuts it again. No, telling her now would just ruin the rest of her evening. But she had to know. He'd tell her when he took her home.

Sliding from the truck, he waits for Katie, then goes to the entrance, holding the door open for her.

Carson looks up from the back. There were no other customers there, but he'd planned on the group coming in and Dani had stayed late to help him out. "Hey, Hotshot."

"Hi, Carson." Jason gives a little wave. "The rest of the gang is coming. Just the five of us and Rocky might swing on over to join us too."

"Sounds good. Normal pizza and pop?"

"Pretty sure."

"I'll get on it." Carson waves and smiles to Katie too. "Hey there, Hero. You keeping everyone in line?"

Ryder offers Thirteen a gentle smile and a nod. She wasn't looking for romance tonight, she just wanted some comfort, and he could understand why. Though not knowing about Trent, she was still struggling with the concept of having a father out there who didn't care. That was hard on anyone.

Pulling her up into a strong hug, he just holds her for several minutes. "You'll be alright," he comforts quietly. "Just give yourself time... you'll be alright."


As the night comes to a close Katie finishs helping Jen with taking down the sound bored and a few other things too. It had been a tense night filled with lots of emotions.

Katie had done well trying to keep her own emotions in affect, and keeping the flashbacks and memories at bay. She hated the fight they had, had before and now hated the silence between them. Would they be ok?

Looking at Jen as they finish Katie lets out a sigh.

"Jen...I...think I need help. I dont think I ever got over the Agency taking me like I think I did. I almost died ya know and everyone just expected me to bounce back I even expected me to. Now Jason wants to cut off our connection, and I dont want that. Its making me have flash backs...and its bad enough I have to walk around with all these scars."

Jen was one of Katie's closest friends that she new she could always talk to. It was just so hard actully saying these things. Shaking her head Katie knows she is making no sence and almost on the verge of being hysterical. She shouldnt have to burden Jen with this. Standing Katie sighs again as her eyes give there apoligies.

"Never mind, I'm sorry to have bothered you with this. I'll be fine, don't tell anyone ok please?"

Not letting Jen answer Katie waves to the guys letting them know she would see them at Mom and Pop's as long as Jason was heading that way too.

Exiting the building Katie takes in a deep breath of air. It felt nice, it felt good in her lungs. Looking over to the truck, and seeing the figure sitting there Katie knows Jason was waiting for her. Slowly making her way over Katie opens the door and gets in. Just quiet for a long moment she goes to say something and than stops. Its a few more moments before she speaks again.

"I'll go to Mom and Pop's if your going to go. You really should eat something before you have a sugar attach."

Sitting quietly Katie glances at Jason before looking straight ahead again out the window. She just wanted things to be ok again. She wanted her and Jason to bed ok, she wanted herself to be ok. Would that ever happen?

Looking up from the pillow as Trent leaves Thirteen gets a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Almost like she wanted to cry out for him to come back. Why she didn't know, maybe at the Agency she had seen him, and he was kind to her. Maybe that's why he seemed so familiar.

Laying her head back down in the pillow she listens to the soft voice outside as Trent and Ryder say there goodbyes.

Within moments Thirteen can feel Ryder sit down next to her and take her hand. Slowly she opens her eyes to see him. It was nice to know Ryder was there for her, to have someone.

"Can I just have a hug?"


As Jason tunes up his guitar, he looks up quickly, hearing Katie's voice through the mic. His eyes sweep the room to find her, and he just looks at her for a moment. He would have thanked her... he would have said something back. But all he can do is look at her. He didn't know what to say anymore. Even if he tried, it would probably be the wrong thing. So he simply gives her a nod of acknowledgment.

All too soon, people start filing in, and it's time for the band to get in gear. The guys hang backstage for a moment of prayer before going out and Jen takes over the soundboard. Axel wasn't present tonight to help - no one had heard from him.

The lights dim and the music starts. The crowd loves JetStream as always. Jason's voice rings out clear, never hinting of the turmoil beneath the surface. Without Kyle, Phil is the one to make the most humor, along with Jason. The evening is full of music, laughter and clapping. Communication between Jason and Katie is minimal, if at all, other than him catching her eye every once in a while. The concert passes without any dangers.

By the time the band is cleaning and packing things up though, Jason is strung quite tightly. His nerves are high, his tolerance level and sugar are low. It finally becomes apparent to the rest of the band that something is bothering him, but when asked, he gruffly brushes them off. It wasn't worth a discussion. He just needed to get home and get some sleep or something.

Packing up, Jason is the first out the door. He would wait for Katie, then see if she wanted to go to Mom and Pops with the rest of them or not.

Fidgeting with his keys, he sits back in the truck seat, closing his eyes. Despite the evening being long and filled with many things, it was Katie's words that still rang in his mind. "You're hurting me, now let go!" His emotions churn and he puts a lid on some of them so they don't bother Katie too much yet. Just sitting in the quiet, he waits. It was strange to be at odds with Katie. They hadn't been like this since they'd first met. Were they just not going to get along anymore?

Trent's head snaps up, a look of something close to terror crossing his face before Thirteen finishes her goodnights.

Ryder looks at him and puts his hands up. He didn't know why she'd said that either.

Trent relaxes a little again. Apparently she didn't know.

Ryder stares at him a moment. "Go to her," he urges quietly.

"No." Trent shakes his head stubbornly. "I... I can't. I mean... no. She deserves better than me."

"There's not an ounce of judgment in her body," Ryder counters. "All she wants is a father's love."

"She needs to move on." Trent stands up from the table and finishes his coffee. "I should go."

Ryder sighs and nods. "Alright. Thanks for coming."

Trent heads for the front door, but stops, glancing into the living room where he sees a blanketed bundle curled up. As if being pulled, he moves in that direction instead, coming up alongside the couch. Reaching down, he places a hand on Thirteen's head for just a moment. "Goodnight," he whispers. Then he is gone.

Ryder watches Trent leave and shakes his head before locking up for the night. Going to Thirteen, he eases down to sit next to her, wanting to tell her goodnight. But he knew she'd been starting to get upset earlier. He takes her hand in his.

"You need anything before I go upstairs?"

Good Night Dad

Katie wanted to say more but she didnt know what to say. She hurt all over, and she was angry and she could feel Jason slipping away. Hating this feeling of division Katie cant help but be sorry she hadn't controlled her words before. She should of just kept her words in like everything else.

I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.

Putting the mic in her ear with a heavy sigh her head was heavy. Making sure it worked Katie spoke into it.

"I'm here, good luck."

Not getting the answer she wanted Thirteen stands from the table not answering Trent's question again.

"Thank you for coming to dinner and I hope your brother gets better soon."

Taking her glass from the table a tear was caught leaving her eye but only one. Entering the kitchen and putting her cup in the sink she makes her way back to the living room to sleep on the ouch calling into the kitchen.

"GoodNight Dad....sorry I just wanted to see how it sounded. GoodNight Trent, Ryder."

She wanted a hug, but she new better than to get one from Ryder while Trent was there.


"Option? You're being irrational!"

As Katie tells him he's hurting her, he's never let go of her so fast. A whole new wave of emotions hit him... mostly fear. What was happening to them?

His eyes flash with confusion and his own pain. "I don't understand you anymore..." Not knowing what else to do, he lets her go. Taking the rest of the food, he just goes inside, still confused, still frustrated. Too worked up to eat.

He hides his emotions from the rest of the band well as they prep for the concert. He leaves Katie alone, now afraid to even approach her again. At this point, he didn't even care about the mic anymore.

A few minutes before show time though, he can start to feel his sugar level dropping. It had been a long time since it had done that. It was a warning sign that his emotions were getting out of hand once again. The best he can do is chug half a bottle of orange juice that Jen gives him.

Trent's eyes stay glued to his coffee. "No... I can't, Jasmine. It's... it's better this way. You need to live for now and your future and not look for the past. Please... can you do that?"


As Jason takes her arm Katie looks down at it and than back up at him. Her own pain and anger boiled.

"The problem is, your not giving me an option anymore."

Looking into Jason eyes Katie's tears wanted to come again as they got cloudy. The feelings the emotions...everything all at once Katie could keep a killed headache coming on. She just wanted to move on now, she wanted to do what she came here for.

Still feeling the pressure on her arm it was a bit harder than he had ever grabbed her before.

"Your hurting me, now let go!!"

"Before you go I wanted to ask you...umm..."

Thirteen wanted to ask Trent something again but she was scared. She was told to drop it but she just could.

"...can you please tell me where my dad is?"

Never would have

Katie's words and her attitude stung and Jason gives a little growl. "Katie, come on!" He finally raises his voice.

Seeing she was going to go back inside without it settled, he takes her arm to stop her. "What is your problem??"

"Yo Jase!" Phil calls to him from inside. "We gotta eat before the show starts!"

"Yeah, we're coming," Jason hollers back to him. Then he looks at Katie again, his hand still on her arm. "All I'm trying to do is what's best. What is the big deal with wearing a stupid mic? You never would have balked before."

Trent almost flinches at Thirteen's touch. He hadn't expected her to take his hand, and he certainly hadn't expected her words.

His eyes start to burn and he looks away before the tears started. He was glad when the cup of coffee is placed in front of him, giving him something else to think about.

"I should get going," he mentions quietly.


Reaching across the table Thirteen takes Trent's hand gently. She wasn't sure why but she did it ways. Looking Trent in the eye Thirteen whispers.

"I forgive you..."

Thirteen is silent for a moment still searching his eyes she gives a tiny smile again. Starting again Thirteen continues with her explanation.

"...I forgive you for being part of the Agency that locked me away. You seem like a good man now, and..thats whats important."

Sitting back in her chair again Thirteen looks at Ryder and than to Trent again before down at her glass.

Looking up at Jason Katie shakes her head. She hated this and she hated Jason forcing her to do something she didnt want to do.

"You don't get it do you."

Grabbing the mic from Jason a small anger burned and she hated it...she hated to so much. Her eyes still watered.


Turning back to the car Katie takes the food starting to grab it and bring it inside.


Trent slowly shakes his head. "No... no number of good deeds ever makes up for the wrong. Not with man or God. It just doesn't work that way."

Looking down, he takes a napkin to wipe up the wet rings from his glass. "No, it takes forgiveness and grace from others. I could never do enough good deeds for the things I've done."

Sighing a little, he cocks his head, just looking at Thirteen. He couldn't help but study her... watch her. How would he know that she was being taught the right things? How would he know that she was being taught about God? How would he know how she was and if she was living right?

He looks down again. "Yet even with forgiveness... a man can be haunted."

"Aw, Katie..." Jason sighs as she gets out of the truck. What was with the tears? He didn't get it. This wasn't that big of a deal.

Getting out, he leaves the food be for now. Going around to her side, he faces her, reaching out to tilt her chin up so he could see her. "I'm not trying to be a moron here, ya know." He shakes his head, his emotions proving his confusion and frustration. "I don't understand why you can't deal with this right now... I don't understand why you're making it into a huge issue."

He tries once more by holding up the mic. "It's not a distraction... ignore it for all I care. But at least put it on in case we need it, alright?"


Looking up as Ryder comes into the room it startles Thirteen only because she was so deep in thought. But relizing it was Ryder she smiles at him.

"If the Agency pulls familys apart, and runes lives and you were part of that...so does that mean you need to do good deeds to make up for it?"

Thirteen asked innocently fishing for something, something and somehow she felt like she could trust Trent.

Realizing that Jason wasn't getting out of the car right away Katie waits. She new he was going to say something she only hoped it was something she would like to hear. But as Jason speaks again hands her the mic Katie's heart sinks. Just holding the mic for a long moment a tear rolls down Katie's cheek as her hand shakes. Pushing out the memories in her mind she trys her best but they just want to come. For once it felt strange to be the one with flashes. Taking the mic she puts it on the dashbored as she opens the door quickly.

No, I need to considerate tonight. I need to make sure the Agency dosnt show up. I cant have distraction.I have to keep you safe.

Getting out and closing the door behind her Katie's heart raced as she tryed to breath in the night air. It felt like someone squeezing her lungs and she couldn't breath.

Bending down Katie continues to keep breathing in deep breaths regaining herself the best she could.


Trent is quiet for a moment. He wasn't surprised by Thirteen's innocent persistence, but he wasn't sure how much he really wanted to say.

"Trent, would you like some coffee?"

He looks up to Ryder grateful for the brief interruption. "Um, yeah, sure, that would be great."

Ryder stays away from the conversation, having quietly but successfully made Trent stay a little longer.

Trent looks over to Thirteen again, studying her eyes. "Yes... I was as part of the Agency... for many years. Not by choice but... I did a lot of... regrettable things." Yes... there were a lot. He had betrayed his family over and over again. He could justify it with reasoning over the Agency's threats but when it really came down to it... he was just as guilty.

"The Agency eats people alive, Jasmine. People like me who get sucked in. People like you who never knew anything else. They ruin lives and tear families apart. It's what they do best."

Jason knew he was frustrating Katie, and that made him all the more frustrated. But he couldn't let his emotions boil... not on a concert night. Joined by Katie, he starts the pickup and pulls out to head for the fast food place to pick up the food.

Not a whole lot is said. Jason didn't know what to say. On one level, he and Katie were getting along great. And on another level, there seemed to be a wedge that was driving them apart. He didn't understand it and he wished it would go away.

It's not long before they're back in the parking lot again and Jason is shutting off the engine. But before gathering the food, he hands Katie a wired object. It was her mic.

"Humor me, Kat, please? I won't ignore you when you need me and I'm not going to shut you out. But please... can we have one evening of being normal for once?"


Not even worrying about his question for the moment Thirteen own curosity was now peeked.

"A life like yours? You...were in the Agncy right?"

Thirteen leaned on the table a little bit just watching Trent. She wanted to know more, she wanted to know why his voice soothed her, and why she reminded her of someone. She wanted to know who Trent was.


Katie states flatly.

I dont need my mic, so keep your emotions open. Its how we have always done it, and its not gone yet so thats how we will continue to do it. Please, and thank you!

Katie didnt like frustrating Jason, but she was frustrated too. Being swept up in Jason's arms Katie gives a small smile.

"Yeah, food."

Taking the list from Jen Katie looks over it quick before being ushered out with Jason once more. Finally getting out the door Katie looks at the setting sun. It was starting to cool off and it felt good, fresh but tonight it was hard to enjoy with so much on her mind.

Glancing to let left to see Jason head to his car Katie lets out a sigh before following quickly after him getting into his car.


A little sheepishly, Trent shakes his head. Another grin surfaces, this time, one of amusement. Thirteen was sharp. She was bright, and had a sense of humor and she was getting along well. Why complicate things?

"When you've had a life like mine, no... you tend to not want to talk about it very much." He cocks his head. "What about you, hmm? How is it living here?"

Jason pauses his work a moment, trying not to think about his emotions too much. He'd been trying to wean them away from their communication until they were really cut off, but Katie just wasn't cooperating. Not that he thought she would, but it had been worth a try.

He gives her a wry grin. "Keep your mic on and we won't need this." He taps his head.

Finishing up his work, he's just stepping off the stage when her question comes to him once again. He almost trips.

What did I tell you about-

"No!" A laugh follows his frustrated answer as heads turn in his direction. Grabbing Katie, he swings her up to cradle her in his arms and plants a kiss on her lips. "Food... we're talking about food, remember?"

Jen grins as she watches them, and hands Katie a list for some fast food. "Hurry back, you two."

"Oh, we will, this spitfire never slows down." Jason heads to the back, Katie still in his arms until they get outside. The sun has already started to set, and it's already starting to get cool.


Katie stands and gently taps Jason's head with her finger. She hadnt said anything till now but it was starting to get to her.

Only if you use that up there like we normally do! I'll take all I can get until we don't have it anymore.

Letting out a small sigh Katie turns from Jason. She didn't feel fine, she felt all messed up but what was the scene of saying anything it wouldn't fix one thing at all. She'd get over it all sooner or later. Just keep it out of mind out of reach and it would be ok.

"Who else wants some grub?"

Stopping Katie glance over her shoulder at Jason as a small smile forms on her face.

Will you marry me today?

"Well, I have Ryder and Katie is nice too...but that didnt answer what your family is like."

Thirteen gives a small smile.

"You dont like talking about yourself much do you?"

She might not understand much but she was pretty observant. Thirteen could tell Trent was uneasy talking about his family but she wasnt sure why. Maybe because he new she had non?


Jason eyes Katie as she speaks. He still had a funny feeling about how she was dealing with coming back from the Agency, but she always said she was alright, so he shrugs it off again.

"Oh, you'll get back into it," he assures.

Looks to me like-

"-you never left." He'd been trying so hard to depend on verbal communication that he doesn't notice his slight slip up, or how odd it must have felt to Katie. "Okay, I need something to eat. You wanna go pick up that supper with me?"

Trent tries to smile. Thirteen was just curious. He couldn't very well just shut her off. "It's a big ranch with horses and lots of nice people. Even the ones who aren't really family feel like it anyway."

Looking down, he gives a little sigh. "Even to the undeserving." Looking back up again, he shrugs, once more avoiding specifics about his family. "Kinda like what you got here. You got a lot of people who care about you and help you."


Looking up at Jason again Katie trys to give a smile.

"Hummm? Oh...I've been worse."

Katie giving a nod as she finishs taping something down next to Jason after being asked. Everything was such whirlwind a Katie had to wonder how she really was moving around. Maybe it was her body that new the rutean even if her brain wasn't registering it.

I just have to get in the swing of things around the stage again.

"I don't think its boring. Living with family must be nice?"

Taking a sip of her water a pang is felt in her heart as family comes up once again. A sadness flashing in her eyes It hurt knowing her father was out there, and didnt want her. Than it hits her...maybe her father didnt even know she was alive!

Trying to push the feeling away again trys to get back on the topic of Trent again to keep her mind busy.

"What it like on the ranch? Whats your family like?"


Jason smiles and shakes his head. "It's not like I asked you half an hour ago," he teases.

Still working with his hands busy, he gives Katie a sidelong glance, his emotions stirring as he spoke with sincerity. He'd been watching her, and he'd noticed her uneasiness. He wondered how "fine" she really was. "How you holding up?"

Trent has his glass cupped between his hands, and he looks across at Thirteen, contemplating an answer. "Well, I..." What did he do? He didn't really even have a job. Half the time he felt like he was mooching off his family. "I live at a ranch with... with some of my family. That's where Katie's aunt is and..." He shrugs. The less information he gave her about himself, the better. "I have a boring life. Not much to talk about."