

Reaching across the table Thirteen takes Trent's hand gently. She wasn't sure why but she did it ways. Looking Trent in the eye Thirteen whispers.

"I forgive you..."

Thirteen is silent for a moment still searching his eyes she gives a tiny smile again. Starting again Thirteen continues with her explanation.

"...I forgive you for being part of the Agency that locked me away. You seem like a good man now, and..thats whats important."

Sitting back in her chair again Thirteen looks at Ryder and than to Trent again before down at her glass.

Looking up at Jason Katie shakes her head. She hated this and she hated Jason forcing her to do something she didnt want to do.

"You don't get it do you."

Grabbing the mic from Jason a small anger burned and she hated it...she hated to so much. Her eyes still watered.


Turning back to the car Katie takes the food starting to grab it and bring it inside.

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