

A little sheepishly, Trent shakes his head. Another grin surfaces, this time, one of amusement. Thirteen was sharp. She was bright, and had a sense of humor and she was getting along well. Why complicate things?

"When you've had a life like mine, no... you tend to not want to talk about it very much." He cocks his head. "What about you, hmm? How is it living here?"

Jason pauses his work a moment, trying not to think about his emotions too much. He'd been trying to wean them away from their communication until they were really cut off, but Katie just wasn't cooperating. Not that he thought she would, but it had been worth a try.

He gives her a wry grin. "Keep your mic on and we won't need this." He taps his head.

Finishing up his work, he's just stepping off the stage when her question comes to him once again. He almost trips.

What did I tell you about-

"No!" A laugh follows his frustrated answer as heads turn in his direction. Grabbing Katie, he swings her up to cradle her in his arms and plants a kiss on her lips. "Food... we're talking about food, remember?"

Jen grins as she watches them, and hands Katie a list for some fast food. "Hurry back, you two."

"Oh, we will, this spitfire never slows down." Jason heads to the back, Katie still in his arms until they get outside. The sun has already started to set, and it's already starting to get cool.

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