

Ryder can't help his warm smile that spreads at Thirteen's words. It felt good to be needed again. He felt so out of place everywhere else, but at least someone needed him. Part of him almost wished it wouldn't end. But he knew the more stable Thirteen grew, the more independent she would be - as she should be. It was only right, and that was the whole point here. But he didn't look forward to being without purpose again.

Giving a little chuckle, he shakes his head. "You let me worry about how much trouble I'll be in. Reese won't be happy but... by the time he figures out where I am, it'll be too late anyway. He's a good man... and I bet he really wants to trust you and wants to make sure you're taken care of. He's just in a bad position to be a friend right now."

He turns towards the door, but looks back over his shoulder for a moment. "You don't need to thank me. Just get some rest... there's some blankets and pillows by the couch and... if you get scared, just come get me."

Alec had not heard the back door open, and is taken completely by surprise. Getting hit to the knees, his legs buckle, and he whirls around, only to have his arm caught in Ryan's firm grip. The letter opener goes clanging to the floor - a result of her efforts.

Leo doesn't hesitate to do as he's told, and he stumbles forward out of Alec's hold.

Axel steps up to help Ryan, grabbing Alec's other arm and twisting it around to slam him up against the wall.

Alec is in fight mode and kicks out at Axel's shin to knock him off balance, then turns on Ryan. Fire blazes in his eyes, proving that his subdued behavior earlier had been due to his drinking, not due to a submissive nature. Cornered by these three, his defenses had risen to the maximum, and all he wanted was out. He was desperate. The back of his hand strikes across the side of Ryan's face with a loud smack.

Before he can turn back to Axel though, a bloody fist connects with his jaw, sending him hard into the corner. His head ricochets off the corner of a shelf that was protruding from the wall. Blinking, he teeters, then slowly slumps down in the corner, made unconscious by the shelf's blunt edge.

Axel looks to Leo with wide eyes. "Nice one."

Leo is breathing heavily, and holds his hand that now was bleeding worse from the slash across the top of it. "Thanks. I told Darrell we needed to keep a gun in here." Looking around, he tries to find a clean rag or paper towel, but nothing is within sight, so he just keeps his other hand over the wound as some blood runs down his arm. "Oh this is nice," he grumbles. His eyes glance to Ryan. "Thanks to you, it isn't my throat that's bleeding all over the place. He smacked you pretty good though. You alright?"

Axel is busy looking down at Alec. There was only one thing that made him doubt his instincts that had kicked in based on the young man's appearance and voice. But before he called the police directly, he would call somewhere else.

Going for the phone, he picks it up and has to think a moment before dialing. "Yeah, hi, um, this is Axel Thornton... I'm friends with Carson Banks." He nods at the male voice he knew must be Reese's. At this evening hour, probably the secretary had gone home. "We just had an attempted robbery down at an auto shop where I work and... well I feel a little silly asking this, but Carson's brother, Alec... he's still in custody, right?" His eyebrows rise at Reese's response. "Yeah, yeah, we can hold him." He rattles off the address before hanging up and looking back over to the still-unconscious form. "Looks like your luck just ran out, buddy."

Reese hangs up the phone in a hurry and tears off the notepad paper where he’d scribbled the address.

Stalking across the main floor, he halts at the cubicle where Carson was working. “Carson.”

Carson’s head shoots up. He had been so engrossed in what he was looking at on the computer that he hadn’t even noticed Reese was close. “Yeah?”

“We found Alec.”

“Good. Where’s he at?”

“An auto shop. Axel Thornton called.”

Carson’s eyebrows rise. How on earth had Alec ended up there, and why? “Is everybody okay?”

“Yeah. Sounds like Alec was trying to rob the place. I’m going to pick him up now. You want to come.”

“Sure.” Carson was just as glad to get his brother back behind bars. Having him loose was not good. Having any Agency scum loose wasn’t good. He shuts down the computer. Unfortunately, he hadn’t found anything anyway. Time was running out, but if the information he was looking for didn’t exist… then there was nothing he could do. He grabs his hat and slaps it on his head. “Lead the way.”

“I’ve decided not to leave.”

Hunter opens one eye lazily as he lies on the hotel bed. The room had been clear for a while, most of the others going down for a dip in the pool. Now Kyle had roused Hunter from his nap. “I thought you told Jordan you were.”

Kyle sits down on the other bed and nods. “I did.” It had been a very tense day. After what had happened yesterday, Kyle had told Jordan he was pulling out. But ever since, Alice’s words kept coming back to him over and over, and he just couldn’t do it. He and Hunter had not spoken since their fight, and it wasn’t making things any better. “But I changed my mind.”

Hunter sighs. He hadn’t really wanted his friend to leave… but it was hard getting over everything too. “So now what?”

“I’d like a truce if you’re willing.”

Hunter opens his other eye and rolls over onto his side to see Kyle fully. “Truce? After all that?”

“Why not? I’m not giving up Alice, but I don’t want to lose you as a friend either.”

Hunter sighs deeply and looks down a moment. It wasn’t fun being at odds. “I’m sorry,” he apologizes quietly. “I just… felt bad, ya know?” He looks back up at Kyle. “Then I didn’t say anything and it just got worse and worse and…” He shrugs lamely.

“I’m sorry too,” Kyle admits. “I lied when I said Alice didn’t mean anything to me. She has for a long time.”

“Well why didn’t you say anything?”

“I guess… I was scared. I’ve always been the guy in second place. I didn’t figure it would be much different with Alice but… it turned out it was. I’m sorry if you felt like I betrayed you.”

“I did.” Hunter finally sits up to face his friend. “But I shouldn’t have fought with you. I liked Alice… I still do. But… I’ll get over it.”

“Good.” Kyle extends his hand. “Truce?”

Hunter rolls his eyes, but a laugh finds its way out and he takes Kyle’s hand. “Alright. Truce. But next time-"

“Hopefully there won’t be a next time.”

“Right.” Hunter flops back down on the bed. “Now go join the others so I can get my nap in that keeps being interrupted.”

Kyle chuckles and shakes his head. “Okay. Thanks, Hunter.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Hunter waves him off, his eyes already closed. Hearing Kyle get up and leave, he only opens his eyes again when he hears the door shut. Rolling onto his side, he stares at the wall for a few minutes. It still hurt. But he was glad that he and Kyle had a chance to mend what had been broken. It still was upsetting. But at least the team wouldn’t suffer a setback because of it.