

Putting the phone down Charlotte lets out a long sigh as a bit of fear races through her. Bret was in Jail but why? The officer on the phone wouldnt tell her anything other than Bret was here with Landon, and they both had a bail.Throwing her shoes on and grabbing her jacket Charlotte heads out the door with hast.

Within moment Charlotte is parked and inside the station talking with the officer. Giving a shake of her head she pulls out her check book. Of all the things these two could of done it was this.

Ambaling slowly over the cell that held her husband and his friend. Looking through the bars for a moment Charlotte's anger seems to subside just a little even though it looked as though the two wernt sorry at all. It just want not possable to be mad with Bret. A smile forming on her face Charlotte smiles and shakes her head.

"You know your lucky I love you Bret or you would be in big trouble for doing something like this and not taking me with you."

Letting out a sigh she folds her arms under her chest.

"And do you know why you didnt take me? Because you would say its to dangerous. If its to dangerous for me, than it is for you to as well. I dont want to be a widow yet. I love you to much."

Charlotte's smile is soft as she waits for the officer to open the jail cell up. Before moving out of the way as the guys step out. Locking her fingers with husbands Charlotte leans in and gives him a kiss. She had been worryed, she had been upset but now it seemed to melt away.

Standing outside of the tall building Angelica looks at the sign and than the address she had again making sure this was the right place.

Holding her brefcase she let out a long breath of air. She had everything she needed now all she hoped for was the coroperation from Heather so she didnt have to take it a step more.

Walking inside and going to the fround counter Angelica holds her head high with a smile on her face. Today she had more of a business woman air than her normal, today she was perfeshinel.

Smiling at the person at the desk Angelica takes the perfeshinal tone yet gentil for the moment.

"My name is Angelica Lockheart and I am here to speak with Mackenzie Nelson please."

Angelica holds up the court order for the person behind the counter to see to show she did in fact have autharasation.

Jail time

Scott greets Domino as he gets in the house, picking her up to give her some loving. Cuddling her close, he turns and parts the horizontal blinds with a finger, just far enough to see Hope's car drive away. Thinking for just a moment, he kisses Domino's head before setting her down. "Come on, I'll let you outside." On the way to the back door, he looks up at the security camera and waves. He knew Hal was on the other end. Soon... soon he would feel comfortable without that security.

The morning dawns gray. Storm clouds were on the horizon. The warm, humid air felt stale, and a breeze blew chilly in stark contrast. But no matter the forecast of rain, the world had to move on...

Carson busies himself with preparations in the kitchen. Aerith would be there any minute, but he'd already been there for an hour. He'd hardly slept at all the night before, but unable to keep his eyes closed any longer, he'd gotten up anyway. His mind was still reeling from everything going on. Mackenzie. Heather. Alec. The restaurant. The peace he wanted just wasn't coming, and the stress was just building higher and higher. Keeping busy was the only thing he wanted to do right now.

Scott's fingers click along the keyboard, his eyes scanning the information that was coming up. Thought Dalton was only feet away, Scott didn't care... no one was looking over his shoulder to tell him that he wasn't doing TJY work. Not to mention, he'd just hacked through several barriers. But it had been worth it. He picks up the phone.

Carson sets a pan down and wipes his hands on a towel before reaching for his phone on his belt. "Yeah, hello?"

"Carson? It's Scott."

"Hey. What's up?"

"Found some stuff you might want to see."

"About the social services in Arizona?"

"About Miss Jones herself."

Carson quirks an eyebrow. "Think you could manage to bring it down to the restaurant sometime today?"

"Um... yeah... sure. I gotta go downtown today anyway."

"Great. Thanks a million."

"Yeah, sure." Scott hangs up the phone and continues to look at the computer screen.

Bret hangs on the jail cell bars, his head cocked toward the hall. He could just hear the officer making the phone call, asking Charlotte to come pick him up. He groans and sinks down on the hard bench. And elbow from Landon though, creates a grin on his face before both of them are laughing again.

"You're gonna have heck to pay you know that," Landon chides, wiping his eyes as laughter still comes.

"Yeah, yeah." Bret stifles another laugh. "I'm sure she'll forgive me."

"You maybe, but what about Kirk?"

"Now him we might have to work on."


"Well I certainly wasn't driving two cars!"

"But it was your idea!"

Bret shoots Landon a look, but both crack up again. It was only mid-morning, but both had been at the track two hours earlier. And then... the bright idea had turned into something neither had bargained for. But neither would say they hadn't been having fun, despite their position now.

"Maybe she won't even come." Landon's eyes widen. "I don't have anybody to call."

"She'll come." Bret looks at his watch. "First off, she won't know why I'm here, and second, she starts work again today, but not until the afternoon. So we're good."

Landon eyes him skeptically. "Alright. If you say so."

His statement wasn't even funny, but both men start laughing all over again.

"I told you to put her on the bus for that fieldtrip with the other kids!"

"I couldn't find her!"

"That's the way she does it, you know that!" Heather sets her hands on her hips, glaring at Tony. "You're an idiot."

"Look, it's not my fault," Tony defends. "Besides, you said it wouldn't matter if that lawyer saw Mackenzie anyway."

"That was a last resort."

"Well you realize she's going to show up any time."

"I know, Tony, I know!" Heather aims for her door. "Tell Patricia to bring Mackenzie to the dining room. There's something I need to tell her."

For a moment

Smiling back at Scott it softens just a little. She could of guessed the question that layed on his heart as it was written in his eyes. Hope herself had wondered if many tomarrow would be there last meeting.

Though she was happy to be able to say Scott could go at the same time it made her a bit sad. She enjoyed Scott's company, and enjoyed talking with him. Something was differnt about him that Hope couldnt put her finger on as silly as it sounded.

"I'll see you tomarrow. Thank you for letting me join you tonight."

Watching Scott get out of the car Hope continues to watch till her gets into the house. Letting her eyes linger on the closed door for a moment Hope shakes her had. For a moment a though passed through her mind as a slightly bigger smile formed. But as quick as it came it went again and Hope was on her way home.

Unvoiced questions

Kyle catches the slightly odd but very brief tone in Alice's voice, and wonders again about it. This wasn't the first time he'd heard it. While Alice had very quickly become a good friend, he really didn't know her background at all. He hadn't thought much of it up until recently. But he had decided not to pry... the time just hadn't been right yet.

He laughs and accepts the treats. He holds up his Mountain Dew can to toast. "To sugar highs!" Downing a mouthful, a belch erupts, but he doesn't even miss a beat. "Wooee, that sugar's got some kick!"

Jason's jaw drops as he looks at Katie across the table.

You sneak, it was so you!

Grabbing a straw no one had used yet, he fires right back, but the wrapper goes whizzing past Katie's head, hitting the passing waiter instead.

Jason quickly drops his straw and looks around, not to be found as the guilty one. But the laughter being held in forms tears in his eyes.


Looking back at Katie, Jason lets his enjoyment and humor flow as freely as it wanted to. It had been a long time since they'd laughed like this, and it felt good.

Scott turns quickly, almost startled by Hope speaking to him. It takes him just a moment to register what she was saying. "Oh, um..." He thinks, glancing down to Katie. She was his ride home. But the night was far from over for her and some of the others. He didn't want to make her leave early... but he really didn't want to stay either. "I did, but... if you don't mind, that would be great."

Rising with Hope, Scott takes a few steps to Katie, quietly thanking her and letting her know that she wouldn't have to worry about taking him home.

Heading out of the restaurant, the refreshing night air is welcomed. Scott settles into the passenger side of Hope's car, grateful for the escape route she'd given him. The ride is quiet. Anything needing to be said seemed to have already been voiced. It doesn't take long to get to Scott's house.

Parked alongside the street, the night has grown dark. A bright moon is out, casting its light shimmering down to cradle everything in a soft glow.

Scott unbuckles his seatbelt and rests his hand on the door handle, but stops and turns back to Hope. He opens his mouth to say something, but suddenly catches himself. What was he thinking? Inwardly, he kicks himself. The question would go unspoken. He changes subjects instead.

"I'm... supposed to come see you tomorrow..." He pauses, unsure just what he's asking. "After that... I mean..." He'd improved so much lately. He knew that the time was drawing close that he wouldn't need counseling sessions anymore. Would tomorrow be the last time he'd see Hope?

Scott stops and shakes his head, dropping the whole thing. "Goodnight, Hope. Thank you for the ride."


Alice cant help but give a small chuckle as her eyes give a small sparkle.

"Now why would I want to go home to an empty apartment, and old memories larking around? Getting out is nice, and was well needed. It's helped me more than you know, so yes I think I will be sticking it out till the end."

Though maybe Alice's curent statment could be taken as a little sad there was no sadness in her voice, and the smile still remained on her face. It wasnt hard to tell Alice had her own problems she did a good job at not letting them get her down.

"You know its not even day I can find someone to keep up there energy like me. So its nice to have someone who is rip roaring ready to go when I am."

Reaching into the bag that was at her feet Alice pulls out a few twinkies and two cans of Moutain Dew. Haning one of each to Kyle.

"Suger High?"

Sitting aaround the table Katie's laugher rings out through the restront not caring how loud she was being and who hurd her. The night was ment for laughter and fun The Pizza Box could deal with it for one night.

Grabbing another straw Katie rips the end and brings it to her mouth taking aim. Giving a strong huf she blows sending the wrapper across the table at Jason and than quickly drapping the straw to make it look like she did nothing.

It wasnt me honest!

Enjoying the laughter and the pizza Hope again had a nice time. This seemed like a fun bunch of people and she was happyScott had friends like them. In there company she had the feeling there was never a dull moment.

Looking down at her watch Hope takes note that it was in fact getting late. Placing her napkin on her plate she turns to Scott for a moment. She was sure he has a way home but she wanted to make she would be ok.

"I think I am going to head home its getting late. Did you already have a ride home? I am going that way."