

Carson grabs a chair in the kitchen and sinks down, taking a quick break after the lunch rush. Eating a bite of spaghetti, he reaches up to his jacket that was hanging on a hook. He'd heard his cell phone ringing a while ago, but hadn't had time to stop and check it.

Flipping it open, he sees a voice mail and listens to it, a grin spreading on his face. Hitting his speed dial, he calls Misty's direct line into the TJY infirmary. Taking another mouthful, he has to swallow before he can reply to her answer. "Nope, I'm not working late, and yes, I'd love to spend the evening with you. Come to think of it... I know a guy who can make any kind of specialty pizza you want."

He twirls his fork around in his spaghetti. "Tell me what you're hungry for and what time you'll be here and... it's a date."

Axel tries to give Jess enough room without making it look as though he were trying to avoid her, or slide off the booth. Keeping one eye on her, he makes sure she's comfortable enough to let things roll as they were.

Though his own invitation was overcome by Rocky's, Axel gives Jess a little nod and grin when she accepts. He was glad she'd try to come at least. "Come early and you can help us set up... you can hear JetStream too."

"Oh yeah, they're great," Taylor adds.

At Jess' question to Rocky, he peeks over his menu at her, his eyes narrowing slightly to prove that a smile was hidden behind the folded page. "Yep, I do."

Setting his menu down, he shrugs. "Do a bit of singing too - usually just backup." He leans forward a little to rest his elbows on the table. Opening his mouth to say more, he's interrupted by the waitress who come to take his and Taylor's orders. By the time she leaves, his thought seems to have grown too old to speak.

"So what did Kyle say?" Axel inquires.

Rocky lifts an eyebrow. "It was like pulling teeth, but we got him to say yes."

"Really? Does the rest of JetStream know?"

Rocky shakes his head. "No..." He sighs. "We told him he needed to tell them, but he was undecided." He looks to Jess again, knowing that she was probably clueless about all of this. "Kyel's from JetStream," he explains. "You mighta seen him around. Great voice. Me and some of the others from Cryptic recorded him a few years back - that was before Axel came along. Problem is - Kyle never told his siblings or the rest of his band about it. They're still clueless he's as good as that."

Taylor rolls her eyes. "I don't see what the big deal is. Why don't we just tell them for him?"

"Because we promised," Axel answers her. There's a slight edge to his voice as if he's annoyed Taylor would say that. "And that's reason enough, don't you think?"

She shrugs. "I suppose." Glancing over to Jess, she grins. "We're surrounded by a chivalrous bunch."

Deciding it's time to switch the subject, Rocky glances towards the window. "Didn't see the truck, Axel. Get that car you wanted to?"

Axel shakes his head, relaxing again. "No, still working on that deal. The truck was busy though, so I rode with Jess."

Taylor's eyes widen noticeably. "You..."

Axel doesn't look up, but rather plays with a straw wrapper.

Rocky glances to Jess, then Axel, to Taylor, then back to Axel. His eyes show not that he wants to pry, but instead help for some odd reason. "Well," he mentions casually, "Taylor and I can give you a ride back to the shop when we're done here if you want. We're heading that way anyway."

Axel's eyes shoot up quickly and a strange pause follows until his gaze wanders to Jess for a moment, then back to Rocky. "No need. I'm good."

Taylor sits back a little, studying him. "Feeling alright?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I just..."

Rocky kicks Taylor under the table, making her jump, but she doesn't say anything aloud. "Nothing. Never mind."

Before more can be said, the waitress returns with their food, interrupting the conversation along with the awkwardness. Rocky prays before they eat, and talk becomes lighter chitchat, Taylor leading most of it.

Axel seems lost in thought a few times, a bit more out of it than normal, though not unwilling to enter into some banter with Rocky and crack an occasional smile.

Eventually, Taylor looks at her watch and reminds Rocky she needs to get to work. Rising, she bids farewell to both Axel and Jess, and she heads for the door. Rocky is a little slower, sliding from the booth and standing to stretch. "Well you two... have a nice afternoon. Axel, see you tomorrow at three - I'll swing by to pick you up. And..." He glances to Jess, offering a grin. "Hope to see you there too." Giving a wave, he turns to follow after Taylor.

Axel watches them leave and is quiet for a moment before looking to Jess as if realizing something. "Sorry - you can have your booth back." He starts to get up, with the intention of sitting across from her again, to give her space once more.

Rugged looks

Misty shakes her head as Jason starts to leave a small laugh escaping from her lips.

"Try to stay out of trouble huh? I dont want to have to wait another week to see you."

Once Jason is gone Misty lets out a small sigh before going back to her work. Though not able to consintrate so much as she would like to.

Picking up the phone on her desk she dials Carson's cell only to get the voicemain instead of him. Figuring it was better than nothing at all Misty leaves a message.

"Hey You. I was wondering if you were working late or not? I though we could grab a pizza, watch a movie and maybe just hang out back at my place. Let me know. See ya"

Hanging up the phone Misty trys to clear her mind and consintrate going back to her work at hand.

Angel can't help but laugh at the comment about the dog sleeping with him. Leave to Mick to say something like that. Though Angel was worry about being so far away from Luke and Wendy she new they were both in good hands.

"I am a bit tired. I was thinking about laying down to take a nap before I headed over to TJY. You take care of yourself too and if you need any help please ask someone....I love you."

Hanging up the phone Angel sets it down on the table and walks back over to the bed. Laying back it only takes moments before she is asleep.

The quiet is welcomed at the table like many times before Jess didnt mind it. There was just something about the silence with Axel that was welcoming.

Looking up as Axel talks a smile spreading across her face. It was differnt to have someone invite her someplace. About to reply Jess gives a jump at the sound of someone alses voice shattering the silence. Shooting her head up Jess looks to Rocky and than back to Axel feeling a bit uneasy from being startled. As Rocky draws his attachen to Jess she just looks up at him for a moment than looking back at Axel almost as if asking if this person she didnt know was ok.

Turning he eyes back to Rocky after Axel's introduction Jess can feel herself calm just a little. If he was a friend of Axel's he must be ok. She had formed enough trust in Axel to know he had a good judge in who he hung out with.

Just looking at Rocky's hand for a moment Jess finally exstends her own slowly and takes a hold of him giving a it shake before withdrawing it.

"Its nice to meet you as well."

Jess gives Rocky a soft smile trying to let her discomfort show through. but cant help giving a little start when Tylor comes over as well not having exspected anyone alse. Jess gives a smile and nod to her.

Moving over slightly as Axel moves into the boot Jess press herself up again the wall not minding to much. Taking the menu that was infront of her Jess lifts it a little and scans it though Axel and herself had already ordered. It was the only thing she could do where she felt comfortable. She didnt know these people very well so she didnt know what to talk about silence was the best option for now.

As Rocky's offer makes it to Jess ear she stays silent for a moment. One might think she didnt even hear Rocky but finally she looks over her own menu and gives another smile to Rocky this time with a little more confadince.

"I dont think I have to work tomarrow. So I might just stop by, Axel was telling me about everyone and I do think I'd like to hear you guys. Thank you for the offer Rocky."

Looking back down at the menu Jess look over at Axel and than puts the menu down again waiting for the food. Looking back at Rocky for a moment Jess takes note to his rudded looks.

"So, you play the keybored?"


Jason lets a bit of silence linger, not sure he can offer anything more about Carson. It was between those two now, and he could just hope they worked things out. He knew Carson was probably clueless that Misty even felt this way, but he was unsure how he'd react if Misty told him.

Giving a little smile of encouragement, Jason starts to leave, but then stops as Misty keeps him there with her own question.

Glancing back at her, something strange flickers in his eyes, and he just looks at her for several moments. No one, other than Katie, ever really asked him how he was. He was invincible Hotshot, able to handle anything. No one ever took the time to look past that outer layer. It wasn't bad that they didn't, and he certainly wasn't offended when they didn't, but it just created a brief feeling of almost confusion when someone like Misty actually did take note that there was more going on than his cocky air.

He offers a slightly crooked grin and shrugs. "I'm... alright. Take the Austin factor out, and I'd probably say I'm doing right well." Though there's sadness there, he covers it up - there was no need to go digging around on that subject now.

"And as far as I know, Katie's alright. We've both been under a lot of stress lately. Spent time together but not really... know what I mean?" He shakes his head. "I just want this whole thing to be over so we can get back to normal again. But... I have my doubts that will be any time soon."

"Jason?" Susanne sticks her head into the infirmary. "There you are. Austin's looking for you."

Jason rolls his eyes. "I'll be there... soon." He turns back to Misty with a smirk. "I suppose I better not push my luck and at least go see what he wants. If you hear an explosion though, it wasn't me."

Tossing her a wink, he heads for the door. "Let me know about Carson," he throws over his shoulder.

Exiting, he slings an arm around Susanne to drag her along with him. "Now what's all this about..."

Luke straddles a chair backward and looks out the window, the phone to his ear. He smiles. "Yeah, I was kinda wondering if you were ever gonna call. Thought maybe you'd forgot," he teases. "I miss you too. Mick offered me the dog to keep me warm at night, but I politely turned him down."

Still grinning, he sees people out and about outside, and wishes he had the strength in his legs this morning to join them. "You sound tired," he muses. "Take care of yourself, alright?"

Axel grins as he unbuckles his seatbelt. "Either that, or everybody heard a storm was coming."

Getting inside, the aromas make one's mouth water. Axel finds a table with Jess, and it doesn't take them long to be settled and waiting for their food. Conversation is light and sparse as always, but it's not uncomfortable, and rather fairly relaxing.

Waiting for their food, Axel runs a finger around the top of his water glass. "Um... you know we got that concert tomorrow evening at a fundraiser. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come along. Hang out with the band, and you won't have to pay to get in either."

He shrugs. "Lot of people, but... stick around us and it's not a bad bunch." He lifts his eyes to look at Jess across the table, wondering if she felt up to a social event like that.

"Well, look who the cat dragged in."

Axel turns quickly to look up at his friend. "Rocky. I thought you had to work today."

Rocky smirks. "That's a fine welcome. Hi to you too."

Axel offers a wry grin. "You alone?"

"No." Rocky shakes his head and thumbs over his shoulder. "I got some weird blonde tagging along. Said her cousin was borrowing her car and she had no way to get to work."

"And... she twisted your arm to buy her lunch too?"

"Nope. I told her I was penniless. I only stopped because she said she'd share one of her french fries with me."

Axel shakes his head, still grinning. "She's as dangerous one."

"You're telling me." Rocky chuckles, then shifts his attention to Jess. "You must be Jess. Think I've seen you a time or two, but this knucklehead has never introduced us."

Axel's face grows slightly warm. "Jess, this is Rocky. He's the keyboard player for Cryptic. Rocky, this is Jess."

Rocky smiles and extends his hand for a warm handshake. "Nice to finally meet you."

Taylor catches up to him, coming up from behind and waving to Axel, a smile on her face. "Hey, Ax. What are you doing here?"

Axel looks down at the table, then around the restaurant. "Fishing?"

Taylor rolls her eyes and gives his arm a whack. "Nice try. I see somebody finally got you out of your hole." She grins over at Jess. "Don't let this guy fool you. He's not exactly a social butterfly."

Few would notice the muscles in Axel's jaw tightening. "So - you two got a table?"

Taylor shakes her head. "Rocky wanted to sit across the room from me, but I told him he was being ridiculous."

Rocky gets a crooked grin on his face. "I wouldn't want people to talk." He tosses Jess a wink. "Taylor here is the baby sister of the band."

"Baby?" Taylor smirks at him. "Thanks a heap." She turns back to Axel. "Mind if we share a table?"

Axel lifts his eyebrows slightly, then glances at Jess. He'd been enjoying the quiet, but he didn't want to be rude to his friends either. "Um... okay." But instead of putting Jess in an awkward position of sitting next to someone she didn't know, Axel slides from his seat to make a simple turn and share Jess' booth with her, leaving the opposite side for Rocky and Taylor.

Rocky scoots in across from Jess and puts a leg up on the booth to keep Taylor from sitting down. All it does is serve to get another whack from her though, so he relents and straightens, the teasing twinkle in his eye remaining. Scanning a menu briefly, Rocky looks over the top of it to see Jess. "If you haven't heard Cryptic, tomorrow night is a prime opportunity."

"I... was just asking her about that," Axel intervenes. His eyes study his water glass again, his demeanor having changed slightly to be just a bit cooler than before.