

*Charlotte sits on the blanket next to Bret her arms wrapped around her knees as she looks out across the plane. How pretty the view was up here. As Bret leans back on the blanket Charlotte turns her head and just eyes Bret for a moment a smile curling on her lips.

Hearing Bret's comment Charlotte stretches her legs out in front of her and scoots closer to Bret laying down she leans her head on his chest as her arm wraps over his waist.*

"I think for once I don't need a coin to tell me I want to stay here for indefinitely as long as you were here too. The sad part is though, even if the coin landed tails we couldn't."

*Charlotte lifts her head from Bret's chest and looks at him one of her famous smile showing through.*

"Ok, thanks Rick."

*Hanging up the phone Angelica lets out a small sigh as she gathers up Jess file. Looking over the paper work once again Angelica gives herself time to come up with her game plan and her questions. She wanted to go into Jess knowing exacly what she wanted to say. This was hard enough on Jess as it was and she dident want to drag it out by fumbaling around with words. It was best to sit, pray, and know word for word what to say.*

*Misty comes back into the room where Kyle was and cant help but laugh as he talks to Rick. Seeing the boredum in his eyes Misty's own twinkles. Going over to him she puts a finger in his chin with some pressure and tilts his head to look at her. Smiling down at him her eyes sparkling she states.*

"If I can get my work done in an hour or so I will be able to spend time with you so you arnt bored."

*Misty cant help but giggle a little as she leans down and gives Kyle a small kiss the lingers for a moment before breaking away and walking twords the office. Turning to throw Kyle a wink before disapearing and walks up next to Rick.*

"Whats up?"

*Looking up as she hears Carson's voice a small smile spreads on Jess dull and weary face. swinning her legs around so they hang off the bed Jess takes the bag from Carson and gives a small nod. She wasent hungry or thirsty but she would take it anyways.*

"Thanks. Thanks for coming too. Its nice to see someone I know."

*Taking the shake out of the bag Jess puts the straw into the cut and takes a sip. Though she normaly liked anythink strawberry today it just wasent settaling right.*

"How did you know I liked strawberry?"

*Katie smiles and is happy that Jason liked the idea of going to Texas with her. She hadn't been in so long and she was started to get a little stressed at work. The time away would be nice. *

"Oh come now J, what kind of Hero would I be if I let something happend to you guys this weekend? Don't worry, I am gonna have the best of the best for sacurity. You guys will be ok."

*Giving Jason a reasuring smile Katie stands pating his arm one last time before making her way to the door and exiting.

After tomarrow planing the roadtrip would be fun but for now she had to stay focused at the task on hand.

Geting back to her cubicle Katie starts to type an email.*

TO: Wyatt, Con, Nate
FROM: Katie P.
SUBJ: Tomarrow Sacurity

Hey Guys,

Jetstream has a gig going down tomarrow night and I need some extra sacurity to help me out. You three along with me should do just fine. We are the best of the best and I could really use both of you. Please let me know as soon as possable if you can go or not. Thank you guys....*hugs* Oh ya....FYI: CINDY HAD HER BABY!!!!! Kaylee Rose Henson. They are both healthy and well.

Katie P.


Rick watches Jess leave and a silent prayer is lifted. No one should have to go through what she was. And it happened too many times...too many women were put in that position...too many times they were hurt. And the emotional scars were far worse than the physical ones.

Sighing, he turns back to his work, though picks up the phone first to call Angelica's office. "Angelica...Jess is ready to talk whenever you are. She's in her room...be gentle."

Kyle grimaces at Misty, but the twinkle in his eye proves his humor as she takes the bill. He mouths to her, "I'm paying for supper tonight."

Getting up, they pay and leave the restaurant, heading to Kyle and Phil's. Kyle is quick to gather a few things in his backpack, though he takes a little longer than planned, needing a short rest when he's alone in his room to catch his breath after another coughing fit. The red flag in the back of his mind goes up, but he tries to ignore it. He was fine...

Finished, he slings his bag over his shoulder and comes back out to the living room to find Misty and head on out once again, this time going to her place, then finally back to TJY. It's late afternoon by then, and Kyle sends Phil a message to let him know where he is, then follows Misty on in to the infirmary.

Tossing his bag in the corner, he flops down on the edge of the bed and looks around the room, boredom already lingering in the back of his eyes. He would stay here because he had a different goal in mind...but if it weren't for that, he knew he would have refused to stay here. It was just a little cough...why should Misty be so worried about him all of a sudden? Maybe he'd simply caught a cold.

Rick rolls his chair back from his desk far enough to see into the other room, and lifts his eyebrows. "Well hi there, Kyle."

Kyle gives a little wave and a smile.

"Anything wrong?"

Kyle thumbs to Misty and shrugs, rolling his eyes.

Rick thinks for a moment, wondering if Kyle would be wearing that smile if Misty had told him what they'd discovered. He opted not to say anything in case she hadn't yet. He respected her timing. "How's the voice?"

Kyle shakes his head and grimaces, but shrugs again. He holds out his hand and rotates it back and forth, showing Rick that it wasn't the worst, but it was iffy.

Rick nods. "Well, just take it easy." He calls a little louder. "Misty, if you need anything, call me. When you have a minute come in here too, I want to show you something." He rolls back to his desk again, out of sight.

Kyle sets his hands in his lap and sighs. This was going to be a long evening.

Bret lays back on the blanket, tucking his hands under his head and staring up at the clouds in the sky. The drive had been long, the trek had been harder than anticipated, and the trail had been longer than figured. But he and Charlotte had made it to the small plateau where the view was amazing.

After eating their picnic lunch of sandwiches, it was already late afternoon, but the desire to hike all the way back down just wasn't there yet.

Bret closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of the fresh air. It was chilly today and having a jacket on felt good, but the sun was warm. He was used to physical work, but being able to relax up here had made him tired and taken away the want to leave.

"Heads we go back down in fifteen minutes," he mumbles. "Tails we stay here indefinitely."

Jason's head shoots up at Katie's offer to go with him. The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. "Would you?" His face reddens slightly. "I mean...the company sure would be nice and..." He stops, knowing that he needn't try and explain. Katie knew him too well to question his motives. "...and I guess I just don't want to go alone."

In a way, Jason felt the need of someone else's company. He hadn't felt that for a long time...he'd always been too proud to admit the need of someone else...too sure of himself to say that extra company would be nice. But he was finding that if he was truly honest with himself...being a loner wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

Katie's words to him made sense too. He knew his mom loved him no matter what...and though she might be disappointed, it wouldn't be in him. He'd just jumped on the wagon of sidling around the truth too quickly, and hadn't been able to get back off.

Giving a little weary grin, he shakes his head. "I guess you're still my hero, aren't you." He pauses, searching Katie's face. "Thanks. We can make plans after this harry weekend is over." He quickly changes the subject, his mind bouncing to the first obstacle that needed to be overcome. "I know Kyle wants this concert to go on as a trap for those goons, whether that's what he says or not, so if we live through it, we can make that trip to Texas. As far as tomorrow night goes...would you mind recruiting the security?"

Carson heads across the TJY parking lot, a small sack in his hand. The sun was starting to set, and he was banking on most of the people to be gone for the night. Stopping near the door though, he glances around and sees Misty's car. She was working late.

His shoulders drop a little. He didn't want another discussion like he'd had this morning. Maybe he could get away with just slipping in and out without even seeing her. It was worth a try anyway.

Getting inside, he receives a few strange looks from those still lingering on the main floor, but he heads straight down the hall toward the spare room. The infirmary door was open, but he passes by it, not even daring to pause or look inside.

Reaching the guest room, he taps lightly on the door. "Jess?" He knew she'd probably been miserable all day...he knew she'd probably eaten very little if anything...he knew she probably wouldn't be hungry for supper. But he'd wanted to check on her. It was the least he could do, not to mention it gave him something to do other than sit alone at Mom and Pop's.

The paper sack crinkles in his grip. "I got a strawberry milkshake here with your name on it."


*Misty smiles and nods back*

"Not a problem we can stop by your place when we are done here."

*Misty trys to keep herself calm with Kyle's condition maybe later tonight she would tell him, but at this moment he didn't need to know. Misty wanted to keep him from worrying as much as she could. She was doing enough of that for the both of them.*

"Than we can stop by my place and I can get something for tomarrow as well."

*Standing and taking the bill before Kyle can a grin curles on her lips and heads to the front.*

"My turn to pay."

*Jess looks at Rick and gives a small nod but dosn't say much. It was easy said than done to stay looking twords the bright side. To her right now, there was no brightside. She had been down and out before, but this was lower than low for her and there was nothing she could do to change it. Even after Peter was behind bars the pain wouldn't go away that easly. Though Jess couldn't deni that the people in this place were differnt.*

"Th...thank you. I guess for a little bit I'll just stay here."

*Jess stands and heads to the door but stops and turns again looking at Rick. Trying to offer the best smile she can.*

"If you see Miss. Lockheart let her know I am ready when she is."

*Turning and making her way for the door again Jess walks slowly and heads back to the small room. For now that was her home, for now that was her fortress, for this was her nightmare and her safe haven. Rick had said she could cry, how Jess wish right now she could and though the tears were there they just wouldn't come out.*

*Katie sits down in the chair across from Jason's desk and takes the email from his hand. Scanning over it Katie gets the point of what Jason was saying and lets out a sigh. In a way she felt bad for Jason.*

"You didn't tell her because you wanted her to be proud of you, and because this didn't work out you think she will be disapointed. "

*Katie reaches her hand out and lays it on Jason's arm as he leans his head into them.*

"J, you should know by now your mom loves you no matter what. Yeah she is going to be sad your not geting married but she wont be disapointed in you J."

*Katie offers him a smile.*

"You need to tell her, she is you mom and she loves you. Just because there are new people in the picture dosn't make that love any less eather. If anything it makes it more. She has the family she always wanted and your part of it."

*Katie thinks for a moment as a plan forms in her head. She hadent been home in a while. Maybe...*

"Ya know J, if you dont feel like going alone I would be more than happy to. I would like to see Kaylee and just see home. I miss it."

The truth

Kyle raises his eyebrows at Misty’s ultimatum. His eyes narrow slightly, not liking the worry in her tone. His mind drifts back to seeing her and Rick talking quietly and he begins to wonder if there was something he didn’t know about. It’s a thought that evokes slight fear, but he swallows it, clinging to faith instead. He was going to trust Misty to tell him anything he needed to know.

A smile creeps across his face as he locks eyes with her in a daring gaze. It would be well-worth the stay at the infirmary if it would provide him an opportunity to get his foot in the door to spiritual matters.

He gives her a nod. It was agreed. He gestures to her though, letting her know that he’d need to go home sometime today to get a change of clothes for the morning.

His beeping phone startles him and he rolls his eyes, picking it up and reading the text message. He gets a wry grin on his face and shows Misty the message. It’s from Mike this time.

Have it ur way. Ur bro is ticked. But its a go. Tmw night. Setup at four. Jase will recruit security.

Kyle shakes his head in amusement. Sometimes his stubbornness paid off…sometimes.

After coughing a little, he waves to the waiter to come bring the bill.

Rick greets Jess warmly, knowing that she must feel like crap, but trying his hardest to ease the pain and stress. “You can sit right over here on the table. I just want to have a follow-up check-up on you to make sure everything is okay.”

Checking her over lightly, Rick gives a nod of satisfaction. “You’re going to be okay physically, Jess. I got some results back yesterday after your original examination, and you’ll be fine. You just need some rest and time for your body to heal.”

He leans casually on the table next to Jess, eying her with thoughtful sympathy. "The only thing I worry about is in here." He reaches over and taps over her heart. "I want you to know that there are people here who can help with that too. Any time you want to talk...need a shoulder...need a good cry, or just want to sit with someone...we're here for you."

He pauses for a moment. "You're not alone, Jess."

Nodding, he moves to put some of his things away. "Angelica Lockheart is the lawyer here. She's been given the information on your case, and has all of the information from me she needs. When you're ready, she'll want to sit down and talk with you to explain how the rest of this will go. In the meantime...you can stay here if you want. Or we can even find another place for you to stay. Or you can go home. It's completely up to you. We want you to feel the most comfortable."

As Katie makes her presence known in Jason's office, he can't help a little grin. It felt odd to be called a brother. He could remember when he'd been little, he'd always wanted a sibling. It seemed strange now that he was an adult to finally have that honor. It was a bit different, obviously, but it still there.

"Hey. I guess it's my mom and Wes who the congratulations go to."

Jason shakes his head a little and gestures to his extra chair. "Yeah, um..." His eyes drop, knowing that he couldn't, and shouldn't hide this. After taking a few minutes to regroup, he finally reaches over to where he'd printed out the latest email from his mom. Handing it to Katie, he lets her read it, knowing that she'll realize what had happened by the way his mom was talking.

When he sees Katie is finished reading, he leans back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. "I don't know why I didn't tell her anything, Katie...I just...I don't know."

Leaning forward instead, he buries his face in his arms on his desk, his voice muffled. "And now I have to go see her...and the baby...and I don't know how."

Big Brother

All Wes can think about doing is letting his wife and new baby sleep. They were so small, so comfortable, they both looked so peaceful. Wes could never ask for anything more or even think about wanting more. God had answered his prayers over and over again making him happy and content. Letting both mother and daughter sleep Wes keeps a watchful eye over them both making sure they both would be ok.

*Misty smiles to Kyle across the table as he signs.*

"Yeah that would be cool, but something tells me at times they don't think so. Those two certinly have a special gift thats for sure."

*Misty watches Kyle closely as he dosn't want anything alse to eat and his cough continues. Misty knows what its from and on the outside she might be fine but on the inside it was killing her to see Kyle like this. Is scaired her to think he could go home sleep and she might not even get to see him again. Letting out a sigh Misty is a bit saprised when Kyle asks her to church. She hadent been in so long, did she really want to start going again? She new who god was, and she believed he was there but she had lost touch. When one thing after another happend, she blamed God and now, she had blamed him so much suraly he wouldent look past her flats now. As she is about to reply and think of a reson not to go, something stricks her...maybe...*

"I'll go to church with you tomarrow Kyle if you sleep at the infermary again tonight so I can keep an eye on you. I don't like that cough."

*Jess rolls back over on her side facing the wall as Rick talks. Not saying anything. Her mind was moving to much to talk, her hurt to much to talk, and she felt to depressed to talk or even move. Once Rick leaves Jess just stairs at the wall for a long while. Her life had been turned around and upside down and now she was stuck in a place she dident even know. She had decied she wanted to change somethings about her life but this is not what she exspected. Not to mention now she was probley jobless and if she wasent she dident want to go back there and face Sean and Velvet.

Throwing the sheets back Jess swings her legs out of the bed and just sits on the edge for a long moment. Finally standing Jess exits the room her bear feet scuffing on the floor. Slowly making her way to the infermary she knocks on the door and opens it.*

"Ok, I'm here where do you need me?"

*As Katie sits at her cubicle she thumbs through some paperwork Jamie had given her. Most of the stuff was old cases they had worked on in the past that had never been put into the computer. So now it was her job to do so.

As she sits at her desk she is suddonly slowly hit with waves of emotions. Happyness, mixed with sadness and a bit of depression. Looking twords Jason's office Katie is confused for a moment than receving his message a smile spreads across her lips. But still something felt wrong.

Ok..I'll be right there.

Turning her computer screen off Katie stands and heads to Jason's office. Knocking and than poking her head in Katie offers hims a smile.*

"Congradulations Big Brother!!! You wanted to talk to me?"


Cindy just smiles, giving a soft sigh. She was so happy...so excited...so many things were running through her mind. There were so many things to do. But right now.... Her eyes start to drift shut. Right now.... her head sways a little to rest against Wes. Right now all she wanted.... Her hand nestles comfortably in his. All she wanted was sleep.

Kyle grimaces and waves Misty off, but obeys anyway. It hurt to talk right now anyway. He had just wanted to say his piece without the trouble of writing things down or trying to sign.

Looking down at his half-eaten plate, he decides he really doesn't want any more. He usually liked eating here...he never left food on his plate. But something just didn't feel right. He simply wasn't hungry, and the thought of eating more almost made his stomach turn. He was tired too and wasn't sure why, after the long night of sleep he'd gotten.

A grin creases his lips and he mouths and signs to Misty, getting across, "I wish I could talk to you like Jason does to Katie...then this would be easier." He shakes his head in amusement.

Just sitting and trying to relax a little, the scratch in his throat persists, bringing more coughing, though he tries to stifle it. Finally he changes subjects altogether, proving his mind had been bouncing around several different subjects. He scribbles on a napkin. "Join me for church tomorrow?"

Rick offers Jess a warm smile. "I know you're tired, but I want you to get up and come on over to the infirmary just for a few minutes. I want to give you a quick checkup today and I want you to at least drink something even if you're not hungry, okay?"

He stands up, ready to leave the room. "And I need to talk with you about some results I got this morning."

Rick turns, heading for the door. "Take your time."

Jason hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair. Trooper can sense his anxiety and comes over to rest his head on his lap. Jason absentmindedly scratches the dog's head. He felt...happy...excited...apprehensive. The news was good. Everyone was fine. He'd been hoping for that. The news was exciting. Yet at the same time, it also meant that Jason needed to take a trip to Texas...and with that, came the truth that he had not been sharing with his mother.

Giving a little sigh, Jason isn't sure what to do with his feelings. He felt boxed in...he just didn't know what to do. When did he need to go? Right away? In a few weeks? Could he take that time off work? Could he afford the trip?

Excuses started to seep into his mind that might keep him from going. But there was enough of him that really wanted to go...that longed to go, that he knew he would...it was just when that was the question and how.

Jason grins a little, letting the news sink in. He was a big brother. That in itself was as new sensation. And there was one person he could share that with, without feeling stupid.

Hey, it's a girl. Kaylee.

But even though he tries to convey pure happiness, he knew that his apprehensiveness would show through too if Katie was paying attention. He needed help...he needed to tell someone what was going on...he couldn't decide what to do on his own with this one, he'd dug his hole too deep.

When you're free...come talk?

Dr. Orders

*Wes looks down at his wife his own eyes dance. The smile on his lips never fades.*

"And she has your mouth. The one that curls into a smile and lights up my world."

*Wes leans down and gives Cindy a soft kiss.*

"Now I have two candles to light my way. I love you so very much too."

*Wes brushes a bit of hair from Cindy's face and than rests his hand on Cindy's and on the small baby. How happy and proud he was indeed.*

*Misty gives a nod as she listens to Kyle and shakes her head everytime he goes into a coughing fit. She new there would not be much sleep for her tonight. She planed of working late. She had to find an antadot, a cure. Misty had to save Kyle's life.*

"Yeah tomarrow works good for me, and I am sure Katie is taking care of everything alse with Jason. Don't worry. We will get there guys Kyle."

*As he goes into another cough fit she sits up and watches him, the worry showing in her eyes.*

"Rest your voice now ok, please Dr. orders."

*Misty cant help the small grin that slips onto her lips.*

*Jess hears the door to the room open and knows its probly someone to wake her. Giving a small jump even though she new Rick was next to her she stays silent for a few moments. She didn't want to wake up, she dident want to start a new day. She just wanted to disapear. Finally though Jess relizes that Rick isent going to go away. Rolling to her back in a soft, horse whispers she replys.*

"I've been awake."

Time to wake

Mick smiles as he watches his brother go to his wife and new baby, proud of the family.

As Becky retreats to the front office after Angel, she offers Mick a smile and pats him on the arm. "Thanks for being here for Wes."

"Everyone okay?"

Becky nods. "Yep. Cindy was a real trooper."


"I guess your job is done now," Becky laughs. "You're free to go."

Mick chuckles. "Actually...I was thinking about going and telling my wife how much I love her."

Cindy can't help her smile as Wes comes into the room, and finally feeling him near to her, her fears are dissolved. She reaches over to take Wes' other hand and just holds it tight. She knows she must look a mess, her hair matted with sweat, her face paled from exhaustion. But she didn't care.

She turns her head to look at the baby one more time, then back to Wes, her eyes tired but sparkling. "She has your eyes," she whispers. "Your beautiful eyes." Reaching up, she cradles Wes' face. "I love you."

Kyle smirks at Misty and slides out of the truck, shutting his own door. "Very funny." Taking the lead to the restaurant door, he opens it for her and then goes inside too, scanning the room for a table.

It's not much later that Kyle and Misty are eating, Kyle determined to talk about Sunday night's concert and what should happen. He still wanted Katie and the others there for security, but wanted things to go as normal as possible so no one would suspect a thing. The security needed to blend, so the Agency goons would feel comfortable enough to try something. And though risky...everyone needed to be there, even Jen.

"...We leave her behind the sound booth, and we'll be up on stage..." Kyle stops, trying to stifle a cough. "...keeping our own eyes out." Coughing again, he shakes his head, irritated, and takes a sip of his water. "If anything happens, we'll have enough eyes there to take them down. And if not, then it will simply be a successful concert."

As the scratchiness from talking is too much, Kyle's taken into another fit of coughing before finally bringing it under control. Leaning his head back in the booth, he closes his eyes for a moment, catching his breath. taking another swig of water, he pushes his plate aside. Some wouldn't notice, but those who knew Kyle, knew that him leaving half his food on his plate was rare.

"...and then you can sing with us. Tomorrow I can show you the music and give you a rundown on how we do things."

Rick glances up at the clock and sighs. It was after noon already, and there had been no sign of Jess yet. He knew she wanted to sleep, but he had to check on her.

Leaving his clipboard in the infirmary, he goes slowly down to the guest room. Knocking lightly, he enters with caution, then sees that Jess is still in bed. He moves quietly to the chair next to the bed, easing down into it.

Reaching over, he tries not to scare her, just lightly shaking her shoulder. "Jess...wake up, hon."