

Standing with Jason Katie can feel herself move into his arms even more. Searching for the comfort that Jason offered her.

"I feel tired, but thirty. I just...fell all messed up inside and I dont know what way is up anymore. I'm feeling a little more alert and not in as much pain though."

Katie could feel the emotions again she still was confused about what happend and why she had let her being taken bother her so much. Maybe the memories wouldnt come as much but the damage had been done, and the pain was now shown.

Giving a small giggle at the sound Gage's stomach was making Sapphire new he felt embarssed about it.

"Your stomach is making the same sounds as mine. I wont be long if you would like to come with me in my cubicle."

Sapphire hated seeing Gage alone all the time. He'd been alone most of his life, he didnt need that now too. She wasnt use to being this close with people, and she had always done things alone thats just how it was for her but now that Gage was here she tryed her best to get use to it. She had to admit, she rather liked having someone else around.

"I have some book in there you can read if you like. I dont know if there will be anything interesting but I like them."

Hearing, the Scott own court date was tomarrow Hope it quiet for a long moment. Many things ran through her mind. Her own court date was very soon and if she went it could hinder her own date. But she and Scott were close, she cared and couldnt let him go through this alone. No she would go for Scott she would go and to see him again would be great because how she missed him.

"What time, and where was it being held? I'd like to go and be friendly support to him."


"Whoa, hey, it's okay." Ryder steps up quickly to the mess, leaning down to help Katie. He gives her a wink as he mops up some of the water. "I do this all the time."

Jason has stepped close too, and helps Katie up gently so Ryder can finish cleaning up and she doesn't have to. "You alright?" He bends his head a little so he can see her face. He contains a wave of pain that ricochets through his skull, keeping his emotions from letting anything out. Instead, he forces a smile. "I didn't want to wake you up... I figured you needed sleep. How are you feeling?"

Gage jumps, yanked from his quiet thoughts as Sapphire comes into the interrogation room. He catches her eye, just staring at her for a moment. "Um... I... don't know if I like Chinese food but... I guess I'm willing to try."

His stomach growls loudly in agreement and his face reddens. "I guess I'm hungry too." Standing up, he walks awkwardly for the door, stopping just a couple feet from Sapphire. "Um... I'll wait in my room I suppose. You can get me when you're gonna leave."

Reese looks up from his desk as Hope brings the papers to him in his office. His usual smile wasn't there and he eyes her for a moment. "Thank you." He's ready to let her go, but then seems to change his mind. "Hope... I just got a call from Chief Brown and.... the hearing for Scott has been set.... for tomorrow. I thought you might like to know."


Giving a nod to Reese Hope takes the papers. Hearing that he might have an idea about something in the future she gives a smile and listens intently. If it had anything to do with helping people she was all for it. Though she couldn't see the future right now it was something to consider in case everything worked out.

"Well, if at the end of the week I still have my license I'd love to hear more about what you have planned. It defiantly sounds like something I would be interested in."

Giving another smile Hope makes her way over to one of the desk that was empty and starts to fill out the papers. Both men fit to life in the outside world if willing to learn. Alec lost and confused, feeling as though he was being thrown around and a caged animle, but there was hope behind his eyes and dreams. Gage a man that had grown up knowing nothing but the Agency's ways. Never having the options to do anything differnt. He new what he did was wrong, and wanted a chance to make up for what he did. He wanted to learn and would try his best.

Finishing up the paper Hope finds Reese to give them to him.

Watching Hope leave the room Sapphire sits at her desk for a long moment looking over her cubicle wall. Did Gage want to be alone or would he like some company. Letting a few more moments pass Sapphire finally stands and goes to the door. Knocking on the door softly Sapphire opens up the door and enters giving Gage a small smile.

"Hey Gage. I was going to be heading out shortly to go to a close chinese buffet, and I was wondering if you were up for it if you would like to come with me."

Feeling the bed move Katie shifts in the bed slightly. Feeling the gentil flow of Jason's emotions once again Katie knows the medicen must have worn off and neater had taken the meds again. Moving to lay on her back as Jason leaves the room Katie knows it must of been what was going on with her. Letting out a sigh she couldnt help but let out a deep sigh.

Continuing to lay there for just a moment Katie finally pulls the covers back. Her stomach hurt, her head still hurt and she felt wozy but her body hurt too and she needed something to drink.

Throwing on an over stuffed sweatshirt as she got a chill Katie makes her way out of her room and into the kitchen where the two men stand. Giving a small wave to them Katie's eyes were still a bit dull and his big bags under them. Making her way to the fridge Katie opens it to get out the pittcher of water but hearing a loud noise outside that was probley Trooper and Thirteen playing startled Katie and the pitcher goes to the floor with a loud crash. Just looking down at it for a long moment Katie lets out a long sigh.


Going to grab a towel Katie's hand shook a little as she bent down to try and clean it up.


"You have nothing to be sorry for," Jason comforts quietly. He kisses the top of her head again, settling down with her on the bed. His eyes closed, he just lets Katie rest in his arms, not minding her cuddling in closer. Humming a soft melody, the quiet minutes pass, with just the two of them. Enough words had been spoken for now... Jason knew Katie needed him here, and he realized that Katie knew he was here for her too, no matter if he'd wanted something different or not.

A gentle current begins to flow, slowly at first, gaining strength, little by little. Softly it spreads, seeping like a river over rocks and earth, soaking into the dry banks. Jason can feel the slow start of his emotions and can also feel that they are being received once more, filling Katie as their connection gradually rebuilds after being held back for a day.

Jason consciously lets the tender emotions slip through first, emitting only those. Only the good. Only the warm. Only the understanding. Katie needed those, not his disappointment, fears or irritation. He withholds the negative, filtering them out so they go no further than himself, allowing Katie to soak in all of the good that she could in her moment of need.

But even that takes effort. As the two lie together in the still quietness, Jason can feel his energy draining. He swallows the pain that comes from not allowing the negative emotions out, not letting Katie feel it. It hurt... it was hard, but it was his turn to protect.

Time didn't seem to exist as their connection is renewed. How much has passed, Jason doesn't know. But now exhausted, his humming slowly, slowly fades until his body gives in to sleep. And he sleeps, Katie still wrapped in his arms.

Gage finds it hard to believe Hope, but there was something about her that made him want to trust her. He wasn't sure what it was... but the way she talked... he wanted to believe her.

She said he was smart... that was something new. The people at the Agency always treated him like he knew what he was doing, but none had ever acknowledged his intelligence before. Hearing it from Hope, somehow gave him a new feeling of pride.

He finally nods slowly. "I... I want to stay out of jail if I can. I know it's not your decision but... if you put in a good word for me, I promise I'll try."

The interview doesn't take very long... he was a much easier man to evaluate than Alec had been, and soon Gage finds himself alone again, this time with his bottle of lemonade. Reese had left the door unlocked, but he still sits for a while anyway. He didn't have anywhere to go... and it was quiet in here. He takes another sip of lemonade, letting the flavor dance on his tastebuds.

Reese meets Hope out in the hall, handing her some sheets to fill out about both of the men. "I really appreciate this... it will help a lot when I have to discuss these men's futures. The law enforcement here has never really had a situation like this so... I want to start off on the right foot. I thought perhaps you could do Phinox's evaluation tomorrow, since it's already getting late."

He gives her a little nod. "Sometime soon I'd like to talk with you again... I have some ideas for the future... how we can help more people like these man. Not here... somewhere nearby where we can help them get a new start instead of just sending them off to learn on their own. Provide training and and..."

He stops, realizing his passion may have gotten the best of him, and he grins. "Well... that's something down the road a bit."

Ryder lets Thirteen and Trooper into the house, his keys jingling as he tosses them on the table. Looking around, he doesn't see Jason, but the truck is still in the driveway.

Trooper bounds into the living room, familiar with the house. Coming up around Thirteen's legs, he almost knocks her over, then thunders down the hall to the bathroom then back again, his energy overflowing.

Ryder's eyes widen and he nods Thirteen to the back door. "You might want to take him out back before we wind up breaking something." Chuckling, he wanders to the kitchen. What for supper, what for supper... It was a few hours yet but he had no idea what he wanted to do for the evening meal.

Jason hears the rumble in the hallway and at first, he has no idea where he is. Once he comes to his senses, he realizes that for some reason, he'd heard Trooper. Oh, Ryder and Thirteen must have brought him back here.

Shifting a little, Jason's body feels like a lead weight. Most of his energy had been spent trying to manipulate his own emotions, and though having slept for several hours, he was still tired. It would take a while to recover, but sometime he would have to let the rest of his emotions out. But not now... not until Katie was more stable.

Seeing her peaceful form, he kisses her on the cheek before rolling off the other side of the bed. Tucking the blanket around her, he isn't sure if she'll wake up or not, but he needed to be up and move around a little.

Ambling to the kitchen, he yawns and stretches, spotting Ryder.

"Hey, Hotshot." Ryder pokes around in the fridge, looking for something good. "How's Katie?"

"Mm..." Jason shakes his head and leans back against the counter drowsily. "She'll be alright... gonna take some time though. She just... I don't know."

Ryder quirks an eyebrow, still listening.

"I guess she's having a harder time dealing with what happened to her than we thought," Jason explains. "Then this whole thing with her and me... just made it worse. So... she's not doing too well at the moment. I don't know what it'll take to get her back... but I know it'll come... somehow."

Ryder nods. He knew it had to be hard. He wouldn't press the subject. He would learn more later. Letting the fridge door shut, he growls with frustration. He needed to go shopping.

Jason quirks half a smile. "Ordering in for pizza is usually the way I cure that problem."


Giving a nod to Gage Hope listens hearing his every word carefully. There was something differnt in Gage's eyes than in Alec. They both wanted to same outcome but one had more of a willingness to fight and the other wanted to but didnt.

"We could teach you how and your a smart man Gage. You would catch on quick. Its ok to be scared too. We all get scared and sometimes something big and new can be like that. But if you have a good teacher like Sapphire you wont have to go through alone and everything will be ok."

Stoping again for a moment Hope dosnt speak slow because she thinks Gage is stupid but because she wants everything to be able to sink in before continuing not giving him to much to think about at once.

"I'd like to keep you from jail Gage. You dont belong there, and I can see the willingness to learn, grow and be better. That says a lot right there. I want to keep you from jail."

Feeling Jason holding her Katie cuddles deep into her blankest as her back is aganst Jason's chest. The tears still ran from her eyes, but she felt safe for the moment in his arms.

"I'm sorry. I just....I tryed to be strong and it just backfired all over the place. I'm sorry."

Bringing her hand to Jason's arm Katie gives it a small kiss before closing her eyes again and leaning her head aganst Jason's arm to feel his skin on hers. He was real, her memories were not she wanted to feel that realness close to her.


"Shhh." Jason moves up on the bed, letting Katie rest her head in his lap. He continues to run his fingers through her hair, just letting her cry and talk. He felt rotten and he wasn't even sure why. Maybe because he felt he should have known she was in so much pain... that he should have seen the signs... that he should have been more careful.

Disappointment flickers in his eyes, but he keeps it at bay. He had had hopes for solving their connection problems, but it looked like it would not happen now. He knew Katie wasn't doing any of this on purpose - on the contrary, she was in so much pain. But he couldn't help but be a little disappointed that things hadn't worked out this time around.

"It's okay..." His voice is low and soothing. Looking up, he sees Rick still there. "Has she taken her dose today?"

"I doubt it. I don't think she's been out of bed. She better take hers though since you would have taken yours at least two hours ago."

Jason shakes his head slowly. "I... didn't take it."

Rick's eyebrows rise. "What? Why?"

"Something told me not to." Jason shrugs. "We don't have long now... I can feel things starting to move again. Katie should feel it soon, too." Bending over, he kisses her forehead. "You're gonna be alright," he coaxes. "I know it hurts... there's nothing wrong with the way you feel... it was an awful thing to go through and you have every right to feel scared."

As Rick watches, he could tell that Jason was disappointed. He knew his young friend had finally thought he'd found freedom. Giving that up right now wasn't easy for him, and he would probably think more on it later, but right now, he was there for Katie - she was priority and Rick approved. "Want me to stay?"

"I don't know what for," Jason admits. "Just... when you get back to TJY, ask Ryder if he and Thirteen can take care of Trooper and... tell Reese what's going on."

"Yeah, sure, no problem. If you need anything, call."

"Right." Jason watches him leave, then lifts Katie up a little. Kicking off his shoes, he scoots back further onto the bed to lay on his side, tucking Katie in next to him with his arm around her, his chest to her back. He kisses the top of her head and hums a lullaby for a few minutes, trying to comfort her. "If you need to talk more, I'm here."

Gage looks at the lemonade for several moments before hesitantly taking it. One could tell he wasn't sure what to do with a free gift from a stranger, but Hope had tapped into his new weakness. Unscrewing the cap, he takes a small sip, savoring the tangy sour and sweet flavor.

It takes him a long time again to respond to Hope. He wasn't slow... by no means. He was highly intelligent and knew exactly what she was asking. But he took time to formulate his answers.

"I don't know how to live my own life," he admits quietly. "I... I thought I did, but... now I know different." His eyes glance up to catch Hope's. "I didn't know all those things I did were wrong. I just... I saw a lot of people get hurt and... and I helped it happen... like with Katie..."

He swallows and shrugs lamely. "I didn't know there was anything else... I thought there was a reason for it all. And now, I... the thought of being on my own... I like it, but... I don't know how. It's kinda scary out there, ya know?"

He almost laughs, feeling very stupid. "I know they might send me to jail, and I guess maybe that would be best. I just... never had a chance before."

Would yoou

Staying down with her head rested into her pillow Katie hears Rick but didn't reply. She felt so confused, and scared. She had been broken, and wondered how she would be repaired. She was damaged and didnt know how anyone would want to take the time but Rick was here now, and wanted to help. Jen, Scott they all had said they wanted to help.

Hearing Jason's voice Katie jumps just a little not exspecting him to be coming and embarrassed he was there. Feeling his hand brush her hair from her face Katie opens her eyes tiredly looking up at him. Hearing his words a few more tears spring into Katie's eyes. He'd come, he had come for her to see what was wrong. Jason had cared.

Moving a little in the bed Katie takes Jason's hand into her own. Her kind was cold and clamy but the warmth from his own skin felt good. Gentily pulling herself closer to Jason Katie puts her head into Jason's lap as a few more sobs could be hurd.

"I hated how I felt, to be disconnected from you. To think you were dead because the Agency had cut me off from you. I was so scared and I was so alone. The only comfort was when they came in to torcher me, try and pump me for information. There words..."

Katie's hand clasped Jason's as she talked and her memories came into him.

"...There words whispered and stuck. I wanted to die, but I wanted to live...it hurt so bad and...I just....I was so alone, and I hated how it felt, and I hate myself even more that I am like this and I dont even know why."

Katie's words were mixed together in babble as most didnt make much sence. But it was everything Katie felt and there was so much more but Katie feared much more and she would lose everything in her stomach again.

Continuing to give a smile to Gage Hope makes herself a bit comfortable as she kept her eyes soft and spoke in a soft tone as well.

"Well, I am here because I want to help you Gage. You've keep kept away from the outside world for a long time. If given the chanse we would like you to have a fighting chanse in the world to do stuff normal people do. To have a freedom you have never known."

Gage was different from Alec he was calmer, and had a different temperament altogether. One she did not perfer over the other. To her they were the same just needed to be handled differentially.

Once again reaching in her bag this time for Gage she pulls out a bottle of lemonaid. Setting it on the table she pushes it twords Gage.

"You can take it if you like. I thought maybe you were thirty."

Sitting back in her chair again Hope folds her hands in front of her as she continues to watch Gage.

"As for what they are going to do with you, I dont know but from what I can see Sapphire wants to be your friend and help you be happy, and everyone else just wants to you to be able to live you own life. would you like that?"


Gage hesitantly raises his eyes to look at Hope. He studies her for such a long time that one might think he either wasn't going to answer her, or he hasn't heard her at all. But finally, he speaks.

"I've been having a good a time as any man who is finding out everything he's ever known has been a lie." His eyes seem tired and almost sad. "They didn't explain much about why you were here... you must be taking an evaluation or something, right?"

His eyes drift from her to her bag, wondering if she were armed with paperwork or weapons. "I've been trying to figure out what they're going to do with me but no one seems to know... not even Sapphire."

Listening to Katie, Rick withdraws a little, a chill running down his spine. Something wasn't right. He didn't know how this was connected to the meds if it was at all, but he didn't like this, not one bit.

Rising to his feet, he walks into the hall, leaving the bedroom door open. He reaches for his cell phone and waits. "Yeah, Jason, it's Rick. I don't know, look, I don't want you taking anymore of the antidote, okay? I don't know. No, I don't think it's that, it's just... I don't think she can handle it right now. There's more to this than we thought. Please... okay. Yeah, you might want to come too and we'll go from there."

Rick goes back to Katie's side, sighing deeply. He gives her arm a pat. "You know... even Heroes have weak spots, Katie... and that's not a bad thing. It helps us to always remember we're human." He pauses, hurting for his young friend. He didn't know what she was talking about, but he had a sinking feeling it had to do with her experience with the Agency. "There's always help for you... in here." He taps over her heart. "But you gotta let people in to let those wounds heal."

It doesn't take long before the sound of Jason's truck can be heard. Rick goes to the window to make sure it's him, then meets him at the door. Another two minutes, and Jason is in Katie's room, kneeling beside the bed, near her head so he can be eye-level with her. Worry courses through his eyes as he reaches out to comb his fingers through her hair. "We won't take any more," he mentions quietly. "No more right now, okay? You gonna tell me what's really going on?"

Scott's head slams into the mat and he cries out, but his opponent doesn't give in.

Gunner manipulates their position, dominating the match like he always did. "Come on, Scott, you're making it too easy."

Scott grits his teeth and writhes under Gunner's weight before bringing a leg up and around across Gunner's throat to throw him to the side. The move is effective and Gunner grunts as his elbow hits the floor. "There you go, there you go."

Sweaty from head to toe, Scott manages to get back to his feet, his knees threatening to buckle. His hands up in front of his face, he manages to block a jab and a kick, but then misses his own punch and leaves himself vulnerable. A hit to the ribs sends him back down again where he's put in a hold he can't break. Trying to breath, he gaps as Gunner's forearm presses against his throat, his own arm twisted mercilessly behind his back.

"You just can't learn can you, Scott?" Gunner hisses in his ear. "You're too stupid to do anything right." He yanks a little harder on Scott's arm. "You're not good enough to be with the Elite."

Scott's anger boiled. He was so tired of this same thing over and over and over again, Gunner hounding him and pounding into him that he was no good. Being told he wasn't good enough for the one place he wanted to return to finally pushed him over the edge. "That's not true!" he cries out.

Gunner rolls Scott over to see his face, still keeping him in a locked hold. "Prove it!"

Scott's eyes blaze. "I don't have to!"

Gunner's hold is suddenly released and he rocks back to stand up and look down at Scott. "We're done."

Scott is breathing heavily and he blinks. "What?"

"We're done." Gunner offers him a hand up.

"You mean... for good? But... I haven't-"

"You're ready to face the world, Scott." Gunner nods. "You've just proven it."


Entering the room where Gage was next Hope once again takes in everything around her becoming familiar with this room as well even though it was the same.

Sitting down across from Gage Hope just watchs him for a long moment. Though Gage, and Alec were two different people completely still there were some things that were the same.

"Hi Gage. My name is Hope Garrison. How are you today? I heard Sapphire has been showing you around. Have you been having a nice time?"

Hope offers Gage a small smile.

Letting out a quivering sigh Katie looks blankly at the wall. How was she to even explain it. Everyone would think she was crazy and maybe she felt it a little but she didnt need people pointing it out.

"Hero's arnt meant to have weakness Rick."

A small tear trickled form Katie's eye as she tryed to keep her memories away. She hated how out of controll she felt.

"I hate that medicine you made. And I hat the way it makes me feel, the memories it brings. Its bad enough I have to have physical scars let alone mental ones that keep getting ripped open as well. And Jason just wouldnt understand because he think what he is doing is right."

Letting out a long sigh Katie closes her eyes.

"The darkness is my only friend where and sleep keeps the memories at bay. There is no help for me Rick."