

Looking up at Jade but not moving his head only his eyes Dan grins as Jade removes his hat. He could feel the heat on his neck rise that moved into his cheeks.

Bending down to gather the things and put them back into the first aid kid Dan stands as Jade gives him his hat back. Taking it and holding it to his free side he cocks his head a little a small grin forming on his lips.

"I've got alot of work here I need to finish or I would be more than happy to help you. If you stick around long enough though I am sure there will be more times I can help."

Giving a little nod of his head Dan turns to put the first aid kit back away and get back to his chores. If he didnt get this stuff done Mike would be on his case and thats the last thing Dan wanted.

Looking over his shoulder before disappearing into the stall he throws a wink at Jade.

"You have a good rest of the day Jade and I'll see you at dinner, make sure they save me some too eh?"

Giving a chuckle and throwing his stetson back on his head Dan disappears into the stall.

Looking at JT and giving a small smile Amanda nods. Giving bref introductions.

"Eli this is Dr. Timble he is helping me with your sisters case. JT, this is Eli Ryan's brother."

Letting them shake hands and chat for just a moment Amanda just stands there before finally starting up again looking between everyone including Leo.

"Well Eli we cant just do the transfusion right away. I know you said you had the blood but we have a run a few tests on you first just to make sure. It could be dangerous for your sister otherwise."

Taking some paper from the desk they where consent forms and wavers it was only procedures to go through this. And though time was short it had to be done anyways.

"I am going to need you to sign these for you and for you sister please. Than we will take you in to do some test on your blood and if it works out we will prep you. You will have to stay a few days here as you will be weak but you will be fine. All we need to do is pray that God will be on your sisters side."

Amanda gives a sweet smile hope was in her eyes thought there was some fear behind them that this wouldent work she had to keep faith that God would do what was best.


Jade grins up at Dan. "Thanks."

Just looking at him a moment, she cocks her head, studying his face. In a bold move, she reaches up and takes off his hat. Taking a step back, her grin widens. "You ought to take this off more often."

Giving it back to his chest, she sidles past. "I'm gonna hose down this mare before I put her out in the pasture. Help me out, then I'll owe you twice."

Following Amanda, Eli listens intently, his worry increasing. "Look, when I got the message, it sounded like she was gonna be okay. If I'da known she'd taken a turn for the worse, I woulda flown instead of driven."

This seems to satisfy Leo for the moment, so he backs off with his complaints. "By the way, I'm her ex."

Eli quirks an eyebrow. "Then why are you here?"

"Maybe I still care."

Shaking his head, Eli keeps listening to Amanda. Stopping in the middle of the hall, he swallows hard and is silent for a long moment. "You got the right man." He takes his jacket off and tosses it on a waiting room chair. He had no hesitation whatsoever. "When do we start?"

Leo couldn't help just a little surprise. Eli hadn't even questioned the procedure or asked any questions. It was obvious that he cared much more than Leo had thought.

It isn't two seconds later, when JT appears for his next shift, having rested a few hours. He looks immediately to Amanda with hope. "This him?"


Giving a laugh and a small shake of his head Dan eyes give a twinkle. Jade, was pretty and smart, she new her stuff around the barn to Dan couldnt help but like that in a woman.

"He just worrys about him. Your dad's little girl he dosnt want to lose you, cant blame him for that one."

Taking out a small bandage Dan puts it over Jade's hand giving her another smile. It was nice helping and caring for someone again.

"There you go, if your lucky he wont even see it now."

Hurrying down the hall twords Leo and the other gental men Amanda could over hear them and new this was the man that was here for Ryan.

Exstending her hand to Eli Amanda gives a bref introduction on who she is.

"Its nice to meet you Eli, and sorry for the confustion. This is Leo, Ryan's boyfriend. From my understanding they have been trying to get a hold of you for a few days now. Eli, Ryan was shot a few days back and she lost alot of blood."

Holding her chart and motioning for Eli and Leo to follow them Amanda talks while she walks.

"Normally this would be a simple blood transfusion and the hope that the healing would come fast. But in your sisters cast it's much much different. Your sister had a very rare blood type. We tryed doing a normal transfustion but her body is rejecting the blood."

Amanda is quiet for a very long moment.

"Eli, unless you have the same rare blood as your sister, she is going to die, it will be painful, and just not good. Thats why we needed you."