
Hit home

Giving a soft smile Katie is quiet for a moment thinking about something else to say.

"Mmmm...I like working for TJY. I've meet alot of nice people and I like the thrill of a case. My title is Bodyguard and thats my passion but I do a little bit of everything."

Leaning forward again Katie leans her arms on her legs as she gently pushs the swing.

"I guess its always a little hard on a case though when it hits so close to home. I've known Angle for a long time now. Since I came to my Aunts ranch Angle has always been there. From what I am told she has been with my Aunt and her friends for years before I was even born. She's been through alot and has beaten the Agency so many times. She dosnt deserve to die like this."

Katie gives a small shake of her head before a smile forms on her face again.

"So...How did you come to be part of TJY?"

Katie rests her head on her hand but turn to look at Ryder her eyes giving a sparkle.

Keep talking

Having Katie lean on him Ryder shifts just a little, but doesn't mind it at all. Stretching his arms back behind his head, he takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"We all want to do something good before we die, I think. Almost as if we're born with that desire. Just don't ever let this job kill that fire of yours. 'Cause it can, and easily."

Ryder's own eyes take on a different light, not quite sadness, but not happiness either. "I know what the wrong side feels like too. Every day feels like once more chance to try and make up for it, somehow." He wanted to say more. Something else was on the tip of his tongue. Something about this case. Something about what he was doing here. But it remains unspoken.

Looking back to Katie's face, his smile returns. "I haven't had a woman as pretty as you talk to me in a long time. Keep talking... I like the sound of your voice."

Not always

Sitting down on the swing Katie cant help but give a small laugh. Leaning back a little on Ryder Katie props up her elbow on his leg not thinking of it. Turning to look at him she gives a small smile just looking for a moment taking in his deep blue eyes looking for the reason to her question.

Looking away again Katie thinks before speaking.

"I only told Jason that I would rather die knowing I did something, than die knowing I did nothing."

Turning a little Katie looks at Ryder a soft smile on her lips. She wasnt sure why she was telling him this. Maybe it was because he was a stranger.

"I wasnt always the best person to know. I guess not only do I enjoy doing this but its also my restribution."


Ryder has one leg stretched out across the swing and is leaning back against the armrest, just listening to the sounds of the evening.

Seeing Katie come out, he just watches her quietly, not even sure if she realized he was there. She was different from the other TJY agents he knew. She didn't have the same hardness to her. It was obvious that she would viciously defend those she cared about, but behind her eyes... there was a softness that hadn't been destroyed by life. Cocking his head, Ryder just watches, not saying anything.

As she speaks, a grin creeps across his lips. He knew exactly what she meant. He'd spent a lot of years in the city. And though this little hideaway was meant for TJY business, and things sometimes were dangerous or stressful... it had always felt like just a little slice of heaven, once the sun set.

Having Katie turn to him, he looks up at her, not suspiciously, but simply trying to figure out her motives perhaps. And receiving her gesture to start over, it takes him just a moment. But his smile proves he isn't going to say no.

Ryder stretches out his hand to shake Katie's, his grip a little softer than earlier. "Truce, ya dang sheila." Giving a short chuckle, he doesn't let go, but instead, pulls her closer, just fast enough so that she's forced to sit down on the swing with him.

Still halfway lying down, he looks up at her and shakes his head. "Nice to meet you, Katie. I'm Ryder." He pauses, the moon bouncing off his blue eyes. "I've been wrapped up in this thing for years with more pain and sorrow to start me out than anything. But you... you seem the type to have chosen this kind of life. Why?"

Try again

Finishing up the dishes Katie whipes her hands off on the towel and turns looking around the room for a moment. Seeing Carson looking over the blueprints Katie figures later or tomarrow she would look at them herself. Going to the counter she pours herself a cup of tea.

Seeing Jason on the couch she makes her way over to him standing at his head. Running her free hand through his hair for a moment she bends down to give him a kiss.

"I am gonna get some fresh air."

Heading out onto the back pourch Katie leans agains the railing taking a sip of her tea and looking out into the night sky. Watching the fire flys dart back and forth and listing to the night sounds. For a moment it would seem like Katie didnt even notice Ryder was there, but she did.

"Its nice being out here in the quiet again. I never really apresheated the quiet, just sitting and listing to the night sounds untill I moved into nevada and I didnt have anymore. Its nice to get just a peace of that again in the casos. "

Drawing silent for a moment takes takes another sip of her tea again before still leaning on the railing turns to Ryder.

"Listen I am sorry to earlyer. I'm not normaly that forward, but when it comes to my team I take there safty searouse. So I am sorry if I was a bit pushy. Lets try this again no hard feelings."

Taking a few steps twords Ryder Katie told out her hand as the moonlight shines in the background giving her a soft glow.

"Hi, I'm Katie."


Ryder takes Katie's warning, absorbing it without flinching. His eyes roam hers. "I don't like crossing anybody, let alone a spitfire like you. There's an awful lot of "me" and "I" in there though. I get the feeling you've got more at stake here than these two blokes."

"She's close to the victim," Jason intervenes. "But don't think we don't feel just as strongly about not being crossed."

"If I'd wanted to cross you, I would have killed you a minute ago." Ryder turns a chair around to straddle it, and sits back down. "Either we call a truce or you all can walk. Up to you."

Before any more can be said, Carson raises his hands. "Look, guys. Let's do what we came here for, huh? Ryder, we didn't trust you, but we'll try. You didn't trust up, but hopefully we proved we're on the right side here. It's done. Now let's move on with plans, or we're never going to get what we came here for."

"Thank you." Ryder nods. "So you're here to find an antidote. And you're assuming it's in the lab of the Agency base here."


"Then let me explain a few things..." Ryder proceeds to tell the three that he had an inside contact at the Agency who had been feeding him information for over a year, that he'd been sharing with TJY. He had never ventured close to the facility, scared of blowing his cover, or his contact's cover. He knew where the lab was because of his contact, and he knew the daily routines of workers there, by observing with binoculars from a safe distance. He knew where the lab was located through blueprints that had been smuggled to him, and he knew the different levels of security.

By the time he finishes telling them all of that, the afternoon has wore on. "But... the problem is, that the last two days, there's been a lot of traffic. The authorities have been down there, checking things out after a disturbance call of some sort. I haven't been able to dig deep enough to know what's going on. But it might take a couple days to get close enough to get in."

"We don't have that much time," Jason argues.

"Then you'll wind up inside as a prisoner." Ryder purses his lips grimly. "It's just that simple."


"Jase," Carson interrupts. "He's right. Better to risk taking longer and do this right, than storming the castle when we're so outnumbered. We need to come up with a way to get in under their noses... under their radar. The only thin we can do is pray that Angel will last until we can get back to her."

Bags are unpacked and dibs are called on the beds or the couch for the night. They would all bed down early, for it would be a very early start in the day. Ryder wanted to set out on foot while it was still dark to reach a good vantage point where they could observe the Agency's movements.

The sun is sinking low on the horizon, and insects can be heard, bringing the night in. Jason stretches out on the living room couch and stares up at the ceiling, exhausted, but far from sleep. Carson sits in the kitchen at the table, going over the base blueprints. And Ryder sits on the back porch swing, looking out into the darkness. He had grown quiet after their late supper, seeming to have a lot on his mind, though he had not shared. While nerves had settled along with distrusting tension, something had still gone unspoken.


Bringing a pen to her lips Jess acts as thought she is thinking as a grin forms on her lips.

"Noon at Mom and Pop's...I think I can pencil you in. I shall see you than."

Taking the package Jess places it on the desk and gives a small laugh before sitting down and continuing her work.

Continuing to listen to Ryder Katie cant help but brisle as he evades her question. She didnt like how this felt at all.

Glancing at Carson for a moment as he starts in with his own questions Katie becomes more uneasy but trys to controll her own emotions to not make anyone go haywire.

"Dodging questions, and answering questions with questions is not a good way to make someone trust you, you know."

As Carson makes his quick movment twords Ryder and there little tiff goes on Katie is out of her own chair ready to take action if needed. Seeing Ryder back up and noticing the shotgun in the courner Katie goes for her own gun but it to late before the shotgun is pointed at them. Backing up a few steps and looking at Jason and than Ryder again with a bit of confustion but as the shotgun is finally lowered Katie relaxed just a little.

Watching Ryders every movment and listening to ever word Katie feels a bit better around him but not completely. Knowing for now though that she had to trust him she sits back down.

"Nope no more questions for now, but I will be keeping my eye on you. Carson I trust even if he was with the Angecy I have seen his good side. You...I dont know you worth a lick, tred lightly and gain my trust and we might pull this off."

Leaning back just a little bit in her chair Katie continues.

"DON'T double cross me though, I dont take kindly to that not when someone who is close to me life is on the line. For now, you have a bit of my trust."

Katie can't help the grin that formed on her face though there was turth behind her eyes.


Rocky can't help his grin. "Oh, alright. If Jem Ferchin doesn't want to show herself, then I guess I can take you to lunch instead."

Watching Jess sign her name more slowly, he chuckles. "Well, I'll be. You are Jess Fisher! Then I'd be delighted to meet you for lunch at noon at..." He pauses and thinks. "Mom and Pops is good with me."

Listening to Carson and Ryder, Jason too, feels something a little off kilter.

Yeah, not sure quite what it is yet. I just don't feel like spilling too much information in front of him right now.

Receiving Katie's question, Ryder looks to her quickly. And for a moment, he just studies her, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Ya know... you're an interesting team. Carson asks me questions he expects me to know, yet you question my knowledge when I've answered him."
He lifts an eyebrow and glances back to Carson. "Is it you she doesn't trust, or me?"

Carson grins a little. "Maybe both. But I wouldn't leave her in the dark unless you want to get on her bad side."

Ryder's mouth curls up at the corners, and he stands up to clear some of the paper plates off the table. "How does anybody know anything with security so tight? You think I'm with TJY without knowing anything about this area and what's happening?"

Jason bristles just a little. "You still haven't answered Katie's question."

Ryder turns from the sink. "I hear an implication in your tone."


Carson looks back and forth between the men, analyzing the situation. So far he'd played things pretty cool, acting as though he trusted Ryder and who he was supposed to be. But he hadn't given away any information, also feeling the same way Katie had. He just hadn't gotten around to asking pointed questions yet - she'd beat him to it.

Ryder shakes his head. "Look, I don't know what Reese told you you'd find here, but I'm it. Either you trust me, or you're on your own, and I wouldn't recommend that."

Now it's Carson's turn to bristle. He gives Katie a glance, letting her know that he agreed with her questioning tone. "If you don't have anything to hide, then why won't you answer us about security? Do you have computers? Blueprints? An inside contact? What?"

"I've got eyes out there. I see the comings and goings for long enough to figure these things out."

"So you don't have actual proof of where the lab is."

"I didn't say that." Ryder moves closer to the table again. "I know what there is, and I'm here to get you in and out again."

Jason narrows his gaze. "I hope it's true about the getting out part."

Ryder throws up his arms. "What do you want? Confirmation from Reese?" He grabs a phone and picks it up. "Your call or mine."

Carson leans back in his chair, just watching. "Ryder, you haven't even checked us out. That seems pretty sloppy in itself. Then you expect to follow you blind? Allys don't normally expect to be trusted right off the bat."

"Look, what is this?" Ryder looks between all three. "I'm trying to help you out, and you're starting an interrogation process." He shakes his head and moves back to the table. "I suggest we get down to business and..."

He can't even finish his sentence. Carson is so quick to get up that his chair falls over. He moves with speed, going to pin Ryder's arm behind his back, but the other Australian is quicker, sidestepping the motion and coming back with a quick sweep to Carson's legs. Carson counters and goes for a jab to the mouth, but Ryder ducks, his own fist going for Carson's ribs. Carson sidesteps and finally gets an opening to put Ryder in a choke hold. "That's Agency routine," he hisses into Ryder's ear. "I know those moves because they were drilled into my head. The pattern is the same. Now you better start talking about who you really are unless you want a broken neck."

Ryder struggles under Carson's grip, and gasps for air. In a move of despiration, he drops to one knee, throwing Carson over his shoulders and onto the floor. Seeing Jason move, Ryder backs up, and in less than a second, he's got a sawed-off shotgun cocked aimed at the group. Breathing heavily, he looks at all three. "Jason, who first called you Hotshot?"

"What?" Jason's anger starts to rise and he tries to contain it for now.

"Who first called you Hotshot?" Ryder repeats, raising his voice. "Tell me, or so help me, I'll blow your head off."

"It was Laura!" Jason holds up his hands. "What does that have to do with..." His sentence trails off as he sees Ryder lower the shotgun.

Carson finally gets up off the floor. "What in blazes is going on?"

Ryder lets out the breath he'd been holding, and uncocks the gun. "You guys really know how to push the limits, don't you?" He shakes his head. "I thought I might never find out if you were for real or not."

Carson looks at Katie, then Jason, then back to Ryder. "Are you crazy?"

"For being here? Yes. Look, I'm sorry. But I had to make sure you guys weren't from the other side. Internet has been down for two days. Reese couldn't get me the specs and I didn't know what any of you looked like. You think you've been walking blind, so have I. Reese told me about the nickname, so that was my only source of making sure you all were the right people."

Carson lifts his eyebrows, bewildered. "Well now that you believe we're from TJY, what about you? I spent a year in training at the Agency to learn those moves."

Ryder shakes his head and puts the shotgun back in the corner by the cubboards. "I spent a year in training too."

"So you are with the Agency." Jason is so confused, that his anger disperses.

"No." Ryder looks down, his tone growing quiet. "But I was." An awkward pause follows, and he drops whatever story there might be about the past. "It was a long time ago. And now I'm on your side. I know about the place here because I have an inside contact. I wasn't going to just blurt that out in case you were from the Agency, come to feel me out. I don't have all the equipment and technoligy out here like you do back in the States. No security measures, other than my own brain."

Carson takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly as he folds his arm across his chest. "Alright. So... are we all clear on this then. Are we going to trust each other or what?"

"I will if you do." Ryder nods to Katie. "Sorry. You were right to question me. I just didn't know if I could answer you yet or not." He glances to Carson and Jason again. "I was telling the truth when I said we had to sit a day or two. If you're willing to listen, I'll tell you more about it. If you think you need to call Reese still, go ahead, but the phone lines aren't secure. You were followed by a TJY agent all the way here, and he's the only reason I knew who you were supposed to be at the airport. Now... are we trusting each other?" He looks to Katie, seeming to sense that she might be the hardest to convince. "Please believe me. I'll answer any questions you have."


Looking up from her desk a smile spreads across her face as she see Rocky. As her lips curl a little more, a more sassy grin makes itself known.

"Listen here, I let it slide the first time but now I cant take it. There is no Jem Ferchin here only me, butttt....I am more than willing to give you my sig and go to lunch with a rock star."

Taking the package Jess slowly down her writting a little so you can clearly see what her name was.

"Time and place and I will be there."

Listing to everything Ryder was saying Katie picks up on the small details here and there relizing he was skimming over a few things about himself.

I wonder, maybe when we can we should bring it to Carson's attachen.

Within no time they are to the cabin and Katie gets out. Taking a glance around she smiles. She loved being in the country.

"Mmmmm..to me this is heaven not roughing it. It reminds me of home minus the horses."

Grabbing her bag Katie follows the other inside. Claming witch room was hers she thorws her bags onto the bed and takes a few things out that she would including making sure her gun was in her holster and on her. Making her way back downstairs she slids onto one of the stools next to Jason for lunch.

Continuing to listen once again Katie has a peek of caution as Ryder rambles off much information about The Agency's set up. It was off to her and she couldnt help but ask.

"Ryder I dont mean to be rude and all but how is it that you know so much about The Agencys building if the sacurity is so tight?"

Taking her sip of water Katie just watchs Ryder waiting for his reply.

South side

"Suite yourself." Ryder holds the door open for Katie. "Watch the seatbelt - it likes to catch."

Carson winds up in the backseat with Katie, letting Jason take the passenger seat beside Ryder.

Once out of the heavy traffic around the airport, Ryder tilts his hat back on his head and drives at a relaxed speed. He glances at Katie in the rearview mirror. "We got about two hours."

Carson stares out his window, surprisingly quiet. The scenery looked so familiar, yet so foreign. It hadn't been all that long since he'd been to Australia. But it had been a blur, living in a fog while thinking Misty was dead. He didn't really consider that time at all, part of when he spent here. No... what he remembered was years before that, when this was his life... when he'd called this territory his home.

Ryder breaks the silence. "We're going to be roughing it for a couple days. There's been a bit of activity around the location we're going to be heading to, so laying low is the best option at this point." His tone has become a little more sober as he gets down to business. "I work for a private tourist agency on a regular basis. This keeps my income up and is the perfect cover, while I work for TJY on the side. That's why it's worked so well for me to pick you guys up. We'll be staying at a cabin where we've had folks before who want to get a taste of Australia, but not so much as sleeping under the stars."

He chuckles. "We've had some doozies. I'm just glad to get some people here who have a purpose other than to gawk. Reese said he was sending the best."

The drive takes about as long as Ryder had said it would, and by the time the foursome reaches the cabin, stomaches are growling. They seemed to be out in the middle of nowhere. They'd driven half an hour on a dirt road to get here, and there were no other buildings in sight. Just trees and wildlife.

Parking near the cabin, Ryder slides out. "Come on in, the place is empty. We'll scrounge up something to eat too. Later on we can discuss a gameplan, but trust me when I say we've got time at this point. It's too dangerous to make a move right now."

Getting inside, bags are put away and soon sandwiches and water are on the table. A small air conditioner made the indoor temperature and humidity bearable, though it was still warm.

"So..." Ryder takes a sip of water as they sit around the table. "Carson, you know where the base is then?"

"I could probably get there if I looked at a map first." Carson nods and swallows a bite of sandwich. "How'd you get tangled up in this?"

"Oh, I've been feeding TJY for a few years." Something in Ryder's tone had suddenly shifted, almost to make one wonder if he was telling all.

Jason picks up on it.

Interesting. I wonder what's up there. I hope he really is on our side.

"How's security?" Carson questions.


"And the lab?"

"It's on the south side now."

Far from home

Smiling Katie looks to Jason and than back to Ryder giving a small grin as his comment and how much it reminded her of how Carson talked to Misty. Katie couldnt help but wonder what it was like for Carson to be back home.

"I think I'll hop in the back this time let one of the boys sit shotgun, but if your lucky maybe next time I will sit up front."

Getting into the backseat Katie throws a smile to Ryder. Within seconds the truck jolts forward. Staring out the window Katie cant help but keep her smile held. They were here with a mission but to Katie this was still amazing. She was so far from home and it was an amazing feeling. Something new, and the sites everything looked so pretty.

"So Ryder how long will it take us to get to our destination?"


Jason smiles inwardly.

We're all keeping our eyes peeled, Hero. Keep it up. We may be the elite, but we all need extra eyes, even if we think the coast is clear.

Ryder leads the threesome outside where the sun has by now risen and has started to cast a heat over the city. Heading toward the parking lot, Ryder turns his head to see Katie as he hears her questions.

"Always lived here? Pretty much. Just as few, ah, shall we say, "business trips" have taken me to the States a couple times." He winks at Katie, signaling that those trips were probably related to TJY.

"As for great sights around here, that all depends on what you're looking for. City attractions? Got those. Life out in the peace and quiet? Got that too. But I think Carson could probably tell you about must of that."

Carson adjusts his backpack as he walks. "Been a couple years."

"Not much has changed, mate. Few more buildings... few more people. But it's the same." Reaching an old pickup, he lets the bags be put in the bed under a tarp. "As for secrets, they still exist too. Maybe harder to find. But they don't know about the bloodhounds like me."

Opening the door, he waves inside. "Alright. Hop in. Got your spots picked, or do I get the pretty sheila up front with me?"