

*Jess gives a small nod to Carson and smiles.*

"Ok sounds good. I look forward to seeing you both a little later tonight than."

*Standing Jess clears the plates and puts away some of the left overs before joining Carson at the door to see him off. Leaning in Jess gives him a quick kiss and smiles.*

"Thank you for the company."

*Angel gives a nod to Mick and leaves the room with great hast getting a hold of Wendy, than Rosetta and last Jeff. Once everyone is gathered and BJ is taken care of Angel starts the sergary with great hast. Jeff works with Angel as Rosetta sits and waits. Considering the delicasey of the situation Angel though it best she sat this on out.*

Sometimes when the people we love are in parel, weather we have controll over what happens, or we don't....

*Katie sits at her desk most of TJY quiet. She should be home, but she had to know, she had to find more information that said if Scott was alive or not. Doing her own file searching and doing her own computer searching Katie new she didn't quite know what she was doing but she had to try. There was no way she could give up, if Scott was alive he needed them.*

...a minute could seem like hours, and hours like days, days like weeks, and weeks like years. Time slipping through our fingers, as the click ticks and we race to do what we can...

"Jeff, give me that clamp state the artery isn't cooperating. Come on...hurry."

*Angel continues the work racing the clock. A few things had gone wrong but nothing to major. Still, time we of thee essence and to much time gone by could be fatil.*

...time, why was it our enemy, why was it our friend. The moment time was dreaded but soon, soon the sky would open up and time, time would no longer matter as those who were loved were together again, as life moved on and our friends stood by our side...

*Seeing the light on in Katie's cubicle still Dalton slowly make his way over not wanting to startle her. Looking in Katie's head was rested on the desk as a small dog was cuddled at her feet. Paper works spread out and her computer beeping. Fast asleep one could tell Katie was dreaming.

Gently Dalton enters and shuts the computer off before gives Katie a small shake.*

"Kit Kat, its almost 10. You should head home."

*Lifting her head with a jerk and a start Katie looks up at Dalton and than to her computer that was now shut off. She must of fallen a sleep. Grabing some paper work and a pen Katie continues to stair at the paper.*

"I can't, I'm not tired. I have to do this."

*Looking down on Katie with consern in his eyes he shakes his head before laying a hand on her shoulder. Dalton didn't offten show compation, and wasnt always friendly but something about Katie, just something about her cut through his hard shell and touch the small softness in his heart.*

"Your not going to be any good to anyone Kit Kat like this. You are tired. Go home, get some sleep, come back and work on it more tomarrow."

*Giving a sleepy nod Katie puts the papers in her desk and lets out a tired sigh standing.*

"I guess your right Hulk. Thanks."

*Grabbing her bag and picking up Domino along with her faverote chew toy Katie makes her way out of TJY.

Hey J, you up for come company?*

*Splashing water on her face and than drying it Angel gives a nod to Jeff.*

"Thanks for the help. Sometimes I would wonder what I would do without your help."

*Giving a smile Angel makes her way out from the back and to where Rosetta was sitting. Giving her friend a soft pat on the shoulder she nods.*

"Mick is going to be ok Rosetta. We had a few complacations, and some setbacks but we worked through it and he is resting now. If you want to go in and see him you can but he probley will be out of it from the anistedic for a little bit."

*Rosetta stands and gives Angel a hug. She was so thankful for her friends help and for her presence here at the ranch. Over the years there had been so many misshapes and things that had happend that Rosetta wasnt sure if any of them would still be here if it had not been for Angel.*

"Thank you!"

*Breaking away from Angel Rosetta makes her way down the hall and to the room where Mick was resting. Walking over to his bedside Rosetta leans out and gives him a soft kiss on the forhead. Pulling a chair up next to the bed she sits and interlocks her hand with him just holding it.

Her heart starting to stop its rappid beat as the fear starts to fade knowing now Mick was ok. No matter how many times someone got hurt, no matter how many spills where taken Rosetta would always worry.

But now Mick was ok and that is what matter. She'd stay with him for a little while till he was to wake so he did not have to be alone.*

...the people who mattered, the ones who always saw us through and loved us endlessly, those were the people that would be with us till the end of time. The ones who would always stand by our side and help us heal. Those were the ones that gave us hope and would carry on our legacy to the next.

Got a stop

Mick lets Angel check him over, even though he’s a bit uncomfortable with it. Once she tells him what is wrong, he lets out an irritated sigh. “Aw, great…”

He tries to stifle more coughing. “No, I don’t wanna go to no dang hospital. You should know better than that.” He winces as he tries to move. “This is all I needed… I’ll be laid up for weeks now, thanks to that dumb animal.”

Another coughing fit makes him cringe and double over where he sits on the table, and finally he just lies down, closing his eyes. Two hours ago he had felt decent…right about now he felt downright crappy. His body wanted to sleep, but he didn’t want to. He might just be showing grouchiness towards his condition, but on the inside, he was worried and just a little scared. This wasn’t something to kid around about. If he didn’t get into surgery soon, this could kill him.

“Get Rosetta,” he mumbles. “See if Wendy will watch BJ. Then call whoever you need to. I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”

Carson nods absentmindedly. “I might check out that gas station. No use checking anything else out that I’d have to drive to. Without my own set of wheels, there’s really no point.”

The rest of the meal is finished with light small talk until Carson has to leave again. He stands up from the table and stretches, yawning just a little. The late nights and early mornings were starting to get to him. “I better scoot. I got a stop to make on the way back, and then… Dani and I will swing by here about eight so we can go to the movies.”

…Jason sits on the floor of his office, files spread all around him. A can of pop is on his desk, a half-eaten candy bar close by. It was a poor substitute for the evening meal he’d missed, but it would do for now. He was tired, but he had to keep working. He knew there had to be a connecting link somewhere…there had to be a lead… no matter how small. There was always a lead eventually.

Trooper whines and stretches out beside his master, yawning.

Jason rests a hand on the dog’s head. “Yeah, I know it’s getting late. Just give me one more hour…just one.”


*Slowly walking to the door Rosetta watch Mick cross the yard making sure he gets to Angel's ok before shutting the door behind her and returning to BJ's side to continue to keep him company.*

*Open the door Angel look at Mick with groggy eyes for a moment but snaps up as she relizes who it was and that something was wrong.*

"Dear goodness Mick, you look like you just got hit by a truck. Come in, come in."

*Moving out of the way a little Angel slings Mick's arm around her neck as she helps him to the table. Grabbing a few items she needed Angel continues her examanation of Mick checking him over. Looking at the bruses and the cuts, the bumps and all of the scrapes. Till the problem was finally found.*

"Well Mick I found the problem. It looks like you got a broken rib the puncured your lung."

*Angel walks over to the sink and wash up her hands before turning back to Mick and continuing to talk to him.*

"You have two choses. I can get someone in here to help me and I can fix you up myself or we can send you out to the hospetil where they are better equiped. Its totally up to you Mick and one way or the other I wont be ofended."

*Jess studys Carson for a long moment searching his eyes for the truth and wanting to believe what he said was the truth. Not knowing anything differnt for now its what Jess had to believe.

Taking another bit of her pizza Jess thinks for a moment on Carson's question. Finally answering.*

"I think there is a little gas station that is look for help just down the road from here, or see if the pizza box is looking for people. You can use my car."


Mick looks back up to Rosetta, his face reddening a little. He didn't like it that he couldn't just bounce back as easily as he used to...and it had been a rotten enough day the way it was. But he knew she was right...he knew he needed to go see Angel. He didn't feel right, no matter how he tried to make it seem he was okay.

"Alright." Mick's tone implied he wasn't happy, but he knew better than to keep arguing. Once Rosetta had her mind set, it was hard to change it, and right now he didn't have the energy for a fight. "I'll walk over there myself. Just let me get my shoes on and at least say hi to BJ."

Still fighting a cough, Mick slips his boots back on and wanders down the hall to the living room a bit gingerly, doing his best to act as though everything was fine. Finding BJ back in the living room, he ruffles the boy's hair. "Hey, Bud. Keep Mom company for a just a while longer, alright? And when I come back, we'll all play that game you've been wanting to, okay?"

He gives the boy a hug, then makes his way to the door again. Back outside, the chilly air just makes him cough all the more, and the pain increases along with his own worry. Getting to Angel's he knocks and leans on the doorframe, too weary to stand.

Carson pauses his eating and shakes his head. "You know good and well you wouldn't be imposing. You never impose." He tosses Jess a wink.

At her question, he takes almost too long to respond. "I go jogging...what can I say? I run into things that keep me, then I wind up late. I gotta be careful though, I think I'm starting to tick off Herb." He gives a little sigh, thinking for a couple moments as if contemplating something.

"Heard of anyone around here needing part-time work? If I'm ever gonna get anywhere, I'm going to need some extra cash."

Right there

*Looking at her husband sternly Rosetta takes Mick's hand to see the blood. He could say he was ok till he was blue in the face but Rosetta new better and deep down inside so did Mick.*

"Mick Henson, are you trying to make me a widow already and BJ without a father again? Everything is not ok if your coughing up this much blood. Your not as young as you use to be and need to take better care of your bumps and bruses. Now, you eather go see Angel or I will call her here one way or the other you are seeing her. I'm not losing you already."

*Rosetta's facule expression shows she means what she says though her eyes still hold a soft glow of caring. Finally having Mick, Rosetta was not willing to let him slip away again even if this really was nothing, that was a chanse she was not willing to take.*

*Getting a glass of water for herself and one for Carson Jess brings them to the table sitting down and digging into the pizza.*

"A movie sounds good. As long as I am not imposing I'd love to go with you guys. Your sister is real nice I liked her."

*Jess gives a smile as she takes a bit of her pizza and chews it. Having a new apartment was fun and having someone to shair time in it was even better.*

"So, how can you be late to work still when you live right there?"

*Jess gives a small laugh showing she found a little bit of humor in it.*


Carson thinks for a moment. What he really would like is a cold beer. "Um....just get me water, thanks."

Sitting down at the table, his mind seems to wander for several minutes before getting it back on track and eating with Jess. "I gotta work 'til closing tonight. Got a late start this morning so I need to make it up. Dani wants me to go see a movie with her afterward...you're invited to join us if you want. I don't know what we're going to see."

Mick looks up as Rosetta enters the room, in too much pain to hide it entirely. His eyes drift down, one hand on his ribcage. "I'm okay...I just need to shake it off." He gives her a little nudge with his elbow, forcing a small grin. "I've had worse. Cyclone just had to have his last say."

He starts to chuckle, but winds up coughing instead. This time though, he can't deny he's hurt, when he withdraws his hand from his mouth, showing blood. He can only give his wife a sidelong glance, knowing good and well what she'll say, and also knowing that he didn't want to comply. "It's nothing."

Heart desires

*Jess smiles and lets out a sigh as she hops off the counter. Opening the fridge she cringes a little at the small salection she had and reminds herself to go shopping.*

"Well, I have water, a little bit of milk but I wouldnt trust it, and I have orange soda. So, you can have whatever your heart desires."

*Jess grabs two glass from the cupboard and waits for Carson's reply.*

*Hearing Mick come into the house again Rosetta looks up as he pass by the livingroom. Rosetta knows this was hard for Mick, his love for horses, and the pain of having to put the animle out of its misary would be weaghing heavy on his mind.

Continuing to wait Rosetta playing with BJ in the livingroom waiting for Mick to emerge once again so she can warm him up some supper. The longer Rosetta waits, and the longer Mick does not reappear Rosetta's worry grows. HEaring Mick go into another coughing fit Rosetta gives BJ a light pat on the head and tells him to wait here.

Exiting the living room and making her way down the hall Rosetta peeks in the bedroom to see Mick on the bed. Slowly walking in and sitting down next to him Rosetta lays a soft hand on his shoulder.*

"Mick, Hun you don't sound so good. If you took a spill on Cyclone you should go see Angel. I'm worryed about you."


Carson leans into Jess as she sits on the counter, his hand moving from her leg to her waist, the other bracing himself on the counter top. His pulse rate quickens at her touch as he returns the kiss passionately.

Drawing away, he tilts his head the other way just to return again, feeling the warmth of her breath on his face. Lunch was forgotten.

Finally though, Carson releases the exchange, pulling back just far enough to look Jess in the eye. Hers own shone back at him, proving the happiness she was feeling. Carson's voice is whispered. "Satisfied now?"

A sly grin quirks the edge of his mouth as he gazes at her. And then...something shifts. He blinks, his new gaze showing something else... something different. As if a passing thought had suddenly broken the moment.

Giving Jess' leg a pat, pulls her off the counter, and grabs the box of pizza. "Plates. And...got anything good to drink around here?"

Mick gives Rosetta a slight nod. "Alright...I'll be back." Giving her one last look, the turns again, heading back outside. His steps are deliberate but heavy as he aims for the corral.

When he gets there, Jeff already has Cyclone's bridle off, and is holding down the gelding's head so he doesn't move too much. He looks up as Mick approaches, knowing good and well what was about to happen. "Wouldn't you rather have Jim..."

"No. It will take too long. This poor brute is in pain."

...A shot echoes through the ranch yard, several people at work looking up in question as to what was going on...

Mick trudges from the barn, a shovel slung over his shoulder.

"Mick...you're not in great shape." Jeff walks along side with another shovel. "Let me do this. Go get yourself cleaned up."

"No..." Mick shakes his head. "I started this...I'll finish it."


Mick stops and throws Jeff a glare. "Let me make myself clear."

"Alright, alright." Jeff holds up a hand in surrender. "At least let me help."

Mick doesn't answer him, but continues his trek down the lane, plenty of distance behind the barns. It takes several hours of hard labor before the task is complete, the tractor bringing back both men from a task neither wanted to do again. Jeff offers to put everything away, and Mick makes his way back to the house, hurting and worn out. Halfway there, he realizes his tack is still out by the corral. Another trip, another set of steps that felt like miles. How he hated days like this. What if he'd done things differently? What if he'd skipped today's workout? What if he'd been more prepared?

He heaves a weary sigh and finally is able to head to the house. He knew dinner was long over and was sorry he was late for Rosetta, but there wasn't a whole lot he could have done about it. Limping a little, he heads up the porch and inside, taking off his hat and jacket to hang them up. He glances to the gash in his shoulder. It was dried up by now, but he needed to get cleaned up, preferably before BJ saw him.

Hearing Rosetta and BJ in the living room, he is quick to walk past without the child's eyes spotting him, though he does catch Rosetta's stare, letting her know that he was back.

Undressing for a shower, Mick coughs, wincing and holding his ribs. He should have been quicker to bail out of the saddle so he could fall properly. But it was too late now. Coughing again, he tastes blood, the same as he had earlier. "Dang it." It was probably nothing... He ignores it, and takes his shower, bandaging up his own arm and getting clean clothes on. Easing down on the bed though, exhaustion is pulling at him, despite his hunger. Maybe just ten minutes...

He lies down on top of the covers, tucking his bare feet under a blanket and laying on his uninjured side. Lying down proves to be a mistake though as he starts to cough again. He hurt more than he'd like to admit, and it was just getting worse. He'd taken rougher falls before...surely he could shake this off. The coughing persists though, and he finally has to sit back up. He didn't want to worry himself or anybody else, and he certainly didn't want to have to go see Angel. But the more blood that came up, the more his concern grew. His appetite was diminishing too, and right about now, he was feeling on the verge of sick.

Yeah, I know... I just want this to be over too. I thought at least this part of it was... but yeah... I don't want to be too late either. The only thing that bothers me is Reese. I don't understand why he just wanted to drop this. He didn't even act like it was even worth looking into.

Jason sighs, landing on the number he was looking for.

Actually...yeah, Rosetta and Mick might be able to help out some. First though, I'm after another Texan. I want to see what he says...in the meantime though, if you do want to call your aunt, feel free.

He picks up his phone and dials. It was a long shot, but it's all he had...

Luke reaches for the bedside phone as it rings, knowing Angel was in the office and might not hear it. "Hello?"

"Hi, Luke. This is Jason Stevenson."

"Jason?" Luke raises his eyebrows, and scoots up farther on the bed to sit up. "Well hi. What's up?"

"Actually, I'm needing some information. But first, how ya doing?"

Luke manages a chuckle. "Other than hardly being able to get out of bed the last few days, I'm okay."

"That's rough."

"Oh...I guess I get used to it." Maybe that was a lie, but it sounded good.

"Yeah, right."

Luke grins. Jason was too smart. "So what do you need?"

"Well...we got kind of a case going here... gotta keep it under wraps though."

"Kind of a case? What type of case is that?"

"An unofficial one. In other words...don't alert Austin."

Luke smiles a little. "Alright. I can do that."

"Good. We, um...we're looking at the possibility of an Agency location in Washington. Since you were in that area, I thought maybe you might be able to help us out."

"How'd you know..."

Jason chuckles. "Don't forget I got a hold on everyone's profiles before coming to Texas."

Luke shakes his head, amused. "Alright. Well...yeah, I was there for quite a while."

"Okay, so..." Jason proceeds to ask questions, gain insight and work through a few more things.

Finally ending the call, Luke sinks back down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Jason hadn't told him why they were looking into so much in Washington.... and he hadn't asked. It was odd though that Austin couldn't know about it...Luke would just have to trust Jason on that one.

Well, I got some info from Luke Trahern... He admitted there were a few strange things going on in Washington when he lived there. Also a few areas we might be able to check out a little deeper. Though he's always said he was just living life and not investigating, he did do some casual snooping and it might be just enough for us to get a lead on the Agency again.

Jason closes a filing folder and scoots his chair back to his desk. He had to get some of his normal work done before Reese found out he'd been working on something out. Feeling a little woozy though, he glances at the clock and realizes that the lunch hour had come and gone.

Wanna do lunch? I need to eat one way or another.

Lips Can't

*Rosetta lays a hand on Mick's shoulder. She new he had to do was he was about to and she new it was so hard.*

"Don't blame youself Hun."

*Leaning over Rosetta gives Mick a quick kiss. She new anything she said would not make the situation better but she could hope to try and make him feel a little more at ease.*

"I'll keep BJ busy. Dinner will be done shortly so when your hungry come on in, ok?"

*Offering Mick a soft smile Rosetta turns to try and find BJ.*

*Leaning aganst the counter with Carson close to her Jess can't help the grin that plays on her lips. Jumping up on the counter so she is eye level with Carson Jess wraps her lags around his waist and pulls him close to her. Drawing her lips close to Carson Jess whispers.*

"I don't think I ever could have enough of you. My stomach can wait, my lips can't."

*Bring her lips to Carson's once more Jess press them fermly aganst his own. Her amrs finding his back, and the other the back of his head than the side of his face and down his neck before retreating back to his head. The moment lingered, the passion continuing the happyness coursing through Jess.*

* I'll be ok, I'm always ok. I just don't want to find him and relize we were to late. Or know he is alive and not know where. I just want this to be done and over with. Everyone has been through to much.

Katie looks through some files on the computer trying her best to keep on task. If they were going to do this and not lead on to it she had to keep up with her work. It was hard though, oh so hard to know that maybe just maybe Scott was out there hurt, or even worse.

Hey I was thinking J, do you think talking to my Aunt and Uncle would help any? I mean they have been dealing with the Agency for years and they might have some helpful information that could help.*

Least of all

Mick swipes the side of his head with the back of his hand, his jaw set firmly. Looking at Rosetta, it’s plain to see that this pains him more than anything.

“His foreleg is broken in more place than one… trying to fix it would just put us and him through heck, not to mention the bills. Even if it were possible to get him back on his feet, he’d never carry a rider well… and he went berserk on me out there… he’d never be a safe one to ride.”

Mick pauses, swallowing hard, and trying to ignore his physical pain for now. “I’m sorry. Maybe I took him on too soon…”

Emotions rising again, he turns to leave. “Just keep BJ away… I don’t want him to see this.”

Carson returns Jess’ kiss, his own grip tightening around her, bringing her even closer against him. His hand moves to cradle the back of her head, the other caressing the side of her face, his thumb slowly running along her cheek.

As she pulls away, his eyes display mischief mixed with disappointment, the edges of his mouth starting to grin.

Keeping his arms around Jess, he walks behind her, just to teasingly pull her away from the cupboard just as she reaches for the plates. “I think lunch can wait another…” He leans down over her shoulder to kiss her cheek. “Two minutes?”

His arms slide together around her waist before he turns her around again, backing her up against the counter. “Unless you’re really that hungry and you’ve had enough of me for one day.”

I can't stop thinking about it either.

Jason flips through some files, running his finger down to a list of phone numbers. Some had been scratched out and rewritten. He stops, still unable to concentrate.

I don't know... I don't know if he's really alive or not. The Agency is crooked enough to hold him.. and who better to hold than the one guy who could royally hack our system?

Jason tries to set his mind straight and clear his thoughts, but it just won't work.

I just don't want to even hope that he's alive though... after all we've been through... I just don't want to hope and then be disappointed... least of all you.