
Would have chosen...

Axel can feel a bit of disappointment hit him as Jess opts not to eat lunch with him today. But it was his own fault. He’d scared her off – that much was apparent.

Without much else to say, he just watches her leave, his brain not functioning enough to even respond. But seeing a paper fall onto the counter, he furrows his brow and picks it up, scanning the words. He raises an eyebrow. "So what happens when a rainbow manages to disappoint and embarrass the storm cloud?" he wonders aloud.

Folding the paper gently, he tucks it in his pocket. He didn't have time for lunch today anyway. There was too much to do and too little time.

Passing through the office though, he pauses by the desk and glances down at the phone. He had a hunch...but was it really appropriate? At this point, he was too tired to decide if it was or not. He'd already made a blunder today, what was two?

Tuned to hear the bell on the front door, Carson's head automatically pops up as someone enters the restaurant. Seeing Jess, a smile spreads on his face.

"Herb, be right back."

Drying his hands on his apron, he goes to the freezer where he'd been just minutes before. After a moment, he withdraws, making his way to the front counter. "Hey you." He cocks his head at Jess. "Any other day I wouldn't have expected to see you here yet, but... someone tipped me off."

He slides a milkshake onto the counter, the glass frosted and steaming from hitting the warm air. "They said to tell you they would have chosen rainbow sherbet, but they knew we didn't serve it here."

Carson studies Jess, not having a clue what was behind this, but sensing the possibilities of hurt feelings somewhere.


Coming up to the desk and seeing no one around Jess is just quiet. Trying to work through everything in her head for a moment. As the sound of Keys and than Axel's voice follows Jess turns around just stairing at him for a moment as she takes her keys. Her eyes following him as he goes behind the desk Jess cant help but feel her embarrassment rise even more. Taking her checkbook from her pocket Jess starts to fill it out continplating Axel's statment about lunch. He was trying to be nice to her, she could tell he was but still something was off, and she just didnt feel like it anymore but on the other hand yes she still did.

"I'm not to hungry right now. Maybe tomarrow though I'll see what your up to."

Turning Jess leave the gradge a small peace of paper falling from her check book that was hand written onto the counter.

And each day the storm cloud has something to look forward to, knowing the rainbow is only footsteps away.

Getting into her car Jess lets out a sigh before starting it up and pulling out of the parking lot. Heading across town she makes her way to mom and pops before work. She wasnt hungry, but a strawberry milkshake was in order.

You forgot

Taking in Jess' reaction, then seeing her walk away, the door shuts on anything else Axel might have said. He groans and sets his hands on his hips, muttering under his breath. "Dang it."

Shaking is head he looks down at the desk again, pursing his lips. Taking a deep breath, he swipes the object up and heads to the front.

The front desk is quiet. Where Darrel was just minutes before, it was now empty and he was nowhere in sight. Though Jess is looking to pay the bill, the area is empty.

...Until a jingle of keys comes from behind her.

Axel cocks his head, holding out her keys that dangled off one finger. "You forgot something." His tone has softened some, but a strangeness lingers behind his eyes. One that held his confidence, but would confuse one who tried to understand.

Moving to Jess slowly, he deposits the keys in her hand. "But it wasn't just these you neglected..."

He goes around to the other side of the counter, prepared to take payment for the bill. His eyes roam the desk in front of him as he finishes his statement. "You forgot to ask me what I was doing for lunch."

Off guard

Taken off guard for a moment with Leo's comment about Axel and Jess she just looks at him for a second. Not sure what she should say or think. Finally finding he words Jess is about to contest and conferm that Axel was not her boyfriend but its to late Leo was already yelling to Axel. Just letting it be for now Jess drops what she was going to say. If it was braught up again it would be corrected.

Handing over her keys to Leo Jess makes her way to the office entering and sitting down.

As the short time pass Jess thumbs thought a few magazeans before finally looking up again and seeing Axel walks twards the office. A smile coming to her face. Watching him Jess just listens letting his words hit her ears. At fist the words are warm and she can't help but laugh just a little as she knows she has been found out. But soon Axel's words seem to turn cold and almost feel like ice. Letting her eyes drift up for a moment Jess looks into Axel's. Something was differnt, was it his mood, was he upset with her, irratated? But it was almost like a completely differnt person now stood infront of her.

As Axel rips off the paper and holds it out to Jess she flinches as if almost exspecting something more to come. Looking up again and seeing the paper slowly with a trembaling hand Jess takes it. Standing she grabs her jacket.

"I'm....I....Thanks for working on my car."

Trying to hold her head tall Jess leaves the office making her way to the front desk. A new form of emotions held tight to her, she felt embarassed. How silly she was to think using her car was a good way to see Axel. He was right she should of just asked.

Faster, cheaper

The noise in the shop keeps most men distracted, but as Leo goes to the toolbench, he spots Jess. Hearing why she's there, his eyes widen.

"Sparkplug issues??? Sparkplug issues?!" He lets out a groan. "You do realize your boyfriend is never going to let me live this one down, don't you?" He sighs and shakes his head in defeat before turning around and waving to the far end and shouting. "Axel!"

Axel comes up from the sportscar's engine and squints, seeing Jess and Leo. An eyebrow quirks in surprise and he throws up his hands to ask what on earth was going on.

Leo points outside and calls again. "Problems!"


"Got time??"

Axel gestures to the empty bay next to him.

Leo turns to Jess and holds out his hands for the keys. "I'll give that bomber back to him this time. Maybe it'll put him in a better mood." He rolls his eyes. "In the meantime, you can sit in the office if you like." He leans in a little closer, lowering his voice. "Boss is here today." He doesn't have to elaborate - it was plain enough that the boss wouldn't appreciate customers hanging around inside the garage.

Within minutes, Leo has Jess' car inside. He and Axel converse for a moment or two, then Axel moves from the car he'd been working on, to Jess', propping open the hood. Even at a distance, one might be able to tell he's more rigid today, perhaps proving Leo right about his mood.

It doesn't take long before he's ambling across the garage to the office, a couple small parts in hand.

Opening the door, he steps into the waiting area and looks around, finding Darrel not within sight. He lets out a sigh and cocks his head, studying Jess for a moment. "Well...you're on time." He looks up at a wall clock. "Ten more minutes and I would have already been gone for lunch."

Moving behind the desk, he stays standing, but pulls out some paperwork to fill out, leaning down to write. "You know..."

He pauses and looks back up. His tone has taken on a stern edge, but an odd mixture in his eyes proves that there is something else. Amusement? Pleasure? It was hard to tell.

Axel deposits a couple sparkplugs on the desk. "I put these in myself a couple days ago. Funny they'd be giving you trouble..."

He lets his thought linger, turning his head back to the paper he was writing up. Though now looking down, he continues. "Even funnier you wouldn't have just gone downtown to the parts store and bought a couple to replace them yourself. Faster, cheaper..."

His eye drift up to hers again. "...and a piece of cake for somebody like you."

Tossing his pen aside he straightens up an folds his arms across his chest, just watching Jess for several more moments. "Jess..." He shakes his head slowly, his tone dropping. "Storm clouds don't need thunder and lightning to bring out a rainbow."

Axel leans down to tear off a bill for parts and holds it out to her, his eyes a steady gaze. "Friends don't need excuses to see each other," he reminds quietly. "Try asking...you might be surprised."


Pulling up to the gradge once again Jess smiles and lets out a tiny sigh. Sooner or later she was going to run out of car problems and than she would have to come here on her own but for now this worked.

Seeing the few cars parked outside Jess hesatats for a moment. It looks kind of busy and she didnt want to put anyone out, but...she was here she might as well go in. Getting out of her car Jess enders the shop glancing around for a moment. Seeing no one as the desk Jess walks to where she can see into the shop. An even bigger smile forms as she spots Axel working on a spots car. For a moment she just watches him not saying a word but a movment to her left side breaks her stair as she looks to see what it was. Spotting Leo makes Jess smile turn into a Smerk. Standing a tad bit taller Jess yells to him.

"I thought you said Leo if you worked on my car I wouldnt be in here again? Guess what I am back and I am having sparkplug issues."

Looking back in Axel's direction for a moment Jess gives a small wave.