

Pulling up to the gradge once again Jess smiles and lets out a tiny sigh. Sooner or later she was going to run out of car problems and than she would have to come here on her own but for now this worked.

Seeing the few cars parked outside Jess hesatats for a moment. It looks kind of busy and she didnt want to put anyone out, but...she was here she might as well go in. Getting out of her car Jess enders the shop glancing around for a moment. Seeing no one as the desk Jess walks to where she can see into the shop. An even bigger smile forms as she spots Axel working on a spots car. For a moment she just watches him not saying a word but a movment to her left side breaks her stair as she looks to see what it was. Spotting Leo makes Jess smile turn into a Smerk. Standing a tad bit taller Jess yells to him.

"I thought you said Leo if you worked on my car I wouldnt be in here again? Guess what I am back and I am having sparkplug issues."

Looking back in Axel's direction for a moment Jess gives a small wave.

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