

Listing to Mackenzie Angelica takes a few notes writing things down that if looked at no one would understand what she wrote. What she said was interesting and she probably could guess who had sent the man to Mackenzie only to be confirmed by Heather's action to what she had threaten her with to keep her silent.

"Dont worry Poco uno, I will do my best to keep your dad safe. He'll be ok that I promise."

Angelica searches the young girls eyes trying to reasure her that things would be ok. She comended Mackenzie for her bravery knowing that must of been on of her stronger trated from her father.

"Thank you for the help. Keep the phone so if you need anything you know who to call ok?"

As Wendy opens her mouth to tell Clint that she really would like to help cleaning up she dosntchanse before Clint is pulling her out of the mess hall. Looking back in as she goes through the door she gives a shrug to the others as if saying she was sorry for leaving them with the work.

Trying to keep up with Clint Wendy cant help but give a laugh.

"Slow down you I am pregnite here I cant quiet move as fast as you right now."

Continuing to follow him Wendy stays close as they come to the fence. Leaning her hands on it just a little she lets it saport her weaght. Following Clint's finger out across the field to the oak tree a smile spreads across Wendy's face as his words hit her ears.

Leaning back aganst Clint her smile spreads even more.

"Oh Clint, that would be perfect. I cant already picture it in my head."

Turning around Wendy puts her arms around Clint's neck through she cant get to close are her stomach stuck out more now that it got in the way but she did the best she could.

"Thank you Clint, for making me so happy."


Mackenzie looks down, then glances up towards the door where she knew Heather was. She bites her lip and fingers the cell phone.

Finally she sets the phone in the center of the table and leans forward, resting her chin on her arms. "My dad didn't kidnap me," she mumbles softly. "But... I don't know who did."

Her eyes glance towards the door again, then back to the table. "I snuck out of the dorm before breakfast... I do that sometimes. And... I went for a walk. A man met me by the road. He said he knew my dad, even said his name, then... said he could take me to him."

Mackenzie shrugs. "I know I shouldn't have gone with a stranger but... I wanted to see my dad again. So... we went to the airport and flew to Nevada. He said his name was Smith but... I guess that might not have been his name, huh?"

She swallows and fiddles with Angelica's business card. "He took me to that restaurant where my dad works, and he dropped me off. And... that was it. I waited for my dad, and then I stayed with him there the rest of the day. For supper he made pizza..."

She smiles a little. "He's a good cook. And then... his girlfriend, Misty, came and we went to his apartment. I didn't get to meet my aunt until morning though because I went to bed. And then... at the restaurant... the police came."

Looking up, she studies Angelica's face. "When I came back, Heather.... she... " She hesitates again. "She said that if I told anyone what really happened... that she would hurt my dad."

A tear forms in Mackenzie's eye. "I didn't want to get him in trouble... I just... I just wanted to see him... that's all."

As soon as Scott leaves Mom and Pop's, Carson catches up on the waiting orders in the kitchens, then goes out in the hallway to phone Angelica's cell. Getting her voicemail, he wonders if she's talking with Mackenzie or Heather right now.

"Lockheart, it's Carson. I got some information on Heather. No, don't worry, I didn't dig it up myself. Look, she's got a personal agenda here we can use. Apparently when she was about ten years old, her parents divorced. It was messy and she got caught in the crossfire of a brutal custody battle. Her mom finally got her, but when she was eleven, her dad picked her up from school. Would have been a simple case of kidnapping, but he was abusive. By the time it was all straightened out, she had to have six months of child counseling. She's got a personal grudge against men in general, proved by male teachers she's gotten in trouble, boyfriends her mother has had that she's complained about, etcetera. She's never allowed children under her care to spend time with single fathers - she'll only allow interaction with married couples who appear to be happy and stable."

Carson paces up and down the hall, pausing to rub a hand over his face. "It's only speculation, but I think that's why she's got it out for me. She's got a couple who wants to adopt Mackenzie - apparently a couple she approves of. Now she wants to make me look dirty so there's no way I can get to the kid. Noble thoughts there, but obviously she went too far. Anyway... that's what I've got so far. Talk to you soon. Bye."

"Carson, what did you do with my spare keys?" Dani mumbles to herself, looking for the set of keys that her brother had borrowed the night before. "I'm gonna be late!" She'd come back home from work to grab something for lunch, but had locked her keys in the car. Now not only feeling utterly stupid, she couldn't find the other set.

Searching the hall closet, she rummages through Carson's jacket pockets. Reaching into one, she stops, her fingers hitting something unfamiliar. Frowning, she pulls the object out. Disappointment washes over her. There were much worse things, for sure, but Carson... She sighs and stuffs the pack of cigarettes back into the jacket. She'd talk to him about it later.

Lunch was just getting over. The mess hall seemed a bit quiet. But it had during the last few days - ever since Jeff hadn't returned. Several people had gone back to work already, leaving just a few at the tables. Clint was one of them, though he rises now, ready to get back out to the shop.

Wiping his hands on a napkin, he sees Wendy nearby, helping clean up. He just watches her for a moment, knowing that it was uncomfortable for her to be on her feet. A nudge in the ribs makes him turn and look at his dad.

Jim gives him a small smile. "Never get tired of looking at her, do you?"

Clint returns the smile. "No. How'd you know?"

Jim gestures to the kitchen where Becky is. "You tell me."

Clint lets out a soft chuckle. "Yeah... well I gotta talk to the love of my life right now. See you later."


Clint rises from his chair and wanders over to where Wendy is, slipping an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, Beautiful." He gives her cheek a kiss. "Before I get back to work, wanna take a little walk?" Not letting her even have a chance to say no, he takes her hand, his eyes sparkling. "Come on. Kitchen work can wait."

Getting outside and down the steps, he sets off across the ranch layout, past the bunkhouses and into the east pasture. Grinning, he continues to pull Wendy along with him, not stopping to talk. Finally, he halts at a fence and gestures to the small grassy plot between two pastures, where the old oak tree stood. It was close to the ranchyard that you could see everything, but far enough away that it was out of the daily hustle and bustle.

Leaning on the fence, he gestures to the small area. “I talked to Mick,” he reveals. “…and the bank. And…”

Clint pauses and gives Wendy a sidelong glance. Slipping behind her and slinging his arms over her shoulders, he points so she can follow the line of his finger to the space next to the oak tree. “…how would you like a little log cabin, right there… Just for us?”


Hearing Mackenzie's voice Angelica turns around and comes back to the table sitting down. Searching the girls face. Looking deeper Angelica could see the look behind her her eyes the fear could be seen.

"There is no garinte without you I will be able to help him. Me and the people I work for, that you dad once worked for are going to try out best to keep him safe and out of jail but without you there is no promise at all that, that will happen."

Angelica only hoped she could get through to the girl. Every fiber of her wanted to help, and wanted to keep everyone safe. She new this was hard on Mackenzie and couldnt blame her for her silence.

"I do need your help, Poco uno. But when your ready thats why I gave you the phone and the card so if you feel better telling me some other time before the hearing."