
Hope, Goodbyes, Comfort

*Jamie slightly turns her head as Jason leans agasnt the bumper of the truck. Jamie isent sure who but following the pressence of Jason she felt a bit of comfort. They both had many people they could lean to for the arms of sympathy and yet...they both felt so alone, but knowing someone was there, Con's best friend seemed to offer just enough to lighten the load alittle.*

Night comes and the moonlight alluminating the two still figures in the parking lot of the construction site.

*For a long while Jamie stays on the hood knowing Jason is close. Though at the night gets later she slips from the hood laying a weary hand on Jasons shoulder she goes over to the passanger side and opens the door. Reaching in Jamie pulls out Con's hoodie she new would be there and slips it on. His sent still pressent. Slipping into the trust Jamie shuts the door. A few tears fall from her eyes again as she closes them. The smell of Con filling her nose as memories over flow her mind till finally exsaustion takes over and she falls asleep.*

Morning comes but not soon enough. Beckoning those to wake and the day. No matter what it was to hold. Some old hope, some old fear, other are ready to say goodbye to those held close to them.

*As the morning light peeks over the harizon and shines in the truch window Jamie opens her eyes with a start fearing she might of missed something. Opening the truck door and steping out Jamie scans the sit looking, hoping but only still see people working to clean the area. Her heart sinks again. Looking down at Jason who was awake leaning aganst the tire she sighs. Still waiting Con hoodie Jamie leans aganst the door her eyes glues once again to the work site the car the pulled up going un notices.

As Katie pulls into the construction site with Scott she spots Jason's bike and than see the two figure by Con's truck. Giving a nod to Scott.*

"Yeah there is Jason. He must of come to spend the night with Jamie and make sure she was ok."

*Parking the car Katie gets out and walks over with Scott where the other two were. Folding her arms across her chest Katie stands stairing watching the resuce team. Her hope was dwindling, and no matter who she dident want to and how much it hurt, she was ready to say goodbye to her brother.

Nate silently drives with Laura to work. His hand wraped in her. Its was another day and though work seemed slow and almost non exsistint is was something to occupie the time. The last few days Nate had spend as much time as he could with Laura. Being the shoulder she needed. Doing everything he could to keep her company. Seeing her so said, and seeing the tears in her eyes tore at Nate's very soul.*

And they wait

Con’s mind takes many strange twists and turns as a lethargic semi-sleep takes over. The people he knew…the people he cared for, were prominent in his thoughts. As the previous hours had dragged on, he had had too much time to think about his past…those he loved. He had thought of his sister. He had thought of his aunt and uncle. He had thought of all his little cousins. And he had thought of Jamie. Nothing made his heart ache more than the thought of not being able to hold her in his arms one last time.

His body wanted to give up. His mind wanted to shut down. Oxygen was thin…he and the other two had had no water…no food…no light. He was growing weaker by the minute, lacking the strength he’d always had. But he couldn’t give up…he couldn’t.

The face of Jamie was plastered in his mind. He was going through torment – he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through now. “Hang, on, Jamie,” he whispers…”Hang on.”

As Jamie explodes and storms out of the breakroom, a tear slides down Laura’s cheek. She looks to the Nate for a moment, searching his eyes. She’d almost lost her brother so many times…could this really be the last of it?

Standing from her chair, she slides onto Nate’s lap, feeling like a lost little girl. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buries her face in his chest, letting the silent tears flow. She’d been so strong the last few days, but she just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Scott’s eyes dim at Jamie’s sudden outburst, her harsh words to Katie, stinging even him. Looking to Katie, he moves to wrap her in a hug. He knew he didn’t have to…Katie was probably a stronger person than he was, but he knew that no matter how she looked on the outside, she was hurting. Con was her big brother, and though Scott himself was a friend of Con’s, he knew that the relationship between Con and Katie was more than that.

Jason sits at his desk, one hand resting on Trooper’s head as he stares into nothingness. He felt…numb. Like this wasn’t real. He’d spent all his hours here…he’d only gone home to get a change of clothes twice in the last couple days. The only outside contact he’d had with people was calling the band. Otherwise, it was here…being with his coworkers…watching the news…and worrying.

Suddenly he hears Jamie’s shouting and watches as she storms down the hall. He furrows his brow as he realizes and feels the emotions she was emitting. She was in so much pain…it went so deep. Con was her world and to be without him was like having the world coming crashing down around her.

The day is just as long as the others have been. Waiting. Watching. Pacing. Waiting. Little is spoken. Little is done. Hope all but dies.

A motorcycle engine can be heard coming up on the construction sight, then cutting as it’s parked near the street. Jason slowly dismounts and scans the lot. It was dark, but he knew Jamie would still be here. Others had decided not to come after her and try to make her go home, wanting to give her her space. But Jason felt compelled tonight…he wasn’t sure why…but he did. He was losing his best friend. Jamie was losing hers.

Jason’s boots crunch lightly on the gravel as he approaches. Spotting Jamie on the hood of Con’s truck, he leans against the bumper with his back toward her, crossing his arms and looking out over the lit site. He says nothing. He knows he doesn’t have to. And so they watch in silence.

Morning dawns. The sun casts its golden rays across those in mourning…those who are working…those who are searching. The rescue has slowed, but not stopped. The worry has become lost hope. Onlookers have dwindled. Families have faced reality of not seeing their loved ones again. And still…they wait.

Rescuers work feverishly on the rubble, all but giving up of finding anything. Any traces had yet to be found of the missing men…


*Nate makes sure to keep his arms fermly around Laura. Geting her all the comfort and prtection she needed at a time like this. He couldent do much but get her shelter, and even that seemed so little but he new he had to be there for Laura.*

*Once back and with Jamie close by Katie sits in her cubicle. A few of her own tears fall. Con, they had to find him. Since Katie had met him at the ranch he has been like a brother to her and a close friend. Though he was gone from TJY he still had remained close to her. Katie trys to keep herself occupied with work but mostly just stairs at her blank comeputer screen.*

*Jamie sits in a fog her mind swarming in a million places at once. Tears roll down her cheek as she gentily rock.*

The days pass quickly but the hour drag on, make time feel like an endless nightmare. Tention starts to run high as not many people are geting sleep. Everyone wanting to help in the struggle to find Con and the other two men but all knowing they couldent causing even more tention to form and the late hour on the second day was waying even more on some.

*Nate keeps his hand wrapped in Laura's. He wanted to say so much, bring words of comfort, loving words to make her feel better. but non seemed to even come close to something that would make her feel better. He brother was slowly slipping away from her and they all new it. Nate turns his head studing her eyes but only coming up with what he new. Hope...was fading fast, and the understanding that for some reason this was what God wanted was forming.*

*Katie looks up at Scott for a moment before looking back at Jamie. Worry corsed though Katies own eyes. For Con and for Jamie even mroe. Katie had tryed to spend as much time as she could with her friend trying to be there for when she broke. From what Kate new though in the last 2 days Jamie hadent left the breakroom. She hadent eaten, slept, nothing her eyes were almost permintly glued to the tv. But the look in Jamies eye told in the inside she was screaming, and crying. The battle ragged in her and it was only a matter of time before she could hold no more in. She was a ticking time bomb. Who was soon to blow up.

Puting a hand on Jamie's arm Katie's voice is soft and tired she had been geting very little sleep herself and the werry look in her eyes and the tone in her voice proved the same.*

"Jamie, you need to go home and get some rest. I know I keep bothering you about this, but you have to. You have to keep your stength up. They are doing all they can for Con. Please go home...get some rest."

*Jamie sits watching the tv Katie's voice echoing in her head. Her headack growing, her nerves shot, the tiredness wearing on her. Feeling Katie hand on her arm and hearing Katie words again Jamie jerks her arm away. Her eyes cold with pain, dull from hurt, her eyes cryed for help, and shower her soul screaming even if her actions dident match.

Jamie stands with such a force slaming her fists down on the table is causes Katie to jump.*

"Stop treating me like a baby. I'll sleep when I want to sleep. AND they ARNT trying as hard as they can if they were they would of found Con ALREADY. THEY SHOULD BE TRYING HARDER."

*Jamie's voice grows louder as her crule hard words show her pain.*

"EVERYONE should be there, everyone should be diging or doing something. They need to STOP wasting time. It Might be easy for you to cling to Scott for comfort cry in his arms and think everything is ok but ITS NOT...DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN CARE CON IS OUT THERE DIEING....HE IN PAIN AND....HE DIEDING."

*Jamie pushes away from the table and heads out of the breakroom as many heads turn and watch as she makes her way acorss the floor and to the door most showing simpathy for her but still shocked by her out bust. It wasent often to see Jamie get upset.

As Jamie head up the step and throws open the doors to TJY, the sun was seting and the air was a bit chilli. Jamie's mind races as her eyes ajusted to the dark. Geting into her car Jamie pulls out of the TJY parking lost and starts down the road.

After minutes pass Jamie arrives at the construction site. Cars still lined the parking area many from the crew that was part of the search and rescue. Jamie continues to let her eyes drift along the cars till she finally finds Con's truck. Pulling up along next to it Jamie gets out. Running her hand along the side of the truck Jamie walks to the front and hopes up one the hood. Drawing her knees to her chest she stairs out at the lights and people moving around, cleaning rubble and debree. The cool window howls seeming to make its own crys and moans for those lost. Tears finally break free rolling down Jamie's cheek as she talks to herself.*

"I know I'm early Con, but I dident want to be late. We had dinner planed and I wanted to make sure I was ontime. I wanted to be the first one you saw coming out of work to put a smile on your face. I'm early but thats ok, at least I'm not late."

I did hear about what happend at that work site. My
simpathys go out to you, and everyone close to Con. Please
let everyone know I am praying and I have been keeping
tooned in on the news to find out what happens. I pray and
hope that they find Con and the other soon. Other than this
I hope you are doing well. Take care

-Angelica Lockheart

Dwindling Hope

Scott does his best to help Katie with Jamie back to the car, feeling pretty helpless. He wanted to stop and worry about Con himself right now, but knew others needed more help at the moment.

He makes the trip back to TJY quickly, knowing it would be better to let others know what was happening, and be at a place where they could find out quickly if any more news came through.

Laura feels Nate’s hand in hers, and stares at it for a moment. She could feel the callouses on his fingers, and her thumb automatically rubs his palm. She swallows hard, taking in his comfort like a sponge.

Tears pool behind her eyes, but they don’t fall. “Thank you…Nate.” She finally looks up at him. “I…I want to go see the tv in the break room to see what’s going on.”

She nods with decision and stands up, keeping Nate’s hand grasped in hers. Slowly she heads for the break room, seeing the tv still on from when the others had left so quickly. The scene of the accident was still on. The reporter, Justine, was still commenting about the cave-in.

Laura enters hesitantly, approaching the tv and taking in the sight. She doesn’t even realize her fingers tightening around Nate’s. Swallowing hard, she forces herself to concentrate on the screen, her fear evident only in her eyes. She had lived everyday knowing her brother was in danger at TJY…but she’d gotten used to him being safe with an outside job…and now this. It just went to prove that no matter where you were, life was still fragile.

Laura slowly leans against Nate, pulling his arm around her own shoulder. Resting her head against his shoulder and chest, a tear finally escapes.

As the others return, Scott directs Katie to help Jamie any way she needs, and he himself goes to find Jason. Once a report is given, the word spreads throughout TJY. Inquiring phone calls are made, the tv is watched, and prayers go up everywhere.

Darkness. The air was thick and warm and hard to breathe. Dust. Pungent smells of earth and gasoline.

An enormous weight presses down on Con's chest and shoulder. He blinks, sweat and dirt stinging his eyes, but can see nothing in the pitch black world. Trying to shift his weight proves to be difficult. His left hand reaches up and feels the cool stone on top of him. A bolder that was wedging him against a rocky surface.


Con squints, desperately trying to hear something. "Dean?" he calls loudly.


"Talk louder, buddy, I can't hear ya."

"Over here!"

Con twists his head around, still unable to see anything. The voice couldn't be more than ten feet away. "You hurt?"

It's a moment before he can hear Dean's strained voice again. "Yeah."

"How bad?"

"Can't tell...my legs are stuck...hurts bad."

Con puts pressure on the bolder that's pinning him, but it doesn't want to budge, and after a moment, he has to stop and catch his breath. "Brandon?" he calls.



Still nothing.

Dean's voice comes back. "I don't know if he's here...but he might not have...made it."

Con grits his teeth. How could this have happened. One minute they were on the site, the next falling, and he knew nothing until now. "What happened?"

"I don't know...we fell."

A moan comes from only feet away.

Con's senses are heightened. "Brandon? That you?" Not receiving a response, Con's desperation rises. Straining with all his might, he places a hand to the cold bolder and pushes. His pinned shoulder feels like it's being torn from his socket as his muscles threaten to give. But the bolder starts to shift. Dirt falls onto his face and he cringes. If he can just...get it...a little...higher...

Suddenly the weight is gone. Catching his breath, he doesn't have enough room to roll over, but pulls himself out from under the rock, feeling dirt and rock wall all around him. Scooting in further, he sits up, but when he tries to stand, he hits his head. Back down, he crawls on his hand and knees, groping his way in the pitch blackness. His hand hits something soft.

"It's me," Dean responds. "You alright?"

"Yeah," Con fibs. He can feel the blood running down the side of his own face and his splitting headache warns him that he's got a concussion. He can barely move his right shoulder through the pain, and isn't sure the extent of that damage. But Dean sounded worse off. "Where are you pinned?"

"Knees down."

Con runs his hands along Dean, feeling where he's positioned against the wall of this hole. Several stones like the ones that had held him down were pinning Dean's legs. Pushing on one, Dean lets out a cry. "I gotta move it, Dean. It's gonna hurt like heck, but we gotta get you out from under it. Can you pull yourself out when I lift?"

Dean holds his breath through the pain. "Yeah."


Con pushes and lifts with all the strength he's got left, and can feel Dean pulling himself out. "You free?"


Letting the stone back down, Con shifts to the side, feeling where Dean is again. "How big is this hole?"

"Don't know...not big. Feels tight."

"That it does."

Dean almost laughs. "I bet it's worse for you. Can you stand up?"

"No, the ceiling's too low."

"We must be in some sort of pocket. It's amazing we haven't been crushed."

"No kidding." Con moves his hands gently down Dean's legs and grimaces at what he feels. Both were severely broken. "Don't move unless you absolutely have to," he directs. "Now...where's Brandon?" Crawling awkwardly on one hand and his knees, he discovers that the pocket they're in is very small indeed, and he hits Brandon within several feet. "Hey, Brandon..." Feeling around the younger man's form, he feels that he's not pinned. Shifting his hand to Brandon's head, he feels the blood. Further down he feels a torn shirt and more wounds.

Brandon groans again, trying to move.

"Take it easy," Con directs. "Can you hear me?"

Brandon mumbles something in response.

"Where does it hurt?"


Con grimaces. It was bad. "You just relax. We're going to get out of here."


That was a good question. Con had no idea where they were. Whether they had gone straight down, how far down they were, or anything. "Underground."

Suddenly the earth shakes, a rumbling heard from above. Dust and small bits of debris fall from the low ceiling, threatening at a cave-in. Con's eyes rove upward, but it does no good. There is no light.

"I smell gasoline," Dean comments.

"Me too...might be the dozer close by." With Dean closeby, Con feels he's in between the two men, and turns to sit crosslegged with Brandon's head in his lap. He could only hope that people were looking for them. And if they were, that they would tread lightly. The sound of shifting rubble proved how unstable this little cavern was.

The day drags by oh, so slowly. Nothing changes. No news. Any inquiries to the construction site prove to only show that rescue workers were still trying to clear rubble. Nothing had been found…no one had been found.

“…More than forty-eight hours has passed on the site of Titan Inc, and rescue efforts continue.

The television shot zooms in on the site to show how far workers have been. Rubble is still everywhere. The bulldozer has been dug up and is now removed, but rocks and earth is everywhere. People are crawling all over, the scene still chaotic.

Justine’s voice continues. “The hearts of those at Titan Inc go out to the family and friends of the three men who were buried under this cave-in. Those three were Dean Houghes, Brandon Hicks and Conrad Gibbs.” She looks sorrowfully at the camera. “Though rescuers continue to work as fast as they can, hopes are not high.

The shot moves to one of the rescue workers who had been questioned the night before. “…If they actually survived the fall itself without being killed by the debris and fell into a ‘pocket,’ oxygen would quickly run out. Though we still want to keep hope, it’s impossible that anyone is still alive…

Jason turns away from the break room counter and leaves the room without a word. It had been like this for two days. Everyone seemed to spend all their waking hours in front of the television. And with every minute that passed, hope dwindled. There was no way that Con was still alive.

Jason trudges to his office and sinks down into his chair. He hadn’t slept in two nights…all he wanted to do was go down to that site and physically help look for those three men…but he couldn’t, and he felt like a caged animal. He’d hardly spoken to anyone, not even Katie, swallowing his emotions.

Laura lowers her eyes to the break room table. She had prayed…how she had prayed. And yet it seemed the inevitable was happening. She was losing her brother, and her hope was but a weak thread. No matter how sudden…with the passing of days, she was already preparing herself for the worst news.

Scott leans against the wall, tired of watching the news, but unable to keep himself from it. It seemed everything at TJY had halted, everyone on edge about the accident. He looks over to Katie, the worry evident in his eyes. He knew how hard this was on her too, but they’d hardly talked about it at all, each afraid of imagining the worst.

“How long has it been?”

Con doesn’t bother opening his eyes to Dean’s voice. “I don’t know…” He draws in his breath slowly.

Brandon groans a little and shifts his weight. “I…it’s hard…to…breathe.”

Con rests a head on Brandon’s forehead. “Don’t talk…” They all knew they were running out of oxygen. They were growing more tired and losing their strength quickly now.

Brandon insists on speaking. “Tank…Con…you…you know….I…you know about…about God…” he starts to cough, one of many fits during the last long while.

Con’s arm has grown completely numb and he quirks an eyebrow. “Yes I do.” He could tell from the tone of Brandon’s voice that the young man was afraid he was going to die. “Do you?”

“No.” Brandon’s tone quivers. “I…I want to…If I…I mean…” He pauses, drawing a ragged breath. “I can’t stand the pain…”

“I know…” Con feels with his hand to find Brandon’s fingers. “You’ll be alright.”

“No..it’s…it’s over…but…but I…how do I…I don’t want to die not knowing...I’ll…”

“Shh,” Con quiets him. He had little strength left, but for a moment, his spirit grew strong. “Jesus took care of that a long time ago…”

…Con rests his head back against the dark wall. He wondered how realistic it really was now that anyone could find them. But he had a new brother in Christ, and if they died tonight, Con knew why he’d been here.

“Con…” Brandon’s hand suddenly tightens over his. “I…” his voice drops off, his grip loosening.

“Brandon…Brandon?” Con moves down to put an ear to the young man’s chest.

Dean’s concern increases. “Tank?”

Con grits his teeth. “He’s passed out…he doesn’t have much time, Dean…we’ve got to get out of here.”

“How much time do WE have left?”

Con doesn’t want to think about it. “Not much…not enough air…” He draws in a shallow breath. Suffocating was not on his top list of favorite ways to die.

Wyatt shifts his glass around on the table at Mom and Pop’s, his eyes downcast. Sitting across from Aerith brought a certain amount of peace, but with everything else going on, it was as if a dark cloud loomed above everything. He’d checked in on her often, knowing that she was alone at Jamie’s, and so far everything had seemed alright. But why did such a tragedy like Con’s have to happen?

In case it hasn't reached national news, I'm writing to let you know about a terrible accident involving Con Gibbs. He and two other men have been trapped under a collapse on a construction site for more than two days, and rescuers fear that no one is alive. Everyone at TJY has been in a fog, even though Con doesn't work here anymore.
I just thought you should know...your prayers are appreciated.
Hope this note finds you well.
-Mike R.

Cry for you

*Jamie sits for a long while not moving. Her tears still streeming from her eyes as her voice become muffled almost mummbled.*

"I cant leave, I have to be here for Con. He has to know I'm here."

*Katie lets go of Jamie and moves around to the front of her tilting her head up. Katie eyes show compashen and worry of there own. Her own heart felt broken that Con was down there, her tears wanted to come but she held them back for Jamie's sake.*

"Jamie....Con know you love him, and your with him in his heart. You know if when he gets out of there is he were to find out we let you stay here he would hang us. Like Scott said the best thing we can do is get out of the way and just let them work. Con's gonna be ok Jamie. Come on...lets get back to work."

*Katie stands and nods for Scott to take Jamie arm on the other side and help her up. Finally Jamie gives in and stands slowly making her way to the car with the two others. Everything was spinning and her head felt realy to explode. Turning her head Jamie looks back again at the desaster another tear rolls down her cheek finally geting into the car.*

*Gently Nate reaches out and takes Laura's hands in his. Trying to put his fingers between hers to stop her from pushing her ingers into her palm and hurting herself. Nate's hands were calsed and rough from working with them so much that he new it would take alot before she could hurt him. Taking his other free hand Nate puts it around Laura offering her shelter.*

"Its going to be ok Laura. We have to stay strong. Its takes alot of put a dent in a tank. They are gonna find him."

*Nate continues to hold Laura gently rocking with her trying his best to give her comfort. Nate felt horrable and couldent even start to imagen what she was going thought. If it had been Maggie in something close to this situation he would be the same way. All he could do was offer her an arm and shelter. Be there for when she needed him.*

"God will keep Con safe Laura. Its in his hands and it will be ok."

*Misty looks up at Carson for a long moment taking in everything he said. A bit saprised by some of the stuff Carson was saying. *

"Why would Frankie bring up Ashlyn? I dident even know he new her. I dont even understand why he would bother saying anything about her. As for him geting angry, I've never seen him even yell before. Maybe his jail time changed him just like is changed Jason but caused him to have more of a temper. I..."

*Misty thinks again for a long moment looking away from Carson and taping her pencil on the desk. Than looking back to him she stands leting out a long sigh.*

"Thank you for looking out for me Carson. It means alot. You've a long way, and I'm happy to have you at my side looking out for me. You make me feel safe. I promise if I see Frankie again I will be carfel and I will let you know where we are going and when. I'll make sure I keep my phone with me as well and if anything fishy happens I will make sure you call you ok? "

*Misty smiles up at Carson and puts her arms around his neck. Leaning in close to him her grin widens as her eyes sparkle and dance. Pressing her lips to his Misty shows her thanks not minding the extra spark of sweetness as well.*


Bret steps forward, kneeling in front of Jamie with compassion not often seen in him. "It's going to be okay, Jamie," he tries to comfort. He reaches out with his uninjured arm to touch her hand. "If anybody could survive that, it would be Tank..."

Looking up at Scott, he rises to his feet again, resuming holding his injury. "You better get these women out of here... They're going to start clearing us out soon, and they got a special crew coming in to try and clear some rubble."

Scott nods, though still isn't quite sure how to get Jamie to leave. "How did it happen?"

Bret shakes his head. "It was sudden...we were all there, the three guys were at the end of the site moving some dirt and the ground just started to shake. Next thing we saw was them going down with the bulldozer like the earth was just swallowing them up. It spread then and a bunch of us other guys wound up several feet lower at least, though I guess we weren't right on top of the sink hole like the others." He pauses a moment, replaying the shock in his mind. "They're not letting people closer, but if you go up to the edge it looks like a crater. You can already see some of the caves they're talking about, but..."

He glances down to Jamie again and lowers his voice just a bit. "The three guys didn't even have time to get anywhere...there's rubble everywhere, and even the bulldozer is half-buried. I..." He was going to say how he didn't know how someone could survive, but holds his tongue. "They got to be real careful with removing the debris because if there is a pocket under there, if they shift anything too much, it will collapse and...well....yeah."

"Bret! Get over here!"

Bret looks up to see one of his buddies waving from near one of the ambulances. "Looks like they can see me now...I gotta go." He looks to Scott again. "Get Jamie out of here...if they do find Con and he's in bad shape or worse, it's not going to do her any good."

After Bret leaves, Scott takes his cell phone and dials Jason. Finished updating him, he goes and crouches next to Katie and Jamie. "There's nothing we can do here," he prompts gently. "The best thing we can do is get out of these people's way so they can work."

Jason shuts his phone, his stomach giving a lurch that almost makes him sick. This couldn't be happening. Everything lately had just been one thing after another. Closing his eyes for a moment, he tries to regroup before heading for Nate and Laura.

Laura's eyes widen at Nate's news. She felt almost numb for a moment, unsure how to take it. There was too much question...too many unknowns. Was Con really one of the three? She blinks, not knowing how to respond. "I...that..." She swallows hard, her emotions beginning to rise as fear creeps up on her.

Before she can say more though, she looks up to see Jason. Her eyes fill with hope that he has good news.

But Jason's face says it all. He looks to Nate grimly, then to Laura and gives a slight shake to his head. "I'm sorry...Con's one of the men missing...they're.....they're looking for them now...they've been buried under the rubble."

A gasp sticks in Laura's throat. She wants to cry, but no tears come. She wants to scream, but her voice seems lost.

Jason knows that she has plenty of comfort with Nate around, so he backs away slowly.

Laura sits, stunned, glued to her chair, her eyes distant as she stares at the floor. Con was one of the most precious people in her life...if he was taken away...like this....she didn't know what she would do. To think he may very well be dead...having died in such an accident...the thought made her sick.

Without even realizing it, her hands ball into fists so tight that her knuckles turn white. The blood drains from her face and she sways just a little as the room begins to spin.

Carson ambles to the infirmary and leans on the doorframe for a moment, just watching Misty at her desk. Finally entering, he approaches her desk. He'd hardly seen her at all today with as busy as it had been.

Crossing his arms, he casually sits on the corner of her desk, throwing her a grin. "Hey Sassy." Looking at her, he searches her eyes. Ever since yesterday, this had been eating at him... He didn't like it that he hadn't been honest with her, and the more he'd thought about Frankie, the less he liked the thought of Misty going to see him again, alone, not knowing everything.

"Look, um...I guess I wasn't totally honest with you, yesterday... It was probably me who started the argument with your brother...but I didn't like the way he'd been talking about you, or the way he was trying to bait me..." Carson pauses, his eyes shifting around the room, then back to Misty. "It was me who started to walk away first. He, um...brought up Ashlyn and I couldn't handle it. I shouldn't have let it get to me, but...it did. He ended up leaving instead of me though, and that's when you came back."

Pausing again, he looks Misty in the eye. "I know he's your brother, and I can tell that you love him...but...I just want you to be careful around him. There's...I mean...he got angry, Misty...real angry...and I'm not sure I like the idea of you being alone with him any time."