
And they wait

Con’s mind takes many strange twists and turns as a lethargic semi-sleep takes over. The people he knew…the people he cared for, were prominent in his thoughts. As the previous hours had dragged on, he had had too much time to think about his past…those he loved. He had thought of his sister. He had thought of his aunt and uncle. He had thought of all his little cousins. And he had thought of Jamie. Nothing made his heart ache more than the thought of not being able to hold her in his arms one last time.

His body wanted to give up. His mind wanted to shut down. Oxygen was thin…he and the other two had had no water…no food…no light. He was growing weaker by the minute, lacking the strength he’d always had. But he couldn’t give up…he couldn’t.

The face of Jamie was plastered in his mind. He was going through torment – he couldn’t imagine what she must be going through now. “Hang, on, Jamie,” he whispers…”Hang on.”

As Jamie explodes and storms out of the breakroom, a tear slides down Laura’s cheek. She looks to the Nate for a moment, searching his eyes. She’d almost lost her brother so many times…could this really be the last of it?

Standing from her chair, she slides onto Nate’s lap, feeling like a lost little girl. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she buries her face in his chest, letting the silent tears flow. She’d been so strong the last few days, but she just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Scott’s eyes dim at Jamie’s sudden outburst, her harsh words to Katie, stinging even him. Looking to Katie, he moves to wrap her in a hug. He knew he didn’t have to…Katie was probably a stronger person than he was, but he knew that no matter how she looked on the outside, she was hurting. Con was her big brother, and though Scott himself was a friend of Con’s, he knew that the relationship between Con and Katie was more than that.

Jason sits at his desk, one hand resting on Trooper’s head as he stares into nothingness. He felt…numb. Like this wasn’t real. He’d spent all his hours here…he’d only gone home to get a change of clothes twice in the last couple days. The only outside contact he’d had with people was calling the band. Otherwise, it was here…being with his coworkers…watching the news…and worrying.

Suddenly he hears Jamie’s shouting and watches as she storms down the hall. He furrows his brow as he realizes and feels the emotions she was emitting. She was in so much pain…it went so deep. Con was her world and to be without him was like having the world coming crashing down around her.

The day is just as long as the others have been. Waiting. Watching. Pacing. Waiting. Little is spoken. Little is done. Hope all but dies.

A motorcycle engine can be heard coming up on the construction sight, then cutting as it’s parked near the street. Jason slowly dismounts and scans the lot. It was dark, but he knew Jamie would still be here. Others had decided not to come after her and try to make her go home, wanting to give her her space. But Jason felt compelled tonight…he wasn’t sure why…but he did. He was losing his best friend. Jamie was losing hers.

Jason’s boots crunch lightly on the gravel as he approaches. Spotting Jamie on the hood of Con’s truck, he leans against the bumper with his back toward her, crossing his arms and looking out over the lit site. He says nothing. He knows he doesn’t have to. And so they watch in silence.

Morning dawns. The sun casts its golden rays across those in mourning…those who are working…those who are searching. The rescue has slowed, but not stopped. The worry has become lost hope. Onlookers have dwindled. Families have faced reality of not seeing their loved ones again. And still…they wait.

Rescuers work feverishly on the rubble, all but giving up of finding anything. Any traces had yet to be found of the missing men…

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