

*Nate makes sure to keep his arms fermly around Laura. Geting her all the comfort and prtection she needed at a time like this. He couldent do much but get her shelter, and even that seemed so little but he new he had to be there for Laura.*

*Once back and with Jamie close by Katie sits in her cubicle. A few of her own tears fall. Con, they had to find him. Since Katie had met him at the ranch he has been like a brother to her and a close friend. Though he was gone from TJY he still had remained close to her. Katie trys to keep herself occupied with work but mostly just stairs at her blank comeputer screen.*

*Jamie sits in a fog her mind swarming in a million places at once. Tears roll down her cheek as she gentily rock.*

The days pass quickly but the hour drag on, make time feel like an endless nightmare. Tention starts to run high as not many people are geting sleep. Everyone wanting to help in the struggle to find Con and the other two men but all knowing they couldent causing even more tention to form and the late hour on the second day was waying even more on some.

*Nate keeps his hand wrapped in Laura's. He wanted to say so much, bring words of comfort, loving words to make her feel better. but non seemed to even come close to something that would make her feel better. He brother was slowly slipping away from her and they all new it. Nate turns his head studing her eyes but only coming up with what he new. Hope...was fading fast, and the understanding that for some reason this was what God wanted was forming.*

*Katie looks up at Scott for a moment before looking back at Jamie. Worry corsed though Katies own eyes. For Con and for Jamie even mroe. Katie had tryed to spend as much time as she could with her friend trying to be there for when she broke. From what Kate new though in the last 2 days Jamie hadent left the breakroom. She hadent eaten, slept, nothing her eyes were almost permintly glued to the tv. But the look in Jamies eye told in the inside she was screaming, and crying. The battle ragged in her and it was only a matter of time before she could hold no more in. She was a ticking time bomb. Who was soon to blow up.

Puting a hand on Jamie's arm Katie's voice is soft and tired she had been geting very little sleep herself and the werry look in her eyes and the tone in her voice proved the same.*

"Jamie, you need to go home and get some rest. I know I keep bothering you about this, but you have to. You have to keep your stength up. They are doing all they can for Con. Please go home...get some rest."

*Jamie sits watching the tv Katie's voice echoing in her head. Her headack growing, her nerves shot, the tiredness wearing on her. Feeling Katie hand on her arm and hearing Katie words again Jamie jerks her arm away. Her eyes cold with pain, dull from hurt, her eyes cryed for help, and shower her soul screaming even if her actions dident match.

Jamie stands with such a force slaming her fists down on the table is causes Katie to jump.*

"Stop treating me like a baby. I'll sleep when I want to sleep. AND they ARNT trying as hard as they can if they were they would of found Con ALREADY. THEY SHOULD BE TRYING HARDER."

*Jamie's voice grows louder as her crule hard words show her pain.*

"EVERYONE should be there, everyone should be diging or doing something. They need to STOP wasting time. It Might be easy for you to cling to Scott for comfort cry in his arms and think everything is ok but ITS NOT...DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN CARE CON IS OUT THERE DIEING....HE IN PAIN AND....HE DIEDING."

*Jamie pushes away from the table and heads out of the breakroom as many heads turn and watch as she makes her way acorss the floor and to the door most showing simpathy for her but still shocked by her out bust. It wasent often to see Jamie get upset.

As Jamie head up the step and throws open the doors to TJY, the sun was seting and the air was a bit chilli. Jamie's mind races as her eyes ajusted to the dark. Geting into her car Jamie pulls out of the TJY parking lost and starts down the road.

After minutes pass Jamie arrives at the construction site. Cars still lined the parking area many from the crew that was part of the search and rescue. Jamie continues to let her eyes drift along the cars till she finally finds Con's truck. Pulling up along next to it Jamie gets out. Running her hand along the side of the truck Jamie walks to the front and hopes up one the hood. Drawing her knees to her chest she stairs out at the lights and people moving around, cleaning rubble and debree. The cool window howls seeming to make its own crys and moans for those lost. Tears finally break free rolling down Jamie's cheek as she talks to herself.*

"I know I'm early Con, but I dident want to be late. We had dinner planed and I wanted to make sure I was ontime. I wanted to be the first one you saw coming out of work to put a smile on your face. I'm early but thats ok, at least I'm not late."

I did hear about what happend at that work site. My
simpathys go out to you, and everyone close to Con. Please
let everyone know I am praying and I have been keeping
tooned in on the news to find out what happens. I pray and
hope that they find Con and the other soon. Other than this
I hope you are doing well. Take care

-Angelica Lockheart

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