

Bret grins as Charlotte approaches, and automatically drapes his arms around her. As she pulls out the quarter, he gets a mischievous glint in his eye, and pulls her even closer. "I don't need to flip a coin. I already grabbed what I wanted."

Cocking his head, he gives her another kiss, drawing away with a soft laugh and a hug. "Mm...I love it when you come home."

Leaning his forehead against Charlotte's, he rocks her back and forth. "I don't care what we do for lunch, as long as it's with you. And... later I wanna tell you about a phone call I got. But not now, it'll take too long." He grins, knowing that secrecy drove his wife crazy.

Jason can't help but feel a bit of relief, hearing from Katie as well. Though he still wasn't sure who was right or wrong, at leas she wasn't mad enough at him that she'd remain silent.

I don't know... Can we just meet for supper or something? I got a couple errands to run... Maybe by the lake?

The afternoon goes by more quickly than anticipated. For some it's a relief that it passes with speed, while others wish it might have lasted just a little bit longer.

Carson grins as he sees Jess, hearing her offer to help. "Well... since you're asking..." He throws a wet washcloth in her direction with a teasing flourish. "...you can wipe the tables for me."

He holds up a warning finger. "And no complaints, or you won't get that extra cheese."

Tossing her a wink, he turns back to the sink where he was just finishing up the last of the dishes.

With more hands, it doesn't take long to get Mom and Pop's cleaned up for the night. The evening had been a slow one, and they'd closed a little earlier anyway, so it made for an earlier night than normal.

Carson fixes a pizza for Jess and himself, getting their supper set at one of the small corner tables. With the radio going and a few of the lights on, it created a somewhat homey atmosphere that he'd gotten used to since living here.

The meal is relatively quiet, though Carson tries to keep the mood light, despite a dimness behind his eyes. He knew he'd been overcompensating this evening, and knew that Jess had probably noticed he wasn't acting quite like himself. He wished he could just enjoy this evening... and he could, partially... but what he needed to say... it just wasn't fair.

Once the pizza is just about gone, and both had settled into quiet conversation, a pause is his own signal. But he hesitates anyway.

“Jess, I…” Carson leans back in the booth. He looks down at his glass, spinning it on the table, and watching the water rings change shape.

“You have… really helped me, you know that?” He finally looks back up at her, bravely staring into her eyes. “You have given me things to look forward to… you have made me realize that despite my past there are still things worth living for. You’ve been a bright spot in my days.”

He offers a small smile. He did mean what he was saying… his words and feelings were genuine and he hoped she knew that. “You’re a strong woman, Jess. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, you stand up even when the going gets tough, and your friendships last because you’re loyal.”

Carson pauses again. There were things that he didn’t want to say, but he knew he had to. He’d never had to do this before with anyone… he didn’t know how. But he knew that even if he’d gone through this before, it wouldn’t make it any easier.

He lets go of his glass and slowly reaches across the table to take Jess’ hand in his, running a thumb over her fingers. “I value your friendship… and I can only hope that I don’t lose it.”

The next word was the worst of all. “But…” He inwardly cringes at it, but knows it must be said. “…I’ve come to realize that…friendship is… is all I can offer to you.”

Emotions gloss over Carson’s eyes, proving how hard this was for him. “I’m sorry, Jess… But I had to tell you before I let things go any further.”

He searches her face, his hand still on hers, waiting… wondering.

Jason parks his truck in the lot near the lake and gets out, thankful for his jacket. It was a warm day, but the breeze was chilly, and the evening air was proof of a dropping temperature. Fingering his keys for a moment, he stuffs them in his pocket and glances at his watch. He hadn't talked with Katie since earlier when she'd agreed to meet him. He'd run to the airport and with some help, had taken care of business there. Now it was a bit after suppertime and he hadn't eaten, but his appetite wasn't really what required food at the moment anyway. He needed to get to practice at Mike's in a while, and he was still wondering if Brown was going to call him... but for now... for now, he needed to push those things aside. There was something more important that needed to be done.

Moving around to the back of his truck, he hops up on the open tailgate to sit and wait, while staring out at the nearby water. This place held a lot of memories...

The mess hall is as noisy as always, everyone gathered and eating, chattering over the evening meal. Word had spread very quickly amongst the close-knit family and friends, and by now, everyone knew about Wendy and Clint. Though surprised and maybe disappointed, no one spoke harshly of it, keeping quiet out of respect, and going about life as normal. They were friends and family, not judges.

Jim stirs his food on his plate and looks up to glance around the room for the tenth time. His son was still nowhere to be found. He’d waited all day… he’d tried calling him again, but with no luck. Worry had set in. Now not only was Jim concerned about his son’s return, but his safety as well. Was he okay?

Becky gives her husband’s arm a reassuring pat, trying to let him know that it would all be okay one way or another.

Mick sits nearby with Rosetta on one side and BJ on the other, trying to focus on the conversations around him, but finding his mind wandering to his brother a couple tables away. He hadn’t spoken to Jim about anything that had been going on, but he didn’t have to. He knew the stress that was involved there, and could only hope it would all work out.

Bringing his attention back around, he nudges Rosetta with an elbow and offers her a smile. He’d hardly seen her all day, and sitting with her at suppertime was always something he looked forward to, whether it was in their home or here with everyone else.

Rosalyn had chosen to sit with Wendy tonight, talking as normal, laughing and smiling, doing her best to lighten the strange tension. Even so, it was awkward without her brother around. “…So Jeff has challenged me to a card game later, and I told him that I would only play as long as I had a partner to make sure he didn’t cheat.”

“I heard that!” Jeff’s voice comes from the table behind her.

Rosalyn laughs and looks over her shoulder. “And I thought you were going deaf.”

“Ha! If you…”

Suddenly the messhall door swings open, interrupting the chatter. All eyes look up in surprise, no one having heard any kind of vehicle.

Clint stands in the doorway.

He’s still in his jeans, boots and leather jacket, obviously just getting back. His eyes scan the room and he can feel the questions in the gazes around him, even though the others tried not to let it show. But his eyes were looking for only one person. And finding her, that’s where his focus stayed.

Jason’s words rang in his ears. “Whatever you do, don’t leave her. I’ve seen and experienced those results, and I know you love her too much to put her or the kid through that. I can’t imagine how you must feel, but if you want to do what’s right, you’ve got to be a man about this.”

Shutting the door, Clint looks to Wendy, ignoring everyone else in the room. Two days had been too long. And now he was ready.

Walking with purpose, driven by bravery, he goes straight to her table. The others in the room all try not to make a big deal out of anything, but it’s hard not to, and all conversations seem to be forgotten. Where had Clint been? Was he okay? Was he staying? What was he going to do now?

Jim’s eyes widen slightly and he moves to stand, but Becky keeps a hand on his arm in a request for him to stay and wait to see what Clint was doing.
Pausing beside Wendy’s chair, Clint swallows hard, nervousness and fear showing in his eyes. He hadn’t spoken to her since everyone had fought. He’d answered no calls, and hadn’t even let her know he was okay. But the guilt wouldn’t keep him from doing what he knew he needed to… what he wanted to.

Slowly lowering to one knee, he pulls out a small velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a dainty diamond ring.

The room goes dead quiet, everyone anticipating his words that come next. One could hear a pin drop. But it’s only Clint’s words that are heard.

“Wendy… I love you. I want to be the man you deserve and… and the father our child deserves.” He pauses, his gaze searching Wendy’s eyes. “Will you marry me?”

Extra Cheese

Looking at the hat that now rested on her desk Misty is silent. The noises around her there but not paying much mind of them. Rick and Scott's chatter drownding out in the background. What was going to happen now, what did this mean. was it impaulse she kissed Carson on, or would she take him back in a heart beat. Misty felt so confused, she new she missed Carson but...she was so unsure of alot of things.What would happen next Misty wasnt sure.

Sitting in her chair Katie flips through the tv channles. Today had been a pretty boring day not to mention she felt exsausted. Jason had, had a rough night witch in turn caused her to, ontop on not being able to sleep well anyways. She was tired, nothing on, she felt depressed she hadnt talked to her best friend all day Katie was just in a funk.

Finally settaling back Katie lands on an old movie. It looked like it would be on the boring side but it was better than nothing. Settaling back and pulling the blanket up to her chin Katie trys to get lost giving her mind a break.

As Katie's eyes slowly close and the TV drowns in the back ground Jason's emotions and message reach her causing her eues to snap open. She was a bit saprised but thankful he finally had contacted her.

Yeah, I'd like that. Where do you want to meet up?

Stepping into the house Charlotte looks down at her watch. She was a little later than normal but still in time for lunch. She only hoped Bret hadnt eaten yet.

"Bret sorry I'm late for lunch I hope you didnt start without me."

Taking her jean jacket off she throws it over the back of one of the chairs and sets her purse on the table before heading to the kitchen. Seeing Bret a smil spreads across Charlotte's face. Wrappinf her arms around him her grin grows bigger as she places a tender kiss on her husbands lips. Pulling out a quarter from Bret's jeans pocket where she new it would be Charlotte jokes holding it out to him.

"Heads and we go grab something, tails and I cook us something nice and tonight for dinner we go on an adventure."

Tapping on the door a few times Jess than enters signaling like she had so many times before to Carson she was here. A smile spreads across her face as she see Carson cleaning up for the night. Making her away across the dinning room and into the back Jess can't help but stand and watch Carson for a moment before speeking.

"So, I'll take extra cheese on that pizza and point me to what I should clean and it shall be done."

Entering the kitchen farther Jess smile spreads even more over her face. She loved spending time with Carson even if she was helping him clean up. It was nice talking to someone and having something to do.