
Extra Cheese

Looking at the hat that now rested on her desk Misty is silent. The noises around her there but not paying much mind of them. Rick and Scott's chatter drownding out in the background. What was going to happen now, what did this mean. was it impaulse she kissed Carson on, or would she take him back in a heart beat. Misty felt so confused, she new she missed Carson but...she was so unsure of alot of things.What would happen next Misty wasnt sure.

Sitting in her chair Katie flips through the tv channles. Today had been a pretty boring day not to mention she felt exsausted. Jason had, had a rough night witch in turn caused her to, ontop on not being able to sleep well anyways. She was tired, nothing on, she felt depressed she hadnt talked to her best friend all day Katie was just in a funk.

Finally settaling back Katie lands on an old movie. It looked like it would be on the boring side but it was better than nothing. Settaling back and pulling the blanket up to her chin Katie trys to get lost giving her mind a break.

As Katie's eyes slowly close and the TV drowns in the back ground Jason's emotions and message reach her causing her eues to snap open. She was a bit saprised but thankful he finally had contacted her.

Yeah, I'd like that. Where do you want to meet up?

Stepping into the house Charlotte looks down at her watch. She was a little later than normal but still in time for lunch. She only hoped Bret hadnt eaten yet.

"Bret sorry I'm late for lunch I hope you didnt start without me."

Taking her jean jacket off she throws it over the back of one of the chairs and sets her purse on the table before heading to the kitchen. Seeing Bret a smil spreads across Charlotte's face. Wrappinf her arms around him her grin grows bigger as she places a tender kiss on her husbands lips. Pulling out a quarter from Bret's jeans pocket where she new it would be Charlotte jokes holding it out to him.

"Heads and we go grab something, tails and I cook us something nice and tonight for dinner we go on an adventure."

Tapping on the door a few times Jess than enters signaling like she had so many times before to Carson she was here. A smile spreads across her face as she see Carson cleaning up for the night. Making her away across the dinning room and into the back Jess can't help but stand and watch Carson for a moment before speeking.

"So, I'll take extra cheese on that pizza and point me to what I should clean and it shall be done."

Entering the kitchen farther Jess smile spreads even more over her face. She loved spending time with Carson even if she was helping him clean up. It was nice talking to someone and having something to do.

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