

Jen nods to Katie and takes her phone out of her purse. She grimaces. “Well, let’s see if I can get a signal out in the hall. I’ll be back. Wheeling herself out of the room, she separates herself from the others so she can call Jason. She’d had plenty of signal in Katie’s room, but it was just as well that her conversation be private if anything was said that might confuse Katie.

Kyle’s eyes go wide. “Of course you’ve been at our shows! You’re our biggest fan…er…helper…” He laughs. “I even added you to our website – you’ll have to check it out.” He opens his mouth to mention the one time Katie had missed, but realizes that she’d been at the wedding she didn’t yet know about, and he feels he shouldn't be the one to tell about that one. Closing his mouth, he starts again, but stops once more, having almost mentioned the most exciting show when Jason had proposed to Camryn. His face grows a little red. “Yeah, things have been going well. We’re thinking about making us a CD…I’m trying to convince Jason to make one under his name, but he isn’t too keen on the idea right now. Personally, I think if he was on the cover and people knew they’d just be getting his voice instead of his and mine, that they’d buy it.”

“You don’t have a bad voice,” Mike intervenes.

“No, but it ain’t Jason.”

Phil looks to Katie, thumbing to his brother. “He thinks he hasn’t improved any. Without Ja…” He stops short, almost ready to say ‘without Jason there fore a while, he was forced to be the lead singer,’ but he realizes that a whole lot of explanation would be needed after that one. “I mean, with some songs Jason hasn’t sung, Kyle’s been forced to sing more and he’s doing a whole lot better than he thinks he is.”

Kyle rolls his eyes. “The audience still wants Jason.”

“Who doesn’t?”

Mike interrupts again. “If Jen heard you guys, she’d slap you both. You know what she says, and she’s right…JetStream is all of us combined. Without one of us we’re just not the same. So…quit the bickering about who’s the best.”

Kyle salutes him. “Yes sir!”

Jason is just sitting down at his desk, when his cell phone rings. Fumbling with the clip on his belt it takes him just a minute and he looks at the number. Jen.

“Hey, Jen. What’s up?”

Jen smiles as she sits in the hall. “Hi, Jason. The band is up here with Katie and we were just wondering if you were going to swing by too.”

Jason pauses, strumming his fingers on his desk. “Um I just got to work, but…yeah. I guess…yeah. I need to.”

“Well Katie asked about you. She said she was a little worried about you.”


“Yeah…that you’d been acting strangely.” Jen gives a little sigh and glances down to the open door. “Look, Jase…Con called Phil last night so we all wouldn’t be in the dark and embarrass anyone by accident. We know what you’re going through, so…I’m volunteering to spend the day up here with Katie.”

Jason closes his eyes for a moment. He couldn’t have asked for a better circle of friends. “Thanks, Jen…that means a lot. I’ll be up there in about fifteen minutes and stay as long as I can. I do have to get some stuff done for Reese though, so I’ll probably be back here for the afternoon.”

“Not a problem.” Jen finishes up her conversation with Jason before wheeling herself back to Katie’s room. She rolls her eyes. “The lazy bum had just gotten to work. He’s on his way over now.” She offers a bright smile. “And…I was thinking, Katie…I don’t have anything going on today and I’d love to spend some time with you. You wouldn’t mind if I hung out here today, would you?”

Mike lifts an eyebrow. They’d all planned on eating lunch together, then heading to his place for the afternoon. He doesn’t question Jen though, trusting she had a good reason.

Carson hears Misty’s voice and immediately a smile spreads on his face. Hearing her statement to Herb, he looks out the kitchen door to her and points a finger. “Better watch it, miss. I got a girlfriend who can get pretty jealous.”

Making sure that he can slip away for just a moment, he goes out to the font counter, a towel over his shoulder. Taking his finger, he tilts Misty’s menu down so he can see her face. “Ah, and here she is now.”

He rests his elbow on the counter to be just below her eye level, deciding not to talk about this morning unless she brought it up after seeing his shiner. “So what’ll it be this morning? Omelet? Pancakes? Waffles?” He holds a grin, stifling a laugh. “I make some pretty mean strips of bacon.”

Jamie’s words aren’t unlike what Scott expected her to say, but his eyes drift to the floor. He knew he was wanted around here…it just felt like he didn’t have a real place anymore. Like TJY was full of round holes and he was a square peg. Where did he really fit in?

He listens as she speaks of love and God, and finds himself fighting an emotional barrage again. Hated tears spring into his eyes. He could kick himself for showing his emotions like this.

Studying the floor, he appreciates Jamie’s pat to his arm. She’d always been nice…sweet…able to talk things through with anyone. Con was a blessed guy to have gotten her.

Looking up, Scott keeps the tears from overflowing, and swallows hard. “Thanks, Jamie. I…I know you’re right. I know all that up here.” He taps his head. “It’s just in here…” He puts a hand over his chest. “…that hasn’t been convinced yet.”

Forcing a dry, miserable laugh, he shakes his head. “You’d think with all the blunders I make, this one could just be added to the list without a problem.”

Turning, he goes back around his desk to sit down, not dismissing Jamie, but unsure if she’d stay longer or not. “I want so bad to go see her…talk to her…but she doesn’t even remember who I am…I was somebody with her around…without her, I’m just the geek without a life.” He shakes his head. “And even when she does remember, it still changes nothing. I still can’t have her.”


*Katie searches Jen's face for a moment. Her words were strong and she help a good tone but her eyes, they showed something different. Katie wasn't sure what or why it was but it was there non the less. Finally turning away she gives a nod.*

"Yeah could you? He's been acting kind of strange I just wanna make sure he's ok. I had a funny feeling."

*Katie looks away for a moment scanning the little hospital room. Everything was so strange and she felt so out of place not being able to remember anything.*

"So, the shows are going good than? Have I...have I gone to any?"

*The little bell on Mom and Pop's rings and Misty steps in out of the rain. Her hair was wet and matted down to her head but she gives a little shake to shake some of the water out. Coming up to the counter and sits on the stool and gives a wave to Mable and Aerith. Than seeing Carson she grin grows as she calls.*

"Hey Herb, whos the new guy? He's pretty cute."

*Misty give a little wave to Carson and than orders a milkshake and searches over the menu.*

*Jamie smiles back at Scott. It wasent her intention to make him feel like no one needed him.*

"Of course I'll still need you and so will everyone alse. What will we do if your netword ever goes down. A small printer is easy but something like that oh boy."

*Jamie cant help but laugh and she continues to the door. As Scott stops her Jamie turns and searchs her friends face. She wasent sure what to say. She couldent tell him it would be alright because even though it would the pain would be there and in his own time he would have to get over it. But maybe Jamie could offer some words that would sooth him somehow or at least offer Scott comfort.*

"Well if it was me, I'd keep my chin up and know God has a plan. Its better to love and lose than to never love at all right? I mean if Con was to leave me tomarrow I would be heart broken indeed but I would have to thank God and be happy that I got a chanse to love Con for alittle bit. He's changed my life in so many ways and helped learn so many new things. "

*Jamie leans aganst the door for a moment just thinking. It was hard losing the ones you loved. When you think things are good and that are really working out. Only to turn around one day and have it all be gone. It wasent a good feeling.*

"I know everyone had told you this and I guess you can add me to the bunch now too but trust me I know in the end everything is going to be ok. I've been there I know."

*Jamie gives a smile and a pat to Scott's arm only hoping she comforted him alittle.*

What would you

Before her brothers can answer, Jen intervenes. “Oh, Camryn is a friend of ours. She’s been to a few of the shows.” She grins at Katie. “Jase might have gone in to work. Want me to call him for you?”

Carson is silent once again as Herb speaks. There he went again with that God stuff… Carson had to give the man credit…even if he didn’t believe that stuff himself, Herb evidently did, and stuck by it faithfully. Questions stirred within Carson about this strange faith. He’d been around a lot of people who talked about it, but had never put much stock into it.

Shaking off the confusion, he focuses back on work, standing again and slapping his hat back on. “Yeah…I can make the sauce.” As he starts, he wonders if Misty will drop in for lunch or not like she said she might. Not being in the TJY loop anymore, Carson didn’t know when there was enough time for her to get away or not.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, finding it just slightly strange that Jamie would be bringing her compliments up now. He had a feeling it was because of what had happened…because of his mood. At this point, he’d just prefer people to leave him alone. But he couldn’t snap at Jamie…she was just trying to be nice.

At her mention of her printer, Scott forces a small smile. “Great. Glad you did it. Guess that means you won’t be needing me for that anymore, eh?” He stares at the floor for a minute to finish cleaning up and finally rises to sit back down in his chair.

He’s almost ready to let Jamie go, but finds himself stopping her. He didn’t know why…he really didn’t want to. “Jamie…if you were me, what would you do?”

Sorry I waited

*Katie smiles and laughs as Kyle's and the other anticks continue. Who could not laugh. Smiling at Jen she nods.*

"Yeah I was quite saprised I could when Jason told me. It was strange, but dont worry you will again soon to. I know it. and Kyle dont worry I will be at the next show. I have to protect you guys and that boy of mine. I bet all the ladys are after him."

*Katie beams at Jen and than looks around the room relizing Jason wasent there.*

"Huh, I figured J would come in with you guys. Maybe he went to work first?"

*Katie pushes her tray away from her proving she was done with her meal. She suddanly felt sick and if she eat anymore she would probley throw it up. Hearing a name she wasent familure with she cocks her head slightly.*

"Who's Camryn?"

*Herb continues to work as he listens to Carson. Moving about the kitchen He keeps on task but talks over his shoulder.*

"Your only a scoundrel if you keep telling yourself you are. We are what we make ourselfs and what other make of us. But the most important think to remember is we are what God makes us. Once you forgive yourself and than ask him to forgive you Carson. Life will start to have a brighter side."

*Herb starts to roll some meatballs and places them in a plastic container to cook later.*

"Lets see today is Wensday so that means its mealball sub day. You remember how make the sause? You can make it if you want."

*Jamie pushes over Scott's door and steps in offering a small smile.*

"Hey Scott, I just stop because...well because I wanted to let you know no matter what I'm glad your here and you have you own office. Just wouldent be the same around here without you. Sorry I wanted so long to say it."

*Jamie starts to turn again and than stops.*

"If you ever just...need to talk I'm here. Oh btw my printer was jamed but guess what? I fixed it myself. I figured you would apresheate that."


Scott shuts his desk drawer too hard, rattling the desk just enough to knock his stack of papers off onto the floor. Bending down to pick them up, his elbow catches his soda pop can, knocking it onto the floor as well. He lets out a frustrated groan as he winds up on his knees, trying to clean up his mess. Half his papers wind up in the waste basket after being ruined by the pop, and he tosses his can away as well.

Still on the floor, the knock on his door suddenly stops him. If someone wanted their computer fixed, usually they just used the intercom. Who could want him? He wasn’t exactly in the mood for visitors. He didn’t like being grouchy…he knew that it was out of character for him…he’d already gotten an “are you okay?” speech from Susanne after she’d apparently noted his mood change. But right about now, he didn’t care.

Sighing, Scott continues to clean up his mess. “Yeah, come in,” he calls.

Kyle laughs. “As many blunders as I make, I’m glad you can’t recall them all.” He gives Katie a cheesy grin. “You have to promise to be at our next show though, that’s in a couple weeks. And I was gonna ask…”

Phil elbows him.

“I was gonna ask…”

Phil elbows him again.

Kyle’s face suddenly grows red and he changes what he was going to say. “I mean, we’re gonna have a good lineup, so you won’t want to miss it.”

Mike glances down at Kyle with a smirk. “Would you learn how to talk?”

“I could if my brother wasn’t making me stutter!”

Phil elbows Kyle again for good measure.

“Hey!” Kyle rubs his ribs and looks to Katie. “As you can see, Phil hasn’t changed a bit!”

Jen rolls her eyes and wheels closer to Katie’s bed. “Just ignore them. Kyle is right about one thing though…they haven’t changed.” She giggles. “Gotta love ‘em though.” She gives Katie’s arm a pat, switching subjects. “So, it’s pretty cool you can walk, huh?” She beams. “Told ya you could do it, and you did.”

Mike comes up behind her and rests his hands on her shoulders. He knew that Jen knew good and well Katie didn’t remember her own news that she would probably never walk again after her fall. Yet she was still so excited for her friend. It was that big heart that Mike had fallen in love with.

“Hey, where’s Jason?” Kyle asks. “Figured he’d be around here somewhere with Camryn. I…”

Another elbow flies in his direction.

Kyle’s face grows a little red. “I mean, I figured he’d, well, be…um…”

Phil sends his eyes to the ceiling and back down again. “Kyle…stuff a sock in it.”

Kyle looks down at his feet. “You know, Bro, that’s kinda a gross thing to do.”

“With you it is,” Phil agreed. “I wouldn’t want one of your socks in my mouth.”

“Yeah, well like yours are all that pleasant.” Kyle grimaces and looks to Katie, thumbing at his brother. “You ever want to get rid of somebody quick, just have Phil come over and take off his shoes.”

This time it’s a slap to the back of the head Kyle receives.

Jason’s eyes only open slightly as his ears pick up the sound of his fan. A buzzing sound rouses him a little more, but it takes what seems like an eternity to remove the strange fog from his mind.

Finally opening his eyes fully, he tries to distinguish what is going on…what’s that annoying sound…

Grimacing, Jason rolls over, throwing his hand to the nightstand to slap his alarm off. He gives a groan and looks at the clock, expecting to read six o’clock when he’d set the alarm for. Instead, the bright digital numbers announce that it’s seven forty-eight.

What on earth… Jason sits up, and immediately puts a hand to his throbbing head. His alarm had been going off for almost two hours and he hadn’t even heard it. By now he can hear Trooper moving around outside his bedroom too, anxiously awaiting being let out.

Standing up, Jason is hit with a wave of dizziness, severe enough to make his stomach lurch. He almost falls back onto his bed, but realizes that would be a mistake, and instead, he stumbles to the bathroom, promptly throwing up.

Still trying to shake exhaustion, now Jason tries to figure out what on earth was going on. What day was it…what had happened last night…

The fog slowly lifts, and he groans in frustration as the truth hits him. It was developed enough now, that anything he took that suppressed any emotional activity at all would make him sick. Great. Just great. Anything to just put his mind out for a while was going to cause his emotions to bottle up and reek havoc on his body. Wonderful.

Cleaning himself up, Jason takes a shower, grabs some orange juice for breakfast and heads out, taking Trooper with him. He knows the band is visiting Katie this morning, and decides to wait until lunchtime when Con would be going to see her too. He keeps his cell phone on though, just in case anyone needs to get a hold of him if something has changed.

Carson starts about his tasks, but stops when Herb mentions his eye. It was more obvious than he’d wanted it to be. Even though Herb did a good job of not making him feel humiliated, he felt like it anyway. He wasn’t used to taking a beating without fighting back.

He doesn’t answer Herb right away and just sticks to his work for a short while until he can take a quick break. Sinking down in a chair in the corner of the kitchen, he leans back with a slice of steak to put over his eye, letting his other eye go shut as he holds his ball cap in his hand. “Yeah…” He finally speaks. “They hounded me…roughed me up is more like it. The detective didn’t like my answers and…he wanted to teach me a lesson. Said I hadn’t been punished enough for the things I’d done before…said I hadn’t received severe enough sentences for the things I’d done, and obviously I was no good because I kept getting myself into trouble, and that I’d most likely never learn. I’d be a no good scoundrel the rest of my life.”

A dry laugh escapes. “Poor bloke didn’t know how close to the truth he was, I reckon.”

He sighs deeply. He shouldn’t be bothered by what happened. He just needed to let it go. He never would have let this get to him before…he’d always been able to let everything roll off his back. But he’d gotten so tired of fighting, that finally they’d broken him to the point that now, it just felt like they were still kicking him when he was already down and it did get to him whether he liked it or not.

“Anyway, what’s the special today?”