
What would you

Before her brothers can answer, Jen intervenes. “Oh, Camryn is a friend of ours. She’s been to a few of the shows.” She grins at Katie. “Jase might have gone in to work. Want me to call him for you?”

Carson is silent once again as Herb speaks. There he went again with that God stuff… Carson had to give the man credit…even if he didn’t believe that stuff himself, Herb evidently did, and stuck by it faithfully. Questions stirred within Carson about this strange faith. He’d been around a lot of people who talked about it, but had never put much stock into it.

Shaking off the confusion, he focuses back on work, standing again and slapping his hat back on. “Yeah…I can make the sauce.” As he starts, he wonders if Misty will drop in for lunch or not like she said she might. Not being in the TJY loop anymore, Carson didn’t know when there was enough time for her to get away or not.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, finding it just slightly strange that Jamie would be bringing her compliments up now. He had a feeling it was because of what had happened…because of his mood. At this point, he’d just prefer people to leave him alone. But he couldn’t snap at Jamie…she was just trying to be nice.

At her mention of her printer, Scott forces a small smile. “Great. Glad you did it. Guess that means you won’t be needing me for that anymore, eh?” He stares at the floor for a minute to finish cleaning up and finally rises to sit back down in his chair.

He’s almost ready to let Jamie go, but finds himself stopping her. He didn’t know why…he really didn’t want to. “Jamie…if you were me, what would you do?”

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