

Carson lifts an eyebrow at the sandwich. He would have thought it a peace offering, had Misty’s tone not been so cold and lifeless. Her actions and voice contradicted each other.

His shoulders drop slightly. He didn’t know what he’d hoped for…had he even hoped for anything? Why else would he have spoken to her? And why was her turning her back on him hurting this much? He’d never paid any attention to what someone else felt about him before…he couldn’t have cared less what anybody else thought… So why did he not want Misty upset with him?

Heaving a weary sigh, he steps forward, giving in…giving up. Perhaps letting a corner of his heart be touched by Misty had simply been another wrong choice. Maybe he just needed to start out with a clean slate and forget everything that had happened. She’d given him life, but apparently the spark had died.

Taking her necklace out of his pocket, Carson comes up behind Misty. Reaching over and around her shoulders, his hand barely brush her as he brings them back again, fastening the chain at the back of her neck. “And the warrior bows in surrender to her, who is destined to conquer. He is wounded…defeated by a paradox of the heart. And thus the war is over.”

Carson’s hands hover above Misty’s shoulders, but he bites his lip, resisting, and lets his arms drop to his sides. Backing away, he turns around to leave.

As Jason spots Katie coming towards him, he resists the bailiff more until the pressure is released, giving him just a moment’s reprieve.

Katie’s tears break Jason’s heart, and he can’t even put his arms around her, the handcuffs restraining him. All he can do is lean into her embrace, hoping his presence alone will reassure her.

On the edge of an emotional precipice the way it is, Katie’s admittance of love drives him further away from reality, into a foggy realm of sheer emotion, forcing tears to his eyes that he refuses to let fall.

Words don’t want to come, and Jason shuts out the world as he receives Katie’s sweet kiss, giving it back with a passion broken by circumstance.

Taken by the shoulder as Katie is pulled away too, Jason’s eyes lock with hers, the dying fire desperate to stay alive – desperate to give back the hope she has given. All he can do is mouth silent words. “It’s okay.

Jason is pulled into the crowd backwards, slowly losing sight of Katie until he must turn, forced out of the room by the bailiff.

It feels like an eternity has passed as he sits in the cool, dim room, waiting to see Lockheart again…his mind in turmoil, his heart in pain.

The Words

*Carson starlts Misty out of the transe she was in causing her to jump alittle. Looking down at the counter for a long moment Misty relizes something she did without even relizing it. Turning around she keeps her eyes down. Misty places a plate where Carson usaly sits. Its contains a grilled cheese sandwitch.*


*Misty turns back around at the counter stairing down at the other sandwitch she had made for herself. She dident know what alse to say.*

*As the news of Jason's court date is thrown out Lockheart is stuned. Five days. How was this possable this was never hurd of.*

"Five days? How are you guys geting away with this?"

*Lockhearts eyes drift to the panicing Jason as he calls her name. Lockheart goes to Jason as he is pulled away stoping the baliff for a moment.*

"Jason, stay calm. I will stop by the Jail after I take Katie home and explain everything to you ok. Everything is gonna be ok."

*As Jason emotions highten, Katie's mind races. Jason...She had to go to him...they were taking him away from her. Pushing through the crowd Katie step over the wall and runs to Jason. Pushing past Lockheart she throws her arms around him not being able to controll her tears she just lets them free.*

"Jason...I love you. No matter what happens I always will and dont your dare forget it EVER JASON....Your gonna get out of here...."

*Katie gives Jason a long kiss on the lips to match her feelings.*

*Lockheart lets Katie stay for a moment than takes her hand trying to pull her away. Katie resists keeping her lips locked with Jason's. Lockheart puts her arm around Katie's waist as she pulls her away.*

"Katie we have....to go now.."

*The tears keep falling from Katie's eyes as she trys to hold on to Jason.*

"No...No...Jason...Let go of me."

*Finally Lockheart gets Katie outside. She new this was going to be hard on her but she dident exspect to happen what did. Helping Katie to the car Lockheart lets out a long sigh.

The ride back to Katie's is long and quiet. Katie's mind on Jason and Lockhearts on the case and resons.*

*Jamie nods to Mick and smiles taking the last sip of her coffee.*

"Thx Mick. I'm going to finish geting ready for the day. than if you wanna let everyone know over Lunch we can all talk."

*Jamie puts her mug in the sink and heads back into her room.*

How can it be?

A tennis ball flies through the air, bounces off the wall and smacks into Carson’s palm as it’s caught. With each throw it flies with a little more force, the thrower’s frustration coming through.

Carson straddles his chair, aiming the ball with accuracy, though getting no closer to feeling any better. He was angry…frustrated…irritated… this whole thing was just plain stupid. He was stupid. He’d been living in a world where choices didn’t matter…no one cared what he did or how he acted… whatever choices he’d made had been fine, no matter the outcome. But here…in this new world, it was different. Choice were like dominos, set up to affect everything in their path if one dared to tip the first one.

He’d hit several dominos, creating a chain of events that led to one big mess of tiles, of which resetting required time, effort…and forgiveness…something Carson knew very little about.

The tennis ball lands in his palm, this time not to be thrown again. A dull pain creeps through his gut, a reminder that he still hadn’t eaten.
Carson, get up off your hind end, brush off the dust and for pity’s sake, move on. Wallowing in misery does nothing but create ulcers.
Carson can’t help a slight twitch to the corner of his mouth, thinking of his father’s words after Carson had made a stupid move and been miserable.

Sighing, he gets up and tosses the tennis ball into his bag, heading for the door. He stops for a moment, turning back around and spying Misty’s locket on the table. Pursing his lips, he goes for it, putting it back in his pocket…just in case.

Heading for the breakroom, Carson glances down the hall, not really interested in conversing with anyone at the moment. Passing the infirmary though, he pauses. Without thinking, he glances inside…his eyes automatically searching for the one that had supplied him the momentum on this rocky road… Shaking his head, he moves on. Maybe this whole thing was pointless.

Reaching the breakroom, Carson comes to a halt, seeing Misty at the counter, making her own lunch. He almost turns around, but groans inwardly, stopping himself. It was bad enough he felt this miserable. If he walked away again, it would just get worse. Either this thing needed to be fixed or ended.

Hooking his thumbs in his pockets, he leans on the door frame. “No matter where I go, there you are.” His tone comes out, slightly annoyed. “Whether it’s walking down the hall, hiding in a corner or walking away from this twisted setting and running across fellow thugs, there you are.” He shakes his head. “Misty, you confuse the tar out of me…you give me a miserable knot in my gut, and a headache on top of a headache.”

Carson’s jaw tightens, his eyes like steel, baring down on her. “So why on earth can’t I just walk away?”

Jason lethargically accepts the orange slice that Lockheart offers, not quite sure just exactly what was going on, but having enough sense not to argue. Finally getting most of it down, it starts to revive him, slowly but surely.

It takes a while, but he eventually sits up straight, getting handle on what was happening, and alert enough to carry on a conversation. The dark storm clouds still loomed in the back of his mind, reminding him of what he’d gone through the day before…but for the moment, they were held off by the cool breeze of hope that today was one step towards freedom.

Finishing up with Lockheart, Jason sighs and shakes his head. “Everything’s pretty clear I guess…I just want to get this thing over with.”

...The courtroom is warm and stuffy. The eyes of people in the seats around him, bear into Jason’s …he can feel their question…their distrust…their lack of tolerance for one accused of murder.

He’s pushed forward down the narrow walkway, fashioning his prison garb and cuffed hands. His weary eyes scan the faces until they land on the only one that matters to him. Locking eyes with Katie for but the moment he has, he tries to let her know he’s okay. He knows she surely knows what happened to him yesterday, and feels badly that she had to go through that anxiety. He forces a smile, the best he can muster…her eyes the only thing that can give him enough strength to do so.

All too soon, he has to turn away as he’s directed to his own seat beside Lockheart.

The proceeding is confusing…talk is fast, legal terms are flung left and right. Jason has a hard time understanding everything, but only has to trust Lockheart that she knows exactly what’s going on. Words fly by him like nothing, but those of importance ring in his ears.

“Five days from now.”

A murmur breaks out across the courtroom as the timeframe given is unheard of. The defense and prosecution had less than one week to reconvene? It was utterly ridiculous…utterly amazing…utterly…against all forms of rules.

Jaws drop, eyes widen. The judges gavel signals the decision…the ruling. Jason had pleaded not guilty, and it was up to Lockheart to stick to the case she’d built and use it in five day’s time.

Noise erupts as people begin to file out of the courtroom. Jason is pulled up out of his chair by the bailiff, but he resists, wanting to know what’s going on from Lockheart…wanting to sort this out. He was confused, and fights being pulled to the door. He wanted to sort this out, he wanted to see Katie…there was too much happening at once, and his already-foggy mind begins to panic.

“Lockheart, I don’t understand.” He’s pulled backward away from his seat, and back down the walkway. “How…what..I don’t…” His eyes fly back to Katie, searching for her wildly among the moving crowd. Five days…would it really be over in five days?

Mick cradles his own coffee mug and smiles his greeting to Jamie, carrying on the light conversation. As she mentions Sam, he grows solemn, and sighs a little. “Yeah…I guess I wish things would have turned out a little differently there. But you do with the cards that are dealt ya, and there’s nothing that can change the past…”

He lifts an eyebrow at the inquiry of Damien, but complies. “I can give him a ring and get him down here. He hangs around every once in a while, so it shouldn’t take much to get him here.”

The New Day

*As Morning breaks life froms in two differnt places starts to ster. Both under the same sky but two completely differnt worlds both fighting for the same out come. The suns rays of light shoot over the land making its territory leting everyone know today was a new day.
The morning brought many differnt meanings for everyone. For some it was about hope.*

*Katie's eyes opened as the sun beconned her to wake. She had been sleeping pritty much since Wyatt brought her home yesterday. Only waking once to get something to ear for dinner. Her body needed the sleep though after yesterday.

Rolling over she Katie looks at the clock it was nine o'clock and it felt stange not to be at TJY. Though Reese new she wouldent be in till later if she felt up to it. Today was Jason's palimanry court hearing. Lockheart would be by in an hour to pick her up. Katie new the pilmanry would be short but she promised Jason she would be with him through it all and to the end. She wasent about to back down from that. Lockheart had already said it was ok and Katie would be able to sit in and listen as long as she was quiet. Katie promised she would be. Being quiet and seeing Jason was better than not seeing him at all.

Slowly Katie gets out of bed. Her back was bothering her again today but she wasent going to let that stop her. Heading to the bathroom Katie jumps into the shower and just lets the warm water run on her back to losten the muscles alittle. Geting out Katie gets dressed and than heads to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Grabing and extra orange and cuting it into peace as well. Katie could feel Jason's sugar was droping and he needed something to bring him back up. Puting the orange into her purse she walks outside and shuts the door behind her siting down on the steps to wait for Lockheart.*

*For other it was about geting a boy a second chanse to be happy and to live life. Also to bring the death of a loved one to justice by saving anothers life and leting there memories free.*

*As Lockheart pulls into Katie's driveway she gives a wave. As her young friend enters the car Lockheart says her Good Morning as they pull out again. Heading down the road Lockheart lets Katie know that she needs to stop by the jail to talk with Jason shortly before heading to the court. She reassured Katie she wouldent be long and to just wait in the car. Once geting to the Jail Katie gives to Orange to Lockheart leting her know what it was for. Lockheart smiles at Katie and promises she will have Jason eat it.

Lockheart walks swiftly down the hall the irratation sgowing in her eyes that the guards better stay out of her way. Geting to the empty room Lockheart waits for Jason. Finally as he enters her eyes grow soft though she is still upset.*

"Oh Jason. They told me there side of the story when I got here. Tey said you were unruley yesterday and they had to confine you. I know thats not true and tis only a lie. I just wish there was more i could do. We can only hope this will end soon."

*Reaching into her pocket she pulls out the baggy with the orange and opens it for Jason. Seeing the look in his eyes she can tell he dosent have the strangth to eat it himself. Taking a peace out of the bag Lockheart holds it to Jason's lips.*

"Eat some of this Jason. If you dont Katie will never forgive me for not forcing you to."

* After making sure Jason eats a good amount of the orange Lockheart starts to go though what will happen today at court. Leting him know how to act and what to say. Anything could happen they had to be ready. Lockheart also lets Jason know Katie will be ther saporting him. She wasent sure if Jason would be able to talk to her but she would try her best to see if she would let it happen if only for a few moment.*

"Well Jason do you have any other questions or conserns you need to explain to you before we head over to the court?"

*For someone alse it was about a mending heart wanting to trust again. A heart trying to figure out the feelings it was having. A heart wanting a second chanse to hold on but at the same time new it had to let go for now.*

* Misty sits in the infermary going over some paper work Rick had given her. The bandage and stiches on Misty's neck iched real bad. She always hated having a wound covered for this reson it made it ich. But Misty new she had to keep it covered at work for at least a day or two so it wouldent get infected.

As Misty sifts through the paper work her tummy growls. Looking at the clock Misty relized is lunch time. It had been a quiet morning not having Carson around to joke around with and talk too. Misty really did miss him. Leting out a sigh she stands and heads out of the infermary to the mess hall. Misty decieds to take the long way and pass the extra bedroom. Coming to the door Misty stop and stands for a long while. All she had to do was lift her hand and knock on the door. Carson would come and she could talk to him. But she hasent seem him since yesterday so that ment he dident want to be seen. Misty's heart acked and wanted to see Carson, yet something told her she needed to let go. She wasent one to chase after a guy who dident want anything to do with her anymore. Lowering her hand Misty's mind tell her to leave him alone everythough she wanted to see him so bad. Taking all the will power she had Misty steps away from the door. She still dident know how to feel. She had never had to deal with this before. She had never cared for someone or connected with someone before like she did with Carson. Why was she having such a hard time leting him go. Misty starts her path back to the break room again to find something to eat and try to sort her feelings out.*

*And for another woman it was about telling the truth to a group of people who deserved it hear it. The new day was about telling a story that had been lost in time. About keeping a promise to someone only know brefly but had built a strong friendship with.*

*As Jamie wakes she streches out feeling rested. She had slept like a rock and it was so quiet there. No noise from the street, trains going by. Only nature made sounds in the night and Jamie liked it. As she sits on the edge of the bed she can hear stiring out in the dinning hall. Throwing on one of Con's sweatshirt she took along with her she makes her way out into the dinning hall. As she makes her way to the kitchen she see Mick. Smiling she enters.*

"Good Morning Mick."

*Jamie talks with Mick for alittle bit about this and that answer any questions he might have. After alittle Jamie inquires.*

"I met prerry much everyone but Damien."

*Jamie takes a sip of her coffee."

"I'd like to gather the whole gang up maybe after dinner when BJ lays down for his nap talk tell you all why I am here. I have a true story I'd like to tell you all. and if one of you could get in touch with Damien and have him meet us here that would be nice. He needs to hear this too, it involvs him as well."

*Jamie smiles at Mick studing his face.*

"Looking at you is like looking at Sam all over again. I've seen twins before but not idenicle twins. You and Annie look so much like her."

*Yes the new day was calling. Ready for anything thrown its way. And if nothing turned out right, the sun would set, the darkness would come. Everyone would be alittle bit smarter and than again the sun would shine in all is glory and the day would start again offering a clean slate to try and make this day better.*


Carson doesn’t feel like arguing for once, and slips the locket into his pocket, planning to try and give it back again later.

He lets Misty bandage up his hand, not saying much. He doesn’t even know what he could say. He wishes that the whole day had never happened…he wishes he hadn’t been stupid…he wishes….

When she’s finished, he looks down, fingering the fresh bandage. “Thanks.”

At a loss for anything else, he simply turns and leaves the infirmary, heading to the spare room where he avoids contact with anyone for the rest of the day.

Everyone at the ranch welcomes Jamie warmly, making her feel at home. Even Pete comes from the lookout to say hi, though he’s a bit of an outsider himself, not often coming onto the ranch property.

By evening, things are settling down again, and night falls to gently draw everyone to sleep.

Morning dawns clear. A new day with new expectations, new hopes, new perspectives. For those in Texas, it meant building a friendship with a newcomer and learning new things. For those in Nevada, it meant new chances, and news of the future.

Jason is pulled roughly from the small room and squints in the light. His eyes burned, his body felt as though he’d been run over by a truck. His wrists were red and chaffed, his knuckles indeed skinned from the day before. He hadn’t received any supper or breakfast, and he’s growing weaker, needing food…needing sugar. But he hasn’t the energy to fight…he can only follow the guard numbly.

“You’re lawyer is here, kid. Be grateful her presence got you out of the room.”

Getting shoved into the private room, Jason stops, still trying to let his focus adjust. Dark circles outline his bloodshot eyes, his shoulders drooping from weariness. Spying Lockheart, he’s unsure if this is a good thing or a bad thing… But he thinks he remembers planning this meeting before the preliminary hearing that would be in just a couple hours.

Swallowing hard to try and bring some moisture to his own mouth, Jason sinks down in the other chair and leans forward to rest his head on the table, too exhausted to even greet his attorney.

Carson stares up at the ceiling. He knew it was getting late. He knew he was avoiding people. Reese had already checked on him once to let him know that by that afternoon Susanne would have that desk ready for him. But he’d been avoiding people. He was still confused about the day before…he didn’t know how to act…he didn’t know how to feel.

Carson had hibernated in the spare room all morning, wishing to see no one. But he’d have to leave eventually…

He looks at the clock. It was almost lunchtime. His stomach reminded him that he’d eaten nothing since lunch the day before. But he didn’t want to get out of this room…he didn’t want to face people…

Rolling onto his side on the bed, he knows good and well that he particularly didn’t want to face Misty. He just didn’t know what to say to her or how to act. He’d messed up big time and just didn’t know how to fix things.

Con looks at the clock in his car. He’d made good time since leaving home mid-morning. He’d told only Laura that he was leaving…the more he thought about it, the more he knew it was a good idea only she knew. With the Agency on the prowl, the less people that knew, the better, even Jamie. He’d talked to her that morning and was glad she was at the ranch and settling in. He hoped that her talk with everyone went well…it was going to be quite the news to several people there…

The drive is long, but before he knows it, his destination comes into view on the deserted country road.

As he drives slowly up the gravel drive, he’s greeted by several whinnying horses from their pasture on the left, and strange looks from the small herd of cows on the right. His window open, he can smell the sweet scent of the farm, and takes a deep breath, letting the scents envelope him in memories for just a moment.

Parking near the house, he spies several kids playing ball in the yard, and guesses the adults are in the house. It’s near lunchtime – otherwise the kids would probably be in the barns or out and about instead.

Getting out and shutting the door, the kids turn around at the sound. Hesitating a moment, their eyes widen and suddenly they break into a run. “Uncle Con!”

Ten-year-old Jake is the first to reach him. Con’s mouth spreads into a smile. The kids were actually his cousin’s children, but he’d gained the title of “uncle” anyway just because of his age. It hadn’t been quite a year since he’d seen the family, and apparently the kids remembered the last visit.

Bending over, he catches Jake’s racing form, easily sweeping him up and slinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

Jake shrieks and laughs, his head hanging down Con’s back. “Let me go!” he giggles.

“Oh, no. I’ve got you now, I’m gonna keep you,” Con teases.

“Hi, Unca Con.”

Con looks down at the quiet voice to his right, not having realized that Mindy had caught up to him already too. She would be six by now, and her big blue eyes looked up at Con with a shy excitement. “Well, look who’s here. Another captive!” Balancing Jake on one side, with no trouble, Con is able to bend over, lifting Mindy up to cradle her in his other arm, though much gentler than his hold on her squirming brother.

“Con!” Seth, the middle sibling at nine, reaches him, already laughing and reaching up to try and rescue his brother.

Con laughs. “I’ve already got these two under control. How do you expect to take me on too?”

Seth backs up and giggles. “I’ll show you.” Before Con can react, the lightweight boy steps up onto the picnic table and reaches out to latch onto Con for a piggy back ride.

Con can’t help his laughter as he slowly steps towards the house, Jake and Seth squealing and laughing while Mindy giggles, enjoying the ride.

“Uncle Con!”

Con’s eyes widen as nine and ten year old Keith and Michaela, cousins to his current captives come racing around the corner of the house. “Oh, no!”

Somehow the two manage to squeeze in hugs before joining in the attack on Con, for some reason all deciding he shouldn’t be let into the house.

Con’s strength and size though, makes it difficult for them, despite his arms being full. By the time he gets halfway to the porch, Keith and Michaela have a hold on both his legs and are being dragged one step at a time across the lawn. Screams and laughter echoes through the ranch yard.

Suddenly the front screen door of the house flies open. “What on earth is…” The older woman’s voice trails off as she spies the mass of children. “My word. Conrad Gibbs, what have you done to these kids?!”

Before she can stop it, five-year-old Haley slips past her, bounding off the porch and running straight for the others, running pell-mell into Con to wrap a hug around his leg.

Con’s eyes widen and he looks to his aunt Paula with sheepish enjoyment as a laugh escapes. “Help!”

“Alright, alright, children,” Paula chides loudly but gently, clapping her hands. “Let the poor man go.”

“But he’s our prisoner!”

Paula puts her hands on her hips. “Even prisoners deserve mercy. And besides that, lunch is ready. So get on inside and wash your hands.”

All the siblings and cousins let go to race for the house. Con sets Mindy down gently, and lets Jake slide to the ground with a thud, watching them all scramble to see who gets to the sink first.

Paula looks at Con for several moments, a smile starting to spread. “I told Dan when he sent you that letter that you would probably show up.”

Con shrugs and ambles to the porch, hooking his hands in his pockets. “You know me well.”

“I also told him that it was mean of him not to just outright ask you to come so you wouldn’t feel guilty for not calling like I knew you wouldn’t.”

Con can’t help his laugh, and steps up onto the porch to lean down and give his aunt a big hug. “You know me too well.”

Paula chuckles and returns the hug. “How are you doing, Con?”

“Mm…” Con withdraws, pursing his lips. “I needed to get away. Uncle Dan’s letter just gave me the prime out that I needed. I figured since he said he was putting up a new outbuilding and making hay that he could use a hand. Not to mention I enjoy the zoo around here.”

“Oh yes, it’s quite a zoo at the moment. I’m sure Dan mentioned that we convinced your cousins to take a vacation together – the three of them with their spouses, and without the kids, so it was up to us to volunteer taking them on.” Paula smiles, then studies his face, unasked questions in her eyes. “And how is Laura?”

“She’s doing well.” Con is glad for the shift in subjects. “Got a roommate now – sweet girl, Katie. Laura enjoys the company.”

“Well…” Paula nods her head towards the door. “Dan and I have a house full of grandkids to feed. If I know you, you’ll help me get rid of the mess of spaghetti I made.”

Con laughs. “Every time I come, I eat you out of house and home.”

“And you know I love every minute of it.” Paula’s eyes dance. “How long are you staying?”

“Until you kick me out.”

Paula gives his arm a teasing slap. “Well, just get yourself inside for now and eat supper. Oh, and you haven’t seen little Sadie yet have you? She’s eighteen months now and my word, she’s a ball of energy.”


*Misty looks up and see Carson's open hand with her locket. Standing her walks by him to a cubord.*

"Its not mind anymore I gave it to you, so its your now."

*Taking out some bandages and disinfectint Misty walks back over to Carson taking his hand she starts to clean them up and bandage them.*

"As for being in my way you never have been and you never will be."

*Misty continues to work on Carson's hand until it is finished. Steping back Misty smiles alittle than turns to the sink to clean her hands up.*

*Katie smiles at Wyatt as they pull up to her house.*

"I'd ask you to come inside just to have some comapny but i fear I'll fall asleep on you again."

*Katie lets out a small wince as a pain runs through her back.*

"I think I am just gonna head inside and take some pain killers than lay down to sleep. I'll be ok, my back is just hurting. Thank you again Wyatt."

*Katie pats Wyatt's hand and than gets out of the car, slowly walking twords the house holding her back. As she gets to the door she waves to Wyatt and than disapears inside.*

*Wendy nods at Clint and smiles.*

"I think he will too. Why dont you finish with your car. I'll bring these inside and we can leave when your ready. I'll be in the barn just come and find me. "

*Wendy cleans up the plates and glass taking them and heading for the door but stops and turns.*

"Oh, you might wanna get cleaned up a bit too. You look like crap."

*Wendy giggle and leaves the shop aiming for the mess hall and than the barn to wait.*

Belongs to you

Outside of TJY, Carson numbly watches Misty go inside, the locket in his hand. What on earth…

Why did he feel so guilty?! Why must he be run through the mill like this?! It wasn’t fair!

Groaning to himself, he rolls his eyes and reenters the building, his original intentions of leaving gone for the moment.

He sees Misty go towards Rick, but doesn’t follow. Instead, he heads straight for Reese’s office.

Minutes later, he’s in the middle of a heated exchange.

“Can’t we keep our eyes off of you for ten minutes?!” Reese stares at Carson, displeased to hear the whole story. “Apparently you’re still not sure where your loyalty lies. What am I supposed to do with you?”

“I was bored, alright?!” Carson defends. “You got me caged in here, I can’t go anywhere, I don’t have my own place, I can’t even go out and get my own food! You can’t expect me just to sit around and do nothing!”

“I CAN expect you not to deal with the Agency!” Reese flings back. “You know good and well that it was wrong, and I’m extremely disappointed in you.”

Carson’s jaw tightens as he lowers his gaze to the floor. He wasn’t used to someone being disappointed in him…mad at him, yes…wanting to kill him, yes… but disappointed? It meant they had expectations of him to begin with, and even that was new. “Look, just get someone down to Arizona next week to stop that killing from happening.”

“That’s the easy part.” Reese crosses his arms. “The hard part is figuring out what to do with you. What do you want, Carson? Do you want to leave? I know you don’t want to go back to the Agency. Do you want a ticket out of the state? Out of the country? Help me out here.”

Carson doesn’t even know how to reply. How can he, when he doesn’t even know what he wants anymore? He rubs his knuckles where the blood has now dried. “Just lock me up,” he relents. “Just keep me in the holing cell so I don’t ruin anything else.”

Reese lets out a sigh, calming himself down. “How about we don’t go down that route again?” he suggests. “How about instead, I give you the corner desk on the main floor, I give you a stack of work to do, I put you on the payroll, and we find you an apartment?”

Carson looks up quickly, royally confused. “What?”

“Not good enough?”

“Well, no, I mean, yes, I mean…” Carson looks at Reese as though he were crazy. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s called grace.”

“But I was going to go out and kill two innocent people for the Agency. And you don’t care?”

“I care,” Reese replies evenly. “But everyone makes mistakes, and you didn’t do it, now did you?”

“I would have, if Misty hadn’t interfered.”

“Well, then I guess we can be glad she did.”

Carson shakes his head, bewildered. “I…”

Reese interrupts him. “So? You’ve heard my offer. I want an answer.”

Carson’s mind races. “I don’t know…how can you…I mean…I’m a crook, Reese! And you expect me to be honest enough to actually work here?”

“Yes.” Reese looks him in the eye. “I do. Because I know you want to do what’s right, and I know you have the willpower to do it. I have no doubt that whether Misty would have interfered today or not, you wouldn’t have shot those people, and I’ll stick by that belief. Now…I’ll tell Susanne to prepare that cubicle for you, and tomorrow I want you there to start working.”

“But I…”

Reese waves him toward the door. “You’re dismissed.”

Carson furrows his brow, confused…bewildered…totally out of his element. Not able to argue though, he finally backs away, turning to leave.

Reese watches him go, then sinks down in his chair with a weary sigh. He hoped he’d just done the right thing. He’d wanted to wring Carson’s neck, but past experience proved that wasn’t the way to handle Carson. Would giving him something to do help? Reese could only hope and pray it would. For now, he needed to call several people in Arizona.

Rick finishes up on Misty’s neck, looking at her with a gentle sternness. “Now, take care of that. I don’t want those stitches ripping out, so take it easy.” He rinses off his hands in the sink, then wipes them on a towel. “I’ve got to run some reports to Reese, I’ll be back. In the meantime, get the rest of yourself cleaned up, and don’t worry about work the rest of the afternoon.” He picks up some files and heads out of the infirmary.

Carson pulls on a shirt and tosses his duffel bag in the corner of the spare room, opting not to go back to the holding cell this time.

Looking down at his hand, he notices that he split his cuts back open again. Sighing, he knows he should go clean them off and get some bandages on them.

He glances to the bedside table, and thinks for a moment, though he can’t even sort through anything he’s thinking anymore. He was mad, he wasn’t, he was angry, he was hurt, he was confused…nothing made sense, and he was now acting purely on instinct, of which he didn’t even trust. But he had nothing else to go on.

Reaching down to the table, he snatches up the object and heads out and down the hall.

Arriving at the infirmary, Carson pauses a moment before entering. Rick wasn’t there…good or bad? He wasn’t sure. Spotting Misty, he hesitates, but finally approaches her.

He holds out his hand, palm-side up with her locket. “This belongs to you,” he informs gruffly. “All I need is to know where the bandages are so I can clean myself up and get back out of your way.”

Wyatt gives Katie a little smile. “No need to thank me, you know that. Come on. I’ll take you home.”

He helps Katie up, and stretches his legs out, getting the circulation flowing again. He makes sure she has everything she needs before leaving TJY, and it’s not long before he’s pulled up to the curb in front of the apartment. “You be alright? You need me to come in and do anything for you?”

Clint takes a mouthful of rice, followed by a chuckle. “Yeah, I’ve already dropped two pants sizes since I got here – if I didn’t have you around, one day Wes would come looking for me under a car and I would have simply vanished into thin air.”

He starts to shake his head at her suggestion to go for a ride, but then changes his mind. “I’d love to go for a ride, as long as you can convince Wes it was a mandatory break.” He winks at her. “But I think he’ll understand.”


*Misty watches Carson as he cross the street. She got a horrable feeling inside of her tummy. As Misty catches up with Carson.*

"I thought we went over this, this morning I dont know whats good for my own health."

*Misty pulls the locked off from her neck and takes Carson's hand placing it in it.*

"Pawn this for a new hat or something."

*Misty feels stupid and angry. What was she doing? What was she trying to say. Misty feeling were so mess up she dident know what way was up.*

"Why am I even bothing. I...I hope you can forgive me someday. I am differnt from most people Carson. I'll always have my feeling for you."

*A small tear rolls down Misty's cheek something she rarly ever did.*

"I'm sorry."

*Misty quickens her stride and makes her way inside and to Rick.*

*Katie lifts her head from Wyatt's lap and smiles her face turning a bit red.*

"I...how long? I'm sorry Wyatt. You should of woke me sooner."

*Katie rubs her eyes and than brings a hand to her head it was spliting open. She wasent sure what time it was but going home sounded like a good idea she dident feel much like working.*

"Ya if you could bring me home that would be great."

*A certin dullness shows in Katies eyes as she stands. All she felt like doing was sleeping.*

"Thank you Wyatt."

*Wendy rolls her eyes at Clint.*

"You would probley starve and never have any fun at all. Now shut up and just eat."

*Wendy smerks at Clint as she sits across from him and takes a bite of her chicken. After swolling she sujests.*

"Want to go for a ride later? If your not to busy with you silly cars that is. All work and no play can make a person grumpy."

*Wendy gives Clint's foot a playful kick under the table. She was happy she ment Clint. Who knows what she would of done around the ranch without him or if she would even still be here or went back to the city. Everything happend for a reson and Wendy was happy her path lead to here.*

*Jamie's smile widens when she see Austin. How good it was to see him. Reaching out Jamie gives him a quick hug than backs up again smiling.*

"Well I guess you can let Pete I am here now and he better get his lazy butt down here to see me or I will never forgive him."

*Jamie studys over Austin's face it really was good to see him. Austin was always like a father to Jamie. He's been there when she needed him just like Con and looked up to Austin. He was her second fav person at TJY and how she missed him since he was gone.*

"Its good to see you again as well Austin. Its been a long time, way TO long."

*As Austin mentions food Jamie's tummy grumbles.*

"Come to think of it I am hurgry. Food would be good."

*Jamie follows Austin inside the mess hall.*

*As Rosetta see Austin leave and than re enter with someone new she has no doubt this was Jamie. Standing Rosetta goes to greet them offering her hand.*

"You must be Jamie. Austin had told us alot about you. Welcome to the R/M ranch. I'm Rosetta and its great to meet you."

*Jamie studys Rosetta. This was Katie’s aunt. You could tell there were related they had the same spunk in there eyes. Than her eyes drift to Mick and Annie. They were the spiten image of Sam as well you could tell they were triplets. Once again Jamie eyes scan around the room her eyes rest on the young boy that must be BJ Sam's son. Jamie thought are intarupded by another figure that steps up to her smiling and offering a hand.*

"Hi Jamie, I'm Angel. Its nice to meet you."

Forget it

Carson fights with himself as he feels Misty’s touch. He wants to stop. He wants to look her in the eye. But his stubbornness wins out.

“Forget it. I just lost the job anyway, so you don’t have anything to worry your pretty little had about. It’s back to the brig with my sorry butt.”

He sidles around a trash bin in the alleyway, finally stealing a sidelong glance at Misty. “I told you not to trust me, and you wouldn’t listen. It’s high time you realized that I just don’t fit into this crowd.”

Carson wipes his hand on his jeans again, ignoring the pain of the cuts. He looks both ways before crossing the street, relieved to see his duffle bag still where he’d left it. “Now if you know what’s good for you, you’ll go inside, get Rick to patch you up, and from now on stay away from me.”