
The New Day

*As Morning breaks life froms in two differnt places starts to ster. Both under the same sky but two completely differnt worlds both fighting for the same out come. The suns rays of light shoot over the land making its territory leting everyone know today was a new day.
The morning brought many differnt meanings for everyone. For some it was about hope.*

*Katie's eyes opened as the sun beconned her to wake. She had been sleeping pritty much since Wyatt brought her home yesterday. Only waking once to get something to ear for dinner. Her body needed the sleep though after yesterday.

Rolling over she Katie looks at the clock it was nine o'clock and it felt stange not to be at TJY. Though Reese new she wouldent be in till later if she felt up to it. Today was Jason's palimanry court hearing. Lockheart would be by in an hour to pick her up. Katie new the pilmanry would be short but she promised Jason she would be with him through it all and to the end. She wasent about to back down from that. Lockheart had already said it was ok and Katie would be able to sit in and listen as long as she was quiet. Katie promised she would be. Being quiet and seeing Jason was better than not seeing him at all.

Slowly Katie gets out of bed. Her back was bothering her again today but she wasent going to let that stop her. Heading to the bathroom Katie jumps into the shower and just lets the warm water run on her back to losten the muscles alittle. Geting out Katie gets dressed and than heads to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Grabing and extra orange and cuting it into peace as well. Katie could feel Jason's sugar was droping and he needed something to bring him back up. Puting the orange into her purse she walks outside and shuts the door behind her siting down on the steps to wait for Lockheart.*

*For other it was about geting a boy a second chanse to be happy and to live life. Also to bring the death of a loved one to justice by saving anothers life and leting there memories free.*

*As Lockheart pulls into Katie's driveway she gives a wave. As her young friend enters the car Lockheart says her Good Morning as they pull out again. Heading down the road Lockheart lets Katie know that she needs to stop by the jail to talk with Jason shortly before heading to the court. She reassured Katie she wouldent be long and to just wait in the car. Once geting to the Jail Katie gives to Orange to Lockheart leting her know what it was for. Lockheart smiles at Katie and promises she will have Jason eat it.

Lockheart walks swiftly down the hall the irratation sgowing in her eyes that the guards better stay out of her way. Geting to the empty room Lockheart waits for Jason. Finally as he enters her eyes grow soft though she is still upset.*

"Oh Jason. They told me there side of the story when I got here. Tey said you were unruley yesterday and they had to confine you. I know thats not true and tis only a lie. I just wish there was more i could do. We can only hope this will end soon."

*Reaching into her pocket she pulls out the baggy with the orange and opens it for Jason. Seeing the look in his eyes she can tell he dosent have the strangth to eat it himself. Taking a peace out of the bag Lockheart holds it to Jason's lips.*

"Eat some of this Jason. If you dont Katie will never forgive me for not forcing you to."

* After making sure Jason eats a good amount of the orange Lockheart starts to go though what will happen today at court. Leting him know how to act and what to say. Anything could happen they had to be ready. Lockheart also lets Jason know Katie will be ther saporting him. She wasent sure if Jason would be able to talk to her but she would try her best to see if she would let it happen if only for a few moment.*

"Well Jason do you have any other questions or conserns you need to explain to you before we head over to the court?"

*For someone alse it was about a mending heart wanting to trust again. A heart trying to figure out the feelings it was having. A heart wanting a second chanse to hold on but at the same time new it had to let go for now.*

* Misty sits in the infermary going over some paper work Rick had given her. The bandage and stiches on Misty's neck iched real bad. She always hated having a wound covered for this reson it made it ich. But Misty new she had to keep it covered at work for at least a day or two so it wouldent get infected.

As Misty sifts through the paper work her tummy growls. Looking at the clock Misty relized is lunch time. It had been a quiet morning not having Carson around to joke around with and talk too. Misty really did miss him. Leting out a sigh she stands and heads out of the infermary to the mess hall. Misty decieds to take the long way and pass the extra bedroom. Coming to the door Misty stop and stands for a long while. All she had to do was lift her hand and knock on the door. Carson would come and she could talk to him. But she hasent seem him since yesterday so that ment he dident want to be seen. Misty's heart acked and wanted to see Carson, yet something told her she needed to let go. She wasent one to chase after a guy who dident want anything to do with her anymore. Lowering her hand Misty's mind tell her to leave him alone everythough she wanted to see him so bad. Taking all the will power she had Misty steps away from the door. She still dident know how to feel. She had never had to deal with this before. She had never cared for someone or connected with someone before like she did with Carson. Why was she having such a hard time leting him go. Misty starts her path back to the break room again to find something to eat and try to sort her feelings out.*

*And for another woman it was about telling the truth to a group of people who deserved it hear it. The new day was about telling a story that had been lost in time. About keeping a promise to someone only know brefly but had built a strong friendship with.*

*As Jamie wakes she streches out feeling rested. She had slept like a rock and it was so quiet there. No noise from the street, trains going by. Only nature made sounds in the night and Jamie liked it. As she sits on the edge of the bed she can hear stiring out in the dinning hall. Throwing on one of Con's sweatshirt she took along with her she makes her way out into the dinning hall. As she makes her way to the kitchen she see Mick. Smiling she enters.*

"Good Morning Mick."

*Jamie talks with Mick for alittle bit about this and that answer any questions he might have. After alittle Jamie inquires.*

"I met prerry much everyone but Damien."

*Jamie takes a sip of her coffee."

"I'd like to gather the whole gang up maybe after dinner when BJ lays down for his nap talk tell you all why I am here. I have a true story I'd like to tell you all. and if one of you could get in touch with Damien and have him meet us here that would be nice. He needs to hear this too, it involvs him as well."

*Jamie smiles at Mick studing his face.*

"Looking at you is like looking at Sam all over again. I've seen twins before but not idenicle twins. You and Annie look so much like her."

*Yes the new day was calling. Ready for anything thrown its way. And if nothing turned out right, the sun would set, the darkness would come. Everyone would be alittle bit smarter and than again the sun would shine in all is glory and the day would start again offering a clean slate to try and make this day better.*

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