

Turning around as Gunner's stomach growls Bree cant help the chuckle that escapes her lips. Following Gunner back over to the blanket she couldnt help but feel a little strange after there exchange they just had. It just felt like...she wanted to do more in that moment than she ever had before, but...it was to late now?

"Ok lets see what we got here, its not blood but its the next best thing."

Reaching into the tiny basket Bree pulls out a tiny bowl that held from mixed fruit in it, and also some sandwiches, two cans if soda to go along.

"Its not much but the only thing that taste good cold. Maybe one day I can make a hot meal for you as well."

Walking up the walkway her laptop bag in hand, along with her own duffel bag Alice's jeep parked nicely in the driveway she help tight to Kyle's hand. Excited but still scaired Alice couldnt take the smile off her face. A new adventure was unfolding in front of them.

Stopping on the pouch with Kyle and Erik Alice listened intently to what was said about Kip. Now it made sence with his sudden mood change earlier. Her heart went out to him and she felt oh so bad. But that wouldn't scar her away.

"I'd never leave Kyle's side, even if you payed me. As long as I have him, no trouble could be to great."

Giving a smile to Kyle and than back to Erik Alice gives a nod.


A little grin quirks the corner of Gunner's mouth as Bree leans back against him. Her comment makes the grin spread. Slowly, he lets his chin rest on Bree's head. "If it weren't for you... I'm not sure this vampire would have a night sky to look at right now."

His arms move a little tighter. "Thank you."

A silent moment is suddenly broken by the rumbling of Gunner's stomach. "Aw man." He can't help a brief laugh as he backs away, letting Bree go. "I guess my stomach can't live off the stars like the rest of me can."

Kyle slings his duffel bag over his shoulder and heads back to the intimidating front doors of the mansion. He and Alice hadn't needed very much time to go gather their things from the hotel, and had now returned to Erik's house.

Ringing the doorbell, this time it's Erik who answers it. He gives them both a big smile, but instead of inviting them in right away, he joins them on the porch.

"Hey, guys. Get everything?"

Kyle nods, his free hand holding Alice's. "Yep. You still sure about this?"

"Pft, of course... can you see how many rooms are in this place? I think we have the room."

Kyle laughs. "This is true."

"Um..." Erik runs a hand through his hair. "I guess I wanted to talk to you guys alone before going back inside."

Kyle shifts a little uneasily, giving Alice a sidelong glance of discomfort. "Okay... what's up?"

"I wanted to explain about Kip, just so you guys understood." Erik leans against one of the porch pillars. "He's lived here with my family for a few years now - he's pretty much like a little brother, so you'll probably see that he's got rights around here like any family member."

Kyle lifts his eyebrows, but doesn't find it too surprising. "I see."

"There's more..." Erik hesitates. "And I guess I should have told you sooner in case it affects the future."

Now Kyle is worried, and his grip tightens around Alice's hand tightens. "Go on."

"Kip's from an abusive home situation." Erik sighs, clearly bothered by it. "When he was younger, his sister died, his mom walked out, and his dad became a drunk. A few years ago, I finally got him to come live here - I guess we unofficially adopted him." He pauses to take a breath. "Thing is... his dad still hounds him. Mostly for money, since he knows he lives here. We've... tried to get Kip to cut his ties but..." He shrugs, obviously having been at a loss for a while now. "That was who was on the phone earlier. It usually upsets Kip pretty bad, but his dad has some kind of hold on him, maybe it's just because it's his dad, but Kip won't tell him not to call anymore. His dad has... threatened him in numerous ways... some connected to the band."

Kyle takes the information in and glances at Alice a couple times. He was sorry to hear that Kip had had such a rough time. He never would have guessed it of the rather hyper and funny young man. "So what you're saying is that as a band, we might run into some trouble at some time or another."


Kyle can't help a little grin. "Not everybody knows that JetStream has its own bodyguard since Jason, lead singer, is an Elite agent. I'm not gonna shy away from an angry father."

Erik smiles, noticeably breathing a sigh of relief. "You're okay with this then?"

"I am..."

Erik cocks his head to Alice. "We're considering you part of this too. You alright with any of this risk?"


Continuing to stand Bree looks back up at the stars squinting just a little. The feelings that kept growing inside seemed stronger than anything she ever felt before. Thought it was unknown and a little scary at the same time it was exciting.

As Gunner had his arms wrapped over Bree's shoulder she could feel her back press aganst Gunner's and the warmth from the chilly night felt good. It was a warmth that Bree had never felt before, not from man, not from parents, it was completely new to her.

Leaning her head to the side slightly Bree rests her head on Gunner's arm she runs her cheek over it just a little.

"Thank you Gunner for showing me a Vampire's night sky."


Gunner's eyes stay fixed on the stars, but all of a sudden, a strange feeling comes over him. It was one he never felt before... one he didn't recognize. He swallows hard. For some reason, the feeling of Bree's hand beneath his felt... different tonight.

Her words seemed to intensify the strange feeling and part of him wants to back away quickly, but another part wanted to stay.

"Maybe... they were." Gunner leaves his hand raised with hers, his voice growing quieter. "Even though they shift across the sky during the seasons... they remain... together."

For a moment, he doesn't say a word, his hand still against the night sky. Bree was just close enough that he could feel her warmth. The impulsiveness he felt creeping through his arms wasn't one he'd experienced before and it was a bit startling.

Giving in, was something he was even less used to. But for some reason, tonight, he... wanted to.

Slowly, his arm lowers to join his other one, bringing Bree's hand back down too. In the end, his arms were slung over her shoulders, bringing her back against his chest as he still looks up at the stars.


One the roof once again it seemed like a safe haven even for her. Being up above the city, above the rules, here they were free and no one was around to tell them any different.

Looking over twords were Gunner was Bree gave a small smile and stands making her way over to him. Standing in front of him and lookig up to the sky Bree is a little suprised as he takes her hand in his own. Continuing to watch Bree could feeling a strange feeling in her stomach as her heart started to race faster. She had never felt like this around anyone before and she wasnt sure what to do now. But just staying quiet she let Gunner talk and guide her hand, and his own as well.

Seeing the stars and that there fingers were connected Bree went to say something but before she could get the words out Gunner was talking again.

Moving her hand a little closer to his so a few of her fingers overlapped with his. Thankful the sky wasnt as bight as it normaly was it hid the change of color in Bree's face. Her heart continuing to race as her stomach felt like is was moving.

"I think, they were ment to connect long before they were even named."


Cindy holds back the shock of what she'd just learned and musters up a new smile as she looks up into Wes' eyes, tilting her head into his hand. "I think getting out sounds like fun, and Kaylee is still full of energy. If we wear her out, maybe she'll sleep better tonight."

"Mm... it's dangerous stalking a vampire," Gunner chides teasingly.

Pausing, he points to the book of astronomy. "We won't need those tonight."

The visit is all too short, and soon Gunner is alone again. But after a nap, the sun is going down, and he knows he needs to stay up. He'd purposely eaten very little for dinner, and now waited for his new friend to come. Right on time, when the halls were clear, she showed up. This time, he didn't need any direction as he was already prepared for the night air with a hoodie and his tennis shoes on.

Following her down and up to the roof again, once out in the air, he breathes in deeply. Fresh air never felt so good as after a long day of being cooped up.

It doesn't take long to get the telescope out, but they have to wait a little while for a slight cloud cover to pass by. Eventually, Gunner stands back and looks straight up into the sky, finding what he wanted. "Come here..." He brings Bree close to him, with her back to his chest. He takes her left hand in his and spreads out her fingers, then raises it to the sky at just the right distance until she fills out the Palm of Bree. Then reaching around the other side, he puts his right hand to the sky. Moving it inward towards hers, finally his first finger meets hers. His own handprint had been found long ago and now as they looked up at both prints, they could see that their first fingers shared a star. Both constellations were connected.

A grin spreads on his face. "Looks like we're gonna have to find another place for our handprints - it's getting crowded."


Letting out another soft sigh Wes new how much his wife hurt from this and he hated it. He hated seeing her sad, and on the verge of tears. It only ripped at his heart that much more.

Standing and following her into the kitchen Wes couldnt help it he just wanted to be near his wife and feel her even if it was considered him being clingy. Wrapping his arms around her wast and just holding her close to him her looks up into the cabnit to see what he wanted for lunch. Nothing seeming to stright his fancy though.

"How about we pack up Kaylee and go out for lunch today, than afterward we can go to the park and just enjoy the nice day out."

Losing his grib a little Wes moves to step in front of Cindy once again and brings a hand to her face just letting his tumb run how her cheek a smile formed on his lips.

Letting her eyes smile Bree sits down on the edge of the bed happy that Gunner was in a good mood today. It was much different from when she had seen him first here and it made her feel good.

"Oh thats an easy one, I'm a stalker too or it could of just been simple observation at the ice cream shop. But I like the first one better."

Trying to keep her face straight Bree just cant, not this time and her mouth turns into a grin. A chuckle escaping her lips.

"Ok sounds good than, wait up for me again tonight and we will have or outing again. I cant wait to see what you have to show me."

How you know

Gunner was taken off guard by Bree's entrance, and jumps, looking up with slightly wide eyes. A grin quickly comes though. "Nah, vampires have to work hard - they just don't like to admit it."

Sitting up crosslegged, he spies the bag and the contents she empties onto the bed. There's a sparkle behind his eyes that he tries to hide - one that was like a little kid, anxious to discover what new things there were to see. He bites his lip and reaches for the pack of gum. "What I want to know is..." Taking a piece out, he savors the cinnamon flavor and leans sideways on the bed, his head on the mattress. "Mmm." He tries to make a basket with the crumpled wrapper before finishing his original statement. "...is how you know what all my favorites are."

He looks up at her, not bothering to stand or sit somewhere else. He throws her a glance as if she's crazy. "Like you think I'd turn down another outing? Besides, I forgot to show you something in the stars last night."

Cindy gives Wes a brave smile. She knew that letters might get through... and that there might be a few times for phone calls. But she also knew that contact was limited. While Wes was overseas, she would be lucky to hear his voice at all. But she would hope and pray for it, no matter how few times it was.

Standing abruptly, she gives Wes' hand a squeeze and moves to the kitchen cupboards. "So... what should we have for lunch?" Tears burned the back of her eyes and she forced herself not to blink, knowing that those tears would fall if she let go for just a moment. "We can have leftovers from last night, or I can make you a sandwich or... whatever you want."