
Warned you

Laura rolls her eyes. "I warned you about flirting, Mr. Driers. Don't flatter yourself - you were second choice. Wyatt couldn't do it." She throws Nate a look that some might think was amusement, while others might interpret as annoyance, and she turns to leave. "See you later."

Carson searches Misty's eyes, not allowing his underlying smile to come to the surface. "Mm, most people stop doing things that they know are unhealthy for them."

He shifts his gaze to her book, and snatches it from her hand, turning it around to see the text for himself. "No wonder you feel unhealthy. How can you stand reading this stuff without falling asleep?"

He shuts it and holds it behind his back out of Misty's reach. A slyness passes through his eyes. "How about concentrating on something that takes less brain than this? You haven't even said good morning yet."

"Katie?" A light tap comes to Jason's office door before it opens slightly and Susanne pokes her head in. "Ah, there you are." She smiles gently. "I looked all over for you, and thought maybe you might be in here." She enter slowly, something behind her back. "The guard at the driveway got a delivery a while ago and it found its way to my desk...I think a certain someone somehow got a message out, and I believe this is for you."

Susanne retrieves a single red rose from behind her, and lays it on Jason's desk in front of Katie. She gives a little nod but says nothing more and leaves the office once more, shutting the door quietly behind her.

Jason listens intently, trying to picture Lockheart's summary, and trying to imagine what others might thing. As she finishes, he shrugs. "What can I say...the story fits." He thinks for a moment. "Why didn't I go to the cops after that though? If I was totally innocent and knew that it was self defense...why didn't we report it?"

Clint growls to himself and rolls sideways from under the car just far enough to see Wendy. "Do I look like I'm just being a drama king?" His arms are covered in oil, and it's smeared across places on his face as well, and even a spot in his hair. He points a teasing wrench in her direction. "If you'd care to join me under here, I can show you just what it's like, then you can be the one dramatizing all you want, when you're covered in grease and oil."

Luke interlocks his fingers in Angel's as they walk, and gives her a small smile. "Yeah, sorry. Didn't want to get out of bed this morning."

He pauses, a weary look in his eye. "Last time I lied and said I was fine, you chewed me out, so I think the best option for me at this moment would be to say I feel like crap. But otherwise, everything is great." He forces a dry laugh even though he doesn't feel like it.

Days events

*Nate laughs at Laura's comment.*

"Nope I probley wouldent have said no anyways cuz while I was reading the email I'd see your pritty face in my head."

*Nate taps his temple and smiles.*

"Ok sounds like a plane to me. I look forward to it."

*Katie smiles at Wyatt.*

"Thank you Wy for everything. You ever need anything feel free to seek me out as well ok."

*Kaite goes back to her paper work trying to revert her mind. How she missed Jason. Looking twords his office. It was hard knowing he wasent there. Standing Katie makes her way to Jason's office. Sliping slowly inside she shuts the door behind her. Katie could still smell Jason in the room. and it made her miss him more. Walking over to the pictures Katie gazes at them. Con, Jason and Laura smiling back at her. Some of just Jason and Con or Jason and Laura. They seemed so happy. What happend to those days. Katie hadent known everyone then, but Jason had been happy, Con had been happy. Now everything felt so empty. Drawing away from the pictures Katie makes her way to Jason's desk. Running her fingers along the wood till they get to the leather desk chair. Siting down in it Katie leans on Jason's desk. Lost in thought. *

*Misty looks up from her book cocking a sassy smile at Carson laying a hand on his arm and drawing herself alittle closer.*

"Ya I also know something alse that is bad for my health but that dosent stop me from being close to it."

*Misty holds her sassy smile gazing deep into Carson dazzling blue eyes.*

*Lockheart keeps her smile at Jason and pulls out some papers.*

"Ok...I'll read this as though your the jury. I stayed up till 3 writing this so if its crap dont be to harsh ok."

*Lockheart scans the papers and than puts on her convincing profestional tone locking eyes with Jason. Reading as though she would to the jury on Jason court day.*

“Jason and Katie were in the wood behind Katie’s aunts ranch looking for one of there friends. She had gone missing and there was talk that some thugs had been seen hanging out around that part. Heading through the woods Mr. Stevenson and Miss. Pent came across an old abanded house and checked it out. Coming to find out there friend was inside, Miss. Pent and Mr. Stevenson took action. Mr. Stevenson stood guard as Miss. Pent slipped through a window. Seeing as her frame is small she could do it with ease. After a few moments Miss. Pent and her friend emerged from the basement of the house and made there way back to were Mr. Stevenson was. One of the thugs happened to spot them drawing his gun, Mr. Steveson new if he dident act Katie would be dead this very moment. Another thug appeared and he took one shot at Miss. Pent catching her in the arm. As you see judge from the report you have on your desk from when Miss. Pent was in the hospital. I believe she was in the care of Dr.Timble and Dr. Lachey.”

*Lockheart pulls out some more papers and pushes them twords Jason. They were signed documents from JT, and Angel when they both had taken care of Katie.*

“I had these faxed to me lastnight. JT, and Angel were both very happy to help and wish you the best btw.”

*Lockheart smiles and the clears her throt finishing up what she had written.*

“At any rate The thug armed his gun once again at the fallen Katie. If Mr. Stevenson hadent shot him, Katie would again be the one dead now. So what this boils down ladys and gentalmen, good people of the jury is Mr. Stevenson was in face protecting an important people that if it was not for him would not be in this court room today. In a split second Mr. Stevenson had to act and all he could think of was that he couldent let Miss. Pent die. It wasent her time. He did what probley any one of us would do to save someone we care about life.”

*Finishing Lockheart sits watching Jason waiting for his reaction.*

*Wendy cant help but laugh as she enters the shop and hears Clint. Following his voice she finally finds him.*

"Having problems again are we? or are you just being a drama queen...er...king?"

*Wendy flops down in Wes desk chair and rolls it closer to Clint kicking his foot playfuly.*

*Rosetta hurrys around the spair bedroom in the mess hall cleaning up BJ's toys before Jamie got there. All the bunk houses were full at the moment and this was the only free on. Rosetta figured BJ could sleep with her in the little extra bedroom she had in the office. Rosetta changes the linen, and opens the windows to freshen up the room. cleaning off the sills and whiping down the counters. Trying to make the room look as comfortable as she can.*

*Angel spots Luke and runs up along next to him.*

"Missed you at breakfest today. How ya feeling hun?"

*Angel dident need to ask she new he was hurting he always did when the weather changed. But she asked him anyways. Slipping her hand in his she trys to give hims some saport suttaly*


Laura cocks her head, her eyes narrowing slightly. “And if I woulda emailed you rather than letting you see this pretty face, would you have declined?”

She shakes her head. “Well thanks, Nate. Con will be around today yet – I think he’s leaving tomorrow. So we can swing by Jamie’s then.”

Wyatt chuckles. “Naw, you just come with Laura, that’s good. I know she likes the company and I…” He bites his tongue from saying more, and reverts to listening.

“You just hang in there, Hero. It’ll all be over sooner than we know it.” He grins a little. “I’m alright. Same ol’ same ol’.” He pauses, then decided to head to his office. “If you need anything, let me know.”

As Carson heads down the hall, he spies Misty with her nose stuck in a book, heading for the infirmary. Glancing around, he knows that Rick hasn’t arrived yet, and steps forward in front of her, stopping her by putting a hand to the top of the book. He slowly tilts it down so her eyes become visible, and he can give her a crooked grin. “Didn’t you know that reading books this early in the morning is bad for your health?”

Jason shrugs at Lockheart, fidgeting with his cuffs. “I didn’t sleep a wink, that’s how I faired. But I’m alive so I guess that’s a good thing. What did you come up with?”

“Aw for crying out loud!” Clint scoots out from under the car, oil all over himself. “This is the second time this bucket of bolts has done this to me!” Still on his back, he grabs a rag and disappears under the car again, grumbling to himself.

Luke makes his way from his bunkhouse to the mess hall, knowing that he’s missed breakfast, but he hadn’t been able to get himself out of bed any earlier. He’d gone for both his braces this morning…the weather was reeking havoc on him again, and it wasn’t fun. But he didn’t want Angel to have to take time out of her day to help him, so somehow he’d managed to get up and make it out.

He aims for the mess hall, slowly, taking in a breath of the mid-morning air. It was damp, with a feeling of rain on the way.

“Yeah, she’ll be coming sometime. Not sure when.”

Mick nods to Austin as he grooms one of the horses in the barn. “And Con?”

“No, he’s still there. He’s on a leave of absence right now.”

“I see. So Jamie’s the one that got taken by the Agency just recently, right?”

Austin nods. “Yeah. I’m just glad she’s feeling up to coming. It’ll be good to see her again.”

New day

*Jamie wakes after finally galling asleep again last night. She was still tired and was sure her eyes showed it. The sky was pretty gray out as well and the rain was lightly coming down. Jamie new she should leave now to beat any harder rain. Geting out of bed She showers for the day and throws some clothing on. Deceding she would grab something to eat along the way. Packing her bags Jamie checks out of the hotel and starts down the road again twords Texas. As Jamie drives her mind wonders she wonders what Con is doing and if he is missing her as much as she is missing him.*

*Nate looks up from his desk and smiles.*


*Listening to Laura Nate cant help but have his smile widen. Laura was asking for his help thats was something new and it felt good.*

"And how could I say no when I have that pretty face looking back at me? Of corse I will come with you to Jamie's at lunch time and deal with little eddy. You can count on me."

*Katie looks up at Wyatt smiling. She had a nice time as dinner with him lastnight and was thankful he could take her mind off stuff for a while. Wyatt was a good guy.*

"Ya I did this morning. But if you really want to pick me up I wouldent mind. As long as you remembered."

*Kaite sticks her toung at Wyatt before her face becomes more solam again.*

"Oh I'm doing ok Wy. Just alot on my mind I guess. I know you dad it trying to keep me busy, and your doing you best to cheer me up witch I thank you, but I cant help stoping and think anyways ya know.I just have to keep faith everything is gonna be ok. How about you Wy? How are you?"

*Lockheart once again makes her way down the hall twords the room that held Jason. Entering Lockheart has a new smile, a new shine about her. She had finished her story, had the paper work she needed faxed over to her lastnight after making some phone calls. Lockheart was confadent.*

"Morning Jason. How did you fair lastnight?"

*Lockheart sits down across from Jason opening her brefcase.*

*As Misty enters the main floor she hardly notices anything going on around her. Her nose was stuck in a text book about differnt medical terms. Misty was cinsidering staying here in the states once her inturnship was up and finish her schooling here insted of england. Once Misty saw nothing in this town that was worth saying for. But reciently her eyes had been open to something new, someone new. Though she could quite explain it she new she liked the feelings and dident want to leave them behind. If Misty did transfer back into the states she would have to go through some very diffacult tests to make sure she understood everything she learned so far. Though her internship wasent close to over Misty wanted to start now in brushing up and studing. Her face still in the book Misty makes her way to the infermary.*

Unknown Future

Carson watches Misty leave, and doesn’t move for a long while. He loved the feelings she evoked… but it also created a conflict within himself. He wasn’t used to battling between right and wrong.

Finally standing, Carson heads upstairs to the kitchen. He wasn’t all that hungry, but knew he should at least eat a little bit of something if he could find it.

…Carson rubs the sleep from his eyes and sits up with a yawn. He looks at his watch. If people hadn’t started to arrive to work already, they would soon. Glancing down, he realizes that he’s got two files with him that he’d found in Jason’s office last night, that he probably shouldn’t be found with.

Forcing himself to get up, he grabs some clean clothes along with the files and heads upstairs. Placing the papers back where they belong, he then heads for the shower.

Con unzips his duffel bag and sets it on his bed as he begins to find clothes to pack. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be gone…so it was hard to judge how much he should take… but no matter what, he knew he’d be taken care of, so it wasn’t a great concern. Besides that, it was only three hours away.

Laura makes her way into TJY with a yawn. She tosses her purse onto her desk then scans the floor, spotting Nate at his own desk. Making a beeline for him, she stops and gives him a small smile. “Mornin’ Nate.” She leans against the cubicle. “You wouldn’t be in the mood to do me a really, really big favor would you?”

She cocks her head, giving him puppy eyes. “See, Con is gonna leave town today or tomorrow…and Jamie’s already gone, so that means I’ll be taking care of things for her instead of Con. However…” She grimaces. “I don’t do snakes. I can pick up the mail and make sure everything is fine in the house, but taking care of Ed just isn’t something I find appealing. So…”

Laura resumes her pleading look. “You wouldn’t be so kind as to take care of Ed, would you? I was planning on going over to Jamie’s over my lunch breaks every day, so if we wanted to make one trip out of it, we could. Otherwise, I can get you a key.”

Wyatt strolls past Katie’s cubicle, throwing her a wry grin. “Starting riding to work with Laura again, huh? My jeep automatically swung by your place today, but then made me feel slightly stupid when I remembered Laura had her car again.” He chuckles. “How ya doing this morning, Hero?”

Jason paces his small cell, not even knowing what time it was. The light from a window down the hall hinted that it was mid-morning, and his instincts told him as such, but it was hard to tell for sure.

His mind wanders in a million directions at once. He hadn’t slept a bit the night before, and he was tired of thinking of all these things, but it was as if he could not longer control his brain.

Thoughts of the future invaded his mind. What did the future look like? It was so hard to tell. He wanted to believe Lockheart…he knew she’d try her hardest to get him out of here…. It was the only thing he had to hang onto. Tomorrow they’d find out how long he’d have to wait until court… It could be a month…six months…even longer. Jason hated to think that if the Agency was involved here, just how much they’d love to see him sit here for an extended period of time, waiting for the trial. But had to have hope in something…

Jason flops down on the hard bed, tired of pacing. Lockheart hadn’t said what time she’d be here today…

You can FF :-p

*Misty hate to let the moment end it was perfect, peaceful something Misty wished could last forever, but she new it must and for now they would have to part ways. Siting up Misty slids herself off Carson. Giving a sassy grin the softens into a smile Misty reaches into her bag and pulls out a peace of paper joting down a numbers.*

"I guess you right, but if you get bored and find yourself geting in trouble again give me a call."

*Misty hands Carson the paper and stands heading for the door.*

"Oh ya and do me a favor head up to the kitchen and get youself some food. I dont need you wasting away on me ok? I'll see ya tomarrow."

*Misty turns and heads for the door once again exiting. On her way up the stairs and out to her car Misty cant help the dreamy look in her eye. Tonight she wouldent mind being alone she had her thoughts of Carson to keep her company.*


Feeling Misty resting against him...her heartbeat matching his own, her words resonating in his mind... Carson experiences a bliss he's never felt before. With his arms wrapped around her holding her close, for just a moment, he desires nothing else - he could stay right here for eternity, and not care.

Misty was warm...soft...and she emitted a light that shone in the darkness, like a beacon to point the way.

Carson takes a deep breath, loving her smell...her perfume, the way it caressed his senses. She affected him like no one else...and to know it was mutual made it all the more mysterious.

He just lies still for several minutes, not caring about the time. But he knows Misty was on her way out the door. "You better get going," he prompts quietly, and lets up on his hold. "And if I know what's good for me, I should probably stay in this building."

The Moment

*As Misty lays on Carson her head resting on his shoulder she closes her eyes. Happy in the moment.*

"Its an infanent mistery than I dont think you every will able to be able to figure you, but if you do let me know cuz maybe thats what you do to me as well."

*As Misty lays there her heart races. Carson really did do something to her she couldent describe. It was a feeling far behond words. All Misty new was she liked it to much to let it again. Misty could feel Carson's breathing and hear his heart proving to her he as well enjoyed the moment.*

Upside down

Carson's hands find her own, his palms rough against the top of her soft hands. He returns the kiss, giving Misty a sly grin as she withdraws. "Now that wasn't near enough reward for all the work it took to get you here."

His hand makes its way up her arm, around her neck and to her head until he can draw her back close, forcing her not to use her arms as leverage.

Finally satisfied, he allows the moment to break, though wraps both arms around her to hold her still against him. "One day I'm gonna figure out how you turn me upside down."


*As Misty falls on Carson chest she just lays there for a moment continplating what happens next. Bring her knees up under her Misty places both her hands on Carson chest she lifts her self off him alittle looking deep into his eyes.*

"And sometimes its better to just give in than to fight or run."

*Leaning down Misty brings her lips to Carson's once again. Misty envelping Carson's lips with her own. Only to draw back for a second and give Carson a smile searching his eyes.*


Carson searches Misty's eyes, his own reflecting the new spark he'd found. "Mm, but sometimes a running target is more fun for the hunter."

He gives her legs a soft nudge, just enough to knock her off balance so she falls onto him. He doesn't catch her though, letting her land on top of his chest, his own arms left at his sides. "Then again...sometimes trying to hit a running target is just too much work."

Run away

*Misty smerks the fire in her eyes proving she was indeed feeling better and up to the battle of wills once again. Misty steps even closer to the cot freely till her knees touch the edge.*

"Run away from you, I'd have to say if you did hold people captive you wouldent have to call it that with me. I like staying here with you willingly. Though saying your holding my captive just sounds more thrilling."

*Misty bends down a bit to be eye level with Carson.*

If I did

Carson pulls her one step closer, not moving from the cot. "I don't hold people captive anymore, remember?" He folds his arms across his chest, one eyebrow cocked. "Though if I did, would you run?"


*Misty turns as Carson's leg wraps around hers. Squinting her eyes just a bit.*

"Are you holding me captive Mr. Banks?"

*Misty steps a bit closer to Carson as she feels the pressure from his foot around her leg.*


Carson’s eyes narrow as he slips his feet off his cot, extending his legs to lock around one of Misty’s, keeping her from walking away. “Ah, but asking isn’t near as much fun. Stolen kisses always taste better than the ones asked for.”


*Misty quirks a grin as her sassy eyes dance with Carson's again.*

"Well find something alse to occupied you mind on will ya and no sometimes all it takes is just asking for someone to kiss you ya know. Shesh...take take take...no one ever thinks about asking do thay."

*Misty turns her back to Carson a big smile on her face as she looks out of the courner of her eye to him.*

You know

Carson gives Misty a complaining look as she takes the file. “Aw come on. You can’t blame a bloke for finding something to keep his mind occupied. You know I’ll just end up scrounging around again until I find something else interesting.”

He gives her a quirky grin at her question of him joining her. “I’ve all but got an ankle bracelet on. Do you think I dare leave the building?” He pauses with a sly look. “Besides, does it take supper to get a kiss nowadays?”


*This time Katie gives a genuin smile though still feeling a bit low.*

"And how can I say no to a meal. Specialy when its free."

*Katie cant help but laugh as she follows Wyatt. Slinging a friendly arm around Wyatt's shoulder.*

"I'd like the distraction of dinner. Friends heal all sadness right."

*Misty holds her smile. IN her mind she couldent help but wonder why Carson really had this file. Taking the file Misty puts it in her bag.*

"How about you try to stay out of trouble for once eh? Looking at stuff you shouldent be is not the right way eather."

*Misty playfuly elbows Carson.*

"Ya I was probley gonna grab something to eat. Would you like to join me? I could use the company. Pst...you might even get another kiss out of it."

*Misty stands from the cot and laughs. A grin playing on her mouth.*

*Jamie sits up straght from bed stairing into the dark. She though she hurt a noise, and it felt like someone was watching her. Quickly Jamie flips on the lights looking around the room. She dident see anything. Geting out of bed Jamie heads to the windows pearing out. She dident see anything out of the ordany. Leting out a sigh Jamie rolls her eyes at herself. Her mind was runnign away from her and she was out of her comfort zone in somewhere new and she was falling for it. Going back over to te bed Jamie gets back in and turns the lights off. Stairing into the dark for a long while she tryed to clam her mind down that was running wild.*


Wyatt grins as he shuts down his computer for the night. “At least you’ve given me a second chance to make up for leaving you high and dry the last time. How can I say no?”

He stands up from his chair and grabs his keys. He can see the weariness in Katie, even though she’s trying hard to hide it. He knows he can’t even imagine what she must be feeling like. Though things didn’t quite turn out the way he’d planned in the past, right now, he simply wanted to do all he could to help ease her stress. “I’ll take you home as long as I can buy you a quick supper on the way. I’m starving and I don’t want to make two trips.”

Wyatt aims for the door, gesturing with his head for Katie to follow him.

Carson almost grins, but not quite, at Misty’s comment. As she flops down beside him, he shrugs. “Just a file of some contacts of TJY’s. I got bored. Thought I’d see where in the world TJY had fingers. Pretty far-reaching, some of them…Alaska…Tennessee.”

He points to one of the printouts. “This lists names by category, like, doctors, lawyers, that sort of thing. Kinda interesting….” He stifles a yawn. “If you like reading names, that is.”

He glances at his watch, stalling for extra time spent with company. “You…heading for supper?”

Con hangs up the phone with Jamie and sighs. It was strange…though functioning around each other, he and Jamie hadn’t spent all that much doing actually doing things with each other and yet…knowing she was a half a days’ drive away somehow made it feel lonely back here.

Con ambles to his bedroom, finally flopping into bed, though not falling asleep. His mind was too busy…