
New day

*Jamie wakes after finally galling asleep again last night. She was still tired and was sure her eyes showed it. The sky was pretty gray out as well and the rain was lightly coming down. Jamie new she should leave now to beat any harder rain. Geting out of bed She showers for the day and throws some clothing on. Deceding she would grab something to eat along the way. Packing her bags Jamie checks out of the hotel and starts down the road again twords Texas. As Jamie drives her mind wonders she wonders what Con is doing and if he is missing her as much as she is missing him.*

*Nate looks up from his desk and smiles.*


*Listening to Laura Nate cant help but have his smile widen. Laura was asking for his help thats was something new and it felt good.*

"And how could I say no when I have that pretty face looking back at me? Of corse I will come with you to Jamie's at lunch time and deal with little eddy. You can count on me."

*Katie looks up at Wyatt smiling. She had a nice time as dinner with him lastnight and was thankful he could take her mind off stuff for a while. Wyatt was a good guy.*

"Ya I did this morning. But if you really want to pick me up I wouldent mind. As long as you remembered."

*Kaite sticks her toung at Wyatt before her face becomes more solam again.*

"Oh I'm doing ok Wy. Just alot on my mind I guess. I know you dad it trying to keep me busy, and your doing you best to cheer me up witch I thank you, but I cant help stoping and think anyways ya know.I just have to keep faith everything is gonna be ok. How about you Wy? How are you?"

*Lockheart once again makes her way down the hall twords the room that held Jason. Entering Lockheart has a new smile, a new shine about her. She had finished her story, had the paper work she needed faxed over to her lastnight after making some phone calls. Lockheart was confadent.*

"Morning Jason. How did you fair lastnight?"

*Lockheart sits down across from Jason opening her brefcase.*

*As Misty enters the main floor she hardly notices anything going on around her. Her nose was stuck in a text book about differnt medical terms. Misty was cinsidering staying here in the states once her inturnship was up and finish her schooling here insted of england. Once Misty saw nothing in this town that was worth saying for. But reciently her eyes had been open to something new, someone new. Though she could quite explain it she new she liked the feelings and dident want to leave them behind. If Misty did transfer back into the states she would have to go through some very diffacult tests to make sure she understood everything she learned so far. Though her internship wasent close to over Misty wanted to start now in brushing up and studing. Her face still in the book Misty makes her way to the infermary.*

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