
I'll Be

Letting out a sigh as the wind gusy came along and broke the moment Bree trys to calm her beating heart down. Standing Bree grabs some of the flying papers herself before they go off the roof. Tucking them in one of the books Bree can tell the shift change in Gunner's voice and once again the ping hits her heart knowing he had to go back down.

"Yeah, I'm sorry you do."

Coming over to Gunner Bree stands next to him for a long moment not saying anything else just looking up at the stars. Finally after one might think Bree wasnt going to say anything else she speaks again placing her hand on his arm gently

"There is only one difference going in this time though. You have an ever better reason to get better and leave this place."

Bree looks up at him the moonlight dancing shadows across her face as her eyes glimmer like diamonds in the light.

"...Me! I'll be waiting for you!"


"You may not be sane," Gunner agrees. "But you're far from insane."

He lets his smile spread a little more, just enjoying this time. It was different. It was nice. Normally, the quiet moments were spent by himself. He'd never figured he wanted company much to clutter his space. But now that he was experiencing these moments with someone else... it wasn't half bad.

His face close to Bree's, he shifts on his arm, coming even a little closer. "Thanks for treating me like a human being, Bree, I..."

A gust of wind whips across the roof of the building, flipping through the book pages and scattering loose papers.

Gunner sits up quickly to grab a flying paper. "Aw, crap, it was just too good wasn't it?" He sighs and crawls to shut one of the books, then rocks on his heels to stand up back at the telescope again. He knew their time needed to come to an end anyway. Neither had their questions answered but... he didn't really mind if she didn't. "I have to go back down soon?" His voice had shifted again to a quieter tone... one that told he didn't want to be locked up again.


Continuing to look back at Gunner, Bree's own lips turned up into a little grin as she studied Gunner's eyes. The cool breeze going unnoticed for now.

"Sometimes walking through the fire together is better than walking alone, no matter how short or long it might be."

Things seemed differnt with Gunner, not a bad different but a good one. A feeling she liked, and brought her comfort even if it was new and strange. Things in her life hadn't exactly been normal.

"I'm not scared as long as your not. I am not exactly sane myself you know!"

Bree's lips turn up into more of a grin at her own humorous comment that most wouldnt find funny, but she saw the silly side to it. Her dry humor that Gunner seemed to share, and smile at. Gently Bree's own hair moved in the soft wind, the cold trying to spoil the momnet, but neither body letting it.


If she had to choose... Gunner bites his lip again. Shifting, he lets go of her hand so he can turn on to his side and look her in the face. He was a little closer than intended. But even though were so totally awkward right now, for some reason, he really didn't feel embarrassed. Maybe it was because he knew the awkwardness was being shared and it wasn't just him.

Studying Bree's eyes would have been hard, had it not been for the moonlight. "I don't know." The corner of his mouth quirks. "You've been more than a friend to me... but... that's different."

A cool breeze begins to blow, bringing a chill to the air. But Gunner didn't mind. Anything to keep him from being locked in his room. His hair blows a little, but he doesn't bother to straighten it, still studying Bree. "Do you... want to be? I'm crazy, ya know."


Letting out a contentful sigh Bree looks to the sky again just in time to see the shooting star. It made her smile, to her it ment good luck. Thought it was only superstition it was still nice to pretend.

"Wish on garbage, but dont wish for garbage."

Bree can't help the tiny laugh the surfaced after her silly comment that slipped out. Sometimes she said silly things, and her actions were confusing but it was nice to know that, that didnt bother Gunner.

Hearing Gunners question Bree turns on her side her head proped on her arm. The smile from her face had faded but in her eyes on could tell she would thinking and not upset.

Bree had never had a boyfriend before or even a person she would of considered going after so what was it like or how did it feel? Bree wasnt sure, but if she had to come to her own conclusion she would want it to feel just like this. The strange tummy flops, and the tingles she felt just seemed right. There was only one thing missing though that the movies always had.

"Well everything feels like we might be more than friends, but we haven't kissed yet, so I...dont really know. I've never had a friend before let alone a boyfriend....If I had to choose, I would deffintly say it was you but...I...mean...."

Bree felt stupid stumping over her words but she really didnt know how to describe this. Its was something completely new to her.

"Do...you think we are?"

Are we...

"Mmm." Gunner chuckles. "We'll have to slip up to Alaska where we can really see those northern lights." He grins as he glances back up to the sky. "Oh, oh oh!" He sounds like a little kid as he points. "Did you see that shooting star?"

He pauses, looking for more. "It was probably just space garbage burning up as it entered the atmosphere... Can you imagine all those people making wishes on garbage?"

Laughing, he replays Bree's words. He hadn't responded, but they had been nice. He was glad they'd met too. Without her... this would be a much more miserable place. He didn't know why she had wanted to help him, but... who could explain things like that anyway?

"Hey, Bree?" His fingers tighten on hers a little as a strange sensation tingles his spine. He felt stupid asking, but after the last couple days, there just seemed to be more than he was used to with anybody else. "Are we... more than friends?"

Pass up

Turning her head again to look at Gunner a smile bigger than any shown before spreads across Bree's face. She could feel a little color come to her cheeks but she didnt let it bother her to much. It was nice outside, it was nice being here, and she felt good. What could make her feel worse at a time like this?

"I think I would like to look at the starts more. Its a whole new world out there, and I liked to see it."

Turning to looks at Gunner Bree smiles once again. The hours had seemed to slip by but she didnt mind. It had been nice here, peaceful, calming. Gunner was going to be ok she could feel it.

"Maybe we could go see the northern lights sometime too?! I saw them in your book and they looked so nice. Like someone could get lost in them."

Freedom, nothing to worry about, no past to follow you are, and no future to worry about the sky was the limit and Bree now could understand why Gunner loved it so.

"I'm happy I met you that day having a none ice cream float. This is to perfect to have passed up."

If you want to

Gunner is surprised as Bree takes his hand, and he's really not sure what to do for a moment. Receiving her thank you, he's a little confused. He hadn't thought he'd done anything that great, let alone say the right words. He'd thought it was horribly corny.

Turning his head again, he catches sight of Bree's tear, and he bites his lip. Reaching over with his free hand, he brushes it away with a finger. "I'm the one that should be saying thank you," he comments quietly. "If it weren't for you... I'd just be a doped up ward with no friends. But you..."

He points back up at the stars again. "You carry that light with you... and you share it. I don't understand it... and I can't see it... but I can feel it."

He returns the squeeze to her hand. "Maybe when I get out of here... we'll have to do this more often... look at the stars." His neck turns as his eyes roam her soft face. "If you want to."


Continuing to look at Gunner even after he looked away Bree could feel a lump in her throat form as a wetness formed in her eyes moonlight hitting causing it to dance as the tear ran down her cheek. No one had ever said something like that before to her and it caused something to form inside of her, even as her cheeks turned a shade of red.

Reaching out Bree takes Gunner's in her own as she leans back on the blanket again looking up at the sky. Giving it a gentil squeeze.

"That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me Gunner."

Silent for a moment again another tear rolled down Bree's cheek though she didnt feel sad, it was a feeling of joy that Bree had hardly felt before, and the feeling that she belonged. She had a friend to shair a life with, and for that if nothing else was granted to her would be enough. In Gunner's eyes she wasnt strange, messed up, or weird.

"Thank you."

For eternity

Gunner shrugs and shifts his head to see Bree better. "Just 'cause..." He laughs. "I don't know. It seemed the thing to do." For some reason, he felt a little heat come to his face, so he turns to look up at the stars again.

"As the stars shine bright, so does the beauty... the beauty of the soul. Why keep it hidden behind the veil of night? Deserving of a name... a place... for eternity."

A quiet moment follows before Gunner starts to laugh again and he covers his face with his hands, speaking so his words are muffled. "Oh, that was corny."


Enjoying the next hour with Gunner was easy. They sheared jokes, laughed and just plan enjoyed themselves. It was nice to see the smile on Gunner's face and here the laughter that was laced in his voice it made Bree feel good.

Just lookin into the telescope Bree looks up at the amazing sky. Noticing a few things she had read from Gunner's book and a few others the Gunner had pointed out to her. She caught on fast with how to use the telescope and she found it fun.

Hearing Gunner say he found it and stand Bree was a little confused seeing he had a paper in hand. Standing as well she goes over to him leaning back to look at the sky. Though she was confused she couldnt help but be excited as well.

"What? What am I look at here?"

Squinting she continues to look up at the stars a small smile forms on Bree's face wondering what Gunner was talking about and waiting for an explanation.

Being bulled onto the ground to look up at the sky it felt much better than pulling her head back so far. Staying close to Gunner Bree enjoyed being here and all other worrys seemed to melt away. It was nice to have someone to spend time with and looking to the stars would never have been something she would of done alone.

Following Gunner's hand as it was streached the sky Bree looked at each on he pointed out. About to ask him what it was called she was cut off as if he new she was going to say something. Hearing the name of the cluster Bree turned her head to Gunner quickly proping herself up on her elbows.

"You...named the stars after be? But...why?"

Bree couldnt help but be a little surprised. She hadnt though she done anything to deserve that. She couldnt help the feeling she felt inside, it was strange but it felt good. Bree's eyes twinkle in the moonlight.

Rarely seen and never found

Left alone for the rest of the day, Gunner doesn't do much. He hibernates in his room, using up his box of kleenex as the episodes rotate off and on. Supper comes and goes, but he doesn't want to leave his room, and for once, they leave him be.

As darkness falls, Gunner finds himself at his window again, trying to see the stars through the glass and beyond the outside lights. It isn't easy as he fiddles with his papers again.

When Bree comes into the room, he whirls around, surprised, almost thinking she'd forgotten to return. He opens his mouth, but being told to stay quiet, he shuts it again and obeys. Finding something warmer and slipping on a pair of tennies,

As she grabs his hand, he holds on, being taken out and down the hall. For a moment, he feels like he's on an Elite mission and his stealth kicks in, letting him move silently alongside Bree. His confusion rises as they go out the emergency exit then up the stairs. He would ask questions, but he knew he just needed to wait.

Once they reach the roof, a bit of hope rises. But surely not.... there was no way that she.... His thoughts are proven wrong. Stopping in his tracks, he sees everything that Bree has set up. A lump rises in his throat and he tries to swallow it. Biting his lip, he swings a blurred gaze in Bree's direction. She had already done so much... and now she was doing more.

Able to get a handle on his emotions, he wanders to the telescope, fingering it, then starting to fiddle with the settings with a knowing eye. Turning back to Bree, a new glint has appeared in his sight. One that reflected in the moonlight. "Come here."

He motions for Bree to come closer as he looks through the telescope, making adjustments. "I'll show you the stars."

For the next hour, Gunner points out stars and constellations, using the books fore reference and finding clusters in the heavens. And for a brief time, the fact that they were standing on top of the hospital seemed to fade away. They were just stargazing, and it didn't matter where they were. Gunner's shell of confusion, fear and unstable emotions seemed to melt as he drew into his element.

Bumping heads for the umpteenth time, Gunner laughs and straightens lets Bree have her turn to look at the star he'd just pointed out. Sighing, he lowers himself onto the blanket, grabbing another potato chip to crunch on. While Bree is still looking through the telescope, he reaches into his pocket to pull out the paper he'd brought with him. It still had her handprint scribbled on it.

Holding it up against the sky, he cocks his head, studies it, then looks back around the stars again. Suddenly he stops. Turning the paper upside down, he blinks. "I found it."

Rolling to stand up, he is still staring upward. "Bree, I found it... come here."

He pulls her away from the telescope and backs her up, making her look up with him. It hurts to crane his neck back that far though, so he flops back down on the blanket, pulling Bree right along with him so they can lay on their backs and not get a crick in their necks.

Gunner points, letting Bree follow his aim. "See those stars spread out there? One... two, three... four.... five... then curling around below those?" A grin spreads on his face. "That's the Palm of Bree. Rarely seen and never found... until now."

Still on his back, he holds up the paper so she can see it now. He had found stars the approximate distance apart to be a giant replica of her handprint.


Giving a grin back at Gunner Bree was happy she made him smile even if it was only for a short while it was better than nothing and it would bring a little bit of light to his heart.

"Your very welcome Gunner. The food here is pretty bad so I dont mind at all."

Moving off the bed Bree takes Gunner's wrappers and other papers from lunch and throws them in the trash before coming back to the bed to sit down. She had a few more minutes before she had to punch in for work that she wanted to spend with Gunner. It wouldnt be till later that night she would have time to sit and chat with him again.

Seeing the Gunner was on the verge of tears again and was trying to fight it Bree felt bad for him as she could sympathies. She hated crying in front of people too even though she new it was good.

"Its ok to cry, dont fight it. Crying is something we all need to do. Feel like a human, Yes you will and there is nothing in human about crying and letting your feelings show. Its gonna be ok Gunner I promise."

Standing Bree lets out a long sigh giving a streach. If she could sit here all day with Gunner she probley would. She felt comfortable around him even when it was silent. There wasnt an awkwardness at all.

"I better get what I need to do here done before they have my head eh?"

Bree gives a small smile again with a little glimmer in her eye.

"..I'll be back tonight ok so dont fall asleep on me I have something for you."

Exiting the room Bree makes her way down the hall to start her shift. A smile spread across her face she did have a suprise for Gunner tonight that only one other new about and how she manages to pull it Bree was not sure but she had, and she hopped Gunner would like it.

Entering the dinning hall and going to the fridge Dan pulls out a pitcher of lemon aid and pours himself a glass. Next making his way to one of the over size chairs in front of the fire place Dan sinks down taking a sip before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

It had been a long and stressful day that Dan hadnt even planned on. He just wanted it to be over so the new day could start but once it did would it end? Or would this me never ending to him. Would he always struggle with his life!

And so the evening turns into night. Some sleep, some thing of the past and wonder if what was to come would bring new hope and than there are some who like the night slip from shadow to shadow undetected and heard.

Giving a soft tap on Gunner's door Bree unlocks it opening it very slowly before slipping in seeing him at the window she gives a small smile.

"Hey, you did wait up."

Closing the door behind her slowly Bree walks over to the window and looks out. It was a nice nice night out and she was happy for that.

"Grab your shoes quick and a light sweater I have someone I need you to help me with but you have to be super quiet ok?"

Once Gunner had his shoes on and his sweater Bree took his hand in her own and gave a smile leading him quietly out of the room and down the hall as they feel softly padded across the floor. Continuing along finally Bree stops at the emergency exit door. Holding up a finger for Gunner to wait. Looking at him in the eyes she talks quietly.

"I shut this alarm off I think, but if it goes off I want you to run back to your room as quickly as you can ok?"

Turning back to the door and holding her hand out the only fear Bree had was of Gunner getting caught. Pushing slightly on the door nothing happens as the door opens. Turning back to Gunner she gives a mysterious smile before taking his hand again.

Two sets of stairs were infront of them. One going down and one going up. Standing to thing for a long momet Bree finally goes to the stairs that go up and gives Gunner a nod.

Moving up flight after flight after flight finally a door at the top of the steps comes in view and Bree pushes on the door once again opening it to the roof of the hospital. Holding Gunner's hand a little more she cant help a small fear of hights that comes over her but is gone as soon as it comes.

Swiftly walking across the roof and around a few pips there destination is reached as a telescope lays on its stand on a blanket, alone with books, paper, and a bag of chips and water. Turning back to Gunner Bree smiles.

"I was hoping you could help be identify a few starts I had been looking for. You know everything about them so I though you were the best one to come to. Not to mention night air is good for Vampires!"

Bree's eyes sparkled with excitement though her lips had lost there smile that didnt mean she wasnt smile on the inside.