

Giving a grin back at Gunner Bree was happy she made him smile even if it was only for a short while it was better than nothing and it would bring a little bit of light to his heart.

"Your very welcome Gunner. The food here is pretty bad so I dont mind at all."

Moving off the bed Bree takes Gunner's wrappers and other papers from lunch and throws them in the trash before coming back to the bed to sit down. She had a few more minutes before she had to punch in for work that she wanted to spend with Gunner. It wouldnt be till later that night she would have time to sit and chat with him again.

Seeing the Gunner was on the verge of tears again and was trying to fight it Bree felt bad for him as she could sympathies. She hated crying in front of people too even though she new it was good.

"Its ok to cry, dont fight it. Crying is something we all need to do. Feel like a human, Yes you will and there is nothing in human about crying and letting your feelings show. Its gonna be ok Gunner I promise."

Standing Bree lets out a long sigh giving a streach. If she could sit here all day with Gunner she probley would. She felt comfortable around him even when it was silent. There wasnt an awkwardness at all.

"I better get what I need to do here done before they have my head eh?"

Bree gives a small smile again with a little glimmer in her eye.

"..I'll be back tonight ok so dont fall asleep on me I have something for you."

Exiting the room Bree makes her way down the hall to start her shift. A smile spread across her face she did have a suprise for Gunner tonight that only one other new about and how she manages to pull it Bree was not sure but she had, and she hopped Gunner would like it.

Entering the dinning hall and going to the fridge Dan pulls out a pitcher of lemon aid and pours himself a glass. Next making his way to one of the over size chairs in front of the fire place Dan sinks down taking a sip before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

It had been a long and stressful day that Dan hadnt even planned on. He just wanted it to be over so the new day could start but once it did would it end? Or would this me never ending to him. Would he always struggle with his life!

And so the evening turns into night. Some sleep, some thing of the past and wonder if what was to come would bring new hope and than there are some who like the night slip from shadow to shadow undetected and heard.

Giving a soft tap on Gunner's door Bree unlocks it opening it very slowly before slipping in seeing him at the window she gives a small smile.

"Hey, you did wait up."

Closing the door behind her slowly Bree walks over to the window and looks out. It was a nice nice night out and she was happy for that.

"Grab your shoes quick and a light sweater I have someone I need you to help me with but you have to be super quiet ok?"

Once Gunner had his shoes on and his sweater Bree took his hand in her own and gave a smile leading him quietly out of the room and down the hall as they feel softly padded across the floor. Continuing along finally Bree stops at the emergency exit door. Holding up a finger for Gunner to wait. Looking at him in the eyes she talks quietly.

"I shut this alarm off I think, but if it goes off I want you to run back to your room as quickly as you can ok?"

Turning back to the door and holding her hand out the only fear Bree had was of Gunner getting caught. Pushing slightly on the door nothing happens as the door opens. Turning back to Gunner she gives a mysterious smile before taking his hand again.

Two sets of stairs were infront of them. One going down and one going up. Standing to thing for a long momet Bree finally goes to the stairs that go up and gives Gunner a nod.

Moving up flight after flight after flight finally a door at the top of the steps comes in view and Bree pushes on the door once again opening it to the roof of the hospital. Holding Gunner's hand a little more she cant help a small fear of hights that comes over her but is gone as soon as it comes.

Swiftly walking across the roof and around a few pips there destination is reached as a telescope lays on its stand on a blanket, alone with books, paper, and a bag of chips and water. Turning back to Gunner Bree smiles.

"I was hoping you could help be identify a few starts I had been looking for. You know everything about them so I though you were the best one to come to. Not to mention night air is good for Vampires!"

Bree's eyes sparkled with excitement though her lips had lost there smile that didnt mean she wasnt smile on the inside.

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