

Continuing to look at Gunner even after he looked away Bree could feel a lump in her throat form as a wetness formed in her eyes moonlight hitting causing it to dance as the tear ran down her cheek. No one had ever said something like that before to her and it caused something to form inside of her, even as her cheeks turned a shade of red.

Reaching out Bree takes Gunner's in her own as she leans back on the blanket again looking up at the sky. Giving it a gentil squeeze.

"That was the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me Gunner."

Silent for a moment again another tear rolled down Bree's cheek though she didnt feel sad, it was a feeling of joy that Bree had hardly felt before, and the feeling that she belonged. She had a friend to shair a life with, and for that if nothing else was granted to her would be enough. In Gunner's eyes she wasnt strange, messed up, or weird.

"Thank you."

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