
Baby steps

*As Jamie hears the door slam she looks up and see Con storm out of the office and head for the exit. Standing Jamie trots after Con to cath up.*

"Con WAIT UP! Whats going on?"

*Rosetta smiles up at Mick, replaying memories of long ago that had almost been forgoten when she first met Mick.*

"Ya know He kind of reminds me of his father when I first met him. Mick you use to hate me. and now look at us. We are gonna be married."

*Rosetta cant help but beam at times past and times a new.*

*Wes smiles at Clint as he heads out of the Shop a spring in his step.*

"Middle of next month."

*As Wes heads out of the shop he runs right into Cindy scooping her up in his arms he spins her around a few than seting her down.*

"I'll see ya in a few dollface, I need to go order wood and bring back some stuff for you to look at about windows, and doors, flooring than I need to look into a contractor to help me build the house so it dosent fall on us the first snowstorm. I'll be back love of my life."

"Next week? Really?"

*Katie stairs at her therips with excitment.*

"Thats amazing...I will deff be puting in more hours on walk."

Therpast: "Well Katie I dont know how, but you have had an amazing recovery. Your doing so well. You took 2 steps by yourself today without any bars or anything. Thats amazing. You defintly have the will power I will tell ay than."

*Katie smiles even bigger feeling pritty good about herself.*

"I have alot to live for, and lost of resons to look forwork to walking again. Thank you so much."

*Katie makes her way back to her room excitmnent taking over.*


Jason grins as heads away from Katie’s room, hearing her reference to flying. His mind goes back to a time not all that long ago, yet it feels like an eternity, when he’d first started calling Katie his personal hero. It hadn’t been the best of times for him, but she had made it livable…she’d helped him through when there had been no one else.

Her statement about Kyle was interesting…Jason wasn’t yet convinced that there was nothing between them. But why should he really care anyway? Hadn’t he decided that he himself and Katie were just to be friends? If that was the truth, then he shouldn’t have even said anything about Kyle.

Making his way outside, he’s glad the weather is clear as he straddles his bike and heads for work.

Con sighs a little, though can’t express how much he appreciates Jamie’s support. How much had he missed these years by not recognizing her love sooner?

Finally letting the moment slip into a memory, Con lets her go and steps out of the car. He heads inside a little slower than normal, but as he walks, he holds his shoulders square and confident, hiding the insecurity he really feels. Once inside, he starts towards his office.

“Con!” Laura jumps up from her desk and comes to him quickly, throwing her arms around him. “What are you doing here? You scared me to death, you big goon.”

Con chuckles softly and gives her sister a warm hug. “I couldn’t stand staying in the house another day.”

“Yeah, well you should be in bed.” Laura stands back to look up at him. “You look alright, but not perfect.”

“Don’t worry, I’m fine,” Con reassures. Talking for a few more brief moments, he again aims for his office.

“What are you doing here?!”

Con sees Reese coming towards him, and grimaces. “Hi.”

Reese rolls his eyes. “Don’t ‘hi’ me! You should be at home.”

“Yeah, well, now my ride is here, so I’m staying.”

“Why is it that I got stuck with the most stubborn…bullheaded…senseless bunch of people that exists?!” Reese shakes his head. “Fine. But I want you to see Rick.”

“Come on, I’m fine.”

“Rick!” Reese orders. “Now. He hasn’t seen you yet this morning, and I have yet to receive a clean bill of health for you from him. If you don’t go see him right now, I’ll have you escorted back outside and to your house.”

Con heaves a sigh, but throws up his hands in surrender. “Fine. You’ll get your clean bill of health within the hour.” He starts up his route again, wandering down the hall, wondering how on earth he was going to pull this off. He knew he’d have to tell Reese sometime about his hearing loss…but now? Couldn’t it wait? …What was Rick going to say?

… “Con, I’m sorry! I’ve got to tell Reese!”

“Why? Just let me finish off this case first.”

Rick stares up at Con with disbelief. “I can’t do that, and you know it. I’m under written obligation to tell Reese what’s going on. I can’t skirt around it, and I’m certainly not going to lie.”

It’s twenty minutes later that Con is facing the conversation he knew would come. “Reese, please! Don’t do this to me.”

Reese sighs deeply, seated at his desk. “I don’t have any choice. I can’t, with good conscience, allow you to continue working in the field. Not like this.”

Con fights against his emotions as he stands behind the extra chair. “So, what then? I get to do paperwork all day? Take phone calls? Clean the floors? Empty trash?”

“Con, please,” Reese reprimands. “Don’t make this any harder than it is. I don’t know where I’m going to place you yet – don’t force me to make that decision now. As for the time being, I want you to recuperate fully, maybe even take some time off. After that, we’ll see. I could use you around the office.”

“I’m a bodyguard!” Con argues. “That’s what I do!”

“Then maybe you’ll have to change what you do.” Reese looks to the door. “I’m sorry that this happened, and we’re working on finding out who or why you were poisoned. I suggest you take that time off.” He looks back down at his paperwork, ending the discussion.

Con stays for several moments, his frustration and anger boiling inside of him. Finally he spins around and stalks through the door, letting it slam behind him. He makes no eye contact with anyone as he strides across the work floor, heading for the door.

“Jason, you have a call.”

“Thanks.” Jason picks up the phone at his desk. “Yeah, this is Jason. …Kyle? I thought you were at work. Oh, I see. Yeah. Really?” He glances at his watch. “I guess that would work. I could take a few minutes to go over those details. Sure… where do you want to meet?”

Mick envelopes Rosetta in a hug, frustrated with Dylan, but unwilling to take it out on anyone else. “I just don’t know what to do any more. It’s just getting worse, and I’m afraid if I give it too much time, he’ll be gone for good. He’s ready to walk right out of here, in trouble or not.”

Clint pulls a rag from his back pocket to wipe his hands after he catches the set of keys. “Groomsman, huh?” He quirks a grin. “Why not. When are you two tying the knot anyway?”


*Katie cant help but looks a bit disapointed but trys to mask it all she could.*

"J, Kyle are I are just friends right now. Neather of us have even talked about dating or anything so you shouldent feel like your runing anything ok. But if you want other people to come with us tomarrow for dinner thats fine. Maybe Jamie and Con, or something."

*Katie holds her smile to Jason. Leting her eyes stair into Jason's.*

"I will ask when I got today. I hope they say I can soon, I'll find out who the band can talk to as well about waiting to play at the fundraiser. I think it will be fun."

*As Jason turns to head on the door Katie call after him.*

"Anytime J, you know that. Hey find out from Reese too when I get my power to fly."

*Katies lets out a giggle.*

*Jamie feels Con's hand tighten around her. Instintively her squeeze alittle more reasuring Con she is there for him. Looking deep into his eyes she trys her best to relay what she is feeling.*

"Everything has a reson and a time, God wont give you anything you cant handle."

*Lets out a sigh she gives him a smile and a small kiss on the cheek.*

"Ready? I'll be with ya everystep of the way."

*Steping out from one of the stalls Rosetta smiles and comes up behind Mick puting her arms around him.*

"Cuz he is your son and you love him. You do want to make up for lost time and wish he would see your trying. Though he is a at that age where he dosent want to listen. But something tells me in his young heart he does want to love you Mick. He is just scaired of geting hurt. Give him time Mick. He'll come around...trust me..his father did."

*Rosetta gives Mick s warm smile and a soft kiss. Mick, the bard, the horsed, nice weather=pricless.*

*Wes pulls himself from under a truck and smiles as he turns the key.*

"Purrs like a kitten."

*Shuting it off again Wes takes the keys and heads to where he last saw Clint. Clearing his throt as to not scaire him Wes throws the keys to him.*

"Mr. Frank will be coming to pick up his truck in about an hour. Here are his keys. I am heading out for the day I need to go to the lumber yard and order the wood to start Cindy and I's house. I'd like to have it finished before winter."

*Wes beams as he talks about the house and turns to head out only to spin back around and his heels.*

"Oh hey Clint I was wondering, would you like to be one of the grooms in my wedding?"


While Katie is in the bathroom, Jason quickly changes clothes and is sitting down, lacing up his boots when she returns. He looks up as she mentions them going out to dinner the next day, and a crooked forms. “Maybe we can get some others to come along.” He glances back down at his laces. “If you and Kyle are starting to go together, I’m not going to make the same mistakes I did while you were with Wyatt.” He stands up and slings his backpack over his shoulder, grabbing his motorcycle gloves.

Tossing Katie a smile, he heads for the door. “When you’re in therapy today, see if the doctor knows when you’ll be able to get out of here. Wyatt and I are supposed to go over to Laura’s around lunchtime today to see about that ramp. If I don’t see you earlier, I’ll catch you tonight whenever you get back from dinner.”

Jason heads out the door, but pauses, leaning his head back in to look at Katie. “Thanks for helping me sleep.” He lets his eyes rest on hers for just a moment before disappearing out into the hall.

Con keeps his eyes on the road, but lets his long fingers curl around Jamie’s hand as she takes his. Her touch is gentle and soft, trying to soothe his weariness.

He says nothing on the way to TJY, his memory busy at work, trying to pull up any images or faces from two days prior when he would have been injected with the poison.

Once parked at TJY, Con finally turns his head to look at Jamie. He studies her face, following the curve of her glowing cheeks, and up to her eyes where he stops, letting his gaze linger. The feeling that welled inside of him was the same as it had been two nights ago…frightening, yet calming at the same time.

Con swallows hard, wondering at the past…wondering about the future. Looking into Jamie’s eyes, he wanted to know the answers...he wanted to feel reassured of his own security that he could provide. But there were too many unknowns yet to be faced. In the time span of twenty-four hours, his heart had experienced a change he never thought would occur. In another span of twenty-four hours, his future had been altered. What was God trying to show him?

His grip on Jamie’s hand tightens every so slightly.

“Dang it, Dylan! I told you not to do that!”

Dylan throws his father a piercing glared. “If I’m such a pain, why don’t you just send me away?! I’m sick and tired of sitting around this stupid ranch and listening to you try to make up for the past.” His glare persists. “Why don’t you just accept the fact that we’ll never have that perfect little relationship you’re trying to create?” Spinning on his heel, he stalks out of the barn, kicking the door frame on his way out.

Mick throws his arms in the air, letting out a groan before leaning up against a stall. “Why do I even try?” he mutters. “I should just send him back to his mother where he wants to be.”

Slip of the Hand

*Katie smiles and waves as Phil and Kyle turn and leave laughing as they went.*

"Those two I tell ya. How they dont get themself in trouble is amazing."

*Katie moves and gets herself up and out of bed and into her wheelchair to start the day.*

"Hey I am starting to get the hang of this."

*Katie wheels herself into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Than back out again to answer Jason's question.*

"Ya we had a pritty nice time. It was nice being able to get out. It was a normal abnormal day at Mom and Pop's. Never a dull monet with Mable and Herb. They are great people. Jamie is so lucky."

*A smile forms on Katies lips and the sunlight shines in through the open window lighting everything up.*

"Maybe tomarrow WE can go there for dinner. I could never get tired of there food."

*Katie rubs her tummy and giggles.*

*Jamie lets Con go and sits back in the drivers seat. How Jamie wish she could make Con's pain go away. It was so bazarr to see Con hurt Jamie felt so helpless.*

"Ok, I will but you need to take it easy understand me? I'll feel horrable if you dont, and hurt you self again."

*Jamie backs out of the driveway and heads twords TJY she lets out a sigh. Sliping her free hand into Con's and speaking alittle louder.*

"It's gonna be ok Hun."


Kyle's eyes light up. "Ooh, that would be awesome if we could come play for a fundraiser! I know without even asking that Mike would jump on the chance. We'll just have to get in contact with the hospital administrator, get a playlist together, find out how much time we have and what equipment..." He lets his voice trail off, a sheepish grin forming.

Phil rolls his eyes. "Slow down, Genius."

Jason joins in with the enthusiasm. "I think this is a great idea. Besides, I know we all want to hear Katie."

Kyle looks at her, smiling. "You bet we do. I wouldn't want to miss that."

Hearing about her moving her toes, Kyle spins around with his hands in the air. "Woo! We need to have a wiggle party to celebrate!"

Phil puts a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Kyle, if you don't calm down, I'm going to have this guard dog here escort you outside. Now...I'm going to be late for work!"

"Oh yeah." Kyle makes it obvious that he's calming down. "Right. Okay. So...sorry to eat and run, but...." He glances to Katie. "Be ready at seven to go out for supper." Spinning on his heel, he heads for the door, pulling Phil with him. "So come on already! What's the holdup?"

Phil groans and follows after him, turning to wave at Katie and Jason. "See y'all later. Jason, we'll be in touch."

"Yeah." Jason waves them out and shakes his head in amusement. He sighs and goes to his backpack to get some clean clothes and start getting ready for the day. "So...I take it you and Kyle had fun yesterday."

Con finds it difficult already to catch everything Jamie is saying and forces himself to keep his head turned a bit to ensure he doesn't miss things. Once back in his driveway, he returns Jamie's hug, wishing she weren't right about telling Reese.

He puts his hand on the door handle ready to get out, but changes his mind. The wheels in his head are almost visibly turning as his mind jumps from one thing to the next. "Jamie, take me with you to TJY."

Have to

*Katie shakes her head and laughs her eyes sparkle not minding being woken.*

"What am I gonna do with you guys."

*Before Phil even peeks around the courner Katie can tell her is there and isent saprised to see him.*

" The nurse is gonna be SOOOOOO happy when I am finally gone. Oh since you 3 are together your gonna have to talk to Mike but, in a few weeks the Hospetal is gonna be having a talent show...or it was ment to be but they dident get enough people. So I am gonna do some singing and poem readings so we can still do the fundraiser, but I was wondering if Jetstream would like to play as well. It might help bring more money than just me would. Just something for you guys to think about."

*Katie smiles listing to Jason and Kyle barder back and forth more. It was always amusing to watch them. Katie would be happy just siting there and listiong to them all day.*

"Aww...I would of loved to have gone out with ya today but...oh well...there is always tomarrow or later tonight right? I wanted to spend alittle more time in therapy today anywayas and ask the doc about going home. I wiggled my toes yesterday."

*Katie beams blushing alittle at Kyle's comment.*

*As Jamie drives back to Con's her heart goes out to him. It had to be hard. TJY was Con's life. It ment everything to him. What would he do now.*

"Con, I know you dont want to but you have to tell Reese and take it from there. If you dont your endangering youself. I really would hate seeing something happen to you again."

*Jamie lets out a sigh as they pull into Con's driveway.*

"I really dont know what you should do Con. I dont, but I am here to help ya no matter what ok."

*Jamie leans over and gives Con a big hug.*

"You have alot of other people behind you too."


Kyle and Jason come to a screeching halt as Katie sits up in bed and they realize that they have an audience.

"No, you don't want to know," Jason rolls his eyes.

Kyle twists his head to look over his shoulder at Katie, his eyes alive with mischief, though veiled with a stranger form of amusement as if he knows something of which he won't speak. "Help!" he laughs. "Call off your guard dog!"

Knowing that Kyle may like to pull stunts but was not mean enough to do anything with the picture he'd taken, Jason finally lets him go, giving him a slap upside the head. "What are you doing here anyway, other than disturbing the peace?"

Phil peers around the corner of the doorway. "Is it safe to come in?"

Kyle rubs the back of his head. "Yeah, but watch this guy. I should have known better than to try to run from someone who works with the FBI." He winks in Katie's direction, having fun with his own joke.

Jason shakes his head an crosses his arms. "So...? What's up?"

"You're not even dressed yet," Kyle points out. "That's what's up. I would have expected you to be out there on your bike rearing to go...you know, like all them fast-action cop movies."

"I am too dressed!" Jason looks down at his stocking feet, jeans and wrinkled t-shirt. "Well...maybe not for today, but I..." He lets his sentence go, in annoyed amusement. "Would you just answer my question?"

"Yeah, but first, how's your friend? Con?"

"Better," Jason nods. "He's going to be okay." He pauses, waiting for Kyle's explanation of him showing up this morning. "Well? Did you need something?"

Phil intervenes. "Kyle was paranoid that after Katie told you about our decision that you would have changed your mind about joining JetStream."

"You kidding me?" Jason raises his eyebrows. "Of course not. If you guys are all in agreement, then I'm in."

"Woo!" Kyle raises his hands in the air. "Then that means you'll play with us in two weeks at the park in Bakerton?"

Jason's eyes light up. "You bet. Set up practice times, and I'm there."

"Good." Kyle looks over to Katie. "I was also coming here to ask Katie to go out with me again today, but alas, my dear boss called me in to work on my day off, so I must resist the company of the lovely lady."

Con is grateful for Jamie's help, and is quiet on their ride downtown. Once reaching the office, they're met by the doctor himself. Retired and now having his own private practice, he knew his handful of patients well, and had known Con for many years, wise enough to not often ask too many questions about how Con had received injuries. He smiles and holds out his hand. "Well good morning, Con. I was just ready to step out for a while, so you caught me just in time. What can I do for you two?"

Con shakes his hand, and tries to be casual. "I, um...if you have time, I need you to check something out for me."

Dr. Bradley studies his face. "You don't look so good."

"Long story."

"I won't ask." Dr. Bradley gives a little smile. "Come on into the back and tell me what you need."

An hour later, the results of several tests are compiled, and Dr. Bradley breaks the news. "I'm sorry, Con. I know you had trouble with that ear once before, but it seemed to heal up okay. Whatever kind of infection you said you just had though, did its job too well. I'm afraid the damage is permanent. You're not going to hear anything out of that ear..."

...Con sinks down in the passenger seat of Jamie's car, his mind reeling. His body is tired, simply from being sick, and this added stress creates a new exhaustion. "I can't tell Reese," he says quietly. "I can't..he'll take me off duty...he won't want me on the field, much less continue as Austin's bodyguard." He thinks back to all the years he'd watched Austin's back...all the years he'd been able to go out on cases. Though some might think a hearing loss in one ear wouldn't be that big of a deal, it could be the difference between life and death when his job was to protect someone else. "...what am I going to do, Jamie?"


*Katie opens her eyes at Jason and Kyle's voice. She had become acustom to this kind of waking for some reson or another. Kaite sits up in bed pulling her knees up to her chest and huging them. Shaking her head at the boys.*

"Dont you guys know this is a hospetal. There are sick people trying to sleep."

*Katie cant help but make a silly grin. Perfect. Everything seemed perfect.*

"Do I even really want to know whats going on?"

*Katie beams at the sun shoots through the window signaling a new day.*

*Jamies eyes widen alittle as she nods at Con. Fear being replace by simpathy. Jamie new TJY was everything to Con. Not being there would destroy him.*

"Ok Con lets get ya down town. Everything will be ok."

*Jaime helps Con up and out to the car heading down town.*


As Katie takes Jason's hand and pulls him up, he can't help his bit of surprise. He listens to her words carefully, searching her eyes as she speaks. She knew him well enough to know that at this point, he was exhausted but having trouble sleeping, and that she was the one who could help him.

Austin's words come back to him. 'It wasn't wrong...it was just plain stupid.' Was this still true? Jason questions his own judgment. He couldn't deny he wanted to agree with Katie though...and besides, Wyatt was no longer in the picture...there was no one else to offend... did that make it right? He knew both his and Katie's intentions were not inappropriate, and he would never do anything to break her trust.

Jason's previous day had been rough...his night had become hard... and he wanted his best friend.

Finally giving in, and ignoring his over-cautiousness, he sinks down on the bed beside Katie, stretching out on his back to rest his head on the pillow. He says nothing, but listens... it hits him a little harder than he thought as she mentions when he had been so sick... he wondered if he had ever really understood what that time had done to Katie.

As she speaks of friends, he knows he has experienced exactly what she is describing, through her...she'd been such a great support... Jason knew he could have survived the past few months without her, but it would have been a whole lot harder.

Jason lets silence reign when Katie finishes talking, and stares up at the ceiling. Being close to Katie helped him relax, and the nightmarish images were slowly dispersing. Finally he rolls over on his side with his back to Katie, though is close enough to feel her, and tucks his hands up under the pillow, closing his eyes. Her words brought comfort...they brought peace... how he longed for peace...

Sleep is quick to overtake his mind.

Con shakes his head at the mention of Rick. "No...not Rick..." He swallows hard, latching on to Jamie's gaze, and knowing that fear can be seen through his own eyes. He slowly picks himself up back off the floor, and leans on the kitchen counter, weighing his options. Finally he turns back to Jamie. "I've lost the hearing in my left ear, Jamie..." Saying the words aloud seemed to seal his fate. "I need to know if it's permanent, but I can't ask Rick. If the damages is permanent, my time at TJY could be over."

"I'm going to be late for work!"

"This will only take a minute."

"Why couldn't we have just called?!"

"Because." Kyle shoves his brother out of the elevator and down the hospital hall. "I want to see Jason face to face."

Phil rolls his eyes. "But Mike isn't even here."

"It's not my fault he had to open the store early this morning." Kyle keeps walking, throwing a silly wave to the nurse as they pass, though he receives little response. Seeing Katie's door barely open, he cautiously peeks inside, and his eyes widen just a little.

Phil looks in over his shoulder, slightly surprised himself at seeing Jason and Katie together. "They're sleeping," he whispers. "Come on, let's go."

A grin spreads across Kyle's face, and he keeps his voice quiet. "Nuh-uh... I came to ensure Jason's answer was still yes, I dragged you along for a witness, and I'm not leaving." He slips inside, with his brother trying to hold him back.

"Kyle!" he whispers hoarsely. "We'll come back later!"

Kyle ignores him and tiptoes across the room to the bed, still grinning. Reaching onto his belt, he pulls off his cell phone and opens it up, aiming the camera at the bed. With a press of the button, the image is captured. "Rise and shine!"

Jason's eye fly open, Kyle's words hitting him like a bucket of cold water. Sitting bolt upright, his mind is in a total fog, but he sees the phone in Kyle's hand and knows exactly what he'd done. Standing up, he throws a warning look at Kyle. "Give me the phone."

Kyle laughs and shakes his head. "Oh, no. This is too good."

Jason's eyes widen, though he's not all that upset - he didn't know if it was even possible to get upset with Kyle's innocent antics. "Come on, Kyle! Quit playing around!"

Kyle spins around and tosses his phone to Phil. "Quick! Run!"

Though having not even wanted to disturb Jason and Katie, Phil is fast to jump on the joke with Kyle, and does exactly as he's told, scooting out of the room.

Jason moves around the bed toward Kyle. "You little..."

Kyle holds up his hands, trying not to laugh. "Hey, down boy. It's not my fault you slept in late this morning. I just thought it was such a perfect Kodak moment, I couldn't pass it up!" He bolts for the door, but Jason is quicker and tackles him from behind, slamming him into the wall, and pinning an arm behind his back. Neither think about the fact that they would wake Katie.

Kyle winces, though is still laughing. "I'll print it out and give you a copy," he teases.

"No, you're going to delete it," Jason corrects, putting more pressure on Kyle's arm. "Right?''

"Ahh!" Kyle squirms, though finds it impossible to escape his taller adversary. "Alright, alright. I'll delete it. After I print it."

Close to you

*Listing to Jason Katie's heart goes out to her friend. She always had that soft spot for when she new Jason needed her. Listing to Jason Katie new he needed her. Throwing care into the wind She takes Jason's hand and pulls him up to stay. Scooting over on the bed, and smiles and nods next to her her other arm waiting to hold Jason.*

"I know your not going to think this is apropreate for friends to do, but I stop caring what people think and how they look at me. If they have a problem, they can talk to my face about it. Life is to short to worry about whatevery one alse thinks. Just take it as it comes, and worry about tomarrow, tomarrow. Its not like we are doing anything wrong."

*Katie smiles at Jason showing how sincear she was. Being int he accident, geting saved, being stuck in the hospetal, learning how to walk again and meeting her new friends and Con becoming sick showed Katie how short life can be, and how anything can change in an instine.
Katie keeps her voice quiet and soft.*

"Ya, the Con thing was hard. Probley even harder for you since you new him longer, but I know how it felt. Wasent to long ago you were that sick. Its a feeling I would hate to have to reply again anytime soon."

*Katie lets out a small sigh.*

"People get hurt sometimes Jason. We cant live in fear of that and let it run our lifes or we will be misrible. We cant all be hero's. Having friends and loved ones helps. Having a shoulder to lean and cry on. It helps lighten the load. Cuz with friends and the people we love they dont walk behind us, but next to us to help us carry our load."

*Jamie looks at Con worry in her eyes.*

"Ya I have some time Hun. Whats wrong? I am heading to TJY now why dont I take you and just have ya see Rick since he knows whats been going on with you?"

*Jamie A hand on Con's arm searching his eys for an answer to what was wrong.*


Jason shakes his head numbly, no longer surprised by Katie sensing his stress. “No…I’m not okay.” He sighs deeply and raises his head to search for Katie’s eyes in the dark. “I will be though. Just a bad dream is all.”

He stands up and wanders to the window, looking out for several minutes, trying to settle his mind, though it doesn’t do much good. Tired, but unable to close his eyes again, lest the dream reoccur, instead of heading back for the bed, he aims for the chair.

Pulling it up close to Katie’s bed, he sits down and leans forward to use his arms as a pillow on the mattress next to her. Her closeness brings the comfort he knew it would…he couldn’t deny it that she was able to calm him when nothing else could. “I’m just scared of people getting hurt, ya know?” He keeps his voice quiet, glad for the darkness, though light would be coming soon. “I guess this thing with Con shook me up more than I thought.”

Con continues to mop up the milk as Jamie joins him. “Huh?” He looks up at her. “No, you don’t need to help, I was just clumsy.” He rolls his eyes. “I know, I know, Rick would have my hide if he knew I was up, but I feel a hundred and ten percent better than yesterday.”

Though tossing the wet paper towels into the trashcan, he remains on the floor, sitting up to lean back against the cupboards and sighs. He feels silly sitting here, and he has enough strength to get up, but he just doesn’t want to. There were so many questions now…so many variables… He had to know for sure though if his condition was permanent… “Jamie…” He keeps his eyes staring down. “Do you have time to take me to Doctor Bradley downtown?” He knows how strange the request is, as there’s no reason he shouldn’t see Rick, but he can’t…not this time…

What on Earth

*Katie's pulse quickens as she sits up in bed. She had just fallen asleep so wasent to deep. Instinly Katie's eyes ajust to the dark as she looks twords Jason's way. In a soft voice Katie whispers.*

"J...are you ok?"

*Jamie heads Con and enters the apt. Following the voice in the kitchen. Seeing Con on the floor she cant help but giggle.*

"Number one hun what are you doing out of bed, you need to rest and number two what are you doing."

*Jamie bends down to help Con clean up the little mes smiling at him.*


Jason sits bolt upright in bed and stares into the dimply lit room. The nightmare had been so vivid…so real…

He rubs a hand over his face, trying to rid himself of the images. It had been a long time since he’d had a nightmare about current times, and those around him at TJY. Most likely, this episode with Con had brought it on, but knowing the origin didn’t help things any. Apart from his nightmares connected to his past, it was rare that he was tormented with imaginative violence towards his close friends.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he rests his elbows on his knees to put his face in his hands, trying to wake up completely and move on from the dream.

Con grimaces as the carton of milk slips from his grasp and falls to the floor with a slosh and splat, spilling half the contents onto the tile. Muttering to himself he reaches for the paper towels. If Rick were here, he’d be telling him to get back in bed, but he really did feel fine, surprisingly enough. He was just apparently incapable of taking the milk out of the refrigerator without making a mess.

On his hands and knees, he's pretty sure he heard Jamie's voice, though mostly assumes since she's supposed to be stopping by. “Yeah, yeah, I’m in here,” he calls.