

*Kaite enjoys the food and the chating with Wyatt. After they are done heading Kaite uses her new strangth in her arms to scoot herself closer to Wyatt. Resting her head in his arms. Katie claps as Jetstream is introduced. She has never seen a live concert before this was going to be a blast. As Katie see who the lead singer is she shoot up lookging at Wyatt.* "Did you know? I....I cant believe this." *As Katie sits stuned for a moment. Katie dident understand what was going on. Was this Jason and Wyatt's plane to saprise her? Why...why had Jason said anything. Why would he let something as important as this slip from his best friend. Katie continues to try and relax with Wyatt but her nerves and Jason's voice draws her in. Was she angry, or happy. What where her emotions. As Katie listens to words of Jason sings her heart races. He was....he was singing about her. Katie become hypnotized but the singing, the song, the music. Once again Katie looks to Wyatt....than Back to Jason.*


Wyatt beams and pushes Katie to a nice spot off to the side with a good view of the stage, but out of the way of too many people. He spreads the blanket on the ground and helps Katie get settled onto it, then goes and gets their food. They eat and chat for a while, before the main event begins to take place.

The shrill sound of feedback causes everyone to cringe, as the even coordinator steps up on stage to a microphone. After a moment of someone in the back adjusting the sound, the man smiles. “Thanks to everyone who’s come tonight. I hope you all are enjoying each other and the food. I know I have been.” He laughs. “Be sure to take advantage of the games we’ve got set up around the park, though please, just a little reminder, if you’ve got trash, throw it in one of the many trash cans there are surrounding the park.” He checks his notes. “Right now, I’d like to introduce you to our live entertainment for the evening, please welcome our favorite local band, Jetstream!”

Clapping echoes through the clearing, a couple loud whistles carrying over the noise.

The coordinator claps, and smiles. As the band exits the tent. “I’ll turn it over to you, guys. Have at it.”

The tall lighting designed to illuminate the stage for the performers is bright, making it hard to see the number of people gathered in the park. The four band members make their way onto stage quietly, at first not easily distinguished, settling in with their instruments and whispering amongst themselves.

Jason’s back is turned to the audience as he adjusts his headset microphone and picks up the electric guitar for now, slinging it over his shoulder. He’s dressed differently than normal, with a tucked-in white collard shirt with rolled-up sleeves, tight black jeans, and cowboy boots. His hair is gelled to give it a slight spike, and he’s left his five o’clock shadow, bringing him a rugged look.

Glancing at his band mates, he nods to the drummer.

Mike clicks off his drum sticks. “One, two, three, four!”

The music erupts, and Jason spins around on center stage, walking to the front as he skillfully runs his hand along the guitar strings, letting it all go. He hits his cue to sing right on, and the light rock and roll sound is a contagious enthusiasm to the crowd.

Wyatt’s eyes widen in total shock. No way. He glances to Katie. Had she known about this? What on earth…?

Jason looks out at the audience, a smile playing at his mouth as he sings without holding back. He expertly makes eye contact with several people, drawing them into the music as they begin to clap along. His voice carries like a finely tuned instrument, never out of key.

As the songs continue, styles shift from a bit of country, to a little bit of blues, and back to rock and roll. Most of the crowd ends their games and eating, spreading out on the lawn just to listen.

Dazed and confused I hit the road a runnin’
No one behind me, to keep me in line.
Said I was right, I knew just were I was goin’
Little did I know what it was I would find.

I didn’t think my life was worth tryin’ any harder,
The memories of past just wouldn’t let me go.
Then I woke up one morning to find what I was needing…

Oh she caught me by surprise, turned me upside down.
Couldn’t think of hiding, wasn’t worth it no more.
She gave my life new meaning, showed me what it was like,
I couldn’t keep on running, had to let my heart soar.

Dazed and confused, I was strugglin’ for some meaning,
Didn’t think I’d ever make it, couldn’t see my way ahead.
Thought I had a handle on all that I could do,
But surprises were a waitin’ no matter what I’d said.

I didn’t think my life was worth tryin’ any harder,
The memories of past just wouldn’t let me go.
Then I woke up one morning to find what I was neading…

Oh she caught me by surprise, turned me upside down.
Couldn’t think of hiding, wasn’t worth it no more.
She gave my life new meaning, showed me what it was like,
I couldn’t keep on running, had to let my heart soar.

Oh she caught me by surprise, turned me upside down.
Couldn’t think of hiding, wasn’t worth it no more.
She gave my life new meaning, showed me what it was like,
I couldn’t keep on running, had to let my heart soar.

Jason continues to be the highlight, entertaining especially a group of girls near the front who clap the loudest. He moves along the stage smoothly as if he’d been doing it all his life, and his voice seems to go on forever.

Close to you

*Katie blushs at the flower.* "Thank you." *Once outside Katie breaths deep. Oh how the air felt good on her face and in her lungs. Its was way to long. As Wyatt helps her into to the Jeep Katie feels very nervouse not being in a car since her accident. Her eyes lock with Wyatt for a moment nervouseness passing in them. Katie trys to relax not wanting this to rune there night. Katie smiles again as Wyatt. As the bumps in the road come Katie jumps here and there. Finally leaning her head back and closing her eyes trying to stay calm.*

*Katie smiles and nods.* "Ya I would like that. If your going to sit on the blanket so could I. I want to be close to you tonight." *Katie looks at Wyatt and smiles.*


A crisp knock raps on the door. “Madame, your carriage awaits.” Wyatt bows low, producing a pink carnation from behind his back with a ribbon around the stem. “For you.” Grinning, he steps behind the wheelchair and takes her down the hall, to the elevator and finally outside. The evening is warm and a gentle breeze is blowing. The sun is sinking a little low in the sky, but still much light is left.

Wyatt pushes Katie up to his jeep, opens the passenger door and ever so gently, lifts her up and sets her inside, helping her get buckled. Folding the wheelchair, he slips it into the backseat. Finally getting settled behind the steering wheel, Wyatt smiles. “Ready?” He starts the engine and pulls away, leaving the hospital behind. It takes just a short while to reach the next town.

The park is large with several acres of grass and trees. Lines of tables are set up with foods and drinks, and a crowd of people is already there, with more streaming in. A stage is set up near the edge of some trees, with lights and equipment prepared for the live entertainment, a small tent set up for the band off to the side.

Wyatt parks the jeep at the edge of the grassy lot and gets out, helping Katie back into her wheelchair. “So…I got a blanket here we can sit on…you want to get settled down somewhere around where the music will be, and I can get our food?”

“You got that extra cord?”
“Mike, where’s those strings?”
“Jason, here’s your mic.”
“Yo, Kyle, where’s that song list?”

Jason shifts in circles with the three other guys, trying to get last minute preparations finished and ready to go. They would be on stage in just a few minutes, and it was going to be a long night.

“You ready?”

Jason turns to the drummer, Mike. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The blonde grins, slapping Jason on the back. “Good. If we sound half as good tonight as we did at practice, we got it made.”

“Here, here!” Kyle, the keyboard player holds up an extension cord as a toast, making all the guys laugh.

Jason takes a deep breath, a smile spreading on his face. This was fun…this was what he’d been waiting for…and for the first time in a long time, he was excited about something. The adrenaline was starting to stir in his veins, giving him the energy and drive to get hyped up, kicking himself into overdrive.

Geting Ready

*Time pass and Katie contiues her tharpy. Her first steps were taken the other day. Poles were on eather side saporting her but the fact that she moved her leg was enough encuragement. Katie enjoys the time spend with Wyatt and miss Jason as he is not around much but enjoys the time spent with him too. Katie wished Jason and Wyatt would put there diffrinces behind them and be friend again. It was hard walking eggshells around them. Finally friday comes. As Jason enters Katies room she can tell Jason is nervouse.* "J...whatever is going down tonight you will be fine. Dont look so down on yourself." *Katie smiles.* "You bet you will see me tonight same, time, place the whole bit. Maybe we can watch a movie and pig out on popcorn." *Katie cant help but make a silly face. After Jason leaves again Katie starts to get ready having a nurse help her. She puts her hair up and a bit of makeup on. Katie puts on a pare of jeans, and a cute black V-neck tank top. After geting ready and in a wheelchair providd for her Katie sits and watching tv till Wyatt arrives. It was nice to get out of the hospetal bed and Katie was excited about geting out. She was going to have fun for the first time in a while and she new it. Something amazing felt like it would happen tonight.*


Con studies Katie’s face as she talks, wondering about his previous conversation with Jamie. But Katie didn’t seem to show any hesitance…maybe the rumors really were just rumors. He decides to let it drop, and focuses on more light subjects until Jason reappears.

Jason quietly comes back into Katie’s room after returning from his outing, his guitar case in his hand this time.

Con turns around and smiles. “Hey, Hotshot.”

“Yo.” Jason sets his guitar down and flops into the other chair. “Am I interrupting?”

“Nope.” Con rises and stretches. “I was just getting ready to leave anyway.” He reaches down to rough up Katie’s hair. “Later, Kat. I’ll see you around.”

The evening goes by peacefully. Jason stays with Katie, and after supper, offers his guitar and voice to invite sleep into the night.

The next week plays out the same with not much to change. Wyatt continues to come see Katie, making plans for the picnic. Jason is in and out, still evasive, and still avoiding the subject of what he’s been busy with. No one seems to know. He doesn’t talk with Katie much about Wyatt, nor does he interact with his friend that much, feeling the tension, and not wanting to make things worse. He feels just a little strange, knowing that Wyatt will be taking Katie out on Friday night, but…he’s busy too, and it shouldn’t bother him…Katie needs to get out and have some fun…

Friday early afternoon…

Jason knocks on Katie’s door and comes in. A strange nervousness surrounds him, though he tries not to let it show. He couldn’t let anyone know what he was doing tonight…he couldn’t have anyone watch him crash and burn. Pasting a smile on his face, he comes in to see Katie after having been gone for the morning. “Hey…just wanted to stop in before I left again. Figured Wyatt would be around here pretty soon, so…I guess I’ll see you later tonight?”

Last Time In Texas

*Katie smiles again at Con.* "Thank you for the confadence Big brother. I need it." *Katie thinks its strange that Con asks how her and Jason are doing but answers anyways.* "Jason and I, we are doing really well actully. Geting along great, he's been so sweet helping me while I am here and watching over me. He's really changed since the last time I saw him in Texas."


Con offers a gentle smile. “I know it’s no fun being here…You know the rest of us wish you could be out of here just as much as you do. …And just for the record, if anyone’s determination can get them out of here, it’s yours…you’ll make it…in that, I have confidence.”

He chuckles as she asks him how he himself is doing. “Oh, I’m alright. Trying to get my sea legs back I guess, after being gone this long. Trying to convince Reese to keep me on for a little while here, though I don’t know if he’ll grant me more than a week….” He shakes his head. “Not enough excitement going on in my life to have an awful lot to talk about, though I suppose that’s not a bad thing.”

Con pauses, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he looks at Katie. “And how are things with you and Jason?”


*Katie smiles and returns Wyatts Hug.* "Ok I promise if I need anything to give ya a yell. I'll see ya tomarrow." *Katie smiles at Wyatt leaves and is saprised as Con enters.* "Hey Big Brother." *Katie sighs and lets her smile fade only alittle at Con's question about how is she really.* "Really? I am misrable. I hate being here and its killing me I cant move. I hate siting around all day and doing nothing. When its nice outside, not being able to go for a walk, pick flowers." *Katie sighs.* "Drive my car." *Katie shakes he head.?* "The doc say if I am deturmend I can walk again but I know they dont believe I ever will. Its just rough. But I am trying to keep my chin up, and make the best of it. How are you really?"

More visitors

Wyatt listens to Katie, finding himself drawn in with intrigue as she shares things about herself that she never had before. His compassion is stirred as he hears of her past, though he cannot help the feeling of gladness that she feels comfortable enough to share with him…and that she understand and can relate to his own feelings. The best part of all though, was her acceptance of his invitation to the picnic, and her mention of church on Sunday.

His smile broadens. “That would be great. I’ll give the doctor a heads up and make sure it’s ok for the picnic, and we’ll plan on that. It’s on a Friday and starts at seven with supper, then it’ll last a few hours, so we can stay as long as you’re up to it.”
He sighs deeply and looks at his watch, hating to leave. “Well, my love, looks like it’s that time again.” He’d suggest him staying for supper, but he knew that Jason would be back. He stands, bending over to give Katie’s forehead a kiss. “Have a good night, and call me if you need anything. I’ll stop in tomorrow.”
Letting his gaze linger on her face for just a moment, he finally pulls himself away.

As he’s exiting, he just about runs into Con, taking a step back in surprise.

Con apologizes. “Oh, sorry, Wyatt. He gives his younger friend a firm pat on the back. “How’s it going?”

“Good.” Wyatt nods and smiles. “You?”

“Never better.”

Wyatt laughs. “I gotta run. Take it easy.”

“Yeah, you too.” Con waits until Wyatt leaves, then enters Katie’s room with a smile. “Hey, Kat.” He grabs a chair, spinning it around to straddle and lean his arms on the backrest. “I bet you’re tired of seeing new faces come through that door all day, nobody leaving you alone,” he teases. He cocks his head with a little bit more seriousness. “I just wondered how you were doing…really.”

Never Would I

*Katie smiles at Wyatt and showing him sympothy. Katie knows first hand its not easy to talk about the past. Gently Katie places her hand on Wyatt's.* " Oh Wyatt I'm sorry. Now I know why your heart wants to trust but your mind wont let it. I've been there where you have been. Its hard." *Katie talks brefly about her past and her boyfriend, how he left her when she needed him the most. Opening herself up and leting Wyatt she her own darkm spaces.* " I would never try, or want to hurt you. Your to sweet for that and I have to many morals. I care about you to much to do something like that to you." *Katie smiles at Wyatt as her told his hand. Happy to see that little spark come back. That was the Wyatt she new, That was the Wyatt she came to adore. Katie heart acked Once again thinking about her crossroad. What path would she choose and how was she to choose. Sooner or later she was going to have to. There was no doubt about that. But for now, Katie would stand at the crossroad and lean to the arms that were open to her. There was always tomarrow to dwell on the path again.* "I'd love to go to the picnic with you Wyatt. Fresh air would be nice. Maybe if that outing goes well...I could go to Church with you sunday too." *Katie smiles and was excited for the picnic to come. She hated being inside all the time. After accepting to go with Wyatt she lighten the mood and tells about her day went, How she went to tharpy and how her dad actully came to see her. Trying not to leave out the details.*


Wyatt relaxes a little, finding Katie to not be mad at him. He scoots the chair closer, grimacing at her mention of Jason. He rubs his knuckles on his right hand. “I figured he’d tell you what happened. Other than that, my day was pretty boring.” He sighs and shakes his head, knowing that he can’t just chitchat all evening. “Look, Katie…I’m sorry for things I hadn’t told you. I don’t know if Jason told you why I hit him or not…my temper just got the best of me, and I regret it. But I probably should have told you that a couple years ago I had a girlfriend…Crystal. I dated her for a year before I found out she’d been cheating on me the whole time.” Though the words flow with little effort, but Wyatt’s discomfort of the subject is evident in his eyes. “I guess when…well, when I see Jason around so much it just rubs me the wrong way is all. Teaching my heart to trust again hasn’t been easy… It’s no excuse though… I know that you would never intentionally hurt me, and I don’t think there’s a deceitful bone in your body.” He gives her a little smile. “I’m sorry if it appears I don’t trust you…I guess it’s not you I don’t trust, but my own heart. So…if you can bear with me, I don’t want this to come between us. I…I know you and Jason are close…and I can’t lie and say it doesn’t bother me that he spends so much time with you. But…I know that if you have other intentions, you’d tell me.”
He straightens in his chair, glad that part is over. “Um…and if you want to…I though maybe I could be the first to get you out of here for some fresh air.” His eyes slowly regain their spark. “There’s a community picnic planned in the next town over…food, people, live music…I bet I could convince the doctor to let me take you, if you want.”

Handsome as you

*Jamie cant help but have her own laughter burst forth.* "Con something tell me she wont believe me." *Still unable to controll her laughing.* "Dont you worry, Dont you worry before you leave for Texas I'll get ya back."

*Katie reaches up to give Wyatt a big hug.* "How could I be mad forever at someone as handsom as you? Thank you for the flowers. I loved them." *Katie smiles at Wyatt and nots to the chair telling him to pulls it over.* "How was work? Anything fun and exciting go on? Other than knocking Jason's block off?"

No more secrets

Con bites his tongue as Jamie takes her call, the laughter desperately trying to surface against his will. As he halts the car at a stop sign and she punches him, it breaks forth, his face getting red. He rests his forehead on the steering wheel for just a moment, unable to contain his laughter. Finally he gets himself under control, and glances in Jamie’s direction, the amusement dancing in his eyes. “I’m sorry…” He forces a serious expression. “That was mean of me.” He’s not able to hold his stern look for more than a few moments though, as another chuckle escapes. “Sure was fun though.” Clearing his throat, he resumes his driving as someone behind him honks their horn. “You have my permission to set your mother straight,” he adds, “before there’s rumors about US back at the office.”

Jason opens his mouth to form a rebuttal for Katie’s statement about secrets, but decides to keep quiet for now. If he were in her shoes, he probably wouldn’t feel much different.
As she speaks of what she felt earlier about him, he cocks his head slightly, still amazed at how she can decipher what he’s feeling. “Well…for what it’s worth…thanks. And…thanks for not pressuring me about not telling you what’s going on. If it turns into anything major, I’ll let you know…you have my word.”
He leans back in his chair and looks up at the tv as she turns it on. Her comment about wanting his company brings back her earlier statement about the want of him as a boyfriend. He tries to forget it though, recalling the state of mind she’d been in.

The afternoon comes and goes, Jason keeping up a light conversation with Katie, around dozing off a couple times. By the evening, he leaves her alone for just a while to go to Con’s and tells her he’ll be back after supper. He has a hunch that she’ll not be alone for long, and as he’s driving out of the parking lot, he finds he’s right – Wyatt’s jeep is just pulling in.

Wyatt takes a deep breath before entering Katie’s room. He’d promised there would be no more secrets. His hair is pulled back and he’s changed in a little nicer clothes after work. He gives Katie a smile and eases down in the chair next to the bed. He looks in better shape that Jason, not having received any knuckles to the face, though a small bandage on the side of his head reminds him of hitting the pavement. He squints at Katie, producing a sheepish look. “Hate me?”


*As Jamie and Con get into the car Mable watches them intently. She always though Con and Jamie looks cute together. As she watches as see what apears to be a kiss.* "HERB, HERB, He just kiss her...I think they are dating."

*In the back Herb rolls his eyes as he flips some burgers for an order.* "Mable would you let them be."

*Mable waddles over to the phone and dials Jamies number.*

*As they drive back Jamies phone rings. Looking down Jamie lets out a sigh.* "Yes mother?...WHAT...NO HE DIDENT KISS ME....what are you talking....." *Jamie looks over at Con for a moment and shakes her head knowing it will be no use Con planned it to well.* "Goodbye Mother. I'll call you Sunday about church.* "Jamie hangs up the phone and turns twords Con punching him in the arm.* " You Jerk." *Jamie cant help but smile really big.*

*Katie looks at Jason* "I know everyone has there secrets Jason. It just seems since my accident people have been having more secrets than normal. I guess its just me." *Kaite grabs the tv remote and flips the tv on. Katie smiles at Jason's comment.* " You really dont need to thank me. I dident do much. I knw your not in danger, I would of felt it if you were. And I know your not in trouble for the same reson. So the only thing I can come up with is your trying to do something you've wanted to do for a long time. I dont know what it is. But you have my saport and I know you will gain what your after. Your to good not to J. I just want ya to know that I back ya 100%." *As Katie flips through the channels she finally finds something to watch.* "Of corse I want your comapny J. Thats silly of you to think I wouldent." *Katie offers Jason a smile.*


Con quirks an eyebrow as Mable and Herb can be plainly heard from the kitchen. He looks to Jamie, finding more amusement than embarrassment in the whole thing. He grins and points his fork at her. “Sit up or I’m gonna get a complex, thinking you’re trying to sink under the table and hide from me.” He tosses her a wink to let her know he doesn’t think a thing of her parents’ chatter, and quickly changes the subject for her sake.

The rest of lunch goes without a hitch, and Con picks up the tab, leaving a tip as he always did. Standing up, he waves to the kitchen. “Thanks, Mable! I’ll drop by again soon.”

Walking Jamie out, they get into his car. Con looks out the windshield to the large front window of the restaurant, knowing that the sun is just right to allow someone to see their silhouettes without detail. “Hey,” he suddenly whispers. “You hear that?” He looks at Jamie with question, cocking his head. He leans over in between the seats, bending his head low to look at the backseat floor. “Listen…” He gestures for her to bend her head down next to his, listening intently. He knows good and well that from inside the restaurant, one would most certainly assume they had their heads together for an entirely different reason, but he keeps a straight face and shrugs. “Hmm…guess it was nothing.” Straightening up, he starts the car, grinning and throwing a wave towards the restaurant, willing to bet that Mable had been watching.

Jason looks at Katie, growing just a little serious. “Katie…everyone has secrets. Sometimes the wounds need to heal before the bandage is taken off to reveal the scar.”
Allowing the shift in conversation, he shrugs, now having changed his mind about saying anything. He can still feel the papers in his back pocket though, and they linger in the back of his mind.
“Eh…my meeting went all right.” He shrugs. “Nothing special to speak of I guess.” He catches her eye, knowing good and well that she knows he’s withholding information, but still unwilling to share. “I suppose I have you to thank for that though,” he adds slyly. He wonders for a moment if when she’d mentioned his dreams, if she really knew what they were. He glances up at the clock. “Well…I’ll stick around here for a bit. Tonight I’ll swing by Con’s then come back here again if you still want the company.”

Talk about embarssment

*Jamie laughs* "Oh ya Con...like you have has this long list of girlfriend."

*Mable yells from the kitchen* "Jamie wouldent mind being added to that list as long as her name was the last one one it."

*Jamies face turns red and another voice is hurd.*

"Mable let Jamie be while she has lunch with her boyfriend."

*Jamies face turns even redder as she sinks deeper into her seat.*

Mable: " Thats not her boyfriend Herb. Thats the guy she wants to date."

Herb: "Oh..." *Yelling out from the kitchen.* "Sorry about that Con."

*Jamies takes a bit of her sandwitch to scaired to look Con in the eyes.* " I suddanly remember why I dont bring people I know here." *Jamie lets out a giggle.* "Sorry about that."

*Kaite finishes off her lunch and puts her plate aside.* " I see. Thats strange though Wyatt never mentioned anything aout an ex girlfriend to me." *Kaite lets out a sigh. More secrets.* "Oh well." *Changing the subject for now.* "So how did your meeting go?"

Merry way

Con listen intently, not having known things were that complicated. "Wow." He glances up as Mable backs away, and throws her an amused wink. Turning back to Jamie, he shakes his head. "I didn't realize all that. Poor Katie...though between you and me, I think she's been confused about Jason since the very beginning." He thinks for a moment. "Well..." He chuckles. "I'd hardly call Jason a kid anymore, but I think you might be right...having someone like Katie around him has really helped him grow...he's different than he was a year ago, and I think it's in a good way. Now whether those two are meant to be together or not...." He shrugs. "Honestly I'll be surprised if Jason gets serious. He jumped in too fast with a gal back in Texas and got burned for it...nothing too traumatic, but I think he'll be pretty cautious from here on out....though maybe it was a good lesson for him, I don't know." Con rolls his eyes. "Like I'm one to talk."

Jason shrugs, concentrating on downing a long french fry. "Because I guess I insulted him by bringing up the name of his ex-girlfriend that cheated on him. Though that was after he was tailing me on my way to my meeting, as if he thought I was doing something underhanded. I cut him off, we met, had a nice chit-chat, and we went on our merry way."

Wyatt, Jason?

*Jaime takes another sip of her Milkshake and leans back again.* "Oh that rumor. Well...its goes like this. Kati and Wyatt are dating. They hit it off from the moment they met. Really cute together too. Everything was going good till Jason got hurt and came back. Wyatt dosent understand her connection with Jason but is intreged by it. Jason and Katie got close. Wyatt trusts Katie but still there is that doubt in his mind since Crystal. Kaite and Jason I dont know. But you can just tell there is so much of a friendship there is goes beyond but neather wants to addmit it. And than Katie become Jason's body guard and that dident help, and than so on and so forth and Jason has been staying at the hospetal with Katie. Being very protective, and watching her like a Hawk. She dosent mind though. I think he poor girl is confused. and dosent know what to do. You can tell she likes Wyatt and cares about him. But just with Jason its differnt. I know she dosent want to hurt eather and I think thats what she is faced with now." *Mable bring Con and Jamie there food.* "Thx Mom." *Mable nods and smiles.* " I know its non of my busness but that Jason kid, he needs someone like Katie in his life to help him out. Wyatt's a good guy with a good head on his sounders He'll bounce back.** Jamie gives her mom a side long lance and Mable backs away.* "Ok ok...sorry."

*Katie takes a bit of her bread and chews.* "And...he punched you why?"


Con laughs. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." He takes his glass of Coke, finding it humorous that she'd remembered what he drank. "Ah, well, Texas is all right. I kind of liked it...wouldn't mind spending time there, but it's not like home." He takes a sip of his drink and nods. "Yeah, the people there are great...never been around a bunch like them. I'd never want to go up against any of them - I'd have the whole clan on top of me." He stirs his ice cubes around with his straw thoughtfully. "Lots going on with them...wouldn't want to be in their shoes. We're just hoping and praying to get this case over with one of these days, but we keep hitting brick walls." He sighs, shifting the conversation. "So...what's the latest TJY gossip anyway?" He gives Jamie a sly grin. "Not that I'll believe it, but I hear there's quite a few rumors going on. One of which is about Katie and Wyatt. Tell me about it."

Jason holds his plate in front of him as he eats from the chair, and glances up at Katie's question. She's trying...he can tell...but her question still needs an answer. He decides not to mince words. Never worked with Katie anyway. "Your boyfriend slugged me," he states flatly.

Your Face

*Jamie cant help but laugh.* "Old habbits die hard huh? I think since your geting the same old so will I. MMMMM....Philly Cheese streak sandwitch." *After puting in there order Jamie comes back with some drinks for them.* "Here ya go." *Siting down Jamie takes a sip of her milkshake.* "So...what was it like out in Texas? Was the ranch nice? and the people? Katie Aunt and Uncil seemed pritty nice."

*Katie opens her eyes and smiles.* "ok now I am hungry. Your a life saver." *As Katie digs into her food she glances back at Jason.* "Thank you for the food J." *Katie trys to hold her smile she dosent want Jason to think she is angry wtih him though she is alittle annoyed.* "So wanna tell me what happend to your face? I know it had something to do with Wyatt but I'd like alittle more detail than that."


Con smiles big at Jamie's mom. "Hey, hey." He quirks an eyebrow at Jamie's reaction to the comment that she'd missed him...that was just a little strange. Forgetting it, he continues to smile. "Well I don't know about anyone missing me, but I've sure missed the food here." He laughs as Jamie pulls him over to the table. Grabbing a menu, he rolls his eyes and puts it back down. "Forget that. I want some of that famous spaghetti that I always used to get."

Jason grins and shakes his head at Katie as she drifts off to sleep. He rises and goes to figure out what to bring back for lunch. He takes his time so she can get a good nap in, but finally comes back with a tray. "Rise and shine," he calls, coming into the room. Not having succeeded in waking her, he goes up next to the bed. "Yo, lazy bum. Food's here!"


*Jamie smiles and enters waving to the waitress behind the counter* "Hey Mable. Look who the cat draggen in."

*The tall heavy set lady behind the counter looks to be in her mid 50's smiles. and comes around to Con.* "Well I'll be Con. Its been ages. I keep asking Jamie when you would be home. Its good to have ya back. I think Jamie has missed you."

*Jamies cheeks turn a slight shade of red.* "Mom, please. Come on lets sit down." *Jamie pulls Con over to a table.*

*Katie leans her head back.* " I'm not to hungry right now I am pritty tired though. Maybe I will take a nap while you grab something for lunch." *Katie smiles.* " I probley cant talk to you alittle better than anyways I need to talk to you about something." *Katie closes her eyes and difts off to sleep.*


Con keeps his eyes on the road, his head resting back in the seat as he's fully relaxed. "Well, I got Reese to let me stay a week at least...he doesn't like Austin without me back in Texas, but nothing's been going on there that he can't handle, and the other guys are still there with him. Not to mention the whole gang watches each other's backs real well." He shrugs. "I'd like to stick around here as long as I can. I miss my apartment, and I miss being around the office."
He pulls up to the curb downtown in front of the little family-owned restaurant. He gets out and waits at the door, holding it open for Jamie. "Ladies first. You pick the table."

Jason's eyes widen at Katie's offhanded comment, and he blinks, unsure how to receive it. As she keeps talking, he begins to realize that she must be pretty heavily medicated. She hadn't even seemed to notice the beat up shape he was in...maybe that was a good thing. As try as he might though, as she tells him about the day, her words keep playing over in his mind like a pesky fly. "As much as I wanted to say that was true I didn't." She had wanted to say that Jason was her boyfriend? Where had that come from? Had she been doped up while talking with her father too? Jason certainly hadn't seen her that way when he'd left.

He finally sits down in a chair, just listening. As she goes on about his dreams, he almost shuts down. How had she figured that much out? He'd wanted to tell her what was happening, now that things were being finalized...but there wasn't much point at the moment - once she got her senses back, she might not even remember this conversation at all.

Sighing, he opts to slip into a whole new role, forgetting about the morning altogether. He forces a smile, ignoring the subject of what he'd been doing. "Sounds like your day's been going well. I'm glad to hear it. You hungry for any lunch, or have you already eaten?"

Peace of Mind

*Jamie grabs her light jacket and her sunglasses.* "Ready as ever. I'm starving too. I tryed to keep from snacking all day so I could have my fill." *Once outside and they are on there way Jamie turns to Con.* "So dont this mean you will be sticking around for a while?"

*Katie smiles noticeing Jamies peat up face and the look in his eyes.* "Well...I got to chat with my long lost father, and explain to him who you were. He though you were my boyfriend." *Katie lets out a small giggle.* "As much as I wanted to say that was true I dident.." *A bit dazed from the painkillers she was given after her therapy Katie dosent even relize what she just said.* "...than I explain how Wyatt IS my boyfriend. Lets see he got to hear me yell at Wyatt on the phone. Than I just told him about life and he left. Rosetta,Mick and Jeff were here before they left as well and told me to tell you bye and take good care of me. I went to my therapy alone, hurt like heck and I dident stay long. I think I am going to be building some more arm strength. After that they gave me some pain killers so everything is a bit foggy atm." *Katie sucks in a long breath.* "and I think thats about all that happend with my day. How about you? I have come to the conclustion that your not doing anything bad but simply following your dreams. Why you dont ant to tell anyone is behond me though. Why would you hid something when people could shair in your glory." *Katie gives a shrug* "well anyhow I dont know what it is but I am proude of you J. And whatever it is and whatever happens, I am with ya, I'll root for you, and I wish ya the best of luck" *Katie smiles at Jason.*

Hey, Hero

Farewells to Katie are kept warm but brief, no one wanting to prolong it, all wishing they could stay longer too.
Soon, the room is quiet.

Con grins, envisioning the little Italian restaurant. "You're on. I'm on my way to go try and convince Reese to let me stay at least a week, so if he says yes, I'll be around here for lunch."
By the time noon arrives, Con's back at Jamie's desk with his keys dangling from his hand. "You're in luck, and I'm starving. You ready?"

Jason parks Hal's truck at the hospital again, and just sits for several minutes, thinking. He can't believe what just happened. He wouldn't have accepted it, had he not been assured several times by everyone present. But now what?
Getting out, he ambles inside, heading for Katie's room. He looks at his watch...he'd been gone all morning...he hoped she'd been okay with Jay, and if she'd been left alone, he hoped she was alright with that.

Approaching her room, the door is open and he sees that everyone has gone. Taking a deep breath, he enters. He's still got a bruise near his scarred eye, his lip is obviously cracked, and he's favoring his knee again. How on earth was he supposed to explain what happened to Katie? Not only that, but she'd see the bewildered and dazed look on his face from what had just transpired at his meeting. The folded papers sticking up out of his back pocket bother him the most.

He musters up a small grin to Katie, though it comes across as partially sheepish. "Hey, Hero. How's your day going?"


*Katie smiles as she holds the flowers.* "There from Wyatt. I wish you guys could to met him. Ah well." *Katie places the new flowers with the other collection that is now growing on her table. Katie lets out a sigh.* "I'm sad to see you guys go, but it was nice to see you guys agian. I missed you guys. Have a safe trip home, and I promise I'll be ok." *Katie smiles the best she can.*

*As Jamie see Con she waves.* "Morning. I was thinking of going out for lunch today if ya wanna join me. I'm going to your fav restront." *Jamie smiles.*


Jason lets his foot fall heavy on the gas petal as he crosses the county line. This was stupid. He was going to be late, and he looked like he'd been in a bar brawl. How was he supposed to explain himself? If they really wanted him now, it would be a miracle.

Jay chuckles at Rosetta. "Yeah...we're ok, aren't we." For a brief moment he thinks of the one lost brother, but lets the thought slide.
As he's leaving and Katie calls to him, he turns around, a new feeling of joy rushing over him. The barrier had been broken. The battle wasn't over, but a new bridge was being built, and Jay could feel that it would be a strong one. He winks and blows his daughter a kiss. "Thanks, Kiddo. I love you too." Not wanting to leave, but knowing he must, he pulls himself away and heads down the hall before anyone can see him wiping his eyes.

Jeff looks down at his niece, giving her half a smile. "You're a good kid, Katie."

A nurse enters the room, carrying a big bouquet of white and yellow flowers, a smile pasted on her face. "Well, miss Katie, you're mighty popular today." She hands the bouquet to her. "Enjoy." Turning, she leaves the room.

A note is attached to the flowers. "Katie - Sorry about earlier. Don't be mad. I'll talk to you about it when I get off work, I promise. No secrets. - Wyatt"

Con walks into TJY and takes a deep breath, scanning the floor. He hadn't liked being away for such a long time, and it felt good to be back. He takes his time going to Reese's office, greeting his old friends, and stopping to talk to Laura for a minute or two. He passes Jamie's desk and waves to her as he walks. "Morning."

I love you

*Rosetta smiles at her brother.* "She has the Pent Jeans in her what can I say. We all turn out ok in the end right?"

*Katie cant help but let a smile form on her lips.* "Just shut up and go." *She whispers.*

*As Jay makes his way to the door the feeling of sadness over comes her once more.* "Dad...dont be a stranger ok. I love you."*Katie holds up her hand to form the signlangue for I love you.*


Relief sweeps over Jay as his sister embraces him. He wouldn't want to admit his fear that he'd be rejected after their relationship had taken such a bad turn. He returns her hug warmly, letting it linger for a moment before drawing away. "Yes...it's been too long." He knows he doesn't have to apologize any more, but he allows it to show in his eyes. "Thanks for taking care of Katie, Rosetta...she's one fine young woman." In his mind, he thinks, 'no thanks to me.'

As Jason drives back into town, he's suddenly hit with the urge to go back. He was throwing away an opportunity, no matter how small, that meant something to him. Could he really, with a clear conscience do this?
He taps his fingers on his steering wheel as the feeling intensifies. His gut screams at him to turn around, and his nervousness grows.

Instantly, and as quick as a camera flash, he feels it.

"Aw, Katie! No!" He slams on his breaks, right in the middle of the deserted road. "Why are you doing this to me?" He shouts. Groaning, he turns around once again. "Fine. Just don't ask me about it later because I will have crashed and burned and I don't need to repeat it."

After a greeting to Jeff and to Mick, everyone talks for a little while as attention is turned back to Katie, light conversation continuing. Feeling that his visit has been well worth the time, Jay is disappointed that his plan will be leaving soon. He would have gotten here yesterday had there not been delays. He gives Katie's hand a quick squeeze. "Thanks for letting me come." He smiles at her. "I'll make sure someone lets me know how you progress...I don't want to lose track of any more than I already have."
He turns to bid the others farewell, and slowly makes his way to the door, picking up his bag.

Follow Your Dream

*Katie trys to smile at her dad.* "Sounds like fun. Camping is always a blast. I never told Aunt Rosetta but I always like when we had bonfires." *Katie lets out a sigh. She was upset with her dad still, but that icy patch over her heart was starting to melt. Maybe Jay really did change.*

*As Rosetta enters her eyes widen a bit. She new Jay would be coming but it was still strange that he was actully there. It had been such a long time since she last saw him. As tears form in her eyes Rosetta walks over to her brother and wraps her arms around him.* "Its been along time Bro. To long."

*As Katie watches her family and friend reunite she gives a tiny smile only to have it fade as Jason enters her mind. Again he wasent in trouble, he wasent hurt but his heart acked. For some reson he was leting his dream slip away. Not wanting to call him to bother him yet again Katie closes her eyes and leans her head aganst the pillow softly whispering.* "Follow your dreams Jason or there always will be what if. Follow your dreams, follow your heart. I'm behind you."

Turning around

Jay listens intently to Katie talk about Jason and Wyatt, intrigued by who they are, and who is daughter has become. He almost says something once about the men she was referring to, but refrains, remembering that at this point in time, he really has no right to give advice.
Instead, he continues to listen. A smile forms as he takes the picture of Katie with her car. "She was a beauty," he compliments.
Learning about Katie at TJY, what she did, who her friends were...it filled in so many holes...answered so many questions he had had. As Katie concludes, Jay realizes that there are tears behind his eyes. He looks down for a minute, then back up at his daughter with love. "I'm so proud of you... You've done so many things...had so many accomplishments..." He reaches out to take her hand. "Somewhere along the way I lost my little girl...but you've grown into a woman that any father would be proud to call his daughter."
Clearing his throat awkwardly, he shrugs. "Life at home hasn't changed a whole lot. It's just Jess and me around the house most of the time with your siblings away from home now too. Business at the dog kennel is going alright...tax season is a mess..." He chuckles. "Picked up the hobby of fishing somewhere along the way so once the weather is nice we'll be camping out some."

Mick nods at Rosetta and throws an arm around her shoulders as they exit the hotel. "One of these days, this'll all be over," he promises quietly.
The drive to the hotel doesn't take long, and the three make their way to Katie's room again. Arriving, Jeff opens the door to let Rosetta and Mick in, only after entering, realizing that Katie's not alone. He raises his eyebrows as he sees his brother.

Turning around at the sound, Jay's eyes widen. He'd known Rosetta and Jeff might be here, but he had forgotten, and hadn't prepared for this meeting. He stands up from his chair, the strange nervousness returning.

Jason pulls off onto the shoulder of the road, his indecisiveness getting the best of him. He puts the truck in park and just lets it idle as his mind spins. This whole thing was just ridiculous. He hadn't told anyone about it so that it wouldn't become a huge deal, but instead, he was apparently making it worse by not saying anything. It was such a small thing that he'd hate to even say anything now, for fear of looking foolish. It was nothing for anyone to get excited over...in the broader view of the subject, the request had been nothing, compared to the world it lived in. It was such an insignificant thing! It would be like him saying it had all been over as stupid a subject as choosing what color to paint his office.

He groans and sets his head back against the seat. It really was silly the way this had turned out...Katie was worried about him, Wyatt thought he was doing something illegal...all because he'd simply kept this to himself. ...But he still didn't want to tell anyone...he knew nothing would come of all this, and not having anyone know would simply save him the embarrassment of announcing rejection. Why had he said yes in the first place?

He runs his hand along the bottom of the steering wheel as he thinks. He'd agreed thus far for the simple reason that this was something he'd always dreamed about, whether he'd let anyone in on that dream or not. He'd always known he wasn't good enough...
Getting through two meetings had sparked a slight hope, but he knew today would just pop that bubble. He shouldn't go... He looked a mess after his go-around with Wyatt, he didn't want to receive that look of rejection, and on top of all that....even if there was the remotest possibility that he was wanted...even if there was that ever-so-slight chance...how could he really say yes to it? He knew good and well that once he tasted it, he'd love it, and then he'd be forced to ride two roads. It would be impossible to balance what he already did...his job...his friends...then add something this on top of it.

Gritting his teeth, Jason puts the truck in gear and waits for traffic before turning around and heading back towards town. He just needed to forget about this whole thing. It was stupid of him to have pursued it this far to begin with. Cutting it off today was the safest route to take.

Get to Know me!

*Katie lets out a small laugh at Jay as he asks about Jason.* "Jason, No. At one point I wanted him to be, but that dident workout. Maybe even a small part of me still wants too. But I was hurt once and I just I dont know. Me and Jason stand as really close friends right now. We are really close and I dont want to push it. At times in his eyes I can see he wants more or feels more. But thats just not the story right now." *Katie goes into alittle bit more detail to Jay about Jason, his flowers, there feeling, and her ability to feel what he feels, before she moves onto a new topic.* "The other guy you hurd me....yell at I guess you could say Wyatt. He is my boyfriend. He's a really good guy. Really sweet, fun to be with. He's knows what he want and goes after it. He's so kind and caring. He'd put anyone before himself. I'd like you to meet him before you left I think." *Katie again goes into detail about Wyatt. What he is like, what they have done together. Katie feels a tad bit funny as she explains Wyatt to her dad. She new him, but she dident really "Know" him. There were so many dark courners yet to be discovered. So many secrets hiddon.* "So thats the guys in my light right now. It can get kind of crazy. but I deal the best I can." *Katie reaches into the little dresser and pulls out a pic of her car with her standing next to it and hands it to Jay* "Thats my car before it blew up. It sure was pritty. Ah well. So anyways...I work at TJY as a secratary, and sometimes work on the cases with the others. Or did anyways. If I cant walk again I probley will just stay a secretary. Oh ya, I was being Jason's bodyguard too." *Katie tells Jay more about her life in the last years and more about her life in Navada. Trying not to leave about any details finally bring herself to the currant.* "So thats me. what about you Jay? How is everyone? Anything exciting going on?"

*Rosetta gabs her stuff and giggles trying her best to smile.* "Lets get this show on the road."