
Merry way

Con listen intently, not having known things were that complicated. "Wow." He glances up as Mable backs away, and throws her an amused wink. Turning back to Jamie, he shakes his head. "I didn't realize all that. Poor Katie...though between you and me, I think she's been confused about Jason since the very beginning." He thinks for a moment. "Well..." He chuckles. "I'd hardly call Jason a kid anymore, but I think you might be right...having someone like Katie around him has really helped him grow...he's different than he was a year ago, and I think it's in a good way. Now whether those two are meant to be together or not...." He shrugs. "Honestly I'll be surprised if Jason gets serious. He jumped in too fast with a gal back in Texas and got burned for it...nothing too traumatic, but I think he'll be pretty cautious from here on out....though maybe it was a good lesson for him, I don't know." Con rolls his eyes. "Like I'm one to talk."

Jason shrugs, concentrating on downing a long french fry. "Because I guess I insulted him by bringing up the name of his ex-girlfriend that cheated on him. Though that was after he was tailing me on my way to my meeting, as if he thought I was doing something underhanded. I cut him off, we met, had a nice chit-chat, and we went on our merry way."

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