

Laura laughs and draws Maggie in close, all three joining in the hug. "I certainly will be around a lot more now."

Her eyes raise to meet Nate's once again, the love shining through. Not caring that Maggie was present, she presses her lips to his again, then withdraws. "A lot more."

The doorbell interrupts them and Laura gives a little sigh. "He's early." She giggles. "Maybe that's a good thing. So he can sit down a moment."

Breaking away from Nate and Maggie, Laura goes to the door, opening it to reveal a wet Con, having made it from the car, but still getting rained on before making it to the porch. "You're early."

"Well sorry... the petshop was closed and..." He shrugs lamely. He knew his sister had wanted some time. "I can go check on the car, but... I figured I really didn't want to stand in the rain while trying to find the problem." His eyes drift over to Nate, suddenly getting the strange sense that he'd missed something. "Um..."

"It's okay." Laura grins. "Really. We were just, um... celebrating..." She looks back into the living room. "Right, Mags?"

Con quirks an eyebrow. "Celebrating what?"

Laura bites her lip. It was all happening so fast... but for once, she didn't care one bit. Her eyes sparkling, she timidly holds up her left hand.

It takes Con a moment to realize what she's showing him, but when she does, his eyes widen. "You mean you..."

Laura nods. "But you and Jamie have to take a trip the day after tomorrow."

"Whats... the day after tomorrow?"

"The wedding."

Con blinks and cocks his head to look at Nate. "Boy when you make up your mind, you really make up your mind." He looks back to his sister, still a bit stunned. "And you..."

"Yeah." Laura nods again, reassuring her brother that yes, this is what she really wanted. "Think you can hack Nate as your brother-in-law?"

Con grins. "Only if he can hack having a tank for his." Reaching out, he pulls his sister into a bear hug. Before he says any more though, he quickly backs up. "You're all wet!"

Laura laughs. "What? So? Nate didn't mind."

"As if he would." Con smirks. He looks back to Nate again. "Sorry to barge in on you two like this. Looks like my timing could have been better. I can wait out on the porch if you'd prefer."

Kyle wanders through the grass until his feet hit the coarse sand that ran around the small lake. Heaving a sigh, he comes closer to Alice, quietly... slowly. Slipping behind her, he eases down to sit with one leg on either side of her, then drapes his arms over his shoulders to fold them under her chin and pull her back so she's leaning against his chest. He kisses her head.

"I'm sorry," he apologizes quietly. He didn't know if the whole thing was really his fault or not... probably it was both his and Hunter's. Regardless, he was sorry that Alice had gotten upset. The bruise on the side of his face and head was clearly visible now, but that was the least of his worries.

His voice remains soft and low. "I'm thinking about pulling out. I know we could survive, but... the team could do better with Hunter than with me and... maybe I'm just not supposed to be here any more." There was disappointment in his tone, proving that he didn't really want that, nor did he really believe it was the right choice. But he felt backed up against the wall. "I don't want to keep up the fight with Hunter... it would be better if I just went back home."

"Of course you'll see me tomorrow." Ryder throws Thirteen a wink. "Goodnight."

It wasn't long before all was quiet. Trooper sprawls out on his usual spot on the floor, yawning and relaxing for another evning. He was used to the routine now, and used to keeping Thirteen company at night.

The light in the hall eventually dims, proving that almost everyone was gone. It wasn't until at least an hour later that a soft patter of feet could be heard.

Trooper rolls over and perks his ears forward, listening. A low growl sounds from his throat and he slowly stands up, going to the door. He puts his nose to the crack and sniffs, then cocks his head, listening again. A quiet "woof" comes out and he gives a little whine, looking back to Thirteen. He scratches at the door, asking to be let out of the room.


Taking the ring from Laura Nate can feel his own hands shake. Standing slowly he gently takes Laura's hand, he felt so nervous and he wasn't even sure why but he was.

Finally swalling his own nerves he slips the run all the way on and holds her hand for a long moment before giving it a gentil kiss.

"Thank you Laura, for making me the happiest man ever."

From over by the door a little squeal can be herd as Nate looks up to see Maggie standing in the door way with a big smile and clapping her hands in a very excited manner.

"Now you will be around even more, and Nathen can stop mopping around."

Her smiles shone so bright as she was happy that her brother way once again happy himself. Coming over to them Maggie puts her arms around Nate and Laura looking from one to the other. Family, her family would be whole once again.

Shaking her head as she walked away Alice could hear the fighting continue and it upset her even more. She didnt want them fighting over her, she didnt like it. Alice could see both men's sides of the story but still she wasnt a toy like she told them and it just made her upset.

Continuing to walk Alice make her way to the edge of the water before she sits down on the sand and rests her head on her knees just looking out at the water.

She wouldnt tell Kyle goodbye because of this it really wasnt something that big not to mention she was happy again being with him, at the moment she was just a bit saddened.

Letting out a sigh she just looks out at the water letting her mind wonder. She hoped both the men would clear the differinces and soon. It would feel strange if they went home now and she didnt have to follow anyone around anymore.

Looking up at Ryder she was sad to see him go again but she new he had to.

"Ok, maybe tomarrow I will...I'll see how I feel."

Standing she gives a little smile letting him know he would be ok and Trooper was with her to keep her company.

"Thanks Ryder see you tomarrow?"


Laura chokes on a laugh as she looks down at Nate. She wipes another tear from her eye, unable to help the smile that came through. She looks at the ring, then to Nate's face, laughing again. "I don't know what you did to me Nate... but I just can't say no to you any more."

She sniffs and wipes her eyes, knowing that this whole thing was just a bit more complicated than saying "hey we're married." But right now, it just didn't matter. Logistics could always wait. For now, it was love's turn, and it wouldn't be made to wait any longer. They both would have someone to come home to every night... someone to share everything with... someone to love and hold and care for... someone to simply always be there. What more needed to be worried about?

Reaching down, Laura takes the little box to get a closer look. Taking out the ring, she holds it with a trembling hand. It was so pretty. To think... someone loved her enough for this.

Still smiling, still crying, she sets the box aside, then holds out the ring along with her left hand, to let him do the honors. "Let's see how it looks to show the world I'm taken." Her eyes shone with the unspoken word. Yes.

Both men pause their fight, surprised and feeling guilty that Alice had overheard them and knew what was going on. Breathing heavily, they're sweating with fists balled, hearing her words. Neither knows what to say, and Kyle desperately tries to think of something, but he's left with his mouth open as Alice walks away.

Swinging a glare back to Hunter, his eyes narrow. "Thanks a lot."

He's met with a round kick he didn't even see coming.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Jordan kneels next to Kyle, keeping Hunter from doing any more damage. He sees Alice already a short ways away and tries to put the pieces together. "What has gotten into you two?" he barks. Friend or not, he was still the leader of the pack.

Kyle sits up on the ground and puts a hand to his head, feeling dizzy from the impact. Already, behind his eye and up to his temple was turning purple from Hunter's boot.

Hunter stands back and crosses his arms. "Nothing."

"Don't give me that." Jordan stands back up, glaring at them. "I want answers, and I want them now!"

By now, the others had caught up and stand back, not knowing what to do. Kyle and Hunter are still silent.

"We're supposed to be good examples," Jordan reprimands. "Here we are, traveling around and promoting good choices and loving one another, and here you two go, beating the crap out of each other. I will not tolerate this on our team!"

With Heath's help, Kyle gets to his feet. Chloe tries to move his hand so she can see his head, but he doesn't let her. "It was my fault," he mutters to Jordan. "I guess this just isn't where I belong." Pushing his way past the others, he heads to the far end of the park. He needed to apologize to Alice, but he needed to cool off first. Not to mention, he had no idea what to say to her.

Jordan shifts his gaze to Hunter. "Well?"

Hunter's face has grown red, and he looks at the ground. "It's between him and me."

"Then I expect you to work it out like adults!" Jordan makes his point firmly. "If you're not going to talk about it, fine. But you two better get your heads on straight before our next event."

Kyle sits on a swing, swaying just a little. Leaning against the chain, he keeps his hand against his growing bruise. His heart hurt just as badly. He and Hunter had always been friends. And now this. Maybe Hunter was right... maybe this whole thing really was his fault. He had told Hunter he wasn't interested in Alice. It didn't matter much now, but thinking it over, if he would have been in Hunter's shoes, he probably wouldn't have felt much differently. Now though... if they couldn't get along, what did that do to Break Out? If it was Kyle's fault, maybe he should just be removed from the equation altogether. He certainly wasn't willing to give up Alice. But maybe it would be better for the team if he pulled out. At least Hunter could stay without these fights... he was the better performer anyway.

Kyle sighs. His stomach hurt. Lunch had been abandoned. And he felt lonely. Again.

Ryder gives a little sigh. Someday. Yes, someday. But that day would come too soon and too suddenly if Thirteen wasn't prepared. And that day was coming up with Reese doing the pushing.

"Don't spend your lifetime looking for the somedays," he warns gently. "Someday only comes when we want it to. If you want it bad enough... then fear won't hold you back any more."

Letting go of her hands, he gives her knee a little pat before he gets to his feet. "I need to get going on home." He didn't need to tell her again that she could call if she needed something... she knew that's what the phone in the room was for.

"Tomorrow I need to go give Trooper a run in the park. I won't make you come, but if you want to, you're more than welcome."

Day after tomarrow

Opening her eyes again Thirteen just looks at Hunter for a long moment giving a small smile. He always made he feel safe but still...she was scaired. She couldnt help it but maybe one day she would try.

"Thanks, maybe someday I will have the courage to try if you help me. Maybe someday."

Looking down at the ground again Thirteen is quiet as she just think for a long moment about what Ryder said processing everything slowly.

Laughing and shaking her head as she watchs Kyle headed for the bus Alice rolls her eyes and goes after him. He couldnt have all the fun alone in getting Hunter. Besides she wanted to help make him laugh he had been so blah latly.

Getting to the bus a few minutes later Alice is about to round he courner when she hears the two men talking rather loudly. She could tell by there tones this was not a friendly conversation.

Knowing she shouldent ease drop and these two needed to work things out Alice is about to leave when she hears them talking about Kyle getting the girl. Knowing they were talking about her Alice stays just this once and she cant feel her heart sink just a little bit.

She didnt feel angry, or maybe a little but mostly sad and disapointed they two adults would act this way.

Looking around the courner she see punchs where thrown and fists fly she couldnt let them tear eachother apart like this.

Stepping out from around the bus Alice's eyes were cold, and the laughter was drownd out. This was not the time for games. Giving a sharp whistle she scolds.

"I cant believe the two of you. Friends acting like two year olds over a girl ME!! I'm not just a toy than you can argu over when you want to because you didnt get your fair turn."

Alice looks between both men and shakes her head.

"You two should know better."

Turning Alice leaves both of them standing there as she heads the opisit way.

Just holding Laura close to him Nate lets out a happy sigh and his emotions, feelings and everything were singing for joy.

Pulling Laura away just a little bit he looks down at her and gives a smile.

"How about we get married day after tomarrow? I'm tired of waiting, I'm ready now..if you are."

Nate's smile was bright and his eyes twinkled with love showing he really ment it.

Moving away from Laura and to the fireplace hearth he takes a tiny box off of it before coming to Laura again. Getting down on one keep in his bear feet and beat up jean he beams up at her as he held it open.

"Laura Gibbs, will you marry me the day after tomarrow?"

Having it out

Ryder's eyes have been open and he's been watching Thirteen as she thinks. He studies her movements as she talks, and he hears the longing in her voice.

"There's only one thing wrong with that boy's story," he says quietly.

Giving her hands a little squeeze, he signals that she can open her eyes. He stares into them, trying to convey the confidence he had in her. "In the end, he was still there in his room. But you... you're not locked into this room by anybody but yourself. You've got wings, Thirteen, if only you would stretch them and fly."

He reaches out and brushes her cheek, offering a small smile. "You shouldn't be afraid to fly when there's someone there to catch you if you fall."

Kyle laughs and points a finger at Alice as he turns around, trotting backward. "You better not eat my food. Myla! Keep an eye on this one until I get back!" Swiveling around, he sprints off.

"Yo, Hunter! Soup's on!" He bangs on the side of the bus. "Coming?"

"Aw, Kyle!"

Kyle stops at the irritated tone of Hunter's voice. "What?"

"Just stop it! Can't you act normal just once?!" The bus rocks just a little signaling that Hunter was moving around several moments before he appears out the door. He glares in Kyle's direction. "Next time, how about actually walking ten more feet and coming in to get my attention more calmly?"

Taken aback, Kyle crosses his arms. "What does it matter?" he defends. "I was just coming to tell you that the food was ready. Far be it from me to try to be nice to you."

"Well thanks a whole heap, but your banging startled me enough that I messed up the project I was working on."

"You mean that drawing you were doing for your aunt?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Hunter's eyes continue to glare. "You know, the one I was working on for the last two weeks. Now it has a nice ink mark right across the middle."


"A lot of good that does!"

"Well what do you want me to do? I can't fix it! Next time I'll just let you go hungry!"

"You're getting better at this, ya know?"


"Making things every body else's fault."

"Like you aren't doing that with me!" Kyle throws up his arms. "Whatever, Hunter. You want to be miserable, go ahead. I don't have to listen to you."

"What's the difference?" Hunter shoots back. "You've never listened to me anyway. Oh, no, wait, it wasn't that you don't listen, it's that you don't tell people the truth!"

"Look, just back off," Kyle snaps. They were only a few feet apart now. "I said I was sorry and I don't know what you mean about the truth, but I've never lied to you, so cut the crap and get over whatever it is that's bothering you."

Hunter shakes his head. "You're really something, you know that? And I thought you were smart. Apparently you're as blind as everybody else. But you know what? I guess I don't really care."



Kyle rolls his eyes and turns to walk away. This was ridiculous. They'd gone almost twenty-four hours without fighting this time, but it looked like it was inevitable that they continue their daily ritual.

"Don't walk away from me," Hunter hisses. "Or is that all you know how to do? Stab, then tuck tail and run?"

Kyle just waves him off and keeps walking. But as he reaches the back of the bus again, his legs are swept out from under him. Falling to the side, he bounces off the bus and onto the pavement with a smack. For a moment, he's a little dazed and slowly tries to pick himself back up. What had...

Hunter stands behind him, his eyes blazing. "I've had it with you, Kyle. I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way all the time, then walking away as if you don't hold any blame."

Kyle finally gets to his feet and brushes gravel off his hands. He wasn't hurt, but he'd skinned his elbow pretty good. He meets Hunter's glare with his own. "And I'm sick and tired of you getting in my way."

"Good. Then who's gonna stay, and who's gonna go?"

"Why don't we find out?" Kyle straightens and positions himself.

Hunter does the same and within seconds, both are blocking each other's hits. "Give it up, Kyle," he warns.

"Too late." Kyle ducks a blow and delivers a kick that is pushed aside. "I'm fed up with you trying to push me around."

"And I'm fed up with you pretending you're the innocent one in all of this!"

"In all of what?!" Kyle makes a wrong move and pays for it as Hunter's knuckles meet his mouth. He staggers a little but regains balance just in time to jump over Hunter's leg as he tries to sweep his feet out from under him.

Hunter doesn't give Kyle an inch, his karate pressured enough to start backing Kyle up out of the parking lot, into the grass. "In this stupid setup. But I suppose you got what you wanted."

Kyle is on the defense, battling Hunter's quick moves. But he holds his own, swinging a nice kick to Hunter's gut. He finally voices what he's thought all along. "You're still upset that I got the girl, aren't you?"

Hunter's wind is knocked out of him and he steps to the side, avoiding being taken down. Several quick jabs and he's got the upper hand again. "I'm upset you lied to me!"

"About what?!"

"You said you weren't interested!"

"So?! Alice got what she wanted in the end."

"But I wouldn't have tried anything if you hadn't said you weren't interested in the first place!" Hunters twists Kyle's arm around and sends him up and over his shoulders, sprawling onto the grass.

Kyle puts up his knees to protect his ribs, springing back to throw Hunter off of him. Both roll to their feet. "So I changed my mind!"

"Yeah, after I made a move, then you had to stick your nose in. Thanks a lot, buddy."

"How was I supposed to know you wanted her?"

"I told you I did!"

"Well I'm sorry!"

"No you're not! You stabbed me in the back!"

Fists and feet fly, neither man giving in or letting up.

Myla realizes that Kyle hasn't returned yet and turns her gaze to where the bus was, a ways away. Scanning the area, she spots both men a little further away than that, in the grass. "Oh come on guys," she shouts. "We're supposed to relax today, remember? Sparring is for the morning."

Jordan follows her gaze, his plate of food in hand. He watches Hunter and Kyle for a moment, then seems to stop short. "They're not sparring." His food is forgotten and he takes off up the grassy hill.

Realizing what Jordan meant, Heath is close behind and so is Chloe.

Being drawn into Nate's arms, Laura feels like she will melt. A few new tears escape... she felt so unworthy.... but so loved and so happy. She knew this was his answer. Returning Nate's kiss, her arms slide around him to keep herself close to him. He was so warm and protecting... a shelter that she would no longer have to live without. She allows him to kiss her with passion, and returns her own, proving she is willing to give that passion to him.

Though only a short time, it feels like an eternity has passed when Laura finally draws her lips away from his. Too afraid to let the moment end, she buries her face in Nate's chest, soaking up every last bit of forgiveness and comfort she could find. This was where she belonged. "I love you," she murmurs.