

Carson lifts an eyebrow and glances back over to Mackenzie. "Yeah... guess she is. Not surprised." Noticing that the girl is asleep, he relaxes just a little bit. "I'm going to be in so much trouble," he murmurs. Sighing wearily, he tightens his grip around Misty's hand. His eyes grow heavy and they're just about closed when he jerks his head, forcing himself to stay awake.

Shaking his head, he aims for the remote. "This is ridiculous. No point in keeping this on if half of us are dozing off. But I'm not going to fall asleep like this."

Mackenzie is jolted from her light sleep as Carson starts to move around, and she yawns sleepily.

"Come on," Carson coaxes. "There's an extra toothbrush in the bathroom you can use. And you can sleep in my bedroom, alright?"

Mackenzie stands up, still in a bit of a daze, and trots down the hall.

Carson takes a deep breath and stands up, clearing off the coffee table. Getting to the kitchen though, he realizes that he really didn't leave Mackenzie much to work with. Rolling his eyes at himself, he wanders down the hall to his bedroom, finding something more.

Back out in the living room again, he paces, his body so tired, but his mind so busy. "What am I going to do?" he mutters. "This whole thing is just.... not right."

The bathroom door can be heard, and Carson stops talking, turning around as Mackenzie reappears. In one of Carson's old t-shirts, it's long enough for a night shirt for her, and she gives him a sheepish grin. "Thanks."

Carson can't help a bit of a grin himself. "You're welcome."

Within minutes, Mackenzie is curled up under the blankets on Carson's bed with the light out. Carson ambles back to the living room, knowing that the couch would be his bed for the night. Flopping back down, he puts his feet up to lay on his side, resting his head in Misty's lap. "Why can't just one thing be easy?" he mumbles.

Axel grins at Jess' attention, finding it a peculiar but nice sensation. He shakes his head and puts the car in gear. "I haven't been waiting long. No need to apologize." Heading downtown, Axel drives to the east end, to an evening steakhouse.

"I've never been here," he admits as he parks. "But I hear the food is really good." Getting out, he waits for Jess, then holds out his hand to her, to walk her to the door.

"Oh." Scott lifts an eyebrow, thinking. "I guess... yeah... yeah, everything is okay I think. Quiet... really quiet. But... seeing as though Domino is my only company, I shouldn't expect anything else."

He forces something close to a dry laugh, but it doesn't come out very well. "Appreciate the thought though..."

"Good." Ryder gets up to check on the food. "Then someone other than me can die from my first attempt at cooking something other than beef."

He throws Katie a wry grin. "As far as the movie goes, I learned a long time ago to let the lady choose the movie. So I'm going to do just that. I cooked, so you get the movie."

Henry meows, wandering over to Katie to rub himself up against her legs.

Ryder looks over his shoulder at the cat. "Traitor."