
Not getting married

Carson gives Katie a nod, but keeps his eyes out the window. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just don't have time to play these games right now."

He's quiet for a moment, but Katie always did seem to have a peaceful affect on people, and for some reason, it loosened Carson's tongue. "I guess maybe some would call me heartless for acting like I don't care about finding out I have a brother." He shrugs. "Guess maybe I just got too much else to think about now. Not to mention, while I don't know that story, it can't be good. My dad was with who knows how many women... and since the rest of us apparently didn't know about a son he'd had, I can only guess that it was known but kept under wraps."

Sighing, he rests his head against the window. "I don't have time to deal with Agency scum, blood relation or not. I don't know him from a hill of beans, so really, I don't care that much. I got enough people hating me. I don't need to dredge up any more ire towards me."

Saying that was as good as admitting that Ryder's hate bothered him. As it did. He sighs again. Rocky had reminded him that he'd done his job. He was a soldier, and needed to be a good one. Killing a man to save the lives of others hadn't been his old self coming back - it had simply been his wisdom in his job. But Ryder's hate still didn't feel good, and it still made him question himself.

Carson rolls his eyes and straightens in his seat. "If I get time, I might go see Alec and figure out that whole deal. Reese may think I'm interested, but not now... not while Alec is still uncooperative. I would probably just make things worse."

Arriving to Mom and Pop's, he ends the conversation, unbuckling his seatbelt. "Thanks for the lift, Hero. I'll see you around."

Getting out, he stands on the sidewalk until her car disappears down the street. Was what he'd said really the truth? He figured so. Yes, the thought of a brother was a bit heavy. But he was already letting logic rule with this one.

The day moves on slowly. At TJY, the uncooperative prisoner is left alone for the time being. Those in the infirmary continue to wait with hope. People run here and there, trying to get their jobs done. Two that love each other find themselves at lunch, perhaps timid, but trying to start over, nonetheless. But regardless of circumstance, the day does indeed move on.

“Mr. Banks?”

Carson looks up from the counter after drying a glass, and eyes the business woman. She looked to be in her thirties, was dressed in a pant suit and had shoulder-length dark hair. Carson did not recognize her, and was immediately on guard by the stern tone laced around her British accent. “Yes?”

She steps closer. “You’re a hard man to find.”

Leery, Carson stands a little straighter. “Good. Can I help you?”

“I hope so.” The woman pulls a filing folder from her briefcase and sets it on the counter. “My name is Heather Jones. I’m from the department of social services.”

Carson grows even more on edge, and sets the glass down, throwing the towel over his shoulder. “And?”

Heather stiffens at Carson’s tone. “I have someone who wants to see you.” She sets an open folder down on the counter. Inside were several sheets of paper and a photo of a young girl with long blond hair and bright blue eyes.

Carson cocks his head and looks at the picture. “Cute kid, but…I don’t get it.”

Heather’s face grows slightly smug. “This is Mackenzie Nelson. She’s your daughter.”

Carson’s eyes snap up, the shock written all over his face. “Excuse me?”

“Your daughter, Mr. Banks.”

“Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing here, but I don’t have a daughter.”

“Would you be willing to bet on that?”

Carson can feel the heat rising to his face. He didn’t know if he’d be willing to bet on that or not…there were too many times…too many he couldn’t necessarily have been a hundred percent on the outcome. “You got proof?”

Heather leans on the counter, growing even more perturbed. “We can do a test if you want, if photos, names, and a mother’s word aren’t satisfactory to you.”

Carson swallows hard. “Who is she?”

“Was. June died about a year ago.”

Carson wracks his brain and suddenly his face goes from red to white. “June Nelson.”

“That’s right.” Heather holds a slight grin. “Surprise.”

Irritated, Carson looks back at her, his eyes narrowing. “And you bring this here to mock me?”

Heather grows stern. “No. Mackenzie has gone through a number of foster families in just the last year, and during that time, she’s started hunting, with a passion, for her real father.”

“So? A lot of kids want to know their real parents.”

“Mackenzie isn’t just some kid, Mr. Banks. Her own record is flagged because of the trouble she’s been in foster care since she got this notion in her head to find you.”


“She’s a constant runaway. A month ago, she sneaked out a third story window and hiked ten miles to a bus depot. She got all the way to the airport before security called the police. Apparently she was heading for Australia.”

A grin forms before Caron can stop it. Not having digested everything yet, he couldn’t help the slight humor. It sounded like something he’d do.

“This is not funny, Mr. Banks,” Heather chides.

Carson’s annoyance returns. “So now what? You’re giving up? Giving in to her?”

Heather rolls her eyes. “What I want is for her to come see you and realize just what she’s been looking for. Realize the foolishness, and realize that this family that’s been taking care of her, that wants to adopt her, is where she belongs.”

Understanding sets in. “Oh. I see.” Carson nods. “You, uh, want her to see what a bad guy her father is, she’ll be repulsed… disappointed, but she’ll get over it, remembering only the repulsion, and she’ll move past this little… phase she’s in.”

Heather’s eyes narrow. “You do have a few brains.”

“What gives you the right to judge my character?”

“Mackenzie’s record isn’t the only one flagged, Mr. Banks. You have quite the record yourself.”

“And…being a social worker, you immediately saw that I was not the fatherly type.”

“I’d hardly say the carousing, drinking, murdering and law-breaking were father-like, would you?”

Carson grits his teeth. “Look. I’ll agree with you. I don’t want a kid, nor would I want to play the part of a father. But don’t go around judging me for a colorful past when you’re not perfect yourself.”

Heather bristles. “Alright, Mr. Banks. Enough small talk. My goal here is to put a stop to Mackenzie’s vivid imagination and ridiculous hope for a fairytale ending. Apparently her mother filled her mind with stories of quite the nice and caring Carson Banks. I…”

Carson cuts her off. “How did she end up in the States?”

“June moved here shortly after Mackenzie was born. They were both US citizens and Mackenzie was raised in Arizona.”

“Where is she now?”

“Still in Arizona – where my department is.”

“And you want me to…”

“I don’t want you to do anything,” Heather responds sharply. “I think you’ve done quite enough, don’t you?” She pauses, seeing the mixture of emotions on Carson’s face. “No, I am prepared to bring Mackenzie here to meet you, then promptly return with a little girl ready to move on.”

“Your form of punishment?” Carson’s eyes drift downward, staring at the small photo. “She doesn’t look like she’s ten.”

“She was born prematurely, lucky to have even survived. She’s always been small for her age.”


Heather slaps the filing folder shut. “Now, am I going to get your cooperation or not?”

Shutting down for the time being, Carson takes his towel and starts to wipe off the counter. “I can’t stop you from bringing her.”

“You don’t even want to meet her, do you?”


Heather’s smug look returns. “Looks like I profiled you correctly. You just sit tight, Mr. Banks and don’t leave town. I’ll be in touch about setting up a day.” She places the folder back into her brief case, then slides a business card towards him. “Good day.”

Carson looks up as she turns to leave, his eyes remaining on her until she’s left the restaurant. He picks up the card and looks at it for several moments before stuffing it into his pocket.

Swallowing hard, he tries to go back to his work and ignore the strange feelings that were trying to seep into his heart. He had a daughter? That thought in itself seemed impossible, not to mention feeling just a tad bit terrified. He hadn’t been lying to Heather. He was no where near the fatherly type. Wouldn’t it just do more harm than good to bring Mackenzie here? Well, most likely Heather was right. Once Mackenzie saw who he was and talked with him, her bubble would be burst and she’d return to Arizona a little more mature.

The more Carson tried to work, the faster his mind ran. It took him back so many years before when he was still in Australia. He remembered June. It had been quite a short-lived relationship. They’d split. He’d heard nothing after that, clueless that she’d even been pregnant, let alone with his child. …His child…why that drove fear into him, he didn’t know, but he didn’t like it. This was all ridiculous. Mackenzie apparently had a good family who was trying to take care of her… there was no need to bring him into the mix. He didn’t want to meet her…he didn’t want to see her…he just wanted to forget. He was trying to move on from his past, not keep digging it up. This only added more restrictions to his life.

Unable to concentrate on anything, Carson finally tells Herb he’s taking off early, without even asking. Leaving abruptly, he speaks to no one.

Ryder lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling from the couch. He hadn't had supper. He didn't really know what to get. Laura wasn't home yet. Katie wasn't home yet. He'd bummed a ride back here with Wyatt after being at Scott's for a while. And now... it was just quiet... except for Henry's purring.

Ryder runs his fingers through the soft fur. "What's up, ay? Your mistress will be home soon. Better not let her catch you loving up to someone else. "

His eyes roam to the television. Nothing good was on tonight. He didn't know what kind of movie he was in the mood for. A walk would be nice, but he didn't know his way around. And again, a pang of loneliness hits him.

"Axel come on, you cheater!"

"I didn't cheat!" Axel laughs and moves his car forward on the Life game. "I can't help it that I landed on becoming a lawyer."

"Yeah, yeah." Liz rolls her eyes, then spins the wheel for her own number. She had convinced Axel, Jess and Nick to play with her that evening, so all four were sitting at the little table in the basement.

It only takes a few more minutes into the game for Axel's car to approach the first stop sign.

"Aww," Nick teases. "Axel's getting married." A mischievous glint comes to his eyes and he gives a quiet sing-song tone, ready to sing about being in a tree and kissing. "Axel and Jeeeoooo ow!" His eyes widen, looking at Axel across the table, having just gotten a kick to the shin. "What was that for?"

"Opening your mouth." Axel grabs a blue peg instead of a pink one, and sets them in his car as a passenger. "I'm on a camping trip.... with... Rocky."

It’s late. Too late for anyone to be out at night if good intentions were present. Carson sits in a booth at Mom and Pop’s, the restaurant quiet and empty. He was the only person there, the only sounds coming from those on the street. He'd talked with no one. He'd skunked Misty for dinner. And he felt miserable.

An empty shot glass sits on the table, twirling between Carson’s fingers. An open whiskey bottle sits several inches away, open, and waiting to be poured. It had been waiting for over an hour.

The battle within was one of the most intensive Carson had ever experienced. Any other time, he would have given in at least thirty minutes ago. But this time it was different. This time his urge to make the right choice was much stronger than it ever had been. Yet the bottle still sat. Still open. Still waiting for the moment he would falter.

Without warning, the shot glass goes flying across the room, shattering as it hits the wall, sending bits of glass scattering over the floor. Carson’s hand wraps around the bottle - his glare if made of heat would have boiled the liquid.

His other hand reaches down into his pocket to pull out his cell phone. And without allowing himself time to reconsider, he dials. “Misty?” His voice is strained. “I’m at Mom and Pops… I need you… please?”


Looking between Carson and Reese Katie isnt sure what to say about what was going on. Just listing to what was going on.

Hearing Carson just wanted to go back Katie figured she might as well take him so he didnt have to walk.

"Yeah sure I can."

Heading back out of TJY again Katie stays in tone with Carson heading to the car.

Hey I am taking Carson back to Mom and Pop's wanna meet somewhere for lunch?

Getting into the car Katie head back to TJY with Carson. She wasnt sure what to say to him about this all though she could feel a bit of confustion form him.

"You..ok Carson?"

Sitting at the table Alice keeps her note pad with her and enjoys listing to the chatter from the others. Taking in everything and trying her best to remember names. It felt nice and she didnt feel quite out of place as much with everyone including her.

Looking up as the other start to laugh her own laughter rings forth.

"I think I found that crazy person I was tlaking about."

Seeing Kyle Alice instintively grabs the closes thing two her witch is a few knifes, and a napkin. Placing them in her headband to look like an Alien Alice stands and goes over to Kyle.

Slinging an arm around her shoulder Alice clears her thot as her smile beams from her face.

"Greetings...I'd just like to inform you all that, The Wild Child here and Whitty Whitt are not to bed fed sugar or this happens."

The laughter rings trough out the dinner are the excitment continues.


Laura manages to smile at Nate, even though part of her still just wanted to curl up away from the world. "Okay..." She nods. "Lunch. I wouldn't miss it."

Sliding off Nate's lap, Laura leans down to give him a last small kiss. "Thank you... for... everything."

Before dragging it out any longer, she retrieves her papers and heads back to her cubicle to work until lunch.

Carson's eyebrows raise as Katie tells him the prisoner's name. "Banks, huh?" He shrugs. "It's not like that's the strangest name in the world." The only Banks he had ever known around the Agency though, was himself and his father.

Though seemingly not to care, a glint in his eye proves that his mind is now at work.

Getting to TJY, Carson follows Katie inside, still not sure just what was going on. On the way in, they meet Ryder and Wyatt just leaving.

Ryder spies Katie, and a smile spreads on his face. But just as quickly, it fades when he realizes who is with her. Sidling past, he simply gives her a nod. "Katie. See you later."

Wyatt lifts an eyebrow, taking note of Ryder's reaction, but shrugs it off. "Hey, Carson, hey Katie. Off to get Scott back home. Maybe one of you could drop by his place later so he knows he isn't forgotten."

Carson nods and watches Wyatt leave before continuing his route across the main floor. Heading down the hall, he starts for the downstairs, but Reese catches him near the infirmary. "Carson. Sorry to call you away from work."

"Naw, that's alright. What's up?"

"Well, we, um... we got a guy here, we thought maybe you might know something about."


Reese looks around Carson to Katie, quirking his eyebrow, then looks back to Carson. "She told you."

"Yeah. But what about it? I mean... you find a guy named Stevenson, you don't call Jason in."

"No...no we don't... unless the guy looks like him."

Now it's Carson's turn to quirk an eyebrow. "Then what...."

"Reese." Rick interrupts as he steps out of the infirmary. "The results." He hands Reese the papers."

Reese looks at him in surprise. "How'd you get that so fast?"

"We already had the samples and so everything was in the system already. Didn't take much for the computer."

Reese stares at the paper, then looks back to Carson, pursing his lips.

Carson waits. He looks to Katie with question, then back to Reese. "What? What is that?"

"DNA results."

Carson straightens just a little, tensing. "Don't play games with me, Reese."

Reese shrugs. "Alright. It looks like Alec is your brother."

Carson folds his arms across his chest. "I don't have a brother."

"You sure?"

"As sure as I'm standing here."

"Never thought your father would have..." Reese lets the implications hang.

Carson swallows hard, remembering all those trips with his father, and the women that had been along. "You got a point." He shakes his head, not letting any emotions show - at least to those who didn't know him well enough to read his eyes. "But so what? You want a family reunion or something? I got work to do. I'm trying Herb's patience the way it is."

"Just thought you might have more information. Apparently not. You don't want to see him?"

"What for? Unless you want me for some kind of work here, I need to go."

Reese shrugs lamely. "Alright. Looks like you don't know anything anyway. I really thought you might."

"Sorry." Carson turns around to look at Katie, a strange look in his eye. "Can you take me back to Mom and Pop's? I don't think I'm needed here."

Axel lets Jess settle in front of him on the couch. It felt a little strange at first. He'd been afraid for so long of letting himself get close to any woman, that even now, he was just a bit timid.

Hearing Jess' words, a small smile comes to his lips, even though she couldn't see it. "Guess you're finally dancing near the flame, huh?" he asks quietly.

After several quiet moments, he finally overcomes his hesitance and moves his arm to let it rest around Jess. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, smelling Jess' sweet hair. "Me too."

"So we get there tomorrow, got our thing going on at two in the afternoon at the high school, then we take right off again and keep on driving." Jordan goes over the team's schedule as everyone sits in the fast food restaurant they had stopped at on the interstate.

"Sounds good." Myla leans on his arm, chewing slowly on a french fry. "Chloe, you got our reservations for Tuesday?"

"Yep. One of the few nights we'll actually stay at a hotel."

The chatter continues, the team talking about their next few stops, and including Alice in on their conversation. But suddenly someone realizes that Kyle had not been heard from in a while. Several eyes move down to look at the end of the table.

Hunter starts to snicker. Heath rolls his eyes. Chloe holds in a laugh that winds up coming out as pop that's pit out on accident.

Kyle sits at the end of the table, his arms crossed, a serious look on his face as ever, no smile being cracked. But stuck in his mouth were two plastic spoons, sticking straight up like lower fangs. Out his nose hung two straws, the wrappers draped over the top of his head.


Still holding Laura close Nate runs his fingers through her soft hair. Just having Laura close again it felt like some weight was removed and knowing she was close and his gave him hope.

"Your not a burden to me, you never have been and never will be. Its the bad times that make the good times so much sweeter."

Nate really did mean what he said, he could never think Laura was a burden to him. She ment so much to him that such a though would be a crime aganst his own heart. Though he wish they could run away and just forget the rest of the world Nate new that wasnt possable so they time they had here, no matter how hard it was sometimes was worth every step.

"You can help me heal, by continuing to just be you Laura and nothing alse. "

Pulling away again Nate takes his hand to flick away some of the tears that still layed on Laura face she he smiled back at her. Than looking to His desk at the unleft work he chuckles.

"I guess we should get back to working huh or Reese will have both our heads! Lunch though, you and me at 1."

Keeping her eyes on the road for most of the ride to TJY Katie finally looks over to Carson. Maybe it was better to tell him now that to have it so such a sock for him when they got there. Though she still was not sure of most the details she could tell him what she did know.

"I dont know everything myself right now, but the guy we braught in. The one that broke into Scott's house, Ryder got him to talk."

Kaite is silent again coming to a stop light he looks at Carson and than back to the road once the light turns green.

"His name is Alec, Alec Banks."

Katie is quiet for a moment just letting the news sink in for a moment. She couldnt even begin to think what Carson might be thinking.

"Thats pretty much all we know. Reese wanted you to come in for one reason or another I am guessing just in case he is a relation to you. But we can say a hundred percent."

Seeing Axel's offer for her to join him on the couch Jess gives a smile and thinks for a moment before moving. She hadnt sat next to him right away because she didnt want tp invade his space but now that he was offering why not.

Shifting just a little Jess stands and slides onto the couch with Axel. She had felt a little cold before but now that she was closer to him she felt warm.

"I guess I should be thanking you to Axel. Probley without you even relizing it you helped me brake my shell."

Leaning back a little Jess leans aganst Axel. Who would of thought something like this would happen. It was something unexspected and unplaned but it was another chapter in life and Jess was excited for the first time in a while.

Something to do

Listening to Nate's words, another tear trickles down the side of Laura's face. While part of her wanted to run away, the other part wanted to stay and never let go. How Nate still loved her and wanted her after everything that had happened was beyond her. But knowing it was true, brought an irreplaceable feeling to her heart.

Trembling a little, Laura reaches up with her hand to cradle his face and just looks into the eyes that had once captured her. Leaning in, she gives his lips a light, warm kiss, then withdraws to bury her face in his chest again. "I know you have your own worries," she murmurs. She knew Maggie hadn't been well lately, and now felt selfish for letting her own troubles get in the way. "I'm... I'm sorry if I just add to your burden."

She closes her eyes, not caring about the work that was waiting. Her fingers play with a button on his shirt and she sniffs again. She had really gone through something horrid... but at the same time, she felt just a bit like a spoiled brat. Though her fears and frustrations had driven her emotions, she knew that she wasn't the only one involved here. Having been shown Ryder's kindness, and now Nate's acceptance, the fog was lifting ever so slowly, helping her see again that she was not the only one in pain.

Laura quiets down and shuts out everything around her, only hearing Nate's heartbeat. "I hate hurting you," she whispers. "How can I help you heal?"

Ryder ambles back out onto the main floor, feeling a bit out of place once more. Now that his deal with Alec was over, he was back to wandering again. The only difference was that his mind was just a tad bit foggy. He eats another cracker from the bag, not wanting to admit that perhaps there had been another reason for taking the angle of drinking with Alec.

Heading nowhere in particular, Ryder stops, glancing to his left and seeing just the tops of Nate's and Laura's heads. A small smile forms and he gives a nod. While scenes like that struck a sensitive cord in his heart, it was what he liked to see.


He whirls around to see Wyatt. "Hey."

"Want something to do?"

"How'd you guess?"

Wyatt laughs. "Our friend, Scott, is ready to go home from the hospital. I'm on duty to take him home and make sure no one is lurking around his place. We're gonna set up a couple cameras too. Want to come along?"

"Sure." Ryder finishes the last cracker and tosses the bag into the trash can. "Lead the way."

No matter what

Continuing to hold Laura close and just give her the comfort she so desperately needed. So many times in life the good people had to pay and how it upset Nate to no end. He hated seeing Laura like this, but now now he would start again and try to help her all he could.

"I wont, I promise you I wont."

Pulling Laura away enough he can look into her eyes Nate brings his hand up to the side of her face and brushes a lose peace of her hair behind her ear. Just looking into her eyes for a long moment before speaking again.

"Laura, you take as long as you need ok?! And know when you are ready I will be here, waiting for you and only you. But I want you to know I wont let you try and go through this alone alright? No matter what I am going to be with you to help because I do love and I dont want to see you alone in this."

Drawing her close to him again Nate gives the top of her head a kiss. So many things in life he has lost this was not going to be another that was added to the list.

"I look at you Laura, the same way I did when I first met you and I dont want you to think any different. Your beautiful, smart, and special to me that will never change."


For some reason, Laura feels a little timid, but she lets Nate bring her close, and sets her papers down on his desk. Sliding into his lap and feeling his arms around her, she just sinks in closer, letting him hold her and resting her own head against his. He was so warm and so comfortable... she had missed sitting with him like this. She realized that now.

Knowing that Nate was crying, brought more tears to Laura's eyes too. She knew that she had hurt him... so many times... in so many different ways.

She swallows hard and just cuddles in tighter, wishing the world around them would just vanish. "You did everything right," she replies softly, sniffing just a little. "It's just me... this whole thing... to begin with, it was my fault, not yours. And then.... then this thing with Bryce it just messed me up, and I'm sorry."

Laura's voice wavers, but she manages to keep talking, and remain in Nate's arms. "I just don't know how to feel or what to do, and I feel alone even when I'm surrounded by friends. I just... I don't know how to deal with something like this... but I don't want to be alone...."

A few more tears trickle down her face. "I know I said I didn't want to marry you... and I know I've been doing a good job of pushing you away... but please..." She sniffs, her voice becoming a quiet whimper. "Please don't leave me. I'm miserable without you."


Looking up and back at Laura again Nate just studys her eyes for a moment. He still felt a ball of emotion but the fact that Laura though she lost him hit a cord in his heart.

Moving his chair away from his desk Nate reaches out and gently takes Laura's hand not caring she had papers in them. Gently bring her close to him he draws her into his lap to sit on his knee as he brings his strong arms around her and burys his face into her soft hair a few tears escaping from his eyes.

"I though I had lost you Laura, and that feeling was unbearable."

Keeping his face in her hair resting aganst her head Nate takes in a deep breath getting a wiff of Laura's sweet smelling hair. The tears still fill his eyes. He felt so foolish for being so emotional, but so much was on his mind it was hard at the moment.

"I've had so much going on Laura and I am just sorry if I didnt do something right."


Carson quirks an eyebrow at Katie, still uneasy. "Come on, Hero. Level with me. Don't wait for the bigwig to do it. You know what's going on - I can tell."

Axel opens one eye, hearing Jess slide down on the floor, and feeling her take his hand. He shuts it again though, more relaxed than he had been in a long time. "It went okay, I think," he replies. "He seemed like he believed me... seemed like he was sorry for jumping on me without facts too, so I guess that's in my favor. He's gonna tell the rest of the gang so I don't have to... that much I'm glad of."

He pauses and just lets Jess work on his hand. It had hurt so bad this morning, and now it was bad enough that he couldn't even use it. He knew he needed to see a doctor about it, but yet didn't want to. "Thanks, Jess," he mentions quietly.

After a few quiet minutes, Axel realizes that he's almost falling asleep. Blinking, he withdraws his hand and moves to turn onto his side, leaving plenty of room in front of him on the couch. He gestures to her, offering her the space, only if she wanted it.

Laura bites her lip as Nate talks, her eyes concentrating on her papers. "You mean... I haven't... I mean..." She stumbles over her words, not even sure what she was trying to say. She remembered well her own words to Nate the night before. But today....

She swallows hard, a tear starting to surface. "I thought maybe... maybe I'd lost you for good."

I can help

Getting into the car with Carson Katie is quiet for a moment just thinking as she heads back to TJY. She didnt want to say to much for Carson because it was Reese place and not hers. Giving a chuckle before replying.

"You in trouble...never!"

Turning serous again she gives a shake of her head.

"No your not in trouble just Reese needs to talk to you about something is all."

Looking up at Laura quickly as he hears her voice Nate would almost think he was dreaming if she hadnt been standing right there. Hearing her voice was like water to a person who had non, food to a begger that was hungry.


Nate manages to say. Still looking at her and taking in how pretty she was even now Nate dosnt look away.

"I'm sorry to for not just letting you yell at me. I guess, I've just had a lot on my mind and I wasnt there for you. So for that I am sorry."

Wanted to say more Nate is not sure how to say it. But what harm could it do now right.

"I...still love you Laura. Its not something I can help. I just wanted you to know that."

Looking down at the papers on his desk Nate draws silent. He hope he didnt over step his bounds again saying that just something inside pushed him to, to just let Laura know how he still felt.

Easing down next to Axel Jess sits on the floor and as normal would have it reaches out to take Axel's hand and help him out.

"How did everything go with talking to Rocky?"

Jess had hurd some of the conversation but not everything as she tryed not to ease drop. She only hoped all went well and it would be a little easyer for Axel to return to Nevada though she had to admit, only being in the house a few days she would miss how comfortable it was too.


Hearing the bell on the door, Carson looks up from the stove to glance out to the front. Seeing Katie, a smile spreads. Wiping his hands on his apron, he goes out to greet her at the counter. But hearing her tone of voice, his smile slowly fades. Something felt odd.

"Oh. Um, sure... I can come. Hang on a sec." Going back to the kitchen, he apologizes to Herb and says he'll be back. He takes off his apron and slaps his ballcap back on his head, going out to follow Katie to her car.

Once driving back to TJY, Carson gives Katie a sidelong glance. "What's this about, Kat? Am I in trouble for something?"

Laura wanders back from Susanne's office, papers in hand. Looking down and scanning the reports, she doesn't realize that she forgot to turn and instead, is walking down the wrong side of the room. Before getting too far, she stops, noticing her mistake. But she also notices where she was.

Turning, she looks in Nate's cubicle. She almost just turns around and walks away, but something keeps her there. She knew what she should do... it had been nagging inside of her all day.

Clearing her throat, she gets Nate's attention, and musters up something close to a faint smile. "Hi." She shifts her weight awkwardly, fidgeting with the papers in her hand. "I, um... I'm sorry that I yelled at you last night." Her gaze drops. "I... know you were only trying to help. Nothing was your fault, I just... needed someone to yell at I guess and you were it."

Axel eases down on the couch in the living room, lying down to stretch out on the cushions. The house was quiet. Nick and Liz were at school, Derek was at work, and Gina was gone to run errands. Axel closes his eyes as he rubs his hand absentmindedly, giving a deep sigh. He'd just gotten off the phone with Rocky. It had been a long call... parts had been awkward... but now the story was truly out in the open. Axel wasn't sure how the other guys would take it, or what this meant for him and Cryptic now... but he did feel a little bit better, and Rocky had even apologized for going on the attack so quickly. The whole thing felt strange. But... it was his own fault, and now the pieces needed to be picked back up again.

Stuck with me

Turning her head just a little to see Maria Charlotte cant help but rolls her eyes.

"I'm still here with ya babe, for a moment I had a pesky bug in my ear."

Consternating on the track again Charlotte does her best not to pay attachen to Maria. She wouldnt take crap from anyone but she didnt exactly want to go looking for a fight eather.

Looking to Kirk and Landon she gives a small nod with confadince in her voice.

"From what I head Bret was quite the hit back when he raced. He is closer to his old times with each day?! Theres no doubt he will be on top again soon."

Charlotte couldnt help the laugh that came from her lips. As she was proud of Bret, and new he could do it she just put in the little bit more info to show Maria she as well new what she was talking about before she even had a chanse to think differntly.

"As long as I have something to do with it anyways he will be. So I guess that means you guys will be stuck with seeing me around more often. Not that I mind, I think I like it here already. I'll be Bret's right hand lady at home, and here."

Charlotte gives a side long glance to Maria holding her toung from saying anything. Looking back to the track and consintrating on Bret.

Sitting at his desk Nate twirls his pencil around. For the last few hours he has tryed to consintrate on work but it just hadent worked. His mind kept skipping from one thing to another, from Laura, to his sister and back again.

Nate felt at his wits end with emotions and no where for them to go. Like a lost child that tryed to hold strong and sort through everything but just couldnt. He new things he should do, but just didnt know the right way to do them anymore without making the wrong turn.

Looking down at the picture on his desk Nate runs his fingers over Laura's sweet face. How he missed her voice, and how he missed her smile. Nate just wanted things to be like they were again, but they couldnt be specialy if Laura was intrested in someone alse now and it was partly his fault.

Heading out of TJY Katie gets into her car and heads in the direction of Mom and Pop's.

I'll be back J, just checking to see if Carson is at work to bring him back. I'll be back shortly.

Within minutes Katie is at Mom and Pop's making her way inside. Giving a nod to everyone Katie goes to the counter and motions for Carson to come out. Waiting till he is close enough so she dosnt have to shout Katie gives a smile but her eyes show there was more than a social call.

"Sorry to bother you are work and all Carson but Reese asked me to come and get you. We need you back at TJY its important."

I would

Luke looks up to Misty, the hope glistening in his eyes, the ever-present prayer running through his mind again. Still sitting next to the bed, he reaches down and takes Angel's hand in his, just staying quietly by her side. He wasn't about to leave.

"Your grandmother, eh?" Bret shifts gears, making the car fly around the far turn. "She must be quite the driver."

Landon chuckles and shakes his head. "Keep at him, Charlotte. You're firing him up."

"Hey, don't encourage her."

Landon's smile widens. "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Whoop your butt."

"How about just concentrating on your run?" Kirk suggests.

"Gotta spoil the fun, don't you?"

"When we got money riding on you, yes."

"Hey, Babe, while you're there, get these guys to lighten up. They're scaring me."

Landon snickers. "Fearless Sterling? Afraid? That'd be the day."

"He's only afraid of one thing."

Landon hears the female voice, not through the headset, but from beside him. He doesn't need to look. "Well, Maria, nice of you to join us."

"Aw for crying out loud. Get her out of here."

Maria leans on the railing. "How's the speeding bullet doing today? Still missing his target?"

"Careful," Kirk warns. "He's beating his time from last week."

"Well, that's an improvement. He does realize Pat still has him beat though, right?"

"Pat's not racing against him this weekend," Kirk reminds.

"Your loss." Maria tilts her chin a little higher, her eyes narrowing. "You could draw a much better crowd if you'd put him in the forefront instead of dragging up this old news."

"Yo, did I lose you guys or what? What's happening?"

"Little static," Landon remarks into the mic. "Hang loose. Watch that curve."

Maria glances past Landon, giving Charlotte a once-over before returning her eyes to the track.

Smart thinking? Drinking half a bottle of whiskey?
Jason shakes his head.
Well, at least it worked. You're right about Carson though - he did say the rest of his family was dead. Maybe it's hardly a relative at all... though he does look like Carson.

Reese turns around, looking at the others. "Jason, go get Ryder out of there. And... Katie? Would you mind going and bringing Carson back here? I think we should talk to him."

Jason wanders down to the lower level, getting to the holding cell and opening the door. Ryder is standing and waiting, giving a nod of thanks as he exits. "Whew. Thought I was never gonna get that guy to talk."

Jason quirks an eyebrow and looks at the bottle. "I can't believe you can even stand up."

Ryder starts to grin. "Anybody who can drink me under the table has my respect."

"It doesn't affect you at all?"

Ryder thinks and takes a look at the bottle. "Another few shots and I'da started getting tipsy. As it is, I need to get something in my stomach before all this comes back up again."

"Break room this way," Jason directs quickly. "We're not cleaning up your mess."

Ryder grins and follows Jason back upstairs to the break room, feeling just a little bit dizzy. Once there, he heads for the vending machine to find something quick and easy to get into his stomach.

Jason stands a moment, just watching him. there were a lot of things about Ryder he didn't quiet understand. One thing he'd decided to let go, but now as he was left alone with Ryder, he changed his mind. “Hey, Ryder...you, uh… you got something going on with Laura?”

Ryder turns around and lifts his eyebrows. “Not last I knew. Why?”

“You know she’s taken.”

Ryder folds his arms across his chest, cocking his head at Jason. “Nate?”


“Well... not that this has any bearing on my actions, but as far as I know, Laura and Nate aren’t exactly an item right now.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Look, I shouldn’t go around yacking about it.” Ryder didn't know who might be walking by, so he was just a little bit guarded.

Jason takes a step closer to him. “Tell me,” he directs sternly.

“Alright, settle down. All I know is that Laura turned Nate down and now they’re on the outs.”

Jason was surprised by this. Last he’d known, Nate and Laura had been getting along very well. He’d thought lately they’d seemed just a little tense, but hadn’t thought a whole lot of it. He and Laura had always been pretty close… but she hadn’t said anything to him about it. But Ryder didn’t appear to be making it up. “Oh.” He furrows his brow. “Well regardless, why are you getting her flowers and all that?”

“Don’t you think she deserves to feel good about herself?”

“Well of course but…”

“But what?” Ryder shakes his head. “Does there need to be a reason other than making her smile?”

“I don’t get it. You don’t even know her.”

“I don’t have to, to know that she deserves to find just a little happiness out of the blue. To know that it’s the little things that will make her smile and remember that she’s worth it.”

Jason is still skeptical. “Don’t you think you’re overstepping your bounds?”

“You want to lose her to suicide?”

“Now you think Laura is suicidal?”

“No, but we might as well not even let it get close.” A faint, compassionate smile surfaces. “I don’t know if you noticed, but right about now, Laura feels like secondhand goods, who has hurt those around her to boot. She’s scared, she doesn’t know what she wants, she’s tired of fighting, but her habit is to battle until the death. And you condemn me for wanting to bring her just a little attention so she knows that she’s still worth a man’s interest?”

Jason frowns, but doesn’t really have much to argue with. “What if she were your girl?” he questions. “What would you do then?”

Ryder shakes his head slowly, and for a moment, the room is deathly quiet until he speak again in a hushed tone. “I would never stop telling her I love her, no matter if she's listening or not. I would do everything in my power to show her that in me there would be nothing to fear. I would show her that it didn't matter what she did, my love would never change. I would call her on the phone just to say hi. I would write her a letter telling her of my love, so when I'm gone, she'd still have my words. Every chance I'd get, I'd spend time with her and tell her how special she is. I'd memorize her favorite books, movies, flowers and ice cream, just so some night I could surprise her with an evening especially for her.”

His eyes gain a far away look as he continues to stare at Jason. “I'd give away my heart with no intention of ever getting it back. Until the day she'd say she didn't love me in return, I'd be at her doorstep, waiting just for her. Until the day she'd wear another man's name, I'd never give up on her. And if that day ever did come, I would leave happy still because I had lived and loved like no other.”

Jason just stands, a little stunned. Where had this depth come from? “That’s…”

“What Laura deserves.” Ryder purses his lips. “Still want to condemn me?”

“N… no.” Jason looks down then back up. “I’m just… looking out for my friend.”

“Don’t you think Nate should be doing that?”

“Apparently you’re trying to steal his job then, not me.”

“Naw, mate.” Ryder shakes his head. “You just don’t get it, do you?”

“I guess maybe I don’t.”

Ryder contemplates for a moment. “I hope you do before you lose Katie.”

Jason gets a little defensive. “I think I’m doing a fine job, thank you very much.”

“But do you really love her?”

“Of course I do.”

“Then act like it.”

“I do!”

Ryder searches Jason’s eyes. “Then why would she accept the kiss of another man?”

Jason immediately locks down his emotions, his eyes narrowing. “What are you talking about?” he hisses.

Ryder rolls his eyes. “It was my fault, alright? I just… got carried away.”

“If you hurt one hair on her head, so help me, I’ll…”

“Take it easy.” Ryder holds up his hands. “Do I look like I want to hurt her? Does she act like I hurt her?”

Jason eyes him cautiously. “No.”

“That’s right. Look, I’m sorry, and it won’t happen again, you have my word. I did want you to know though, because I don’t like secrets. Not like that.”

Jason shakes his head. “Great,” he mutters. “There won’t be any between her and me either.”

“Don’t bring it up to her,” Ryder requests. “Like I said, it was me. Don’t embarrass her. It’s not worth that heartache because there’s nothing there. Just do one thing.”


“Don’t let her wish for something more than you.” Ryder pauses, bringing both subjects back together again. “I see Laura, scared and alone, just wanting love. At least her I can help smile because I’m allowed at the moment. But Katie… she’s full of life and adventure, but longing for more… and I can’t help with that because she’s yours.”

Jason just stares at Ryder, not sure how to take any of this. He felt like getting mad, but for some reason it was almost like he couldn’t.

Ryder sighs, and aims for the door. “I’ll see you later, Jason.”