

Looking up and back at Laura again Nate just studys her eyes for a moment. He still felt a ball of emotion but the fact that Laura though she lost him hit a cord in his heart.

Moving his chair away from his desk Nate reaches out and gently takes Laura's hand not caring she had papers in them. Gently bring her close to him he draws her into his lap to sit on his knee as he brings his strong arms around her and burys his face into her soft hair a few tears escaping from his eyes.

"I though I had lost you Laura, and that feeling was unbearable."

Keeping his face in her hair resting aganst her head Nate takes in a deep breath getting a wiff of Laura's sweet smelling hair. The tears still fill his eyes. He felt so foolish for being so emotional, but so much was on his mind it was hard at the moment.

"I've had so much going on Laura and I am just sorry if I didnt do something right."

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