

*Rosetta goes to the barn checking on the horses and feeding them for the morning. Than running back to the mess hall she enters taking off her hat and jacket hanging it up. Looking around she gives a small wave to Mick and smiles going to the kitchen to grab some coffee.*

*Wandy makes her way to the mess hall entering her hair is all wet and madded down. Grabing some coffee and a towl she puts it on her head trying to dry it. Siting next to Clint she smiles.* "Morning."

*Wes enters taking his hat off he heads to the kitchen for some Coffee. smiling he come up behind Cindy.* "Morning! You look tired still. You would think someone kept you out all night or something."

* After hoping out of the shower hatie throws on her white and black striped sweater and jeans. also throwing on her sunglasses. Katie leaves her bunk what had happend the night before still fresh in her mind. Con's words bring her a small bit of comfort that there will always be brighter days. Brighter days that would not be for a while. As Katie nears the pourch she can hear shouting and can sence something is wrong with her 2 friends. Drawing closer she over hears Jason and Con. A new anger burns inside her. Jumping up onto the pourch Katie stands in front of Con meeting Jason's eyes. A loud crack of thunders rolls feeling one inches away. The fire in Katies eyes still burning. In a harsh booming voice she says." I FOLLOWED YOU TO TIMBUCK TO AND BACK. I RISKED MY PLACE HERE AT THE RANCH TO HELP YOU GET YOUR JOB BACK. I WANED YOU TO BE HAPPY. AND THAN THE ONE SIMPLE THING I WANTED, THE ONE THING THAT I NEW I SHOULD DO, WHERE I FOUND MY PLACE AND YOU TRYED TO SNUFF IT OUT. SO WHAT IF I LIKED YOU. EVERYONE HAS CRUSHES OR LIKES PEOPLE. ITS CALLED BEING A HUMAN. LOOK AT YOU, EVEN YOU HAVE YOUR LITTLE CRUSH IN THERE." *Without relizing it what happend, Katie raises her hand and slaps Jason across the face.* "When are you going to grow up, and relize whats in front of your face."


Con chuckles and returns the hug, sending Katie away with a “Goodnight, sleep well.” He watches her go just to make sure she gets to her bunk alright, then pulls up his jacket collar and heads down the other trail to the cabin for the night.

A lightning bolt streaks across the sky, followed but such a loud clap of thunder that it shakes the ranch. Rain comes down in sheets – a stark difference to the day before, putting just a little damper on the spirits that were so high last evening.

It takes a while for people to stream into the mess hall, most sleeping a little later after getting to bed so late.

Clint dashes in out of the rain, hanging up his jacket as he enters, which makes a puddle on the floor. He goes immediately to get some coffee and settles down at one of the tables to wake up before heading to Wes’ shop.

The women join in the kitchen as usual to prepare breakfast. Sparky and Mick come in together, talking about the case, and Mick grabs a chair near the fireplace, glancing around for Rosetta. Cindy comes in a little later, looking tired, though she helps in the kitchen. Austin joins the group as well, fairly quiet as he has been lately, but joining in the discussions, and bringing up some ideas for more research.

Jason throws on a clean set of clothes and grabs his cane instead of crutches again. Grabbing his jacket, he heads out into the rain, rolling his eyes. They’d had so much rain lately – would it ever stop?
He makes it to the mess hall and grabs a seat at a table apart from Austin after getting some orange juice. Yawning, he gives a little wave to his mom, who smiles her greeting.

Jade enters soon after, shaking the water out of her hair, and scanning the room. Seeing Jason, she smiles and approaches, just a little shyly. Sitting down across from him, she immediately searches his face for reassurance that last night hadn’t just been an act in the heat of the moment. His grin and nudge with his foot under the table puts her mind to ease, and her smile widens. “Good morning. Sleep well?”

“Yeah.” Jason nods. “You?”

“Mm-hmm.” Jade’s face reddens slightly. “I was gonna ask you about a picnic today, but…” She giggles. “Looks like we’ll have to postpone that.”

Jason chuckles. “I doubt a picnic in the rain would be that much fun.”

Con trudges through the rain, his boots sloshing on the muddy trail. His baseball cap is pulled down low providing a small shield against the pelting water. His jacket pulled tight around him, he finally makes it to the mess hall porch, though he doesn’t enter right away. Instead, he looks in the window, scanning the faces. Spotting Jason, he enters, making a beeline in his direction. His face is hard, showing a strange tenseness. “Jason…”

Jason looks up, surprised at Con’s serious tone. “Yeah?”

“Talk to you a minute?”


Con motions for the door. “Outside.”

Jason raises his eyebrows and glances at Jade. “I’ll be back.” Rising, he limps behind Con until they’re outside on the porch.

The driving rain against the roof causes their voices to be raised slightly in order to hear each other clearly, and Con looks sternly at Jason out from under the brim of his dripping hat. “Got a call from Reese this morning.”

Jason straightens a little. “Oh?”

“Yeah. He wondered what decisions had been made so he could get the right names filed and get a report to Carter.”

Jason quirks an eyebrow, hoping this wasn’t about what he thought it was. “What are you talking about?”

“You know good and well what I’m talking about,” Con answers tersely. “You never told anybody about that request from Carter, and you’ve been sitting on it for almost three weeks! I can’t believe you haven’t talked to Katie about it!”

Jason’s face grows hot as his anger begins to rise. “I have my reasons.”

“It was a direct request!” Con raises his voice further. “What reasons could you possibly have?”

“Look, it wouldn’t work, okay?” Jason throws up his arm in disgust. “I was going to call Reese today and tell him to cancel it out.”

“You what?!” A roll of thunder seems to agree with the lightning that flashes in Con’s eyes.

“You heard me!” Jason scowls at him. “It’s not a good idea. It won’t work, and I don’t think Carter was wise in making this request. And because it was asked of me, I have the right to turn it down.”

“Jason, how could you say he wasn’t wise? It’s a perfect setup and you know it! Why would you turn it down?”

Jason rolls his eyes, his words coming out before he thinks. “Do you really think it’s as good idea for me to have a partner who has a crush on me? It would be a disaster!”

Con’s eyes widen. “A crush…is that what you’re calling it?”

“Well what would you call it?” Jason shakes his head. “Katie’s too involved. Carter may think we’d make a good team, but we just wouldn’t. Not as long as she’s got ideas about me that will never happen.”

Con lets his mouth hang open, speechless for several moments. “Are you out of your mind?!” he finally states, almost shouting. He studies Jason’s face, giving into a slight scoff, his volume lowering. “You’re serious aren’t you? You really are blind to what’s going on around you. I thought you were smarter than that.”

Jason glares at him. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, you’ll find out…trust me.” Con frowns. “But let me tell you this – You have a chance to have Katie as your ‘right hand man’ and you’d be crazy to turn that down. There’s only one other person I know who has a sixth sense like her, and it’s you. If you’re going to be gallivanting around on cases, you need someone to watch your back, and who else fits the job better? If you accept this, you two would be elected as part of the Elite down at TJY – isn’t that what you want?” He shakes his head. “And if you deny Katie this opportunity – this chance that she’s been wanting – just because you’re too prideful to work with her, then you’re not the man I thought you were.”

Another rumble of thunder shakes the porch, and a driving wind blows the rain in on the two men, but it goes unnoticed as the silent staredown continues.


*Katie stands and smile. She was happy Con had come. He was a good friend.* "Sure I can. I am sure how horrable I look right now with my makeup running all over the place will keep anyone at bay." *Making there way back through the wood Katie is silent for a long while. As they hit the out skirts of the Ranch Katie stops.* " I think I can make it the rest of the way back from here." *As Katie starts to walk away she stops and turns back looking at Con. Running over to him she give him a big bear hug.* "Thank you Con. Your a good friend. Austin is lucky to have you as a bodyguard." *Katie turns and walks away to her bunk. Once there she jumps in the shower than heads to bed.*


“Oh, Katie.” Con lets out a long breath. “Jason’s a good guy, and he’s got a lot going for him. No one could blame you for the way you feel.” He thinks about her question and shakes his head. “How did I deal with Haley? Not easily, I’ll say that, and yes…it hurt like the dickens to see her with David. But…I valued her friendship enough to one, let her be happy, and two, to remain a friend. At least I still got to see her.” He turns his head to look at Katie. “But that’s me…and you’re your own person. …It’ll be alright though…I can promise that. No matter what happens, the pain will subside.” He rises to his feet and nods towards the trail. “Now I’m ready to hit the hay, but I’m not leaving you out here by yourself, so…will you escort me back to the ranch?”


*Katie looks up as Con sits down. Taking in all he says. Who would of though gruf Con had a soft side. Katie looks out at the lake than back to Con.* "How....how did you do that? Dident it hurt to see her with her Boyfriend?" *Katie sighs.* "I just, feel so small. I dont mean to....i just do. It feels like something is breaking inside of me. Its feels so much differnt from the last boyfriend I had though that was more horrable. It just feels differnt, and hurts more. Maybe cuz Jason was the first half way deacent guy I new." *Katie falls quiet just looking out at the fireflys dancing on the lake.*


Con can just hear Katie’s words, and his compassion takes over as he listens. A feeling is stirred that hasn’t been evoked in many years, causing him to empathize. Part of him believes he should leave Katie in peace, and part of him is urged to comfort her. But would could he possibly say?

Shaking his head and sighing, he slowly approaches, his boots crunching on the cold ground to announce his presence. He sinks down next to Katie, leaving a comfortable space between them. “You know…” His speaks more gently than before, a rare softness showing through his gruff exterior. “When I was about your age, I had a friend…Haley.” He smiles at the memory. “I’d known her since high school and we were friends…good friends. One time I almost asked her on a date, but faltered at the last minute.” He pauses, remembering the instance. “At any rate, it wasn’t long after that, she found herself a boyfriend, and for the first time I realized that I’d always wanted to be more than friends, but…I was stuck in the background.” He pauses, staring out at the moonlit lake. “I had to accept that Haley and I would just be friends…just friends. And…I finally settled that if I couldn’t have her for my own, at least I could have her friendship, and that was better than nothing.” He gives a little laugh. “I haven’t thought of that for a long time, let alone spoke of it.”

A dark night

*As Katie sits and sobs. They become softer, but still are strong. Katie new this would happen, she new Jasons and Jade liked eachother. Still she had hoped. and now she was paying for it. Talking a loud Katie scolds herself.* " Why did I see the signs. I new this would happen when Jason started hang out with Jade more and I saw less of him. Why am I so saprised." *Katie whipes her face and relizes she smuged her makeup. Looking down at her dress she laughs to herself.* " I even tryed dressing up." *Katie lets air through her lips.* " I look like a dolled up fool." *Katie leans back on the bench, and just listens to the night as she gets lost in deep thought.*

*Rosetta smiles as Mick's hand brushes her face.* " I had a wonderful time too. Thank you. " *Rosetta gives Micks free hand a squeeze and hangs on as she makes her way up the porch. Finally leting go as she nears the door. Before disapearing Rosetta flashes Mick her killer smile leting him know her night was perfect and she couldent be happyer.
After Rosetta is inside and the door he shut her smiles widens even more as she thinks about Mick's kiss. Rosetta starts to hum as she goes into the bathroom to wash her face and geting ready for bed.*


Jade feels like she’s gliding as she heads to the guest bunk, a smile pasted on her face, and the butterflies still fresh in her stomach.

Mick walks Rosetta to her house, his hand wrapped around hers. No words needs to be said, and he lets the silence surround them. While walking, he spies Jade coming from Jason’s She looked awfully happy, and he can only imagine what had transpired just seconds before. He grins a little, though a feeling of melancholy invades the moment His daughter was growing up into a young woman, no longer the little girl he’d held in his arms. Though this picture was a stark reminder, a gentle happiness was there - at least she was happy, in a good environment, and had a good head on her shoulders to keep her on the right path. And Jason seemed to be alright - Jade could do a lot worse.
Mick stops at Rosetta’s door and turns to her “I had a good time tonight.” His hand brushes her face. “See you in the morning.”

Jason flops down on his bed and closes his eyes, letting out a long sigh. He kicks off his shoes and just lies in the dark, his mind working overtime. His heart beats a little faster as he replays his time with Jade. He’d never had a relationship like that with anyone before, and it was a new sensation of bliss and contentment. Something deep down stirs - a warning trying to seep through, but he blocks it out. He doesn’t want to think about anything else right now, other than how happy he feels.
He begins to doze, but suddenly his eyes fly open as a strange feeling of almost panic comes over him. What on earth…? He glances around the room…nothing was wrong…he didn’t sense danger… Sitting up, he tries to pinpoint the feeling. It was almost a form of misery. Had he drifted to sleep and had a nightmare that he now didn’t remember? Katie. Jason frowns, confused. Katie. She’d never entered his mind like this before…what was wrong with him?
Shaking his head, he rises to undress and get back in bed for the night. A rotten feeling forms in his gut, but for once he ignores it. Maybe he does know what it is, and maybe there are things he is not thinking through, but he had had too good of a night tonight to dwell on them. He would think about it later when he wanted to.

Con aims for the trail, leaving behind those who are still parting for the night. As he strolls though, movement catches his eye, and he glances back up the driveway. He sees Jason and Jade on the bunk porch, and he pauses, lifting an eyebrow. He’s hidden in the shadows, but has a clear view, and can’t help his surprise at seeing the passionate exchange. He shakes his head and turns to go, but then realizes a third figure is within sight. Katie? Con’s heart sinks a little. He knows good and well that something like this would go over like a lead balloon.
He instinctively continues to watch and sees Katie head away by herself. Concern sets in. Con doesn’t like the idea of anyone being out in the woods alone this late at night.
Ignoring Jason and Jade, Con slips through the shadows to quietly tail Katie at a distance. He doesn’t want to invade her privacy, and he’d never want to embarrass her, but through the weeks, and especially after tonight, if anyone asked, he’d be quick to state that Katie had become like a little sister to him, and the last thing he wanted now was to see her in any trouble or danger. Something about this whole scene just didn’t set right with him, and a sense of duty to protect kicks in.
He follows Katie until she stops at the lake, and he quietly leans up against a tree, keeping his eye on the surroundings as he assumes the stance he’s been trained to have.


*Rosetta felt so comfey, so safe in Mick's arms. All seemed right with the world at the moment. As Rosetta stairs back into Mick's eyes her heart starts to race. As Mick kiss Rosetta and she kiss back her world begins to spin and everything in the room seems like it got 10 x brighter. She can feel a huge smile on her face as her cheeks go red. She has waited so long for this moment, but it was worth the wait. For a moment Rosetta cant move or speak. Finally her musters a small squeek.* "Ya, lets get going."

*Like so many nights in the last week Wes walks with Cindy to her bunk.* "I had a great night Cindy. Thank you." *Wes bows a tad.* " I will see you in the Am." *Turning Wes makes his way to his own bunk. A smile on his face as he sleeps.*

*As Wendy stands on her porch she leans over the railing.* " Sleep well my handsome Prince." *Wendy turns and disapears into her bunk.*

*As Katie pulls back into the ranch with Rosetta and Mick she gets out of the car. Streaching for a moment, she see SParky and Mel's car knowing Jason much be back too. Katie hasent talked to him most of the night and though she was jealouse she wanted to be civil Jason was her friend after all. Making her way to Jason's bunk she stops at the sound of voices. Katie looks up just in time to see Jason and Jade kiss for a long while. Feeling something new boil inside of her, she stands not sure what to think. Tears well up in her eyes once again as her heart is breaking. Jason wasent her boyfriend why was this hurting so much. Why did she feel so angry. Thinking it best to leave she turns and walks away, not aiming for her bunk though. Sobing softly still she heads for the lake. Once there she sits down on the bench. She had been so stupid, why has she dressed up so much and even bothered going to the dance and making a foool of herself.It hadent changed anything. What did Jade have that she dident. Katie had tryed her best all night not to let it bother her and to keep her emotions in check on a friends level with Jason. But what she has seen tonight at Jason bunk, No matter what anyone said still hurt.*

*As Damien drops Annie off at her bunk he smiles.* " I had a great night Annie. Thank you."
*Annie beams at Damien.* "I had a great time too."
*Damien leans over and gives Annie a hug.* "Goonight Annie. I will see you again soon."
*Annie returns the hug.* "GoodNight." *Annie gets out of the truck and heads inside.*
*Damien decends the driveway and heads for home a smile on his face the whole way.*


Con watches Katie closely, his observing eyes catching her body language, and picking up on her subtle emotional strain. He says nothing, though, and simply keeps up a string of light conversation until the song is over and the crowd begins to make their way outside.

Cindy is speechless as Wes speaks. Her heart races and she can feel the heat rising to her face. A deeper relationship with Wes? Could she? Did he really care that much? She searches his eyes, needing truth…needing to find that solid truth that would tell her he wasn’t just stringing her along.
As he kisses her forehead and pulls her back close, she allows him to, but still remains quiet, her mind reeling. “I’ll think about it,” she manages softly, and rests her head on his shoulder until the song ends.

Clint can’t help just a little disappointment as the last song comes to an end. He was comfortable…content….happy. But everything comes to an end. He pulls himself away from Wendy, offering her his hand to walk her to the door. “Thank you, Wendy. I had a blast tonight.”

Mick grins as he holds Rosetta close, for once pushing all worries aside and throwing all caution into the wind. It felt good to open his heart again…it felt good to be here with Rosetta… and the future looked just a little brighter. As the song draws to an end, he stops swaying and lowers his gaze to Rosetta. He keeps her close, but lifts her chin with a gentle hand, caressing her cheek. The volume of the crowd around them increase as people get ready to leave, the chatter getting louder. But the noise seems far away.
As Mick looks into Rosetta’s eyes, he sees more than he did before…he feels more than he’s allowed himself to feel in a long time. Taking both hands to cradle Rosetta’s face, he tips his head to plant a tender kiss on her lips, lingering for just a moment. Drawing away, a soft smile creases his face and he motions to the door. “Shall we go?”

Everyone from the ranch eventually finds each other to pile back into the vehicles, exhausted, but happy, and the ride home is quiet with thoughts lingering on the last few hours.

Once back, they begin to disperse, all accepting the fact that it is too late to stay up any longer, though some remain in the mess hall for just a few minutes to wind down.

Clint walks Wendy to her bunk, and gives her hand a kiss, though daring nothing more. “Goodnight, Princess.”

Luke drops Angel off at her place, giving her a kiss goodnight, and thanking her for a fun evening.

Jason exits the car with Jade and sighs deeply, taking in the crisp night air. Jade comes up beside him, linking her arm in his. “Walk you to your bunk?”

Jason grins at her. “Okay.”

They make their way slowly to his bunk and once on the porch, they pause. Jason has his hand on the doorknob, but hesitates, and gazes down on Jade’s face instead. She’d been so good to him the last few weeks…he’d come to appreciate her company more and more, and tonight had topped it all off. A sense of warmth enters his veins as he studies her eyes.

Jade’s pulse quickens as he stares at her, feeling like a little child all over again. His hand is holding hers, and it feels rough and warm, sending a shiver down her spine.

Jason can feel Jade’s nervousness, and offers her a slight grin, knowing good and well what’s going through her mind. Giving in to his own impulsiveness, he leans down, drawing her in close.

Jade feels herself rise up on her tiptoes as she wraps her arms around Jason’s neck to receive his kiss, and doesn’t resist letting it linger for several moments as she’s enveloped in warmth.

Pulling himself away, Jason gives Jade’s cheek a playful brush with his hand. “Goodnight.”

Jade can barely find her voice. “Night.”

A grin on his face, Jason turns to go into his bunk.

Jade steps off the porch, feeling light as a feather as she heads to her own bunk.

The Last Dance

*Katie giggles and smiles as Her and Con dance. For just alittle while Katie forgets about Jason and Jade dancing only steps away. and has a fantastic time. Katie laughs as she trys to keep up with Con. Doing a pritty good job.*

*Wes leaves for a moment and than returns with some punch for Cindy and himself. Her cheeks are a soft glow and he cant help but smile.*

*Annie and Damien sit down with Wes and Cindy laughing.*
Damien: "You guys having a great time?"
Wes: "Ya, this is pritty fun you guys?"
Damien: "I sure am." *Damien looks to Annie and smiles.*
*Annie nods.*

*Rosetta smiles at Mick and herself seem to dance forever.* " We sure did."

*Wendy cant help but enjoy Clint's company so much. Laughing and Joking. High pitch laughs coming every now and than. Wendy looks to the 2 empty chairs across from them.* "Hey we better keep an eye on those chairs. They might attack." *Wendy smiles and laughs again.*

*Angel joins in with Luke in playing the game. Having a great old time. Enjoying the company of Luke, and the fellowship with the others.*

*As the last slow song starts to play Katie laughs and looks at Con.* "Ok I think I cut us off here." *Katie giggles. As her and Con go and sit down Katie is content talking to him. As she looks out onto the dance floor she spots Jason and Jade. Turning away she talks with Con more though she cant help but glance at them every once and a while. Trying to keep her emotions, and jealoucy hiddon.*

*As the announcment starts to play for the slow song Wes stands and offers his hand to Cindy.* " This is the last song of the night we have to dance to it." *Wes and Cindy sway in silence for a long while. After a bit Wes keeps swaying with Cindy but pulls her away alittle looking her in the eyes.* "Cindy, I've been holding off to say this cuz I wanted to make sure, and I dident want to make a mistake and hurt you. Your a wonderful woman and I love spending my time with you. As the summer draws near it pains me to think of you going back home. I want to keep in touch with you Cindy. Your wonderful and I would like to spend more time with you. Geting to know you. That is if you will let a lowly gradge worker into your life. Just think about it. You dont have to awnser me now." *Wes smiles and gives Cindy's forhead a kiss not wanting to over step his boundrys. Drawing her in close he wraps his arms around her as they dance.*

*Wendy and Clint make there way to the dance floor. Swaying to the music Wendy rests her head on Clint's shoulder. Butterflys flutter in her tummy. Her hands are a slight bit cold as she is nervouse and excited. She has never been this close to a guy before. But the feeling of happyness and having someone there was nice.*

*As Mick and Rosetta stay on the dance floor Rosetta smiles, her heart content. Whispering she says.* " Thank you Mick. For eveything and for being here with me. I had a wonderful time with you. " *Rosetta leans her head on Mick shoulder and wraps her arms around Mick tight not wanting this moment to end. Wish it would go on forever.*


Con raises his eyebrows in surprise as Katie approaches him, but he grins and gives a little bow. He knows good and well that she would have much rather have been with a certain young man tonight, and he isn’t going to spoil her evening further by declining. “I was bored anyway.” He winks at her. “Besides that, how could I say no to the prettiest young lady here?” He takes her hand and spins her out onto the floor, immediately proving that he knows what he’s doing.

Jade and Jason are at a table by themselves, laughing and chatting, and interacting with the others around them, enjoying each others company.

Cindy sighs with content, the warmth in the building bringing a glow to her cheeks. She nods at Wes. “Actually, some punch sounds awfully good right about now.” She smiles at him. “Thank you.”

Mick can’t help but enjoy having Rosetta in his arms as they dance. He grins at the memories that are brought up. “Yeah…we had fun, didn’t we?”

Clint finds a small table for Wendy and him to sit at, and gets them both something to drink as they talk and laugh.

Sparky and Mel spend most of their time on the dance floor until someone from church spots Sparky and asks him to join the band to play guitar. He resists at first, but Mel encourages him to do it, so he finally gives in and finds a spot on stage with the other guys, receiving a round of applause from the gang. Mel finds a seat by herself, but is quite content to watch Sparky.

Luke and Angel dance for a while until his legs grow tired and they wind up with a small group from church at a table where a game is underway.

The room is full of gaiety as thoughts of the case and turmoil are forgotten, if only for a few hours. But all too soon, the evening starts to draw to a close with the announcement of the last song of the night. Most couples are too tired to dance more, but still the floor remains active with those who are unwilling to give up just yet. The lights are dimmed and a slow song begins to play.

Jade glances to Jason and nods to the floor. “Want to?”

“Like I’m capable.”

Jade gives him a sly grin. “You should be able to handle a dance at this speed. Come on.”

Jason resists. “You said you have two left feet.”

Jade giggles. “So? We can’t leave this evening without having danced at all.” She stands and holds out her hand, sticking out her lower lip. “Pleeease?”

Chuckling, Jason rises with an exaggerated sigh. “Alright. For you.” He leaves his cane and limps gingerly onto the floor where he and Jade begin to sway slowly to the music. She offers herself as some support though after a few minutes, winds up resting her head against his chest instead, lost in the blissful moment.