
The Last Dance

*Katie giggles and smiles as Her and Con dance. For just alittle while Katie forgets about Jason and Jade dancing only steps away. and has a fantastic time. Katie laughs as she trys to keep up with Con. Doing a pritty good job.*

*Wes leaves for a moment and than returns with some punch for Cindy and himself. Her cheeks are a soft glow and he cant help but smile.*

*Annie and Damien sit down with Wes and Cindy laughing.*
Damien: "You guys having a great time?"
Wes: "Ya, this is pritty fun you guys?"
Damien: "I sure am." *Damien looks to Annie and smiles.*
*Annie nods.*

*Rosetta smiles at Mick and herself seem to dance forever.* " We sure did."

*Wendy cant help but enjoy Clint's company so much. Laughing and Joking. High pitch laughs coming every now and than. Wendy looks to the 2 empty chairs across from them.* "Hey we better keep an eye on those chairs. They might attack." *Wendy smiles and laughs again.*

*Angel joins in with Luke in playing the game. Having a great old time. Enjoying the company of Luke, and the fellowship with the others.*

*As the last slow song starts to play Katie laughs and looks at Con.* "Ok I think I cut us off here." *Katie giggles. As her and Con go and sit down Katie is content talking to him. As she looks out onto the dance floor she spots Jason and Jade. Turning away she talks with Con more though she cant help but glance at them every once and a while. Trying to keep her emotions, and jealoucy hiddon.*

*As the announcment starts to play for the slow song Wes stands and offers his hand to Cindy.* " This is the last song of the night we have to dance to it." *Wes and Cindy sway in silence for a long while. After a bit Wes keeps swaying with Cindy but pulls her away alittle looking her in the eyes.* "Cindy, I've been holding off to say this cuz I wanted to make sure, and I dident want to make a mistake and hurt you. Your a wonderful woman and I love spending my time with you. As the summer draws near it pains me to think of you going back home. I want to keep in touch with you Cindy. Your wonderful and I would like to spend more time with you. Geting to know you. That is if you will let a lowly gradge worker into your life. Just think about it. You dont have to awnser me now." *Wes smiles and gives Cindy's forhead a kiss not wanting to over step his boundrys. Drawing her in close he wraps his arms around her as they dance.*

*Wendy and Clint make there way to the dance floor. Swaying to the music Wendy rests her head on Clint's shoulder. Butterflys flutter in her tummy. Her hands are a slight bit cold as she is nervouse and excited. She has never been this close to a guy before. But the feeling of happyness and having someone there was nice.*

*As Mick and Rosetta stay on the dance floor Rosetta smiles, her heart content. Whispering she says.* " Thank you Mick. For eveything and for being here with me. I had a wonderful time with you. " *Rosetta leans her head on Mick shoulder and wraps her arms around Mick tight not wanting this moment to end. Wish it would go on forever.*

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