

Jade feels like she’s gliding as she heads to the guest bunk, a smile pasted on her face, and the butterflies still fresh in her stomach.

Mick walks Rosetta to her house, his hand wrapped around hers. No words needs to be said, and he lets the silence surround them. While walking, he spies Jade coming from Jason’s She looked awfully happy, and he can only imagine what had transpired just seconds before. He grins a little, though a feeling of melancholy invades the moment His daughter was growing up into a young woman, no longer the little girl he’d held in his arms. Though this picture was a stark reminder, a gentle happiness was there - at least she was happy, in a good environment, and had a good head on her shoulders to keep her on the right path. And Jason seemed to be alright - Jade could do a lot worse.
Mick stops at Rosetta’s door and turns to her “I had a good time tonight.” His hand brushes her face. “See you in the morning.”

Jason flops down on his bed and closes his eyes, letting out a long sigh. He kicks off his shoes and just lies in the dark, his mind working overtime. His heart beats a little faster as he replays his time with Jade. He’d never had a relationship like that with anyone before, and it was a new sensation of bliss and contentment. Something deep down stirs - a warning trying to seep through, but he blocks it out. He doesn’t want to think about anything else right now, other than how happy he feels.
He begins to doze, but suddenly his eyes fly open as a strange feeling of almost panic comes over him. What on earth…? He glances around the room…nothing was wrong…he didn’t sense danger… Sitting up, he tries to pinpoint the feeling. It was almost a form of misery. Had he drifted to sleep and had a nightmare that he now didn’t remember? Katie. Jason frowns, confused. Katie. She’d never entered his mind like this before…what was wrong with him?
Shaking his head, he rises to undress and get back in bed for the night. A rotten feeling forms in his gut, but for once he ignores it. Maybe he does know what it is, and maybe there are things he is not thinking through, but he had had too good of a night tonight to dwell on them. He would think about it later when he wanted to.

Con aims for the trail, leaving behind those who are still parting for the night. As he strolls though, movement catches his eye, and he glances back up the driveway. He sees Jason and Jade on the bunk porch, and he pauses, lifting an eyebrow. He’s hidden in the shadows, but has a clear view, and can’t help his surprise at seeing the passionate exchange. He shakes his head and turns to go, but then realizes a third figure is within sight. Katie? Con’s heart sinks a little. He knows good and well that something like this would go over like a lead balloon.
He instinctively continues to watch and sees Katie head away by herself. Concern sets in. Con doesn’t like the idea of anyone being out in the woods alone this late at night.
Ignoring Jason and Jade, Con slips through the shadows to quietly tail Katie at a distance. He doesn’t want to invade her privacy, and he’d never want to embarrass her, but through the weeks, and especially after tonight, if anyone asked, he’d be quick to state that Katie had become like a little sister to him, and the last thing he wanted now was to see her in any trouble or danger. Something about this whole scene just didn’t set right with him, and a sense of duty to protect kicks in.
He follows Katie until she stops at the lake, and he quietly leans up against a tree, keeping his eye on the surroundings as he assumes the stance he’s been trained to have.

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