

*As Misty and taken into the dip her eyes once again dance. As Carson press his lips to Misty she kiss him back not in a hurry to pull away. Misty's hands slowly climb up Carson's back and than his Neck still they find hair hands and slowly run though it. As Carson pulls away Misty's arms go back down around his neck as she looks back into Carson eyes. Her heart flutters.*

"Cuz its the best way to walk!"

*Katie Nods to Reese.*

"It will take us a bit to get there so I will grab Nate now and we can head out."

*Katie walks to Nates desk and clears her throt leting him know she was there.*

"Nate we are gonna head out to see Lockheart than Jason. Reese wanted you to go with us."

*Nate looks up to Katie and smiles noding a strange look crossing his face.*

"Hero? Can you really feel Jason?"

*Katie looks at Nate and nods.*

"Ya I can. How do you think I got the nickname hero?"

*Katie smiles and turns to go back to Reese Nate following close behind.*


Carson’s eyes narrow slightly, a small bit of sly humor returning at Misty’s closing statement. “Do I now?”

In one movement, he swings Misty into a dip so he’s staring down at her, his arms holding her back in midair. “You have no idea.”

Leaning his head down and pulling Misty up closer, he plants a kiss on her lips, allowing it to take its time. Drawing away, he searches her eyes, still holding her at an angle. “Why do you insist on making me feel like I’m walking on air?”

Reese nods to Katie. “Sounds good. Just let me know when you’re ready to leave and we’ll head out. In the meantime, get Nate too, so he can come along.”


*Katie smiles at Reese the best she can.*

"I just got off the phone with Lockheart and told her what was going on. She said she will meet with us in a half hour than we can go see Jason. She said she thinks it will do him good to see us."

*Katie's eyes show sadness even though she trys to hide it. It hasent been long but she missed Jason already. Just knowing he wasent tere.*

*Misty jumps alittle as Carson's arms comes around her snaping her our of her deep thoughts. Relizing its Carson Misty relaxes a bit. Turning and looking into Carson's eyes, Misty starts to get lost like so many times before. This time her own self showing a bit of anger.*

"I wont stop defending you Carson. I care to much to stop and it burns me up they way thy treat you. And I dont care what I am risking being with you Carson. I dont have much to lose anyways. I'm already involved with you I cant and WONT back out now. I like the way you make me feel when I look in your eyes, I like that way you do things to me I cant even explain when you touch my skin. You send chills through me, you make me feel happy. I dont care what those fools up there say. They are my feelings and I will do with them what I like."

*Katie lets out a sigh taking a deep breath. Misty brings on of her hands to Carson's face, the thumb running over his cheek as her hand and fingers move to the back of his neck.*

" Your a good guy to me, Lastnight with the sunset, today when we were down here shooting. That good guy is there Carson I have seen it, I have felt it. Dont run away from it. I'm in this with you for the long hall through the bad guy and though the good guy moments. I like taking the back with the good."

*Misty smerks.*

"And boy do you know how to be bad but good at the same time."

Bad guy

Carson stops halfway down the hall and turns around as he hears Misty start to defend him. His eyebrow raises slightly at her words, perhaps not surprised at her emotions, but not used to this kind of display.

A strange new anger rises inside of him for the need of defending himself, let alone the need for Misty to do the same. This whole thing was just stupid. Maybe he should have just gone back to the Agency, or let Jason leave him for dead. It would have been a whole lot easier.

As Misty heads away, Carson looks after her, then back at Reese.

Reese’s face was red from stress, trying to figure out what on earth was going on, and how to react. He just needed time to think…time to sort this out, and having these two wandering around wasn’t helping any. “Carson. In your cell. Now.”

Carson can’t believe he’s being ordered around like this. He said he was going, yet Reese insisted on insulting him by telling him again. Reese had paid no heed to Misty, and apparently only wanted Carson for answers. Pushed over the edge, he scoffs. “Shove it, Reese.” He spins on his heel and stalks down the hall.

Reese groans and rubs a hand over his face. “What am I supposed to do, Hal? I can’t let this go on!”

Hal shakes his head. “I don’t know. Maybe Misty’s right. Maybe we need to give Carson a bigger chance than we have.”

“And then what? What if we’re wrong? What if he pulls something stupid?”

“Then I guess Misty will have been proven wrong.” Hal shrugs. “Give him enough rope and he’ll either prove himself or hang himself. At this point I think it’s a risk you’ve got to take unless you want to turn him into the authorities.”

Reese turns his head as they’re interrupted by Katie. “No, you’re fine,” he assures. “What’s up?”

Carson heads downstairs, not even sure why he’s following Misty. He was glad she’d stood up for him, and at the same time, was a little upset.

Entering the rec room, he spies her throwing darts, and just leans on the door frame for a few moments, watching her. Hearing Misty’s words between throwing, a slight grin tweaks the corner of his mouth, though he suddenly finds it hard to find much humor or enjoyment. His harsh reprimands that morning seemed to have spoiled his appetite for humor.

As Misty stands staring at the dartboard, Carson slowly comes up behind her, slipping his arms down over her shoulders in a light hold, and staring at the board over her head. “Looks like one more bloke got a slow and painful death,” he muses.

He sighs deeply and turns Misty around to face him, his eyes penetrating her own. “Forget defending me. What they say doesn’t bother me, and besides, they’re right. You’re risking an awful lot, getting involved with the likes of me.”

Carson’s hands rest on Misty’s shoulders as his fire is slowly dying. “I don’t know how to be the good guy anymore, Misty. All that’s left is the bad guy, and I don’t know that even you can shake it from me.”


*Misty studys Wyatt for a long moment. Listing to the words he said. They rubbed her the wrong why, but she tryed to remain cool.*

"Thank you Wyatt for looking out for me, but you guys dont see Carson like I do. Ya he has had a bad past, ya he isent perfect, but I see something deeper. I see into his soul and though it has its clouds I have seen the sun. I have broken though and I like what I see. All guys have patterns Carson and not everyone had the joy of growing up like you did. Some have rough pasts and deserve that second chanse. I feel close to Carson and I dont want that feeling to stop. He's differnt cous and he makes me happy."

*Misty turns slowly as Rick calls her starting to walk into the infermary.*

"And Wyatt if he does drop me one day, i'll be sad but its nothing I havent delt with before. At least I can be happy now and hope that he will stick around. Surly you must know how that feels to have hope in someone and to care?"

*Misty disapears into the office to go through the blood samples.*

~*~Moments Later~*~

*As Misty sits at her desk she can hear the voices of Hal, Reese and Carson raising up and down. What on earth was going on. Couldent there be peace even alittle one day. Couldent everyone leave everyone alone. Misty steps to the door and listens. Why was everyone always bullying Carson. Steping out from the door Misty walks up to Reese and Hal.*

"You know its hard to consintrate with all this yelling?"

*Misty shakes her head trying to hold her toung but if there was one thing she was bad at it was that.*

"Why cant you guys just leave Carson alone? You already had the living crap beat out of him to prove he was on ourside what more can you ask from the guy? Ya maybe he shouldent have been drinking, but you cant keep him caged up eather its just not fair. Why can you guys open your eyes and see what I see? Someone who is kind, caring and trying to turn himself around? You have to give him a break."

*A tiny tear makes its way into Misty's eye as her anger builds. Knowing she needed to walk away before she blew she turns and makes her way down the hall for her break heading down below to the rec area. Maybe throwing some darts would calm her down. Entering the room Misty cant help but smile remembering her kiss with Carson down there. He was differnt, he was special to her. He made her feel alive, he gave her a spark. Walking over to the dart board Misty grabs the darts than back up behind the throwing line.*

"Why dont they understand?"

*Misty throws a dart bulls eye.*

"Why cant they let be what will be?"

*Misty throws another dart bulls eye.*

"Why dont they understand us and who we are?"

*Misty throws another dart pulls eye. A smile starts to form on Misty's lips.*

"Your kiss is always so sweet Carson and everytime it feels like the first again."

*Misty throws another dart as she thinks about carson, this time is hits 2 rings outside the bulls eye. Going to the bored Misty runs her hand along the dark the she had simbalised as her feelings for Carson and nots it dident even come close to the bulls eye. For a long while Misty just stairs at the bored not relizing any noise or sights around her.*

*Katie hangs up her phone and stands from her desk. Seeing Rick on the otherside of the room with Hal she slowly makes her way over not relizing what happend moments before with Misty. As She draws closer she can see the look on the two men's faces.*

"Umm...excuse me Reese do you have a moment if I am not intarupting anything."

*Wes wraps Cindy in a warm embrace again.*

"I'll see if I can wing that for you."

*Wes gives Cindy a kiss on the top of the head as he smiles holding her. This was the start to a wonderful road that would get better and better as it went.*

Caged In

Carson is taken by surprise as Misty comes running back to him. He has no problem returning the kiss though, and has just a little bit of trouble letting her go. “Don’t be late or you’ll get us both in trouble!” he calls after her.

Shaking his head, he sighs deeply and stays downstairs for a few minutes, just studying the shooting range, exercise equipment and more. TJY was certainly interesting…he, along with the Agency had suspected they existed, and had just been finding out more about them, but he wouldn’t have guessed it was this in-depth.

Hooking his hands in his pockets, he ambles out of the room and to the elevator, taking his time. Half of his interrogation party was in jail, the other half on that case, so he wasn’t left with a whole lot of options.

Carson arrives on the main floor again and wanders down the hall, glancing into offices and receiving a few funny looks from other people he hadn’t met, but they apparently knew who he was.

Rick and Wyatt are speaking in hushed, irritated tones as Misty arrives back in the infirmary with her files. Their conversation is brought to a halt, and both turn around to see her.

Rick nods to her and retrieves the file. “Thank you.”

Wyatt studies his cousin for several moments, a strange look in his eye. “Hey, Misty, I want to talk to you for just a moment.”

He takes her to the side, away from Rick, and sighs deeply. “Look, Misty, I know you’re a grown woman, you’re older than I am, and you don’t want to hear this. But I’m your cousin and I feel the duty.”

Wyatt searches Misty’s eyes. “I think this thing you got going with Carson is very unwise. Guys like him have patterns… One of these days, he’s gonna get tired of you, and you’ll be dumped just like all the other women he’s had. All you are to him is something fun, and when he gets bored, you’re gonna be left miserable and alone because you thought he really cared.”

He pauses, shaking his head. “I don’t want to see you get hurt, Misty. I know I can’t tell you what to do….all I can do is give you a fair warning. Carson is bad news, and you’re gonna get hurt if you keep this up.”

“Misty, I still need those blood samples gone through,” Rick interrupts.

Carson lingers outside the infirmary door, unsure what to think. He’d heard everything Wyatt had said. It set a bit funny with him…he was irritated at Wyatt’s words, but anger wasn’t really an element. He was right – Carson did have a pattern, and it was one that took him down unbeaten paths and rocky roads of flippant relationships.

Misty was fun…she was flirty and sassy, and turned him on, no doubt. She’d also shown him something other woman hadn’t – a care that went beyond a physical relationship to something deeper. She cared about what happened to him, and about the choices he made.

He still wasn’t quite sure how to process everything though. What was he really after with Misty? Was he thinking of her just like every other woman he’d had? He definitely felt something a different when he was around her…but he hadn’t yet been able to put his finger on it.

Carson takes a deep breath and continues to amble down the hall. He was tired of thinking about this subject. If everyone around him wanted to speculate what was between him and Misty, so be it. He didn’t care. Right now he was simply bored and apparently needed to find something to entertain himself…

Several hours later…

“How stupid can you get?”

Carson is shoved down the hall, his face holding an anger. “Look, I wasn’t doing anything wrong! Can’t a guy have a break?!”

Hal glares at him, and gives him another push, aiming for the holding cell as their destination. “I don’t know what you’re trying to pull, but you’re not going to get another chance.”

Carson spins around, returning his own glare. “You…”

He’s cut off by Reese. “What on earth is going on here?!”

Hal points to Carson. “I was on one my own cases outside of TJY and followed a suspect to that bar downtown. I went inside and guess who was chit chatting away with the bartender?”

“Carson!” Reese throws his arms in the air. “What were you thinking?!”

“I didn’t say anything!” Carson defends.

“No, but you were pretty dang close,” Hal hisses.

“I’d only been in there for half an hour!”

Reese shakes his head, holding up his hand. “Look, Carson, I don’t care how well you can hold your liquor, or at what point it affects your tongue. But we cannot take that risk. I want you to stay out of the bars and in this building, do you understand?”

Carson grits his teeth, the hardness returning to his eyes. “I was thirsty!”

“We have vending machines.”

“So what? Now instead of locking me in a tiny cell, you’re giving me free run of an underground office?” His sarcasm is evident. “Sounds like heaps of fun.”

“We are not here to have fun,” Reese reminds sternly, unafraid of Carson. “If you want something to do, I’ll give you something to do. But until we figure out where you fit in, you’re going to have to stay here, abide by our rules, and for pete’s sake, stay out of the bars!”

Carson works his jaw muscles as his irritation grows. “Fine. I guess I should have known it would be like this. I should be grateful you didn’t kill me, right?” He scoffs and turns around, heading back down the hall. “I know where the cell is. You needn’t watch your security cameras to know I arrived.”

Jason shifts his weight a little on the hard bed, trying to get comfortable, but it wasn’t easy. He was pretty sure no ribs were broken, but they’d been bruised pretty good, that was for sure, and his face was feeling worse. The group in the next cell over continue to insist on hurling insults in his direction, but he ignored them, remaining silent…silence was his friend right now, and the only way he could ever have a hope of getting out of here.

He leans his head back against the cold wall and sighs deeply. He knew Katie had surely known about his beating. He felt worse for her than he did himself. He knew the torture she went through for him. Part of him wished she didn’t have that sixth sense, so she could be spared the pain.

All he could hope for now was that he could at least see her so she could be reassured he was okay. The future was foggy, but he had to stay positive…he couldn’t let TJY down…he couldn’t let Katie down.

Cindy giggles as she rests her head on Wes’ shoulder. “All I want in that house is you… But I suppose a bathroom and kitchen would be nice too.”


*Misty cant help but laugh herself as Carson gives her another kiss.*

"You hvae to remember you've been here a day longer than me, so I dont know how I am gonna deal eather. Least I have you to keep things intresting.*

*As Carson pushed her to the door and slaps her bottom lightly she cant help but look over her shoulder with her sassy smile proving she dident mind it. As Misty is almots to the door she looks down at her watch and grins, 1 min left plently of time. Turing Misty grins even bitter running back to Carson and throwing her arms around him and planting a BIG kiss on his lips that linger. Finally pulling away Misty's eyes dance with fire, and twinkel with light.*

"35 second left I better hurry. I'll see ya when you up stairs."

*Turning Misty bolts down the hall and decieds it would be faster to take the steps. Skiping every other one Misty finally makes it to the main floor. Sprinting across the floor again to her desk grabing the files that Rick wanted. *

*Katie sits in the chair with the glass in her. Shuting her eyes she searches her feelings looking for Jason's emotions oping her eyes she shakes her head at Reese.*

"He's ok. A dull pain but he isent being hurt anymore. He should be ok till we go see him at three."

*Katie hands the water back to Nate and stands once again making way for the door.*

"I'll call Lockheart now and see if she meet us at two."

*Once outside the office Katie makes way for her desk. I new thought coming over her one she wish could could take out of her mind. She had passed out this time from Jason simply geting beat up, what would happen if Jason was sentinces to death. Katie shakes her head just the though was bring tears to her eyes. She had grown so close to Jason how it would hurt to lost him. It was not something she wanted to think about. Katie prayed with all her might that Lockheart could help Jason and get him out of there.*

*Rosetta's smile remains on her face as she leans her head on Mick's shoulder watching the ducks paddle in the pond. It was moments like these Rosetta was so happy for the rough years. Moments like this one that was worth living for.*

"I love you to Mick."

*Was all Rosetta could manage to whisper through her happyness.*

*Wes smiles as he holds Cindy. How he loved being so close to her. Feeling her skin on his, knowing she was there to laugh when he was silly, and comfort when he himself needed it.*

"Well on a happy note sweetheart the house is coming along great. Its not much but the whole outside frame is complete now. I'll have to drive you out there or take ya on another horse ride to see it. I want to make sure I put the rooms, and windows, the kitchen and the bathrooms right were you want them. I want this house to be your dream house come true. Whatever you want in it, you can have."


Rick’s eyes go wide again in disbelief as Misty and Carson resume their kiss. “Oh, for crying out loud.”

He throws Misty a smirk as she pulls her face away from Carson’s. “If you’re not in my office in two minutes, you can forget about spending time with this…” He fishes for a noun, but can’t think of one. “Just get up there and get me those reports I wanted.”

Rick spins on his heel and stalks back out of the door and down the hall to the elevator.

Carson lowers his eyes to Misty, laughter toying with them. “Is everyone around here such party poopers? How do you stand it?”

He leans down to steal one last kiss, but his own smile breaks it as he can’t help his chuckle.

Finally letting Misty go, he gives her a light shove to the door with a backhanded swat to the bottom. “Better hurry before he tells the big boss.”

Every lasting

*Misty slight moves her head to see Rick better the sassy smile still on her face as her eyes are filled with a fire that dances. IN a sassy tone Misty replys to Rick.*

" We're coming, we're coming, we just got alittle side tracked for a moment. Its easy to do you know with looks like his."

*Misty's sassy smile increases as she moves her head back to look up at Carson. Steping out her tops she pushes her face closer to Carson's again.*

"Ya who cares around rules.*

*Misty once again pushes her lips aganst Carson's lips linger for moment longer than backing off, still in Carson's hold she brings her arms back down as her hand brushes softly across Carson's cheek, giving him the everlasting memorie of the moment they just shaired. Now being able to look at Rick better her smile gets bigger.*

"Sorry couldent help myself."


Misty’s return and backward embrace encourage Carson to let the kiss linger, in no hurry at all to end the exchange.

Rick stops dead in his tracks in the doorway, his eyes going wide, then narrowing at the sight. He mutters under his breath. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Clearing his throat loudly, he tries to break the other two up. “Excuse me for barging in on your little…party, but we really do have work to do today. You two might find it polite to do this at another time and another place.”

Carson breaks the kiss to straighten and look up, but allows no embarrassment or guilt to show as he keeps Misty locked in his hold. “We’re on our way, Doc.”


*As Carson takes a hold of Misty she lets out a soft little squeal. Not minding it one bit. As Misty feels Carson breath on her ear and feels him draw himself closer her heart starts to race. As Carson press his lips aganse Misty she kiss him back taking in his sweet kiss and enjoying it. Bring her arms up and around Carson's neck..*


Carson moves quickly, but isn’t fast enough, and Misty slips out from under his arm, ducking him for the second time.

With playful frustration he rolls his eyes. In two steps, he catches up and stops her from the back by reaching his right arm around her torso, the other across and under her chin. “You’re not playing fair,” he teases in her ear, holding her tightly against him. “There are rules you know.”

He moves his hand to her chin to turn it to her right, and leans down over her shoulder. “But who cares?”

Cocking his head, he presses his lips to hers, still holding her firmly with his arm, his free hand resting on the side of her face.


*As Carson backs Misty up aganst the wall and cages her in her heart races. Looking deep into Carson's eyes Misty can see the playful fire as it calls to her, challanging her back. The fire in her eyes dances as he plays its one little game. Misty brings her hand up to Carson's head, running her hand though his hair, and across the side of his face ever so lightly gliding down his neck. A sassy tone in her voice as her eyes blaze with the passtion to play.*

"I guess its a risk I am all to willing to take."

*Misty ducks quickly underneath Carson's arm once again making her way to the door a bounce in her step.*


Carson lifts an eyebrow as Misty approaches him, though doesn’t move. As her face nears his own, his hand starts to go to her back, but she draws away too soon, leaving him with empty anticipation.

Not allowing her to get away with it, he swings around, grabbing her by the wrist to pull her to the side, and backing her up against the wall. His hands go to the wall on each side of her head, creating a cage with his body and arms. Fiery playfulness sparks in his eyes as his faces lowers to hers to be at eye level. “And who says that taunting me is good for your health?”

Reese’s jaw tightens as Katie explains. She’s been right too many times before. “There’s nothing we can do but call. If the next visiting hour isn’t until three, then we won’t be able to see him. Unless Lockheart can get in.”

He throws Nate a quick glance. “Sorry, this is one thing I don’t think you know about yet. Katie’s got a sixth sense about Jason and it hasn’t been wrong yet.”

Reese glances back to Katie. “How bad is it? Do we need to act now or wait until we go at three?”

Cindy can’t help but be drawn into Wes’ embrace. Each time he kissed her, it felt like the first time, like an electrical shock sending a tingle down her spine. Her arms wrap around his neck, feeling his warmth, his love. There was so much sorrow in Cindy’s heart…but so much joy from this moment…moments like these that continued to prove she was loved and cared for…moments like these that offered her shelter from the storms. He did chase away her shadows… God had known exactly what she needed, and Wes had come out of thin air to be her knight in shining armor. She wouldn’t trade this for the world.

Mick breaks into a smile, Rosetta’s happiness, filling his own heart. To see her happy…that brought more joy to him than anything else.

As she brings her lips to his, he draws her even closer, wrapping her in a strong, gentle embrace.

He draws away after a few moments, his smile remaining, his voice but a whisper. “I love you with all my heart.”