

Mick grins at Rosetta and puts his arm around her. “I think the ranch will be just fine…of course, leaving it in the hands of a lovesick fool is always as little risky.” He chuckles and winks at Katie. “Wes and Cindy have been engaged for two weeks now too.”

Though out in the hall, Jason can hear what Mick has just said. For some reason, the news hits him a little harder than he thought it would. His mom had mentioned Wes…but he still hadn’t believed it was that serious. His mom was getting married? She hadn’t called him…was he one of the last to find out? He swallows hard, unsure how to process this new information. Things had already changed so much…the past…what he had…it really was gone forever.

Con’s eyes widen a little at Rosetta’s question and Katie’s reaction, though he finds humor in it, already having known the situation. He shakes his head in response to Rosetta. “Don’t know…Reese has a couple guys working on the case…haven’t found anything yet. As far as Jason’s assailant goes, whoever it was has completely disappeared, so we don’t even have anything to go on from that perspective. Jason’s pretty sure it’s the Agency…Reese thinks it’s someone local Jason may have helped take down at one point or another. We’re just not sure.”
He pauses in thought. “The hotel should be fine. I’ll go back to my own place, so the three of you, Rosetta, Mick, Jeff…you guys can stay in the suite and I can bring you back here in the morning.”

It’s a while later that the four tell Katie goodnight. They decide to go get a bite to eat then head over to the hotel. Con suggests they stop by the cafĂ© downtown, and he invites Jamie to join them.

Jason makes himself scarce as the gang leaves, suddenly feeling like the odd man out. When it’s quiet though, he eventually makes his way back to Katie’s room and leans on the doorway, unsure if she wants more company, or would rather be left alone. “Anything I can do for you?”


*Jamie pokes Con in the side to get him to let go.* "Pst with out you around everything is quiet and calm." *Jamie cant help but laugh.*

*Katie cant help but laugh at Jamie and Con.. After a moment she looks back to Mick, Rosett, and Jeff.* "How long were you guys staying?"

*Rosetta smiles back at Katie.* "Probley a day or too, than head back. I dont want Wes burning anything down while we are gone or the others. I guess this is a good test for them though to see if they can handle stuff. Something tells me that change is in the winds." *Rosetta looks to Mick and smiles.*

"Well I was thinking. The Hotel Jason and I were staying at Is still payed for and no one is using it right now seeing as I am here and Jason has been staying with me. Maybe you guys can stay there till you go? If you think that would be ok Con?"

*Rosetta quirks an eyebrow.* " You and Jason were staying in a hotel along? Did you get married and not tell me?"

*Katie cant help but get a look of saprise on her face while Jamie laughs in the background at the question. For a moment Katie cant talk than finds her words again.* "Aunt Rosetta, I think I would tell you if I did something like that. But anywas someone was after Jason and I was hired at his Bodyguard. so thats why there is a hotel."

*Rosetta seems to relax for a moment understanding now what Katie was talking about. Rosetta looks to Con for a moment.* " DO you think....do you think Katie's accident has to do with what happend to Jason?"


Jeff smiles and shakes his head. “I’m only glad it’s just the car that’s gone.”

Con chuckles and returns Katie’s hug. “I’ve missed you too, Kat. Hasn’t been the same at the ranch without you, and a phone call a day for Reese just hasn’t quite cut it.”

Mick offers Katie a smile of encouragement. “Don’t worry. The best part of this trip is seeing you. We’ll get to meet your new friends in no time.”

When Jamie comes in, Con gives her a casual salute. “Hey, Jamie!” Receiving a hug, he returns it lightly with a pat on the back. He slings an arm around her shoulders, giving her a teasing headlock. “Long time no see. I trust you’ve been keeping everyone in line back at the office.”


*Katie smiles.* "Hey Uncil Jeff. Your dont need to worry I'm ok. My poor car isent. but I am. I wanted you guys to see it too. It was sooo nice." *Turning alittle Katie puts her rose Jason gave her in some water and sets it next to Wyatt's flowers on the nightstand.*

*As Con enters the room Katie's smile gets even bigger.* "Big Bro!!!" *Katie reachs up to pushes Con's hand out of her hair.* "Hey Hey I look like crap as is...wanna not mess up the hair." *Reaching up Katie hugs Con the best she can.* "Its good to see you. I've missed you." *Katie looks around the room.* "I've misses you all. I just wish you guys were here on better turns. I could show you around. Introduce you to my new friends." *Katie lets out a small sigh. She dosent know why but a feeling of leting everyone down comes over her. She wished she could do so much and she couldent.*

*There is another soft tap on the door as Jamie enters. She looks around the room.* "I'm sorry I dident relize you have guests."

*Katie smiles up at Jamie.* "Its ok. Jamie this is my Aunt Rosetta, her feonsay...." *Katie stops for a moment and looks from Mick to Rosetta and smiles.* "...Mick, and this is my Uncil Jeff. Well you already know Con too."

*Jamie nods and gives alittle wave.* "Hi! Nice to meet you all. I work with Katie back at TJY." *When Jamies eyes meet Con's her smile gets bigger as her face turns red.* "Hey there killer. It feels like ages." *Jamie gives Con a hug.*


Jason grins a little, though his mind has taken a different turn. Great, Jason…now you’re hiding from Katie, too. What is with you? You ARE being silly and you know it. Why can’t you just admit what’s going on? What are you afraid of?
Jason shakes his head and gives a little chuckle. “You haven’t pried. You’ve just worried about a friend.”

He looks up quickly as the others arrive, and he stands from the chair, suddenly feeling just a little awkward. He raises his eyebrows to Rosetta, his face turning just a little red. “Well I don’t know what Con’s told ya, but I haven’t done anything out of the ordinary. I’d say your niece is the one who deserves a compliment…she’s a real trooper.” He doesn’t dare look in Katie’s direction, for fear of turning even more red. Thankfully the conversations that spring up provide a change of subject.

Jeff plops down in a chair by Katie, forcing himself not to let his worry show through, though it pained him to see her like this. “Hey, kiddo.”

Jason turns as a new form appears in the doorway and smiles as Con appears. “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in.”

Con aims a finger at him teasingly, giving his younger friend a hearty slap on the back. “Lookin’ good, Hotshot.” He turns his attention to Katie, pasting a big smile on his face. “And I thought Jason was the troublemaker. Girl, you do know how to make a guy worry, you know that?” He approaches to rough up her hair. “How’s little sister doing anyhow?”

Jason watches the others interact for several moments, and slowly, slowly backs out of the room to find a chair in the hall.

Jay wakes with a start as another call comes over the airport intercom. He rolls his eyes as he sees the time. The minutes seemed to be passing slower and slower every hour. He was never going to get out of here.


*Katies own face turns red as she now feel stupid for making a fool of herself.* " Ok so I dident REALLY think you were capable of selling it, but it was just a passing thought. Well Ia m happy you dident sell it. and for now I can let it drop. But Jason know this I can tell its simply not nothing. If it truly was a minor thing you wouldent be so hesatent to not tell me. But I respect your privecy and have pryed to much for one day."

*Rosetta knocks on the door before entering.* " Hey you."

*Katie turns her head and it totaly saprised by Rosetta, Mick and Jeff's entrince.* " HI!! what are you guys doing here?"

*Rosetta smiles and comes over her her neice a hug.* " Well seeing as your siting in the hospetal right now, we though we would come see how you were and though ya might need some comapny. Though Con has told us Jason has been doing a great job." *Rosetta looks to Jason for a moment.* "Thank you Jason for everthing."

*Katie looks to Jason and smiles.*


Jason’s eyes widen as Katie talks, his face paling slightly as he sinks down into the chair next to her bed. He just stares at her in shock, even when she changes the subject, hardly hearing what else she says. At first he wants to be upset. How could she think he’d do something like that? That guitar was one of the most precious gifts he’d ever received. Did Katie really think he was capable of selling it? But then…he suddenly realizes the words he’s chosen to say. He was incredibly evasive all day…if he were in her shoes, he probably would think the same thing. He couldn’t blame her one bit for her accusation, and he begins to see just what a mess he’s created.

Unable to help himself, Jason leans forward, resting his arms on the bed and burying his face. His shoulders begin to shake, slightly at first, then uncontrollably. Starting to have a hard time breathing, he lifts his face just enough to reveal his reddened face and eyes filled with tears as his laughter is contained in silence. Throwing his head back he sinks back into his chair. Covering his eyes with his hand, he is unable to stop laughing, though keeping it silent begins to deplete his oxygen supply and he gasps for breath. He tries to speak once, but it starts all over again until he has to lean forward and stare at the floor, forcing himself to quit. Finally calming his breathing, he looks up at Katie, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. “Oh, Katie…” Another small laugh escapes. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea I’d given you such a bad impression about what was going on.” He shakes his head and takes a deep breath, his sides aching. “In an attempt to simplify things I just made one of the worst messes ever – it’s entirely my fault.” Yet another laugh makes its way to the surface as he replays the morning in his mind. “First I get called out by a county sheriff, then I disappear for half the day, then I come back without all my stuff…” He has a hard time containing more laughter, and reaches out to take Katie’s hand in his, giving it a squeeze. “It’s not at all what it looks like, and I did not sell my guitar. I don’t owe gangsters any money, and I’m not wanted by the police.” He shakes his head, and wipes his eyes again. “I’ve done a right good job of making a fool out of myself, that’s for sure, and I do apologize.” He runs a hand through his hair. “At least I looked good for the occasion.” Still shaking his head, he sighs deeply with amusement. “What am I going to do with you, hmm? I can’t get away with anything. But you have absolutely nothing to worry about, okay? It’s nothing you need to think about, and if my guess is right, by tomorrow it will all be over. Trust me when I say to forget it, because it’s most certainly not as big a deal as I accidentally made it out to be. Come to think of it, it’s downright silly." For just a brief moment, something passes through his eyes so fleetingly that it would not be caught by the untrained focus...but it's a strange look of subdued hope almost, maybe a hint of melancholy, and just ever so slightly something that hints of continued hidden truth out of fear. How real was his laughing fit? "So just clear your mind, and one day when I can face the embarrassment, I’ll tell you all about it. For now, chock it up to a man's foolishness.”


*Katie looks at Jason studding his face again. Another lie.* " You sold it dident you J? I dont understand why? What kind of trouble were you in that you needed to sell such a wonderful gift. You could of asked for help and anyone would of helped you." *Katie lets out a long sigh* "Yes J, I did. Very much so. I still have the tape Con gave me of yours. Your voice, and the way you play its just so...magicle." * Katie leans her head back as she hears Jason's voice and the music in her head. Finally as if waking from a dream she looks at Jason again.* " Your hair looks good." *She says with a smile.*


Con drops the other three off at the front door of the hospital and goes to park the car. Mick reaches out to take Rosetta's hand with reassurance, and Jeff trails behind, letting them go ahead. Once inside, the nurse tells them which floor and room number Katie is in.

Jason's face reddens slightly at Katie's question, despite him trying to cover up his hesitance. He just couldn't pull it off with her like he did with other people. "Oh, I left it over at...Con's place...with the rest of my stuff." A quick glance away from Katie's eyes proves that once again he's not given the truth. "I didn't know you liked it that much...." He'd been playing in the evenings for Katie, but hadn't thought much of it. He shrugs. "So...did you have a good time with Wyatt? Anyone else stop by? I went by the office and Laura said she was hoping to come by tonight...I think some people don't want to bother you too much, so they haven't been too quick to come down here, though I told them I thought you'd enjoy some company off and on."

"Oh come on!" Jay moans in frustration at the young woman behind the counter. "I need to get there tonight!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but there were complications with the plane and we were forced to keep it grounded. The fastest flight out of here to Nevada I can get you leaves at three in the morning."

Jay rubs his forehead as a headache forms. He'd never experienced such hassles at an airport before. "I'm...I'm sorry. It's just...I'm trying to get to my daughter who's in a hospital up there and I'm desperate."

The young woman looks at him with sympathy. "I really am sorry..."

"I know." Jay sighs, giving up. "Just do the best you can to get me out of here as soon as possible." He turns away to and find a chair to sink into.


*Rosetta waits in antisapation in the car clinging tight to Micks hand. She is exspecting the worst in hopes that it wont be that bad.*

*Befor Con leaves Katie grabs his hand more panic filling.* "Ok I will but why....why wouldent Jason come back?" *Katie's mind was still foggy from the pain killers and as hard as she tryed to sort everything out she become more confused. Everyone was running circles around her.*

*Katie wakes again and smiles at the gift Jason gave her.* " Your flowers always mean so much to me Jason. I love them." *Looking around Katie cant find Jason's guitar.* "J? Where is your guitar I was hoping you could play more for me tonight. It helped me feel so calm and at peace." *Katie scans Jason's body languge and his feelings. Something still wasent right. Katie still coudent put her finger on it, it was driving Katie crazy playing with her emotions.*


Lunch at the ranch is brief when Con announces that a plane is ready and waiting as soon as they get to the airport. By late afternoon, the Nevada airport is in view, and once there, Con takes over to drive a waiting vehicle to the hospital.

Wyatt chuckles. "You could never look like crap, even if you tried." He quirks an eyebrow at her comment about not pushing anyone away. "...and...you're actually capable of that?"
He shakes his head as she speaks of Jason. "He's always distant." Biting his tongue, he reroutes his answer in a more appropriate manner. "No...I don't know anything other than the call he was on earlier seemed pretty intense, and I didn't think it had been decided that he'd switch over to staying at Con's place instead of the hotel. I'll have Laura pick your stuff up for you if you want."
Wyatt stays as long as he can, until work calls. Sighing, he rises and bends over to give Katie a kiss on the forehead. "I'll come back tomorrow, okay? But if Jason doesn't come back, call me and I'll come tonight."

It's late afternoon before Jason shows up again, and he's since changed clothes and gotten a much needed haircut. He cracks Katie's door to make sure he's not barging in on anyone, and slips inside, a smile on his face. As far as he's concerned, no one will even question him about his whereabouts if he can control his body language well enough that everything is normal. He's brought with him his bag to spend the night again if needed, though not his guitar this time.
Approaching Katie's bed, he takes his hand from behind is back, revealing a rose he'd picked up for her. He glances to the bouquets that Wyatt had already brought, and offers Katie a wry grin. "Afraid I can't stand up to a flower competition, but I wanted to thank you for putting up with me."

Happen to know

*Rosetta hangs up the phone with Jay.* " Jay is gonna be taking the next flight to Navada." *Walking back into the kitchen Rosetta takes over the soup and starts some cheese smawitches.*

*Katie cant help but giggle at Wes comment.* "Meh I probley look like crap and thats ok. I think i am sapsto. I'm deturmed to get out soon but I know that wont happen. I am bound to walk again too. I miss you guys, and want to work by your guys side again...So that and trying not to push people away is my modavation." *Katie smiles. Katie looks up at Jason.* "What where...J." *Its to late Jason is already out the door. Look back at Wyatt Katie smiles.* "He's been acting really strange...distine in a sence happen to know anything about that?"


Jay sits in stunned silence, the work he'd just been doing, completely forgotten. He finds himself sitting on the floor, feeling numbed by the emotionally driven images of his baby girl. "Oh, no," he whispers. He puts a hand to his mouth, unsure of what even to do. But he doesn't have to think long. "I'm going to see her," he states decidedly. "I'm going to get the next flight out of here...if you see her before I do, let her know I'm coming..." He ends the conversation with a brief goodbye, then hangs up the phone. Getting to his feet, he leaves the paper and iced tea mess. "Jess! Come down here, we need to talk. I've got to go to Nevada...today."

Wyatt grins. "Things at TJY? Boring without you around there." He winks at her. "We're supposed to ask you how you're doing, not the other way around." He studies her face, realizing just how well she's taken the news about her condition...would she ever cease to amaze him? "What about you? Hospitals are nasty, but you're looking pretty good, if I do say so myself..." A mischievous look sparks in his eye. "Of course...you always look good to me."

Jason enters the room, but skids to a halt when he sees Wyatt. He has to take just a second to redirect his train of thought. "Oh, hi, Wyatt. You gonna be here long?"

Wyatt raises an eyebrow. "I was thinking about it."

"Alright...." Jason moves to pick up his bag and guitar. "Um, Katie, I'm going to take this stuff over to Con's place and....and do some other running around. I'll be back in just a bit."


*Rosetta lets out a long sigh. Trying not to beat around the bush with Jay.* "Jay, Its Katie. She went to Navada for a job and there was an accident. She is alive but not in pritty shape." *Rosetta goes into more detail leting Jay know what happend and what was going on. Leting him know where Katie was if he wanted to see her.*

*Katie scoffs to herself easyer said than done.*

*As Katie sits and eats her foor she looks up and see Wyatt.* "Heya. Ya I am up to it. Anything to stop eatinh this nastly hospetal food." *Katie cant help but smile as she takes the flowers from Wyatt and smells them.* "They are pritty Wy thank you. So how has everyone been back at the office?"

strange behavior

Jay stops mopping up his mess as he hears his sister's voice. "Rosetta?" He frowns. They hadn't talked in a long time...why would she be calling...and why did she sound nervous? "What's wrong?"

Jason's shoulders drop just a little at Katie's response. "Alright....I'll go find someone about getting you something to eat...." On his way out, he pauses in the doorway, turning back around. "Don't worry about it Katie....please try to forget about this morning. I really do want it to just be water under the bridge." Not waiting for a reply, he heads out into the hall, flagging down a nurse.

It's not much later that a nurse brings in some food for Katie, apologizing for the delay, and completely embarrassed that Katie had been overlooked. She tries to make up for it by letting her know that she smuggled in some chocolate pudding from the kitchen without the cook knowing about it.
Time passes, and Jason still doesn't return, but Wyatt shows up in the doorway with another bouquet of flowers and a smile. "Hey, you're awake." He enters and sets the flowers down on the table, turning a chair around to straddle so he can talk with Katie. "Saw Jason down the hall on the phone deep in conversation so I figured I could squeeze in a few minutes with you, if you're up to chatting."

If Life Was

*Rosetta let the silence linger for a while.* "Hey big bro its been a while. How are ya?" *Rosetta trys to stall all she can but wonders if her voice gives her away.*

*Katie looks down at the cast around her low body.* "Jason honesly...something could go wrong..I cant walk for goodness sake what alse can happen to me now?" *Katie shakes her head and grumbles.* "Its not forgoten Jason. If life was only that easy." *Katie lays her head back again feeling totaly exsausted.* "I'ma rest a while till you get back."


Jay tosses several bills to the side and digs under a pile of tax paperwork, trying to find the ringing cordless phone. "Jess! Where's the phone?" he yells.

"You had it last!" Jessica calls from the upstairs bedroom.

Jay's elbow bumps his glass of iced tea. The drink goes everywhere, splattering onto papers, records and the tiled kitchen floor. "Aw man!" The phone rings again, and he rolls his eyes in frustration. This was not his day. Grabbing a towel, he finally spots the phone under a magazine on the counter. As he's kneeling on the floor trying to sop up his mess, he answers a little more tersely than intended. "Yeah, hello?"

Jason sees the hurt he just caused by a few simple words, and he lets out a groan at himself. He wasn't going to let subjects change that quickly. He'd been wrong and he knew it. "Katie, I'm sorry." He shakes his head, his face showing disapproval at his own action. "That was stupid. I just didn't....I'm not trying to hide anything, I just....it's.....complicated and...and..." He starts to pace in a small circle, his nervousness very unlike him, especially around Katie. "....it's really no big deal, even if someone thinks it is, and I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill because everything could just go wrong, and I don't want anyone else involved, and I don't want anyone to know because then I'll have that to deal with, and who knows what would happen after that if it fell apart, and I don't want to deal with that, and it's all just stupid because I really shouldn't care at all, and it really shouldn't be bothering me, something like this is just..." He suddenly clamps his mouth shut, realizing how ridiculous he must sound. Turning, he rolls his eyes before looking at Katie again. He takes a deep breath, aiming for one route that he vows to stay on. "But it's over. It stopped with this morning, So...you have nothing to worry about and I have nothing more to say. It's forgotten."
He takes the opportunity to lead back into Katie's own subject change, smirking at her. "And they call this a place where they take care of people....don't even feed anyone." He quirks a smile. "I'll go give someone a hard time about it. Sit tight."

A simple Lie

*Rosetta thinks for a moment. Its been along time since she last talked to Jay and it wasent a plesent conversation but this was a differnt siuation.* " I can do it. Mick will you watch the soup while." *Rosetta heads for the phone and dial's Jay's number.*

*Katie looks at Jason her own saprise showing through. A simple lie and is stung worse than anything Katie had just been through. A hint of disapointment shows in her eyes.* " You dont have to lie to me J. When your ready to tell me I sapose you will. I just dident know we were hiding things from eachother" *Trying to changes the subject before she says anything alse she will regret Katie giggles alittle.* "Can ya see about bringing me something to eat on your way back? I havent eaten all day."


Jeff looks up at Rosetta grimly. "Yeah...someone should let Jay know...you can do it or I can. It's up to you."

Jason tries to laugh, but allows his forced smile to fade as Katie questions him. Instead of answering, he just stares at her for several moments. Why wouldn't he tell her? Why couldn't he do it? He felt almost silly.
As his eyes meet hers, there's suddenly something there that's never been before....something that shows whatever this subject is, is a very private part of Jason's life...something he's not used to sharing, even with Katie. And there's fear. As much as Jason despised it, it was there.
Remaining silent, he ambles to the window to look out, leaning against the frame. This whole thing was just stupid. There was no way any of it would happen...even if they had asked him to come back. A part of him deep down wanted to find thrill in this, but elements of logic, fear and reality held him back. And there was so much that could go wrong...there could be so many consequences if this thing continued. And yet...his determined spirit didn't want to let that win...he wanted to throw caution into the wind...but if he failed like he thought he would, his hope would have been for nothing. There weren't many areas in which Jason lacked confidence, but this was one, and it was holding him back. If he told anyone about this, he was just setting himself up for embarrassment.

He finally turns back around, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "It's nothing...really. The sheriff just wanted to get some answers about yesterday." Jason can't believe he just lied, and his eyes automatically fall to the floor. "I, um...supposed I better call in to Reese and see what's on the agenda for today."

You cant Hide

*Katie lets out a small laugh* "Dont worry I promise I wont get up and walk away." *Katie rolls her eyes.* "And when you get bacl I'd like to know whats going on. Even if you dont wanna tell me." *katie smiles alittle. As Jason leaves Katie drifts off to sleep.*

*Rosetta stands and heads to the kitchen to make some lunch.* "Just let us know when Con, and ya I think Katie would like if you came Jeff." *For a moment Rosetta thinks than speaks up again.* "Should someone call Jay and let him know?"

*As Jason reenters Katie room she opens her eyes sencing Jason discomfort and distress.* " I'm doing ok. In a bit of pain but I guess thats to be exspected." *Katie leans her head back aganst the pillow for a bref moment.* "Guess you took longer than you though huh? So what was that all about?" *Katie coughs alittle.* "Dont tell me nothing, You know you cant hide from me J and you know it." *Katie gives Jason a silly grin.*

Strange Event

Jason smiles, trying to reassure Katie. He would tell her what was going on, but something holds him back. He'd much prefer if he could get this situation out of his hair and come out on the other side with his dignity still in tact, no matter the outcome. It was best that no one knew...he didn't want the situation to escalate any more than it had. He should have flat out told the sheriff he wouldn't go with him...but that would have only made things more difficult since the sheriff had been so determined. After this meeting though, he was confident they'd let him go with not so much as a 'thanks for coming' farewell - surely they wouldn't see any reason to call him back in after this. It was ridiculous that he'd get called in in the first place! From here on out, he'd just have to be more careful not to draw attention to himself...it was bad enough being embarrassed once, he didn't need it all over again.
"Everything's fine. No worries." He takes Katie's hand to give it a squeeze, seeing the slight fear behind her eyes. "I'll be back so quick you won't even know I was gone," he teases. "Don't go anywhere."

Con nods. "Alright. We can drive over to the airport here in a while then and get going."

Jeff thinks for a moment, then nods his gratefulness to Rosetta. "I'd like come along, if that's okay."

It's over two hours before Jason finally gets back to the hospital. He rides the elevator up to the second floor, trying to get his body language to portray that everything was fine. He had to get the shock to wear off, and quick. How had this happened?
He steps out into the hall and slowly goes towards Katie's room. It was eight o'clock...probably no one had come from TJY yet to check on her...he hadn't planned on being gone that long.
Pausing at the door, he takes a deep breath, trying to straighten out everything that had happened. He never would have expected the reactions he received. And they weren't going to let him go as easily as he'd hoped. Con had been right...but if there was one thing that scared Jason, this was it.

He enters Katie's room with a smile. "Hey you...how you doing?"

Hurry Back

*Katie sits up as Jason comes back into the room. A look on panic almost plays on Katie's face as Jason says he is going to leave.* "J...is everything ok? Will you be back soon?" *Katie searches Jason's face for answers.* "Ya...I..I should be ok. I'll just try and sleep some more. Just hurry back ok?" *Katie trys to smile.*

*Rosetta nods* "Ya I would like that. I dont think anyone alse besides Mick and I are going for now."

*Angel stands and goes over to Rosetta.* "Let Katie know we are thinking of her and praying for her."

*Wendy goes over to the mess hall wall and take down the picture of the ranch with 3 horses grazing.* "Can you give this to Katie for me? To hang on her wall." *Wendy hands the picture to Rosetta.

*Rosetta smiles.* "She will like that thank you." *Rosettta looks to Jeff.* "Would you like to come too?"

Unexpected Development

Jason hums quietly as the sun peeks over the horizon to send rays streaming into the room. His eyes closed, his fingers move automatically along the frets, skillfully picking out the strings to create the soothing melody.

It was strange to think that a couple weeks had passed already.
Most of Jason's time had been spent in the hospital with Reese giving him time off, and not having protection elsewhere. Though he was daring to start moving around by himself, believing his assailant was lying dormant for now. If it had been Medridge's doing, that was the pattern. Strike to create fear, then back off.
He wondered sometimes if he was creating a rift with Wyatt, as much time as he was spending here with Katie, though nothing had been said. Friends from TJY often stopped in for visits...Katie was missed back in the office, and everyone hoped she would return, despite dismal doctor's reports.
Reese had given the OK yesterday for outsiders to see Katie, and Jason knew that Con would be coming with some of the others from Texas soon. He hoped that would help lift Katie's spirits some.

Finally drawing his playing to a close, Jason turns to see Katie awake. A smile forms. "Mornin', Sunshine." He sets his guitar to the side and flexes his hand...it had been a while since he'd played as much as he had lately. He stand and stretches, wandering over to Katie's bed. "How's my hero doing?"
A new voice interrupts them.

"Jason Stevenson?"

Jason looks up quickly to the doorway. A uniformed policeman was standing there, taking a casual but professional stance. Jason's eyes narrow slightly. It was awfully early for a sheriff to be here, and according to his badge, he was from the next county over. "Yes?"

The policeman nods and also gives Katie a nod of greeting. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but could I please have a word with you for just a moment?"

Jason's inner radar is heightened. Something felt strange. But he wasn't about to resist speaking with a cop before he knew for sure what it was about. "Um. Sure." He looks back down at Katie, throwing her a wink. "I'll be right back." He moves around the bed to follow the sheriff outside the room. They move away from the doorway, their voices muffled.

The sheriff's tone can be heard first, though only bits and pieces can be made out. "...meet...yesterday....mthing I wanted......called.....your intent..."

"...n't understand..." Jason sounds confused. "...what...means for...sure I can't...."

"...records...try to prove...with me...more about...future....break...a deal..."

As the two men shift back towards the door, the conversation comes to a close. "So I'll meet you downstairs and you can come with me to the station," the sheriff concludes.

"Um...yeah, okay." Jason watches him walk away, and tries to decide how to feel about all of this. It was completely unexpected. He never would have guessed that this would happen...not here, not now...not like this. But he'd have to play along if only to appease those who thought they knew what he had. If he played it cool, by tomorrow it will all have been forgotten. He might have been caught, but there was no way they'd keep him. Surely they wouldn't...
He reenters Katie's room, letting a grin show. "Hey, listen, I, uh, gotta go straighten out some things downtown with the sheriff. I shouldn't be long though...you be alright?"

Con cradles his coffee mug in his hand and looks between Mick and Rosetta. "Reese called me last night...TJY has offered their private jet for those of us who want to go see Katie. They feel the coast is clear now. I'm going, and I assume you two are. Reese said Katie's doing as well as can be expected. I guess Jason's been spending most of his nights at the hospital with her and everything has been okay. At any rate, we can go any time and be there this afternoon if you want."


*Katie eyes slowly opens as she hears Wyatt and Jason outside the door. There had been surveillance cameras put into the Hotel. Katie now new Wyatt saw what happend with Jason and her that night when they fell asleep on the coutch but she dident feel bad about it. Listing Wyatt more her eyes widen at his question. Why Wyatt, why at a time like this would you bring up that question. Katie listens intently to Jason's reply. A small smile on her face. Suddonly Katie remember what she needed to talk to Wyatt about. Katie's heart sank. She was stuck in the middle of a cross road and she could go 2 ways. She could chase after the guys she liked since she met him but was hurt by, or she could go down the safe path with the guy who liked her back but even though said he trusted her dident that much was easy to tell. Katie lets out a small sigh and her eyes close again. She would have alot of time on her hands to figure out the right path to follow.*

*As morning comes Katie's ears fill with Jason's voice and the sound of him struming away. A smile creeps on her face as she opens her eyes. Slowly turning her head she looks over at Jason. Katie dosent say a word but just listens the the music. It calms her soul. Her want to move around, it seems to almost bring her peace.*


Mick agrees and helps Rosetta up as he stands. “Yeah. Jeff will want to know especially – he has quite a soft spot for his nieces and nephews.” He offers Rosetta his hand as he leads her out of the office and towards the mess hall.

Jason doesn’t force Katie away, but gives in, just holding her, wishing he could have protected her from this. If only he had answers for her. But instead of trying, he lets her question of why linger.
As she vows to walk, a hope stirs inside of him. This was the Katie he knew…if she could maintain that attitude, he had no doubt that she would walk, no matter what the doctors said. “You’ll do it, Katie,” he whispers. “I know you will.”
He can feel her starting to relax, and lets her lay back down, brushing her hair from her face. “Sleep now. You’re not alone.”

Cindy laughs. “It’s a deal. I bet you can cook a scrumptious meal.”
All through dinner, Cindy feels as if she’s in a beautiful dream that she doesn’t want to wake from. But the night must end sometime.
The drive back to the ranch is quiet, but the silence speaks louder than words, as Cindy’s fingers entwine Wes’ for the ride home. A parting kiss before heading to the bunk leaves her walking on air.

Reese comes by late in the evening to bring Jason some of his things to stay overnight. He goes to see Katie, but doesn’t wake her. Later, Wyatt and Laura come, but also let Katie sleep, though feeling better having at least seen her. Wyatt leaves a bouquet of flowers on the table for her and sends Laura out ahead of him, as he stays behind to speak with Jason.
“So you’re staying here the night?”

“Yeah…I don’t want her to be alone.”

“And you wouldn’t go back to the hotel if I said I’d stay?”

Jason quirks an eyebrow. “Your dad isn’t exactly comfortable with the thought of me there without a watchman. I’m safer here where there’s already some security.”

Wyatt withholds his sigh. “Look, Jason…I’ve been watching you and Katie the last couple weeks…you told me once there was nothing between you two. Is that really the truth?”

Jason straightens in defense. “What do you want me to say, Wyatt? Don’t you trust me?”

“Honestly? No,” Wyatt states bluntly. “You didn’t know surveillance cameras were installed in the hotel suite did you?”

Jason’s eyes widen. “What.”

Wyatt grits his teeth. “Dad didn’t think you should know, since you probably would have taken them down.”

Jason recalls the night he and Katie spent on the couch. Nothing had happened. It couldn’t have been more innocent. But in the eyes of someone dating Katie, it would have said a whole lot more. Jason throws up his arms. “You want to accuse me of something, go ahead. But don’t beat around the bush about it. If you think I’ve dishonored myself or Katie, just say it.”

Wyatt doesn’t accuse…he had promised to trust Katie and would continue to force himself to, despite all of the logic stacked against it. He stares Jason in the eye, searching for a long moment. Evidence or no, he wanted the truth. “Do you love her?”

Jason is taken so off guard that he blinks, and just looks at Wyatt for a long moment. Recovering quickly, he stares right back at him, pointing towards Katie’s room. “That woman in there has done more for me than I could ever repay. She means the world to me, and it breaks my heart to see her like this. The friendship we share is close.” His eyes narrow at Wyatt. “You can call it whatever you want to. If you think what I’ve just said is inappropriate or interferes with your own relationship with her, then I’m sorry. But the fact is that Katie is my very best friend.”

Wyatt lets the sudden silence linger. Jason hadn’t answered his question. Letting out a slow breath, he shrugs. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Jason. If anything changes, you know my number.” He turns around and walks down the hall, just a little slower than normal.

Jason sighs and closes his eyes, leaning back against the wall. Why did things have to be so complicated? He’d been good friends with Wyatt before all of his…what had he done wrong?

The night is long, and Jason stays in Katie’s room, settling down in one of the chairs with a blanket and pillow. In the early morning hours, he sends a soothing melody through the room, quietly singing and strumming his guitar strings. His mellow voice calms the atmosphere automatically, the notes of his guitar accompanying with a gentle rhythm.

The overnight nurse leans over from her desk so she can just see through the slightly open door of Katie’s room. She’d been listening to Jason sing for several minutes, and she herself was being drawn into the hypnotic song. As she continues to listen, her eyes suddenly widen and she picks up the phone. After dialing, she waits. “Yes…Sergeant Brown? I found him.”