
Unexpected Development

Jason hums quietly as the sun peeks over the horizon to send rays streaming into the room. His eyes closed, his fingers move automatically along the frets, skillfully picking out the strings to create the soothing melody.

It was strange to think that a couple weeks had passed already.
Most of Jason's time had been spent in the hospital with Reese giving him time off, and not having protection elsewhere. Though he was daring to start moving around by himself, believing his assailant was lying dormant for now. If it had been Medridge's doing, that was the pattern. Strike to create fear, then back off.
He wondered sometimes if he was creating a rift with Wyatt, as much time as he was spending here with Katie, though nothing had been said. Friends from TJY often stopped in for visits...Katie was missed back in the office, and everyone hoped she would return, despite dismal doctor's reports.
Reese had given the OK yesterday for outsiders to see Katie, and Jason knew that Con would be coming with some of the others from Texas soon. He hoped that would help lift Katie's spirits some.

Finally drawing his playing to a close, Jason turns to see Katie awake. A smile forms. "Mornin', Sunshine." He sets his guitar to the side and flexes his hand...it had been a while since he'd played as much as he had lately. He stand and stretches, wandering over to Katie's bed. "How's my hero doing?"
A new voice interrupts them.

"Jason Stevenson?"

Jason looks up quickly to the doorway. A uniformed policeman was standing there, taking a casual but professional stance. Jason's eyes narrow slightly. It was awfully early for a sheriff to be here, and according to his badge, he was from the next county over. "Yes?"

The policeman nods and also gives Katie a nod of greeting. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but could I please have a word with you for just a moment?"

Jason's inner radar is heightened. Something felt strange. But he wasn't about to resist speaking with a cop before he knew for sure what it was about. "Um. Sure." He looks back down at Katie, throwing her a wink. "I'll be right back." He moves around the bed to follow the sheriff outside the room. They move away from the doorway, their voices muffled.

The sheriff's tone can be heard first, though only bits and pieces can be made out. "...meet...yesterday....mthing I wanted......called.....your intent..."

"...n't understand..." Jason sounds confused. "...what...means for...sure I can't...."

"...records...try to prove...with me...more about...future....break...a deal..."

As the two men shift back towards the door, the conversation comes to a close. "So I'll meet you downstairs and you can come with me to the station," the sheriff concludes.

"Um...yeah, okay." Jason watches him walk away, and tries to decide how to feel about all of this. It was completely unexpected. He never would have guessed that this would happen...not here, not now...not like this. But he'd have to play along if only to appease those who thought they knew what he had. If he played it cool, by tomorrow it will all have been forgotten. He might have been caught, but there was no way they'd keep him. Surely they wouldn't...
He reenters Katie's room, letting a grin show. "Hey, listen, I, uh, gotta go straighten out some things downtown with the sheriff. I shouldn't be long though...you be alright?"

Con cradles his coffee mug in his hand and looks between Mick and Rosetta. "Reese called me last night...TJY has offered their private jet for those of us who want to go see Katie. They feel the coast is clear now. I'm going, and I assume you two are. Reese said Katie's doing as well as can be expected. I guess Jason's been spending most of his nights at the hospital with her and everything has been okay. At any rate, we can go any time and be there this afternoon if you want."

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