

*Misty cross her arms across her chest as she looks at Carson. Though he dident say it she new it was his way of still teasing her. Placing the gun back into the case and locking it Misty hears Rick's voice come over the intercom, Misty gets an evil idea in her mind to get back at Carson. Slowly she pasts a sassy smile on her face and starts to walk twords Carson ignoring Ricks page. Drawing close to Carson Misty face is inches from his. Misty's leans in closer to Carson, her lips brush his for a moment but dont linger making there way to his ear.*

"Taunting me can be bad for your health you know."

*Finally Misty pulls away from Carson leting her hand brush his neck as she slowly heads for the door.*

"I guess we should go see what Rick wants huh."

*Katie slowly opens her eyes. Her head was spliting open. It felt like someone just backhanded her to the face. As her eyes open more she can see Nate kneeling infront of her and Reese over top. Slowly Katie sits up as she feels Nate's hand on her back helping her.*

"Did I pass out?"

*Nate looks at Katie with consern holding the glass of water for her.*

"Ya you were leaving and you just passed out. What happend?"

*Katie looks from Nate to Reese her face turning alittle but red.*

"I'm...I'm sorry. I felt Jason. Something happend, I could feel it. It was so strong, I could feel his pain and it dident feel good."

*Katie takes the glass from Nate taking a sip of the water her hands still shaky.*

"We need to make sure he is ok."

*Nate looks to Reese again still not sure he understood. How could Katie feel Jason?*

*Wes pulls Cindy away from him gently a smile crossing his lips.*

"I'll always be there to catch you, and I'll be there even if you dont need me to. I'll never let you alone, and I'll always try to chase away those shadows. We all need to break down once in a while even me Sweety. You helped me find my sunshine again too. Now your the brightness to my day and you always chase away the grey."

*Wes raises an eyes brow and laughs.*

"And you though what you said was cheese."

*Wes hand gently finds Cindy's face. Running his thumb across her cheek to wipe away the tears that remained. Slowly Wes brings his face closer to Cindys. How he loved being around her even if it was to comfort her. Her smell, her smile, her love and life. Wes gently pushes his lips to Cindys leting them linger for a long while. As his arms stay wraped around her to provide the protection she needed. Wes could feel the warm sun on his face and the warmth in his heart as he Kissed Cindy. Life hadent turned out how he thought it would but he would never want to change it.*

*As Mick slips the ring on Rosetta's finger for a moment she is stunned but the sparkling dimand in the sun. Rosetta dident need a ring to know Mick loved her but having one made it that much more real. That one day she would be Mick's wife and would spend the rest of her life with him. The tears start to well in Rosetta's eyes. Not tears of sadness but happy tears. Rosetta throws her arms around Mick in a tight embrace.*

"Ohhhhh Mick.....ohhhh...i love you with all my heart. I'd wait a million years. I thank God every day for leting me meet you all those years ago."

*Rosetta's heart sings and dances with joy remembering the day she had first met Mick. If someone had told her back than Mick was to become her best friend and was going to be her husband she would of laughed in there face. How silly they had been as teenages but it had shapedn them to be who there were today and Rosetta was thankful for that.*

"Thank YOU Mick, for making me the happyest woman in all of Texas."

*Rosetta brings her hands to Micks face as she smiles at him, slowly her lips touch his. Her heart racing. As her arms make there way to Mick's back holding him close.*

True love

Carson’s eyes widen at Misty’s shooting, and he studies the target for several seconds before daring to look at her. “You have my word, when you point a gun at me, I’ll behave.” He gestures to the target. “That poor bloke just died a slow and painful death.” A grin almost quirks the corner of his mouth, but not quite, though he throws Misty a wink.

Interrupting them is Rick’s voice over the intercom, professionally, but with an annoyed edge. “Misty…would you please come to the infirmary and bring your patient with you…”

Carson sighs. “Guess that would be us. Maybe I can blow something up later.”

Reese stands from his chair as Nate catches Katie. “Good heavens…” Reese joins Nate at the chair. “Katie…can you hear me?” Someone walking by his office catches his eye, and he sees his secretary. “Susanne – would you please bring a cold cloth and a glass of water right away?”

Susanne only pauses a moment. “Yes, of course.”

Reese frowns, and lays a hand on Katie’s shoulder. “Come on, hun, what happened?”

A few minutes later, Susanne comes back, and Reese puts the cold cloth to Katie’s face and forehead, trying to revive her.

Cindy falls into Wes’ comfort, hoping and praying that his words are true. Her crying gradually slows, and she sniffs, giving a short laugh. “I don’t think he takes after his mother anymore… now all I do is break down. I used to be able to handle everything.” She buries her head further into Wes’ shoulder. “But since I met you, I just feel like I’m always breaking down because I know you’re there to catch me.”

She stops and almost chokes on a laugh. “That was cheesy.” Her head still on his shoulder, her hand finds his, interlacing her fingers in his own. “But it’s true.”

Mick tightens his grip on Rosetta’s hand as they walked, grateful for her presence… grateful for her words.

As they reach the pond, he takes a deep breath of the outdoor air, trying to believe Rosetta. “Thanks…I guess it’s a little harder than I thought it would be. I didn’t think anything could be worse than losing my kids the first time… losing Dylan a second time hurts all the more.”

He stands, overlooking the pond, silent for several minutes, trying to get past these emotions…these thoughts. He couldn’t dwell on them…he could only move forward, and he knew he had those around him to help him do just that.

After several more minutes, he suddenly seems to have thought of something. “Oh…I’d been waiting for the right time…” He turns Rosetta around to face him, pushing back everything else that was going through his mind. “I don’t think I did a very good job of asking you to marry me.” Laughter plays in his eyes. “There was just something missing…” He reaches into his pocket, and takes her hand in his. “I know you know I love you, and I know you’d probably say you didn’t care, but I do, and I want everyone to know you belong to me.”

Slowly and gently, he slips a diamond ring onto Rosetta’s finger, it’s dainty brilliance sparkling in the sun.

Mick looks into Rosetta’s eyes, a slight smile on his lips. “I don’t know how I did without you for so long. Thank you…for waiting for me.”

That feeling

*Misty gives a smerk at Carson and pushes the red button again taking away the old target and puting a new one up. Steping up and making sure Carson was behind her Misty shoots 8 rounds. Once finished she looks at the target and sighs. 2 made it on the paper but dident hit the target, 2 hit in the middle of the head, 1 in the leg, 1 in the tummy, 1 in the next and 1 wasent even on the paper. Taking a step back Misty looks at Carson.*

"See...some gun slinnger I would make. Yours were ten times better even with a shaky hand."

*Katie nods to Reese in agreement.*

"I wouldent know what to do in this situation myself excepts do what Jason is going and not say anything. It kills me though knowing he's in there and it was cuz he was trying to save my life. Hopfuly Lockheart will find a way to say that without revealing TJY. She's good at wording things without lieing. I'll call her right now."

*Katie stands and starts to head for the door suddanly stoping. She becomes naushes, and her head starts to her, a horrable feeling coming over her. Something she hadsent felt for sometime now but without a doubt she new what it was. Katie sways alittle bit her head spinning.

Nate watches as Katie leaves. Seeing her sway a bit and almost fall over her runs to her side scooping her up in his arms so she dosent fall and hit her head. Slowly and gently Nate walks over to the overstuffed chair and in Reese office and sets Katie down in it.*

"Whoa there Hero we dont need you out again when you just got back. Whats wrong?"

*Nate instincively checks Katies eyes and checks her breathing and pulse. He's had to do it with Maggie before so without thinking wanted to make sure Katie was ok. After making sure she is on Nate nods at Reese questions filling his eyes.*

*Cindy's words strike Wes fast and hard. Jason, arrested for murder. Wes gets a sickning feeling in his gut. This was horrable, and poor Cindy. She had been through so much would it ever end? Wes own worry plaged his mind but tryed to keep the emotions undercontroll for Cindy's sake.*

"Oh sweety, I'm so sorry."

*Wes holds Cindy for a long while rubbing her back as she crying and running his hand through her hair. His neck and shirt were geting soaked but he dident care. Cindy needed his shoulder and she would never turn it away from her.*

"Its going to be ok. TJY will get Jason out of this, and Jason is a strong young man. He takes after his mother. Its gonna be ok."

*Rosetta smiles at Mick.*

"The pond sounds perfect."

*Following Mick outside the warm air hits Rosetts in the face Mick's hand wraped in her. The lawn had just been cut and the smell of fresh grass filled Rosetta's nose. The birds sang there song as Rosetta and Mike made there way to the pond.*

"I know this has to be pretty hard on you Mick. I couldent even imagen. But your doing good and your trying. No one can ask more than that. Dylan will come around sooner or later. Jade had gained your trust again thats a start. Your a good man, a good father, and I love ya every moment no matter what. Dont you ever think less of yourself ok."


Carson throws Misty a rebellious glance and steps in front of the target. He studies it for a moment, then shifts his body weight, cocking his head slightly and extending his right arm. For a brief instant, he’s total control, total focus. Eight rounds are fired off one after the other as he empties his pistol.

Stepping back, he looks at the target. Holes form a small circular pattern in the silhouette’s head, all so close they form one big hole. Carson shakes his head. “Four and six were off. Shouldn’t have such a big pattern.” He looks down to reload his gun, throwing Misty a sidelong glance. “Alright, Sassy, you’re up. I wanna see what you got so I know how to duck next time you get mad at me.”

Reese is about to respond to Katie, when Nate interrupts. “Lockheart is a lawyer that Katie recommended and called in for Jason. Sounds like she’s good.” He turns back to Katie. “I think Jason is probably withholding information to protect all of us here…and quite frankly, I don’t know what to do about it. If Lockheart can get him out of there without exposing TJY, that would be best… if not, I don’t know what’s going to happen.” He sighs. “Call her back, Katie, and set up a time to meet with her. Maybe around two o’clock before we can go see Jason. I’m sure three is when visitors are allowed again… That way we can talk to her, and at least you can go see him.”

Cindy can feel Wes sit beside her, his arms creating the shelter she needed. She turns to throw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulders as the tears come. The smells of the shop, oil, grease and sweat had grown to be a comfort to Cindy, and she clings to him for several moments. “Oh, Wes…everything was so perfect…it was all going so well…” She sniffs and turns her head a little, her forehead against his neck. “Austin just told me that Jason has been arrested…for murder.”

She swallows hard, trying to get the tears to stop. “He said it was from when Rosalynn was taken…before I arrived here, when Jason shot that man who was going after Katie….and now he’s in jail.”

Mick puts his arms around Rosetta as she sits on his knee, and pulls her close, resting his head against hers. “Yeah…a walk sounds like a good idea.” He gives her a kiss on the cheek and stands up, taking her by the hand. “How about going down to the pond?”

“Come on, kid, don’t do this the hard way. Now why were you there?”

Jason stares across the table at detective Jackman, his hands cuffed behind his back, seated in a steel chair. The room was dimly lit…it was just him and the detective. “I want my lawyer in here,” he responds evenly.

Jackman’s hand slams onto the table as he rises from his chair. “I don’t care what you want. This is about what I want, and I want answers. We traced the murder back to you, and all I want to know right now is why you were there. Give me one straight answer, Jason.”

Jason grits his teeth in defiance. He’d know this was coming…he’d known they wouldn’t be playing by the rules with him. It didn’t make anything easier though. “I thought he was big foot.”

A back handed slap is brought across Jason’s mouth, sending blood from the new tear in his lip. His head whips to the side and he blinks, trying to recover before the next set of knuckles is planted to the side of his face, knocking him out of his chair.

Jackman reaches down and yanks him back up, roughly setting him back in his chair. “Now I warned you, boy. I’m not here to play games. Were you in on the drug deal Blake had going down? What was it? Did he double-cross you? Did you want him out of the way so you’d get the loot yourself?”

Jason glares up at Jackman, his anger starting to rise. “I murdered no one. If you think you can bully answers from me, then you’ve got another thing coming.”

Jackman straightens and sets his hands on his hips, giving a sarcastic laugh. “I don’t know why I’m even bothering. Whether you talk or not, you’re going to prison for the rest of your life, at least. I gotta tell you though…if you help me out here, you may be able to avoid the death penalty yourself.”

Jason can’t help it that he’s tempted by that offer. But he can’t be. He can’t talk. The more that would be brought up, the more questions there would be, the more names would come up, the more livelihoods would be at stake. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t risk it. His life was but small compared to TJY’s purpose. He couldn’t take the corporation down with him and as a result, cease their work altogether… let alone the fact that many others could end up in prison themselves.

He finally shakes his head slowly. “You’re not gonna get it, Jackman. I’ve said all I’m going to say.”

…Jason hits the floor, rolling into the cot, wincing with the impact. He can hear the cell door being slammed shut, the key turning in the lock as if foretelling of his fate.

He holds his sides and tries to catch his breath, pulling himself up onto the cot. He’d just endured a half an hour of beating, just because he’d kept silent. Was it really worth it? He hated himself for even asking that question.

Cringing, he holds his ribs tight as he shifts his weight. He was glad he had no mirror – he knew his face must prove what just happened. Not that it would do any good…the cops would just lie about it.

Jason closes his eyes and leans back against the wall, his mind trying to comprehend what was happening. His future was now a big foggy abyss, swallowing him up little by little, each step more treacherous than the last, and each filled with a fear that he would step off a cliff that he couldn’t see.

the start

*Nate smiles at Laura and shakes his head as he heads out the door locking it behind them.*

"Sorry I cant help it."

*Geting into the car he pulls out of the driveway. Keeping his eyes on the road she shakes his head*

"I havent hurd anything yet. I figured if anything to major happend Reese would of called us and if not he'd see us when we got in. "

*Nate lets out a worryed sigh. He dident want to make anyone worryed but he was worryed himself about what would happen. This was hard one to try and get out of.*

*Misty throws Carson a glance.*

"Hey Hey Hey watch it buddy the guys arnt the only ones that know how to fist fight around here."

*Misty sticks out her toung at Carson and than walks over to the case with the guns in it picking out her peace and geting ammo to go with it. Loading the gung Misty pushes a button that makes a beeping sound as a target comes up. Steping back Misty holds her hand to the side.*

"You first I wanna see what I am up aganst."

*Lockheart stands and takes her brefcase from the table.*

"You have my word Jason. As much as I can give it. I'll see you this afternoon more."

*Lockheart stands and makes her way to the door eyes the officer as she leaves. Once outside she pulls out her phone.*

*Rosetta takes Mick's keys and puts them back down on the table. How much pain he must be going through to want to drink again after he had been doing so good. Rosetta moves around the the front of Mick her arms around his neck still. Siting down on one of his legs she smiles and than gives him a tight squeeze.*

"Its going to be ok Mick."

*Rosetta hated seeing Mick like this it made her heart hurt. She had thought for sure Dylan would warm up to Mick but he hadent. All Rosetta could do was comfort Mick and be there for him.*

"Want to take a walk and clear our heads? Its a nice day out."

*Wes emerges from the shop to see Austin walking away from Cindy's bunk and Cindy siting out the porch. He couldent tell she was crying but something struck his heart telling him something was wrong and Cindy wasent ok. Wes mind races, there wedding was weeks away could it be something to do with that? Wes wasent sure but before he new what was going on his legs carryed him very quickly to Cindy's bunk. As he drew near and could hear Cindy's sobs and see the tears run down her cheak he breaks out into a run. Finally reaching Cindy he wraps his arms around her just holding her for a moment seeing she wasent harmed. His voice is soft as her speaks.*

"Hey Hun, whats wrong? whats going on? Why are you crying sweetheart? Talk to me...are you ok?"

*As Katie hangs up the phone at her desk she walks to Reese office knocking than entering like she had so many times before.*

"Reese, I just got off the phone with Lockheart. She said Jason finally warmed up to her and said he would talk but she also said that he had stressed that somethings about there were complacated and if he was to drag anyone into this he would fear runeing there lifes. Lockheart said she dident think this was going to be easy, but she was going back at 3 to talk with Jason more, and she wanted to talk to me and Jason's boss, you at some time. I know you dont know who she is but she is really good. If anyone can get Jason out of this Lockheart can."

*Nate peeks his head into Reese office as he finally made it to work and in one peace.*

"Who's Lockheart?"


“Ha!” Laura throws Nate an annoyed but amused look. “Cut out the flirting or I’m gonna have to take you down myself, and Reese will fire both of us.”

She sidles into the car and peels her banana for breakfast. “You didn’t get any word from the office this morning did you? Any news on Jason?”

Carson cocks his head a little. “I don’t feel much like having you beat me up today either, so since we’re in agreement, I promise not to laugh.”

He follows Misty down the hall and to the lower level, his eyebrows rising as he sees all he didn’t know was there. He lets out a low whistle. “Man, you guys are more equipped than I thought.” He spies the floor mat and grins a little. “I wouldn’t mind sparring with a couple people around here – my bet is that the guys here know what they’re doing when it comes to fist fights.”

Carson glances to the short shooting range. “Ah, here we go.” He studies the case of guns. “Quite the arsenal – I’m impressed.” He pulls his own handgun from his back and checks the ammunition. “Lets kill us some targets.”

Jason listens to Lockheart, respecting her words, but still unsure how much good she can do. “I’ll cooperate as much as I feel I can, but I need your word that if I say not to bring something up, you won’t. No matter how much I explain to you, without having lived among these other people, you won’t fully understand.” He pauses, then starts to say something more when an officer appears at the door.

“Sorry, Lockheart, time’s up. You can come back at three this afternoon if you want more.”

Mick doesn’t have to turn around to know it’s Rosetta. He knows the touch, he knows the comfort she emits. He knows that she senses what he’s going through, and he needn’t explain. She knew him too well for him to have to go into details.

Without looking up, Mick reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. He reaches them back to her on a finger. “You better hang onto these for a while.”

Cindy’s face goes pale as she receives Austin’s words. “But…how…”

Austin reaches out to steady her as she sinks down on the porch step of her bunk. “It’ll be okay,” he assures. “TJY is working their hardest to clear this up, and Jason will be out in no time.”

Cindy swallows hard as her gaze falls to the ground, though she tries to be strong. “Okay…thanks for letting me know, Austin…I’ll…. Um… just keep me informed alright?”

“Of course.” Austin gives her shoulder a squeeze. He pauses a moment, not wanting to leave her, but not knowing what else he could do. How could be bring comfort to a mother who just found out her son had been arrested for murder?

Finally he turns to leave, knowing that Pete needed him back at the cabin.

Cindy’s lower lip begins to quiver as Austin leaves and a tear rolls down her cheek. How could this be happening? Everything was going so well. She’d talked to Jason just the other night, and he’s sounded so happy…so much happier than she’d ever heard him before. And now this…


*Jamie finishs up her oatmeal and puts her bowl in the sink. Coming over to the chair next to Con she sits down and rests her hand on his.*

"I understand why you dont want to go and I am ok with it. I dont want to force you to do anything you dont want to do. I'm sure when Austin find out I am coming he will make my welcome nice."

*Jamie gives Con's hand a little pat and smiles softly at him.*

"Your to good to me Con. Thank you for offering to go even though dident want to it mean alot to me."

*Nate enjoys Lauras company back to her house chating about nothing to important. Nate follows Laura inside waiting in the living room as she gets ready. Glancing over the picturs like so many times before Nate waits pashently as he feels something rub aganst his legs. Looking down Nate smiles as he see Henry. Bending down her scratches the cats head. Hearing Laura come down the steps Nate stands tall again a smile crossing his lips as he takes note to Laura not wairing makeup. Nate decieds not to draw attachen to it though for fear of making her feel funny. Throwing her a silly wink as they head to the door Nate states.*

"Nah Reese wouldent fire someone who was as stunning as you. Unless he was crazy so maybe we should get ourselfs there on time."

*Nate heads to the car to start the short ride to TJY.*

*Misty cant help but laugh at Carson shaking her head. She gives him alittle nudge to the shoulder. Though today Carson had not much life since what happend with Jason geting arrested Misty could still see the bit of twinkle that was hidden. She had to keep Carson spirits up she would bound and determaned.*

"Well I wont feel stupid than cuz I cant shoot eather. Thats why I have my knife. I'm wicked with it, but hand me a gun and you will have a good time laughing, but you better not laugh at me..."

*Mistys eyes squint as the courners of her mouth turn up.*

"I dont feel much like having to beat you up today. Oh ya also Just make sure while your blowing things to bit I'm not in the way alright? I dont need another hole in the head."

*Misty cant help but let her sassy smile play on her lips. Noding to the door Misty leads the way downstairs farther.*

*Lockheart sits down at a small table thats in Jason's cell listing to him. Opening her brefcase she takes some papers out and starts to jot some stuff down.*

"Mr. Stevenson I have felt with many hard cases. Everytime I take a case people say the same thing. If they talk other people's life will be runed. That is the case in any situation but in many its not as well. But having witness help and its also up to them if they want to help you or not. As for this underground corparation you talk about the cover on it might not have to be blown. Sometimes the truth can be told while skiming the less important parts. This corparation might not even have to be braught up. "

*Lockheart jots a few more things down as she sits and thinks.*

"I am at least going to have to hear the whole store before I can even start to think of what to do. Or talking to you boss or something. I new when Katie called me this was going to probley be the hardest case I have ever had. And so far I am assuming I was right this runs deeper than a simple protecting someone. I know you probley dont want to talk about it here..."

*Lockheart looks around the cell noting its not really the most privet place.*

"...I'll see if I can set up a time we can talk in another more sacluted locations, the intaragation room or something so you feel more comfortable talking. All I ask if for you to be honnest and open with me about everything. I cant help you if you dont help me understand. Ok?"

*Lockheart closes her brefcase her eyes still locked on Jason.*

*As Rosetta finishs up in the barn with the horsesa strange feeling comes over her. Jade and Dylan had gone this morning and the look on Mick's face could not be shaken. Rosetta's heart went out to him. She wondered if Mick wanted any comapny right now. He's always kept to himself when something bothered him but things were differnt now. Steping out of the barn Rosetta looks twords the messhall where she had seen Mick go. Before she even knows it she is at the messhall door. Slowly opeing the door she steps in. Scaning the room she see Mick. He looks so sad and small siting at the table. Walking over behind him Rosetta slips her amrs over his shoulders and gives him a hug not having to say any words. Only trying to bring comfort.*


Con can’t help but laugh at Jamie’s statement. “If there’s one place on earth you can’t feel out of place it’s that ranch, trust me.” He shakes his head. “Everyone is treated like family there and you can’t help but love it.”

He pauses just a moment. “I…I just got a lot on my mind and don’t feel like going…Austin and the other guys are still there and if I go, they’re gonna suck me right back in and convince Reese I need to stay there. But…” He lifts his eyes to meet Jamie’s. “If you really don’t want to go alone, then I’ll go for you.”

At Nate’s comment about her being pretty the way she is,Laura rolls her eyes in amusement as she gets up off the couch. “Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls.” She heads for her shoes and tries to track down her purse, finally finding it under the coffee table. She scribbles a quick and simple note to Maggie that says she’ll see her again soon, then is ready to go by the time Nate is.

The ride to Laura’s place doesn’t take long, and she invites Nate in, even though she’ll only be a few minutes. “I think Katie’s probably gone to work already,” she muses..

Once insides, Laura is quick to head to her room then shower, feeling silly when she contemplates way too long about what to wear. She settles on a white ribbed tank top under her black collard shirt. Rolling up the sleeves and leaving the buttons open, she goes to the mirror, makeup in hand. But for some reason she stops. She studies her own face in the mirror, feeling plain and unattractive.

A couple words come back to her, and she ponders for a moment. Without much reason, she puts her makeup back and heads out of the bathroom, clipping her cell phone onto her bluejeans pocket. “Alright, gracious taxi, I’m ready, she calls. She grabs a banana from the kitchen, then aims for the door. “Let’s get out of here before Reese fires me for being late.”

Carson accepts the pack of gum and takes a piece to chew. He gives a dry laugh. “Well, I must say that having that pretty, little sassy lady in front of me does turn things a different color.” He quirks an eyebrow. “Though I’m not convinced I’d call her a lady.” His statement is dry, the humor hidden within the twinkle in his eye.

“Mm, a shooting range, eh?” He holds out his hand to prove how unsteady he is. “I couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn today, but I’m game. Right about now, blowing anything to bits is going to make me feel good.”

Jason locks eyes with Lockheart as she speaks, searching for his own truth and he finds it. There was no doubt that she’d talked with Katie, and to gain an intimate detail as the rose, Katie must have trusted her. “Alright. I believe you.”

He stands up, hooking his thumbs in his jeans pockets and paces a little. “You mention witnesses. Yeah, that would help my case as lot, and there were several witness there that day. But you bring any one of them into this picture, their own livelihoods will be at stake. This case isn’t just about me…if I bring anyone at all into this, I’ll be risking ruining their lives.”

Jason spins around to look Lookheart in the eye again. “I dare say you’ve never defended someone who is a part of an underground corporation of vigilantes. If I talk, that whole cover will be blown.”

Mick sits at a table in the mess hall, alone in the empty room. Breakfast had come and gone, and so had the taxi. He spins his empty orange juice glass in front of him, not being able to help replaying the pictures in his mind, now burned into his memory. He’d hugged his daughter goodbye, wondering if he’d ever see her again. He’d watched his son get into the cab without a word, sensing that this was the last time he would lay eyes on him.

He’d done all he could…he’d tried his hardest…he’d poured out his heart to his son, but to no avail. There was a brick wall there, built over years of heartache that Mick had helped to create. While Jade had been willing to overcome that obstacle, Dylan had not.

Mick can feel his truck keys in his pocket, a thought rising in the back of his mind, though he tries to stop it. The depression was looming like a dark cloud on the horizon, though he wanted to snuff it out. He taps his fingers on his glass a bit nervously, forcing himself to stay seated. He couldn’t…not now…not after it had been so long.