

*Jamie finishs up her oatmeal and puts her bowl in the sink. Coming over to the chair next to Con she sits down and rests her hand on his.*

"I understand why you dont want to go and I am ok with it. I dont want to force you to do anything you dont want to do. I'm sure when Austin find out I am coming he will make my welcome nice."

*Jamie gives Con's hand a little pat and smiles softly at him.*

"Your to good to me Con. Thank you for offering to go even though dident want to it mean alot to me."

*Nate enjoys Lauras company back to her house chating about nothing to important. Nate follows Laura inside waiting in the living room as she gets ready. Glancing over the picturs like so many times before Nate waits pashently as he feels something rub aganst his legs. Looking down Nate smiles as he see Henry. Bending down her scratches the cats head. Hearing Laura come down the steps Nate stands tall again a smile crossing his lips as he takes note to Laura not wairing makeup. Nate decieds not to draw attachen to it though for fear of making her feel funny. Throwing her a silly wink as they head to the door Nate states.*

"Nah Reese wouldent fire someone who was as stunning as you. Unless he was crazy so maybe we should get ourselfs there on time."

*Nate heads to the car to start the short ride to TJY.*

*Misty cant help but laugh at Carson shaking her head. She gives him alittle nudge to the shoulder. Though today Carson had not much life since what happend with Jason geting arrested Misty could still see the bit of twinkle that was hidden. She had to keep Carson spirits up she would bound and determaned.*

"Well I wont feel stupid than cuz I cant shoot eather. Thats why I have my knife. I'm wicked with it, but hand me a gun and you will have a good time laughing, but you better not laugh at me..."

*Mistys eyes squint as the courners of her mouth turn up.*

"I dont feel much like having to beat you up today. Oh ya also Just make sure while your blowing things to bit I'm not in the way alright? I dont need another hole in the head."

*Misty cant help but let her sassy smile play on her lips. Noding to the door Misty leads the way downstairs farther.*

*Lockheart sits down at a small table thats in Jason's cell listing to him. Opening her brefcase she takes some papers out and starts to jot some stuff down.*

"Mr. Stevenson I have felt with many hard cases. Everytime I take a case people say the same thing. If they talk other people's life will be runed. That is the case in any situation but in many its not as well. But having witness help and its also up to them if they want to help you or not. As for this underground corparation you talk about the cover on it might not have to be blown. Sometimes the truth can be told while skiming the less important parts. This corparation might not even have to be braught up. "

*Lockheart jots a few more things down as she sits and thinks.*

"I am at least going to have to hear the whole store before I can even start to think of what to do. Or talking to you boss or something. I new when Katie called me this was going to probley be the hardest case I have ever had. And so far I am assuming I was right this runs deeper than a simple protecting someone. I know you probley dont want to talk about it here..."

*Lockheart looks around the cell noting its not really the most privet place.*

"...I'll see if I can set up a time we can talk in another more sacluted locations, the intaragation room or something so you feel more comfortable talking. All I ask if for you to be honnest and open with me about everything. I cant help you if you dont help me understand. Ok?"

*Lockheart closes her brefcase her eyes still locked on Jason.*

*As Rosetta finishs up in the barn with the horsesa strange feeling comes over her. Jade and Dylan had gone this morning and the look on Mick's face could not be shaken. Rosetta's heart went out to him. She wondered if Mick wanted any comapny right now. He's always kept to himself when something bothered him but things were differnt now. Steping out of the barn Rosetta looks twords the messhall where she had seen Mick go. Before she even knows it she is at the messhall door. Slowly opeing the door she steps in. Scaning the room she see Mick. He looks so sad and small siting at the table. Walking over behind him Rosetta slips her amrs over his shoulders and gives him a hug not having to say any words. Only trying to bring comfort.*

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